Russia: Kremlin dismisses rumours over Putin's health
Russia: Kremlin dismisses rumours over Putin's health
Russia: Kremlin dismisses rumours over Putin's health
Russian President Vladimir Putin is in good health, according to the Kremlin - dismissing rumours that the leader is suffering from an illness.
The cancellation of a foreign trip, scheduled for this week, has stoked speculation.
His last appearance on live television was apparently more than a week ago, on 5 March.
"Well, there is absolutely no reason for any doubts about the state of his (Putin's) health. His health is really perfect and everything is OK with him, and he's working in accor…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/03/13/russia-kremlin-dismisses-rumours-over-putin-s-health
What are the top stories today? Click to watch:
Russia: Kremlin dismisses rumours over Putin's health
Russia: Kremlin dismisses rumours over Putin's health
Russia: Kremlin dismisses rumours over Putin's health
Russian President Vladimir Putin is in good health, according to the Kremlin - dismissing rumours that the leader is suffering from an illness. The cancellation of a foreign trip, scheduled.
Вот уже неделю российский президент не появлялся на публике. Последний раз Путина видели в телеэфире во.
By Maria Tsvetkova MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin is in good health, the Kremlin said on Thursday, dismissing rumors that the leader was suffering from an illness after.
Vladimir Putin is dead!!!Владимир Путин мертв
Vladimir Putin is dead!!!Владимир Путин мертв
Vladimir Putin is dead!!!Владимир Путин мертв
There's a rumor that Putin is dead
Russian President Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public since March 5.
And with little further information to go by — his press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said simply that there is "no reason to worry" and "everything is fine" — some have naturally assumed the most drastic possible thing that could have happened is what did happen.
"Putin umer" or "Putin has died," is now trending on the Russian Internet.
There's also a website that allows users to ask, "has Putin died?" (the automated response varies with responses like: "No, he's alive" and "No, that's not why it stinks in Moscow.")
And perhaps becaus
"صحته حقاً جيدة وكل شيء على مايرام"... يقول المتحدث باسم الرس الرئيس الروسي
"صحته حقاً جيدة وكل شيء على مايرام"... يقول المتحدث باسم الرس الرئيس الروسي
"صحته حقاً جيدة وكل شيء على مايرام"... يقول المتحدث باسم الرس الرئيس الروسي
نفى الكرملين ما تداولته بعض وسائل الإعلام عن مرض زعيمه فلاديمير بوتين. الظهور الأخير للرئيس الروسي كان في الـ5 من مارس الحالي عندما التقى رئيس الوزراء الإيطالي ماتيو رينتزي. الإشاعات تزامنت مع إلغاء لقاءات كان من المقرر أن يقوم بها الرئيس الروسي مع شخصيات رسمية.
يقول ديمتري بيسكوف المتحدث باسم الرئيس الروسي: "لا أساس أبداً للشكوك حول صحة الرئيس. صحته حقاً جيدة وكل شيء على مايرام، ويعمل وفقاً لما يتطلبه جدول أعماله المزدحم دائماً."
صحة بوتين الذي يحرص على الظهور بمظهر الرجل الرياضي كانت مصدراً …
المزيد من القراءة http://arabic.euronews.com/2015/03/13/russia-kremlin-dismisses-rumours-over-putin-s-health
يورونيوز : القناة الأكثر مشاهدة في أور
Пауза Путіна затягнулась
Пауза Путіна затягнулась
Пауза Путіна затягнулась
Владімір Путін не взяв участь у колегії ФСБ, не зустрівся з делегацією з Південної Осетії і не поїхав до Астани — остання поява російського президента на публіці відбулась 5 березня, коли до Москви з візитом приїхав італійський прем'єр Маттео Ренці.
В той час як соцмережі повняться чутками про можливу хворобу, ба навіть смерть російського президента, у Кремлі запевняють, що з Путіним все гаразд:
_"Немає абсолютно ніяких причин ставити під сумнів стан здоров'я Путіна",_ — заявив речник президен…
ЧИТАТИ ДАЛІ: http://ua.euronews.com/2015/03/13/russia-kremlin-dismisses-rumours-over-putin-s-health
Євроньюз - найпопулярніший канал новин у Європі
Дмитрий Песков опроверг слухи о болезни Владимира Путина
Дмитрий Песков опроверг слухи о болезни Владимира Путина
Дмитрий Песков опроверг слухи о болезни Владимира Путина
Вот уже неделю российский президент не появлялся на публике. Последний раз Путина видели в телеэфире во время встречи с итальянским премьером Ренци. Из-за переноса намеченной на 13 марта встречи глав Казахстана, России и Белоруссии агентство Reuters, со ссылкой на источник в казахстанском правительстве, сообщило, что здоровье Путина, возможно, пошатнулось.
