VaultPress - WordPress Backup and Security

World-class backups & security for your WordPress site.

You're not safe. Yet.

We protect you from the most common and serious security threats:

  • Hackers
  • Host failure
  • Viruses
  • User error
  • Malware
  • Exploits

Security threats do not discriminate: if your site isn't protected, it isn't safe.

Powerful security features for individuals, professionals and agencies

  • Backups

    Daily or real-time automated backups stored in our offsite digital vault, optimized for WordPress and better than your host.

  • Site Migration

    Don't put off moving away from your unreliable, expensive, or slow host: transfer or duplicate your site with just one click.

  • Automated File Repair

    Fix detected viruses, malware, and other dangerous threats with a single click.

  • Restores

    Even during the most stressful moments we have your back. Restore your entire online presence quickly and easily without needing your host.

  • File Scanning

    Automatically detect and eliminate viruses, malware, and other exploitable security problems that may be hiding in your website.

  • Spam Blocking

    Protect your SEO, readers, and brand reputation by automatically blocking all spammers.

VaultPress has you covered

We backup and secure every piece of your site

  • Posts
  • Pages
  • Categories / Tags
  • Comments
  • Custom post types
  • Menus
  • Media
  • Every upload
  • Meta data
  • Widgets
  • Users
  • Core
  • Plugins
  • Themes
  • Database
  • Settings
  • Code
  • Everything

"My blog was hacked. In three emails @vaultpress not only researched it, but gave me a solution that got it fixed. yay!"

Micah Baldwin

Pricing and feature comparison

Pick a plan that's right for you


All the features you need to keep your site's content safe, secure, and protected from spam.
  • Spam Protection

    Akismet, the most advanced anti-spam service for WordPress, filters out comment spam for you.

  • Daily Backups

    Automated daily backups of your WordPress themes, plugins, uploads, and database. Optimized for WordPress to perform in ways any host-provided service can not.

  • Automated Restores

    Restore any backup to your site with a few clicks.

  • 30-day Backup Archive

    View, download, or restore any backup for the past 30 days.

  • Easy Site Migration

    Easily transfer your site's content anywhere.

  • Safekeeper Support

    Ask the Safekeepers, experts in all things WordPress security, for help restoring or securing your site.

  • Malware Scanning

    Comprehensive automated daily and on-demand scanning for your site. Only available with Premium.

  • Automated Threat Resolution

    Automated, one-click threat and vulnerability resolution. Only available with Premium.


More powerful security tools and real-time content backup for the ultimate peace of mind.
  • Spam Protection

    Akismet, the most advanced anti-spam service for WordPress, filters out comment spam for you.

  • Realtime Backups

    Realtime backups of your WordPress themes, plugins, uploads, and database so you'll never lose a single piece of data. Optimized for WordPress to perform in ways any host-provided service can not.

  • Automated Restores

    Restore any backup to your site with a few clicks.

  • Unlimited Backup Archive

    View, download, or restore any backup, with no storage or archive limit.

  • Easy Site Migration

    Easily transfer your site's content anywhere.

  • Priority Safekeeper Support

    Ask the Safekeepers, experts in all things WordPress security, for help restoring or securing your site. And get your answers first.

  • Malware Scanning

    Comprehensive automated daily and on-demand scanning for your site.

  • Automated Threat Resolution

    Automated, one-click threat and vulnerability resolution.