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NSW Premier Mike Baird announces ban on greyhound racing after Special Commission of Inquiry


Adam Pengilly, James Robertson

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Greyhound racing banned in NSW

NSW Premier Mike Baird announces a ban on greyhound racing in response to an 800-page report into "widespread cruelty" in the industry. Courtesy ABC News 24.

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NSW Premier Mike Baird has announced a ban on greyhound racing, after the state government considered an 800-page report tabled by a Special Commission into "widespread cruelty" in the industry.

Former High Court judge Michael McHugh oversaw the Special Commission - which was sparked in the wake of ABC's Four Corners investigation to the industry - and presented his report to Deputy Premier and Racing Minister Troy Grant last month.

NSW Premier Mike Baird and Deputy Premier Troy Grant reveal the findings of the Special Commission of Inquiry report on ...

NSW Premier Mike Baird and Deputy Premier Troy Grant reveal the findings of the Special Commission of Inquiry report on Thursday afternoon. Photo: Peter Rae

"The report is ... chilling, confronting, horrific," Mr Baird said. "He (Justice McHugh) has shone a light on an industry that has overseen the slaughter of tens of thousands of healthy dogs whose only crime was not being fast enough.


"This is not an easy decision. It is certainly one that is not taken lightly but when confronted with Justice McHugh's report it is the right thing to do."This is an industry across the world that has been shrinking."

Earlier, in a media release and Facebook post, Mr Baird said the government planned to close down the industry which directly employs more than 1000 people. The last greyhound meetings will be held on June 30 next year after an "orderly industry shutdown".

The report found that between 48,000 and 68,000 greyhounds - or almost half of all greyhounds bred to race - were killed in the past 12 years because they were deemed uncompetitive.

"In response to widespread illegal and unconscionable activity, including the slaughtering of tens of thousands of dogs, I can today announce that NSW is putting an end to greyhound racing," Mr Baird announced on his Facebook page.

"One of the issues we have had to wrestle with is the positive impact of the greyhound racing industry. There are over 1000 direct jobs in the industry and nearly 6000 registered owners of greyhounds. Dog racing can be an important part of the social fabric of regional towns. And, of course, having a punt on the dogs over a few beers is good fun for many people.

"So, as Mr McHugh asked, do such benefits of the dog racing industry outweigh the shortcomings? Based on this report, the Government believes they do not. Greyhound racing has been banned in many countries and many states of the US and is legal in only eight countries around the world. NSW will be the first state in Australia to ban it."

The greyhound industry contributes about $90 million a year to the NSW economy but Mr Baird said: "Sometimes numbers really mean nothing."

Concerns by veternarians first brought this issue to light in stories first published in Fairfax Media about an upper house inquiry led by recently deceased Greens MLC John Kaye.

In a touching moment Mr Baird paid tribute to Dr Kaye's leadership on bringing the issue to the agenda.

"It wasn't a conspiracy theory. He was right. I didn't pay as much attention as I should."

Deputy Premier and Racing Minister Troy Grant said "this is a bloody awful day".

Mr Grant said the government had acted quickly to the issue and urged all in NSW to read a "chilling report".

"No government wants to close down an industry and there are many many people who have done nothing wrong," Mr Grant said. "They have been let down by their own industry."

Mr Grant said that delay to June 30 would facilitate the re-homing of dogs and a transition package for workers.

The sport would continue "under scrutiny" until then. "Don't panic. Government will work with you," Mr Grant said.

Mr Grant said the gradual year-long end to the industry and ban on greyhound racing was to forestall a greyhound "genocide".

He said the report found up to 20 per cent of trainers engaged in live baiting.

The RSPCA has called the measure an historic landmark for animal welfare and called on other states to follow NSW's ban.

It says it will encourage the public to re-home animals used for racing.

"They are beautiful animals," a spokesman said. "Many of them may not be suitable for re-homing."

The Greens MLC and Animal Welfare spokeswoman Mehreen Faruqi said: "This is absolutely incredible and in many ways unprecedented news. This is a win for animals.

"Animal welfare activists have worked tirelessly for this outcome for so many years. I must pay credit to the NSW Government for taking this long overdue step."


  • WOW! Big move by Baird. Will be interesting to see how the industry responds to this and how the usual band of accusations of Nanny state go. Wasn't expecting this one.

    Date and time
    July 07, 2016, 12:11PM
    • yep goodbye to the dishlickers

      Hopefully Victoria will change its mind and ban them too!

      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 1:44PM
    • I bet for one the developers are already eyeing off the Wentworth Park greyhound track...

      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 1:47PM
    • Everyone seems to be in favour of this State ban, but what about the dogs themselves, what's their future going to be, euthanasia?
      Most greyhounds can be retrained to become loving timid pets, and are available from 'adopt a greyhound', and you'd be amazed how these dogs become devoted to their new owners.
      So ban any interstate movements and maybe, Mike Baird will cover the retraining costs for these dogs before they are destroyed.
      Mike, you owe this much to the greyhounds.

      Central Coast NSW
      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 1:48PM
    • If only he read the reports saying Westconnex is useless and Barangaroo is a monstronsity

      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 2:10PM
    • Now all we have to do is ban the dairy and meat industry and watch the population get its health back and reduce green house gases by 51%.

      Why do we love one animal and eat another? If we are true meat eaters those 50000 to 70000 dogs should have been slaughtered for food consumption. A lion would not discriminate against a dog or a sheep.

      King Chip
      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 2:38PM
    • Oh Franky what a wonderful beautiful reply. I normally read the comments with trepidation but when I read your reply I laughed out loud with delight. You really made my day. Thank you.

      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 2:57PM
    • Duke

      Only needs one generational change and problem fixed. Unfortunate for the current crop though

      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 3:25PM
    • Duke, they currently face mistreatment and then euthanasia already, to say nothing of the live bait practice. They (like any dog) can be good pets, but they are over-bred to buggery. In the longer term, there will be fewer bred. My vet (Rob Zammit - of occasional TV fame) is a great dog fan, and has campaigned consistently for years (at some personal cost) against greyhound racing.

      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 3:27PM
    • Ban the Horse racing industry as well!

      Just as scandalous and cruel

      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 3:45PM

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