"Нет абсолютно никаких оснований беспокоиться по поводу состояния здоровья Путина, - заявил его пресс-секретарь Дмитрий Песков. - Он абсо…
ЧИТАТЬ ДАЛЕЕ: http://ru.euronews.com/2015/03/13/russia-kremlin-dismisses-rumours-over-putin-s-health
euronews: самый популярный новостной канал в Е
Τι συμβαίνει με την υγεία του Πούτιν;
Τι συμβαίνει με την υγεία του Πούτιν;
Τι συμβαίνει με την υγεία του Πούτιν;
Έντονη φημολογία για την κατάσταση της υγείας του Βλαντίμιρ Πούτιν έχει προκαλέσει η απουσία του από τα φώτα της δημοσιότητας την τελευταία εβδομάδα.
Ο Ρώσος πρόεδρος ακύρωσε προγραμματισμένες εμφανίσεις του και μια επίσημη επίσκεψη στο Καζακστάν.
Το Κρεμλίνο διαψεύδει κατηγορηματικά τις φήμες.
«Δεν υπάρχει κανένας απολύτως λόγος για αμφιβολίες σχετικά με την υγεία του. Βρίσκεται σε άψογη κατάσταση και όλα είναι εντάξει. Εργάζεται με βάση το υπερφορτωμένο, όπως πάντα, πρόγραμμά του», δήλωσ…
ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΕΠΙΣΗΣ: http://gr.euronews.com/2015/03/13/russia-kremlin-dismisses-rumours-over-putin-s-health
euronews: Το ειδησεογραφικό κανάλι με τη με
Putin Footage Shown Amid Health Rumors
Putin Footage Shown Amid Health Rumors
Putin Footage Shown Amid Health Rumors
Subscribe for more Breaking News: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress
Russian state television showed footage on Friday showing President Vladimir Putin holding a meeting, amid rumors that he is avoiding public appearances due to ill health. The Kremlin did not say when the meeting took place. (March 13)
The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats.
AP’s commitment to independent, comprehensive journalism has deep roots. Founded in 1846, AP has covered all the major news events of the past 165 years, providing high-quality, informe
Kremlin Dismisses Russian Internet Allegations of Putin's Death
Kremlin Dismisses Russian Internet Allegations of Putin's Death
Kremlin Dismisses Russian Internet Allegations of Putin's Death
Russian President Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public for at least a week, fueling speculations about his health. Social media users have flooded the Internet with assertions -- serious and humorous -- that Putin has died. His press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, has dismissed those reports as nothing more than "spring fever." Zlatica Hoke reports.
Originally published at - http://www.voanews.com/media/video/2678557.html
PUTIN RETURNS (Raw Footage). Is This Putin's First Public Appearance Amid 10 Days of Hysteria?
PUTIN RETURNS (Raw Footage). Is This Putin's First Public Appearance Amid 10 Days of Hysteria?
PUTIN RETURNS (Raw Footage). Is This Putin's First Public Appearance Amid 10 Days of Hysteria?
SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest on RUSSIA / BILDERBERG 2015 / ELITE / GLOBAL RESET / BUILD UP TO WW3 http://www.youtube.com/EliteNWOAgenda
PUTIN RETURNS (Raw Footage). Is This Putin's First Public Appearance Amid 10 Days of Hysteria?
There is still no explanation for President Putin's 10-day absence
Crimea has left Ukraine 'for good Where has Putin been? The best of the memes World waits to see if Putin turns up
Russian President Vladimir Putin has laughed off speculation about his health after making his first appearance in public since 5 March.
Life would be boring without gossip talks in St Petersburg. The 62-year-old appeared
Kremlin posts images of Vladimir Putin after health rumors swirl
Kremlin posts images of Vladimir Putin after health rumors swirl
Kremlin posts images of Vladimir Putin after health rumors swirl
Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared in a series of photos released by the Kremlin on Friday after a week in which canceled engagements led to speculation over his health.
