
Unwanted secret admirers: the four types of stalker

On Zoe's* birthday this year, the man who has been stalking her sent her a "creepy card", as usual.

It's been five years since she was first on the receiving end of his unwanted attentions.

Between 20 and 25 per cent of women will experience stalking in their lifetime.
Between 20 and 25 per cent of women will experience stalking in their lifetime. Photo: Stocksy

She says of her experience "At its worst, I was scared. He knew where I lived. I didn't understand how he was getting information about me. I felt … violated … and it didn't matter what I said or did, so I felt powerless."

She's relieved he no longer knows where she lives, no longer calls late at night and hasn't been abusive in recent communications. The stalker seems to have settled down to "just sending stuff" to her work address.

Zoe isn't sure why he has quietened down or how long it will last. She has changed her phone number repeatedly, protects her email address and is cautious around social media.

Advice she received from a forensic psychologist came a bit late.


"I was told that first up you need to be really clear and firm that you do not want them contacting you. But you only do that once. After that, you don't feed the delusion with any kind of contact. You do not be nice, at all. I was really nice at first because I didn't know what was ahead."

Between 20 and 25 per cent of women, and between 5 and 6 per cent of men, will experience stalking in their lifetime, says Dr Lorraine Sheridan, a forensic psychologist based at Curtin University and an internationally-recognised expert on harassment behaviours.

Prevalence statistics about stalking are fraught, in part because definitions of stalking vary between countries and even between studies, but also because the behaviour is so insidious and those being stalked tend to endure a lot of incidents before contacting the police, Dr Sheridan says.

She defines stalking as an intentional pattern of repeated behaviour toward an individual that is unwanted, often results in fear and occurs for at least three months.

In NSW, stalking is a crime under the Crime (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007. The NSW Police Force has a fulsome definition of stalking and its features on its website, including advice for people who are being stalked.

Episodes of stalking last "on average, two years, but I've seen a case that went on for 43," Dr Sheridan says. "It has severe, long-lasting negative impacts [on victims], partly because it's chronic … you can see how it might wreck your head and your wallet."

Sheridan – who was one of very few offender profilers accredited to work with the police in the UK in the early 2000s – is currently seeking participants for an Australia-wide study of stalking behaviour, ultimately aimed at lobbying for increased support for stalking victims. She would also like to use her findings to encourage police and other services to employ multi-disciplinary teams to tackle the most severe cases.

Sheridan's previous research has shown that: stalkers tend to fall into four sub-types: ex-partners with a grudge, infatuation harassers, the mentally ill and sadists.

Stalkers usually have higher socio-economic status than other types of offenders, with the exception of those who commit fraud, and their victims, no matter what their circumstances, tend to suffer the same negative psychological, economic and physical effects. About 87 per cent of stalkers are male.

Studies from around the world show that about 50 per cent of stalkers are the sub-type of stalker "ex-partners with a grudge", says Sheridan, and they're the ones most likely to be violent.

"These people aren't lovelorn. They can't handle rejection. It's all based on resentment, bitterness, hostility, loss of control. They are stuck in the past," she says.

They also tend to lack insight. Sheridan says she has described to ex-partner stalkers "a case virtually identical to what they're doing and they'll say 'What a jerk, he should be locked up' but when you say 'But that's what you're doing", they don't see it. They tend to think they're different, their case is special and their ex partner made them to it, so they're justified."

About 25 per cent of stalkers are infatuation harassers.

"These are people whose behaviour is problematic but they're not necessarily dangerous," says Sheridan. "They just kind of latch on to somebody with all these future-focused ideas [about romance, marriage etc.] but the relationship or possibility of one only exists in their head. There's following, monitoring, surveillance, maybe leaving notes."

Zoe's stalker may fall into this category but "the big problem is that stalkers who aren't dangerous and the ones who are … engage in the same behaviours," says Sheridan. He may also be mentally ill. About 13 per cent of stalkers are mentally ill, she says.

The final group of stalkers are sadists. "These are like your Hollywood movie stalkers. They do exist," says Sheridan. Put simply, she says, sadists get their kicks from making other people feel powerless. Psychopathy runs high in this group.

If Sheridan could have an answer to any research question, she'd like to know "the most effective interventions for keeping stalkers on the straight and narrow. Is it possible to 'cure' a stalker?

"After 20 years of research, I haven't seen any evidence of it," she says.

*Not her real name

For information about police support go to the NSW Police Force website or call the assistance line, 131 444. If you are experiencing domestic violence, call 1800 65 64 63.