Letters to the editor

The Age Letters


The young, and the old, vote every three years

12:00 AM   Readers discuss columnist Piero Moraro's suggestion that we should grant more votes to younger citizens and fewer to older ones.

Chilcot report: Where's the remorse for the terror they inflicted?

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Readers discuss Britain's Chilcot report, which found the Iraq invasion was not justified.


The Coalition: Lies about McGowan in Indi are sure to backfire


As an Indi constituent for most of my life, I supported Cathy McGowan's campaign.  Assisting her team at three booths in Wodonga on election day, I was disgusted to see large unauthorised banners at each of the booths screaming "A Vote for Cathy is a Vote for the Greens & Labor" accompanied by four false "facts".  The AEC officer at these booths and other across the electorate ignored requests to remove these Liberal Party banners. The Liberals also sent misleading brochures with the same lies, but with no obvious link to the party, to voters throughout the electorate prior to the election. Imagine my disgust when I heard Malcolm Turnbull's hysteria about Labor's Medicare "lies" when his party had blatantly, strategically and comprehensively lied about Cathy McGowan in the lead-up to, and on, election day. Now Malcolm may need the support of that Independent to form government … you reap what you sow, Malcolm. 


Electoral commission: AEC failed to ensure the election ran smoothly

Illustration: Michael Leunig.

 The AEC comes under fire for its handling of the voting process and outdated systems.


The election: Fear, anger behind the votes can't be ignored

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As the commentariat and chatterati dissect the result, an issue that dare not speak its name is ignored.

The election: Coalition exacerbates the challenges we face

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The program the Coalition offered not only does nothing to tackle the two greatest challenges our nation faces, but will continue to exacerbate them. Climate change is happening at an even greater rate than that predicted by the world's climate scientists. Yet in response the Coalition offers us its discredited Direct Action policy and continues to promote and massively subsidise the use of fossil fuels. Inequality in Australia is now greater than at any time since World War II; increasing inequality is surely the true story behind Brexit and the rise of Donald Trump. Yet the Coalition proposes $50 billion of company tax cuts, pandering to the ideologues who continue to espouse the long-discredited theory of trickle-down economics. 


Brexit: The ludicrous half truths did voters a disservice

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I am working in Britain. As someone for whom politics has always been my life blood, I was surprised at how disgusted I was with the whole procedure and the ludicrous half truths, writes one reader.


We should celebrate our freedom of choice

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Not surprisingly, readers discuss the federal election.


Society: ​Brexit vote a warning shot across the bows

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The Brexit decision was a warning that people are beginning to understand the impact of globalisation – that their lifestyles, but not those of the born to rule, are being sacrificed on the altar of economic rationalism. The destruction of Western manufacturing and primary industries and the corresponding exploitation of workers in the developing world is a crime of profit put before people. However, the greater crime of globalisation is not the inequality between capital and wage growth and worker exploitation but the massive acceleration of pollution and damaging greenhouse gas emissions. It started with the US/Canada Free Trade Agreement in the mid-1980s and continues at reckless pace to this day.


Federal politics: Notes on personnel changes of Australia Inc

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Readers' cynicism about politicians here and overseas takes a witty turn.


Brexit: Citizens want to feel in control of their destiny

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Our readers continue to deliberate over the fall-out from Brexit.


Coalition launch: Steady hand on the tiller but heavy water ahead

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Malcolm Turnbull claims the best solution for the potentially chaotic times ahead is the Coalition's steady hand.


Sadly, it was a case of 'us versus them' mentality

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Not surprisingly, readers have mixed views on Britain's decision to leave the EU.


UK experience highlights dangers of our plebiscite

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Readers weigh in on the shock Brexit result and whether it has ramifications for Australia.

June 26

Faith: Connection is our key

Being connected with our community is what makes us feel human.

Evelyn Heard   It is in knowing and being known that we find and embrace our humanity.


The truth is Medicare needs to be reformed

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Readers discuss whether the Coalition government intends to privatise Medicare.


It's wrong to impose your beliefs on others

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Readers discuss Treasurer Scott Morrison's claim that he too has experienced bigotry.


Counterproductive to students' learning


Readers discuss the Prime Minister's call for maths and science to be compulsory for all students finishing high school.


The standard defence, 'But it was just a joke'

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Readers discuss the Triple M segment where Eddie McGuire 'joked' about drowning Caroline Wilson.


Letters: Eddie McGuire, jokes like these are no laughing matter

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Time to grow up, Eddie, or time to go! You apparently didn't learn from your appalling comments about Adam Goodes and have repeated this by "joking" with your bogan mates about drowning Caroline Wilson.


A plea for victims to speak out about abuse

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Readers discuss Michael Bachelard's articles about the secretive Exclusive Brethren.

june 19

Letters: Spotlight on live animal exports

The Australian government is under renewed pressure to ban live animal exports.

Readers debate if it's possible to operate a humane live animal export trade.


I will remember this abuse on election day

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Readers are angry and horrified at the latest revelations of cruelty in the live animal trade.


The reality is it is time to put the CFA down


Readers discuss the long-running CFA dispute.


Importance of checks and balances on power

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Readers discuss the validity of protest votes, how-to-vote cards and voting on a 'mandate'.


This was an act by a home grown terrorist

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Readers continue to discuss the horrific mass shooting in Orlando.


Bring justice and peace back to US

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Readers discuss the terrible mass shooting in Orlando.


LETTERS: Focus on assisted death

Illustration by Cathy Wilcox

I am 84 and in palliative care at a fairly advanced stage of terminal lung cancer.


Australian Christian Lobby in the spotlight

Illustration by Matt Davidson

If, as Michael Short suggests, the Safe Schools Program is 'simply about combating injustice by raising awareness' then I, like most Christians, would have no trouble with the program.


The basic human right to choose our death

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Readers debate the merits of whether some terminally ill patients in Victoria should have the right to choose death.