The three images showed Putin meeting with the head of the Supreme Court in Moscow on Friday, the Kremlin said. State broadcaster Russia 24 also aired video footage of the meeting.
PUTIN BODY DOUBLE - Is Putin Still Missing? Did the Elite Replace Putin With a Body Double
PUTIN BODY DOUBLE - Is Putin Still Missing? Did the Elite Replace Putin With a Body Double
PUTIN BODY DOUBLE - Is Putin Still Missing? Did the Elite Replace Putin With a Body Double
SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest on RUSSIA / BILDERBERG 2015 / END TIMES / BUILD UP TO WW3 http://www.youtube.com/EliteNWOAgenda
PUTIN BODY DOUBLE - Is Putin Still Missing? Did the Elite Replace Putin With a Body Double
Why does Russian president Vladimir Putin need body doubles? Almost everyone will give you a standard answer - “for safety.” And no one even remembers where he’ve heard such assumption before. Russians do remember Boris Yeltsin had few body doubles, and Putin has them too, but no one raises the alarm. It is a huge deception, indeed. Human’s mind protects itself from such a big lie and blocks further thinking proces
Who Killed Vladimir Putin ?!
Who Killed Vladimir Putin ?!
Who Killed Vladimir Putin ?!
Vladimir putin is Dead!
There's a rumor that Putin is dead
Russian President Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public since March 5.
And with little further information to go by — his press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said simply that there is "no reason to worry" and "everything is fine" — some have naturally assumed the most drastic possible thing that could have happened is what did happen.
"Putin umer" or "Putin has died," is now trending on the Russian Internet.
There's also a website that allows users to ask, "has Putin died?" (the automated response varies with responses like: "No, he's alive" and "No, that's not why it stinks in Mosco
Russia's Vladimir Putin dismisses 'gossip' over absence
Russia's Vladimir Putin dismisses 'gossip' over absence
Russia's Vladimir Putin dismisses 'gossip' over absence
Russian President Vladimir Putin has laughed off speculation about his health after making his first appearance in public since 5 March.
Life "would be boring without gossip", he told Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev at talks in St Petersburg.
The 62-year-old appeared relaxed and smiled before the television cameras.
His disappearance from public view had sparked rumours that he might have fallen ill, died, been removed in a coup, or once again become a father.
Earlier on Monday, Mr Putin ordered the Russian navy's Northern Fleet on to a state of full combat readiness in the Arctic.
It came as more than 45,000 troops, as well as warpl
Putin Delays Kazakh Visit, no Health Problems Says Kremlin
Putin Delays Kazakh Visit, no Health Problems Says Kremlin
Putin Delays Kazakh Visit, no Health Problems Says Kremlin
Vladimir Putin has postponed a visit to Kazakhstan, officials from both countries said on Wednesday, though the Kremlin dismissed another report that plans had changed because the Russian president was unwell. Dauren Abayev, adviser and spokesman for Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, announced the delay of the meeting between the two allies, originally scheduled for this week, without giving a reason or a new date. Russia's Interfax news agency reported Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirming the postponement but denying the statement from the Kazakh source that said Putin had fallen ill. The spokesman said, "The president feels fine.
Russia Putin: Kremlin denies president health rumours
Russia Putin: Kremlin denies president health rumours
Russia Putin: Kremlin denies president health rumours
A spokesman for President Vladimir Putin has denied rumours that the president is unwell.
The rumours started after a trip to Kazakhstan, scheduled for Thursday and Friday, was postponed.
President Putin's last public appearance was on 5 March when he met Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said those making the claims had themselves caught "spring fever".
"When the sun comes up in the spring, and as soon as spring is in the air, then the fever begins," said Mr Peskov. "We are calm on this fever, and respond to the questions with patience."
Reuters quoted a Kazakh government source on Wednesday as saying:
Why Vladamir Putin is DEAD! All Facts!
Why Vladamir Putin is DEAD! All Facts!
Why Vladamir Putin is DEAD! All Facts!
Vladimir putin is Dead!
There's a rumor that Putin is dead
Russian President Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public since March 5.
And with little further information to go by — his press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said simply that there is "no reason to worry" and "everything is fine" — some have naturally assumed the most drastic possible thing that could have happened is what did happen.
"Putin umer" or "Putin has died," is now trending on the Russian Internet.
