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U.S. PresidentBarack Obama met one-on-one with President-elect Donald Trump for 90 minutes at the White House on Thursday in part as a courtesy call and get-to-know-you session slightly more than 36 hours after the nation delivered a stunning upset to the current president’s legacy, Time magazine reported. Obama described the meeting as “an excellent conversation” touching on a wide range of organizational issues and foreign policy....
Two days after RepublicanDonald Trump surprisingly became the nation’s 45th president and Mexico’s foreign minister insisted his country would not pay for a border wall separating the southern United States from Mexico, several prominent Republicans believe Trump can get the wall built through presidential order, TribuneMedia reported Thursday.GOPSenate leader Sen....
It sounds like astrology, but one of the world's most prestigious scientific journals has reported that the date of your birth determines which sorts of influenza you are most at risk of catching, IFLScience reports ... However, some outbreaks don't obey the rule. The H5N1 strain, for example, mostly affects the young, while H7N9 is a terror in retirement homes ... – James Lloyd-Smith....
In the wake of the Islamic terrorist attack on a Florida gay nightclub, the media’s coverage has been almost apologetic. To go by the coverage, it’s as if an Islamist jihadi didn’t just massacre 49 Americans, but the West bombed Mecca instead ... As he put it. “I would ... “Absolutely ... As the Kurdish activist Ejder Memis commented from Australia on attempts to minimize the hatred jihadists have for homosexuals....
(Source. Oberon Council). The Oberon Anti Amalgamation Committee Rally in support of the Cabonne community was held last Saturday, although Minister Toole was unable to meet with the combined groups the Oberon Group left a letter reinforcing their opposition to forced amalgamations. It was an orderly and respectful gathering ... Check out the art works either in the shop windows or inside Oberon business's ... AdemEJDER, Mayor of Eceabat'....
Lawyer EjderKoese, who once represented a Muslim organization that tried unsuccessfully to have a short film made by Wilders banned, says the lack of public anger ......