There's also a website that allows users to ask, "has Putin died?" (the automated response varies with responses like: "No, he's alive" and "No, that's not why it stinks in Mosco
Vladimir Putin RUMORS DISMISSED by Kremlin according to CNN REPORT
Vladimir Putin RUMORS DISMISSED by Kremlin according to CNN REPORT
Vladimir Putin RUMORS DISMISSED by Kremlin according to CNN REPORT
Visit http://www.thenewsunit.com
‘It’s boring without rumors’ Putin appears in public after week Of MSM hysteria
‘It’s boring without rumors’ Putin appears in public after week Of MSM hysteria
‘It’s boring without rumors’ Putin appears in public after week Of MSM hysteria
Life would be boring without rumors, Vladimir Putin said after appearing on public in St. Petersburg on Monday. Earlier, Western media succumbed to hysteria, asking “Where is Putin?” and suggesting the Russian president might have fallen ill.
Putin met his Kyrgyz counterpart Almazbek Atambayev on Monday in his first public meeting open to the press since March 5.
Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov mocked the rumors about his boss’s alleged disappearance.
“Have you seen the president [Putin] crushed with paralysis and captured by the generals?" Peskov asked the journalists, smiling,” [He] just arrived from Switzerland where he was delivering b
Putin makes first appearance in 11 days
Putin makes first appearance in 11 days
Putin makes first appearance in 11 days
'It would be boring without gossip' – Putin makes first appearance in 11 days
Russian president meets Kyrgyz head of state in St Petersburg after disappearing on 5 March amid speculation of ill-health, childbirth and palace coup.
“It would be boring without gossip.” That, it seems, may be the only explanation the world will ever get from the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, about his whereabouts for the past 11 days – an absence that launched a thousand rumours of ill-health, childbirth or even a palace coup.
Putin, wearing a pink tie and in apparent good health, met with the Kyrgyz leader, Almazbek Atanbayev, in a St Petersburg palace on
PUTIN RETURNS - Puts 40,000 Troops on Snap Military Exercises. Build up to WW3 ?
PUTIN RETURNS - Puts 40,000 Troops on Snap Military Exercises. Build up to WW3 ?
PUTIN RETURNS - Puts 40,000 Troops on Snap Military Exercises. Build up to WW3 ?
SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest on RUSSIA / BILDERBERG 2015 / ELITE / GLOBAL RESET / BUILD UP TO WW3 http://www.youtube.com/EliteNWOAgenda
PUTIN RETURNS - Puts 40,000 Troops on Snap Military Exercises. Build up to WW3 ?
There is still no explanation for President Putin's 10-day absence
Crimea has left Ukraine 'for good Where has Putin been? The best of the memes World waits to see if Putin turns up
Russian President Vladimir Putin has laughed off speculation about his health after making his first appearance in public since 5 March.
Life would be boring without gossip talks in St Petersburg. The 62-year-old appeared relaxed and s
VLADIMIR PUTIN MISSING - Situation Getting More Strange. Possible Build up to WW3?
VLADIMIR PUTIN MISSING - Situation Getting More Strange. Possible Build up to WW3?
VLADIMIR PUTIN MISSING - Situation Getting More Strange. Possible Build up to WW3?
SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest on RUSSIA / CHINA / GLOBAL RESET / BUILD UP TO WW3 http://www.youtube.com/EliteNWOAgenda
VLADIMIR PUTIN MISSING - Situation Getting More Strange. Possible Build up to WW3?
Eastern Europe, here comes the cavalry.
The U.S. Army says it will soon be sending armored Stryker vehicles on a 1,100-mile convoy through six European countries to show solidarity to allies in the wake of recent Russian actions in the Ukraine and Crimea that have Eastern Europe on edge.
The move was first reported Thursday in the military newspaper Stars and Stripes. U.S. Army Europe posted the Stripes story on its website on F
Where Is Putin? Kremlin finally produces video of missing Russian leader, but footage may be old
Where Is Putin? Kremlin finally produces video of missing Russian leader, but footage may be old
Where Is Putin? Kremlin finally produces video of missing Russian leader, but footage may be old
The Kremlin has released a video of Russian President Vladimir Putin over one week after he mysteriously disappeared from the public eye
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Russia: Kremlin dismisses rumours over Putin's health
Russian President Vladimir Putin is in good health, according to the Kremlin - dismissing rumours that the leader is suffering from an illness.
The cancellation of a foreign trip, scheduled for this week, has stoked speculation.
His last appearance on live television was apparently more than a week ago, on 5 March.
"Well, there is absolutely no reason for any doubts about the state of his (Putin's) health. His health is really perfect and everything is OK with him, and he's working in accor…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/03/13/russia-kremlin-dismisses-rumours-over-putin-s-health
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wn.com/Russia Kremlin Dismisses Rumours Over Putin's Health
Russian President Vladimir Putin is in good health, according to the Kremlin - dismissing rumours that the leader is suffering from an illness.
The cancellation of a foreign trip, scheduled for this week, has stoked speculation.
His last appearance on live television was apparently more than a week ago, on 5 March.
"Well, there is absolutely no reason for any doubts about the state of his (Putin's) health. His health is really perfect and everything is OK with him, and he's working in accor…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/03/13/russia-kremlin-dismisses-rumours-over-putin-s-health
What are the top stories today? Click to watch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSyY1udCyYqBeDOz400FlseNGNqReKkFd
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- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 12739
Russia: Kremlin dismisses rumours over Putin's health
Russian President Vladimir Putin is in good health, according to the Kremlin - dismissing rumours that the leader is suffering from an illness. The cancellation of a foreign trip, scheduled.
Вот уже неделю российский президент не появлялся на публике. Последний раз Путина видели в телеэфире во.
By Maria Tsvetkova MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin is in good health, the Kremlin said on Thursday, dismissing rumors that the leader was suffering from an illness after.
wn.com/Russia Kremlin Dismisses Rumours Over Putin's Health
Russian President Vladimir Putin is in good health, according to the Kremlin - dismissing rumours that the leader is suffering from an illness. The cancellation of a foreign trip, scheduled.
Вот уже неделю российский президент не появлялся на публике. Последний раз Путина видели в телеэфире во.
By Maria Tsvetkova MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin is in good health, the Kremlin said on Thursday, dismissing rumors that the leader was suffering from an illness after.
- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 16
Vladimir Putin is dead!!!Владимир Путин мертв
There's a rumor that Putin is dead
Russian President Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public since March 5.
And with little further information to go by — his press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said simply that there is "no reason to worry" and "everything is fine" — some have naturally assumed the most drastic possible thing that could have happened is what did happen.
"Putin umer" or "Putin has died," is now trending on the Russian Internet.
There's also a website that allows users to ask, "has Putin died?" (the automated response varies with responses like: "No, he's alive" and "No, that's not why it stinks in Moscow.")
And perhaps because people find the very notion rather unlikely, social media users have been trying to imagine what a world without Putin — or a heaven with him — might look like.
It's likely that he would have a mass funeral just like Vladimir Lenin, but would Putin be presented in his favored bare-chested uniform?
Would the outpouring of grief on state TV channels match the level of emotion shown when North Korean leader Kim Jong Il died?
Read more: http://www.rferl.org/content/internet-thinks-putin-is-dead/26897066.html#ixzz3UGsRyeiF
Is President Vladimir Putin dead?
RIP Vladimir Putin?
Coup? Bad Plastic Surgery? What Has Happened to Vladimir Putin?
Vladimir Putin is not dead, Kremlin insists
The New Daily
¿Se murió Putin?
Coup? Bad Plastic Surgery? What Has Happened to Vladimir Putin?
Vladimir Putin Is Dead Again, Says The Internet
Rumours swirl in Moscow about Vladimir Putin's health
Kremlin Dismisses Russian Internet Allegations of Putin's Death
Rumors Over Vladimir Putin, Moscow Leadership Abound
Where the hell is Putin? Rumors swirl of botched botox, cancer and death
Putin health rumours dismissed
Владимир Путин встретился с председателем Верховного суда.Владимир Путин обсудил работу судебной системы с Вячеславом Лебедевым.Вторую неделю Владимир Путин не появляется на публике.Кремль сообщил о встрече Путина с главой Верховного суда.Владимир Путин провел встречу с председателем Верховного суда России.Пресса России: Владимир Путин исчез из новостей
wn.com/Vladimir Putin Is Dead Владимир Путин Мертв
There's a rumor that Putin is dead
Russian President Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public since March 5.
And with little further information to go by — his press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said simply that there is "no reason to worry" and "everything is fine" — some have naturally assumed the most drastic possible thing that could have happened is what did happen.
"Putin umer" or "Putin has died," is now trending on the Russian Internet.
There's also a website that allows users to ask, "has Putin died?" (the automated response varies with responses like: "No, he's alive" and "No, that's not why it stinks in Moscow.")
And perhaps because people find the very notion rather unlikely, social media users have been trying to imagine what a world without Putin — or a heaven with him — might look like.
It's likely that he would have a mass funeral just like Vladimir Lenin, but would Putin be presented in his favored bare-chested uniform?
Would the outpouring of grief on state TV channels match the level of emotion shown when North Korean leader Kim Jong Il died?
Read more: http://www.rferl.org/content/internet-thinks-putin-is-dead/26897066.html#ixzz3UGsRyeiF
Is President Vladimir Putin dead?
RIP Vladimir Putin?
Coup? Bad Plastic Surgery? What Has Happened to Vladimir Putin?
Vladimir Putin is not dead, Kremlin insists
The New Daily
¿Se murió Putin?
Coup? Bad Plastic Surgery? What Has Happened to Vladimir Putin?
Vladimir Putin Is Dead Again, Says The Internet
Rumours swirl in Moscow about Vladimir Putin's health
Kremlin Dismisses Russian Internet Allegations of Putin's Death
Rumors Over Vladimir Putin, Moscow Leadership Abound
Where the hell is Putin? Rumors swirl of botched botox, cancer and death
Putin health rumours dismissed
Владимир Путин встретился с председателем Верховного суда.Владимир Путин обсудил работу судебной системы с Вячеславом Лебедевым.Вторую неделю Владимир Путин не появляется на публике.Кремль сообщил о встрече Путина с главой Верховного суда.Владимир Путин провел встречу с председателем Верховного суда России.Пресса России: Владимир Путин исчез из новостей
- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 88
"صحته حقاً جيدة وكل شيء على مايرام"... يقول المتحدث باسم الرس الرئيس الروسي
نفى الكرملين ما تداولته بعض وسائل الإعلام عن مرض زعيمه فلاديمير بوتين. الظهور الأخير للرئيس الروسي كان في الـ5 من مارس الحالي عندما التقى رئيس الوزراء الإيطالي ماتيو رينتزي. الإشاعات تزامنت مع إلغاء لقاءات كان من المقرر أن يقوم بها الرئيس الروسي مع شخصيات رسمية.
يقول ديمتري بيسكوف المتحدث باسم الرئيس الروسي: "لا أساس أبداً للشكوك حول صحة الرئيس. صحته حقاً جيدة وكل شيء على مايرام، ويعمل وفقاً لما يتطلبه جدول أعماله المزدحم دائماً."
صحة بوتين الذي يحرص على الظهور بمظهر الرجل الرياضي كانت مصدراً …
المزيد من القراءة http://arabic.euronews.com/2015/03/13/russia-kremlin-dismisses-rumours-over-putin-s-health
يورونيوز : القناة الأكثر مشاهدة في أوربا
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wn.com/صحته حقاً جيدة وكل شيء على مايرام ... يقول المتحدث باسم الرس الرئيس الروسي
نفى الكرملين ما تداولته بعض وسائل الإعلام عن مرض زعيمه فلاديمير بوتين. الظهور الأخير للرئيس الروسي كان في الـ5 من مارس الحالي عندما التقى رئيس الوزراء الإيطالي ماتيو رينتزي. الإشاعات تزامنت مع إلغاء لقاءات كان من المقرر أن يقوم بها الرئيس الروسي مع شخصيات رسمية.
يقول ديمتري بيسكوف المتحدث باسم الرئيس الروسي: "لا أساس أبداً للشكوك حول صحة الرئيس. صحته حقاً جيدة وكل شيء على مايرام، ويعمل وفقاً لما يتطلبه جدول أعماله المزدحم دائماً."
صحة بوتين الذي يحرص على الظهور بمظهر الرجل الرياضي كانت مصدراً …
المزيد من القراءة http://arabic.euronews.com/2015/03/13/russia-kremlin-dismisses-rumours-over-putin-s-health
يورونيوز : القناة الأكثر مشاهدة في أوربا
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- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 35
Пауза Путіна затягнулась
Владімір Путін не взяв участь у колегії ФСБ, не зустрівся з делегацією з Південної Осетії і не поїхав до Астани — остання поява російського президента на публіці відбулась 5 березня, коли до Москви з візитом приїхав італійський прем'єр Маттео Ренці.
В той час як соцмережі повняться чутками про можливу хворобу, ба навіть смерть російського президента, у Кремлі запевняють, що з Путіним все гаразд:
_"Немає абсолютно ніяких причин ставити під сумнів стан здоров'я Путіна",_ — заявив речник президен…
ЧИТАТИ ДАЛІ: http://ua.euronews.com/2015/03/13/russia-kremlin-dismisses-rumours-over-putin-s-health
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wn.com/Пауза Путіна Затягнулась
Владімір Путін не взяв участь у колегії ФСБ, не зустрівся з делегацією з Південної Осетії і не поїхав до Астани — остання поява російського президента на публіці відбулась 5 березня, коли до Москви з візитом приїхав італійський прем'єр Маттео Ренці.
В той час як соцмережі повняться чутками про можливу хворобу, ба навіть смерть російського президента, у Кремлі запевняють, що з Путіним все гаразд:
_"Немає абсолютно ніяких причин ставити під сумнів стан здоров'я Путіна",_ — заявив речник президен…
ЧИТАТИ ДАЛІ: http://ua.euronews.com/2015/03/13/russia-kremlin-dismisses-rumours-over-putin-s-health
Євроньюз - найпопулярніший канал новин у Європі.
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- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 23
Дмитрий Песков опроверг слухи о болезни Владимира Путина
Вот уже неделю российский президент не появлялся на публике. Последний раз Путина видели в телеэфире во время встречи с итальянским премьером Ренци. Из-за переноса намеченной на 13 марта встречи глав Казахстана, России и Белоруссии агентство Reuters, со ссылкой на источник в казахстанском правительстве, сообщило, что здоровье Путина, возможно, пошатнулось.
"Нет абсолютно никаких оснований беспокоиться по поводу состояния здоровья Путина, - заявил его пресс-секретарь Дмитрий Песков. - Он абсо…
ЧИТАТЬ ДАЛЕЕ: http://ru.euronews.com/2015/03/13/russia-kremlin-dismisses-rumours-over-putin-s-health
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wn.com/Дмитрий Песков Опроверг Слухи О Болезни Владимира Путина
Вот уже неделю российский президент не появлялся на публике. Последний раз Путина видели в телеэфире во время встречи с итальянским премьером Ренци. Из-за переноса намеченной на 13 марта встречи глав Казахстана, России и Белоруссии агентство Reuters, со ссылкой на источник в казахстанском правительстве, сообщило, что здоровье Путина, возможно, пошатнулось.
"Нет абсолютно никаких оснований беспокоиться по поводу состояния здоровья Путина, - заявил его пресс-секретарь Дмитрий Песков. - Он абсо…
ЧИТАТЬ ДАЛЕЕ: http://ru.euronews.com/2015/03/13/russia-kremlin-dismisses-rumours-over-putin-s-health
euronews: самый популярный новостной канал в Европе.
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- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 525
Τι συμβαίνει με την υγεία του Πούτιν;
Έντονη φημολογία για την κατάσταση της υγείας του Βλαντίμιρ Πούτιν έχει προκαλέσει η απουσία του από τα φώτα της δημοσιότητας την τελευταία εβδομάδα.
Ο Ρώσος πρόεδρος ακύρωσε προγραμματισμένες εμφανίσεις του και μια επίσημη επίσκεψη στο Καζακστάν.
Το Κρεμλίνο διαψεύδει κατηγορηματικά τις φήμες.
«Δεν υπάρχει κανένας απολύτως λόγος για αμφιβολίες σχετικά με την υγεία του. Βρίσκεται σε άψογη κατάσταση και όλα είναι εντάξει. Εργάζεται με βάση το υπερφορτωμένο, όπως πάντα, πρόγραμμά του», δήλωσ…
ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΕΠΙΣΗΣ: http://gr.euronews.com/2015/03/13/russia-kremlin-dismisses-rumours-over-putin-s-health
euronews: Το ειδησεογραφικό κανάλι με τη μεγαλύτερη τηλεθέαση στην Ευρώπη
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wn.com/Τι Συμβαίνει Με Την Υγεία Του Πούτιν
Έντονη φημολογία για την κατάσταση της υγείας του Βλαντίμιρ Πούτιν έχει προκαλέσει η απουσία του από τα φώτα της δημοσιότητας την τελευταία εβδομάδα.
Ο Ρώσος πρόεδρος ακύρωσε προγραμματισμένες εμφανίσεις του και μια επίσημη επίσκεψη στο Καζακστάν.
Το Κρεμλίνο διαψεύδει κατηγορηματικά τις φήμες.
«Δεν υπάρχει κανένας απολύτως λόγος για αμφιβολίες σχετικά με την υγεία του. Βρίσκεται σε άψογη κατάσταση και όλα είναι εντάξει. Εργάζεται με βάση το υπερφορτωμένο, όπως πάντα, πρόγραμμά του», δήλωσ…
ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΕΠΙΣΗΣ: http://gr.euronews.com/2015/03/13/russia-kremlin-dismisses-rumours-over-putin-s-health
euronews: Το ειδησεογραφικό κανάλι με τη μεγαλύτερη τηλεθέαση στην Ευρώπη
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- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 67
Putin Footage Shown Amid Health Rumors
Subscribe for more Breaking News: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress
Russian state television showed footage on Friday showing President Vladimir Putin holding a meeting, amid rumors that he is avoiding public appearances due to ill health. The Kremlin did not say when the meeting took place. (March 13)
The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats.
AP’s commitment to independent, comprehensive journalism has deep roots. Founded in 1846, AP has covered all the major news events of the past 165 years, providing high-quality, informed reporting of everything from wars and elections to championship games and royal weddings. AP is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information.
Today, AP employs the latest technology to collect and distribute content - we have daily uploads covering the latest and breaking news in the world of politics, sport and entertainment. Join us in a conversation about world events, the newsgathering process or whatever aspect of the news universe you find interesting or important. Subscribe: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress
wn.com/Putin Footage Shown Amid Health Rumors
Subscribe for more Breaking News: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress
Russian state television showed footage on Friday showing President Vladimir Putin holding a meeting, amid rumors that he is avoiding public appearances due to ill health. The Kremlin did not say when the meeting took place. (March 13)
The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats.
AP’s commitment to independent, comprehensive journalism has deep roots. Founded in 1846, AP has covered all the major news events of the past 165 years, providing high-quality, informed reporting of everything from wars and elections to championship games and royal weddings. AP is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information.
Today, AP employs the latest technology to collect and distribute content - we have daily uploads covering the latest and breaking news in the world of politics, sport and entertainment. Join us in a conversation about world events, the newsgathering process or whatever aspect of the news universe you find interesting or important. Subscribe: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress
- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 24
Kremlin Dismisses Russian Internet Allegations of Putin's Death
Russian President Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public for at least a week, fueling speculations about his health. Social media users have flooded the Internet with assertions -- serious and humorous -- that Putin has died. His press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, has dismissed those reports as nothing more than "spring fever." Zlatica Hoke reports.
Originally published at - http://www.voanews.com/media/video/2678557.html
wn.com/Kremlin Dismisses Russian Internet Allegations Of Putin's Death
Russian President Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public for at least a week, fueling speculations about his health. Social media users have flooded the Internet with assertions -- serious and humorous -- that Putin has died. His press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, has dismissed those reports as nothing more than "spring fever." Zlatica Hoke reports.
Originally published at - http://www.voanews.com/media/video/2678557.html
- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 178
PUTIN RETURNS (Raw Footage). Is This Putin's First Public Appearance Amid 10 Days of Hysteria?
SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest on RUSSIA / BILDERBERG 2015 / ELITE / GLOBAL RESET / BUILD UP TO WW3 http://www.youtube.com/EliteNWOAgenda
PUTIN RETURNS (Raw Footage). Is This Putin's First Public Appearance Amid 10 Days of Hysteria?
There is still no explanation for President Putin's 10-day absence
Crimea has left Ukraine 'for good Where has Putin been? The best of the memes World waits to see if Putin turns up
Russian President Vladimir Putin has laughed off speculation about his health after making his first appearance in public since 5 March.
Life would be boring without gossip talks in St Petersburg. The 62-year-old appeared relaxed and smiled before the television cameras.
His disappearance from public view had sparked rumours that he might have fallen ill, died, been removed in a coup, or once again become a father. Earlier on Monday, Mr Putin ordered the Russian navy's Northern Fleet on to a state of full combat readiness in the Arctic. It came as more than 45,000 troops, as well as warplanes and submarines, started major military exercises across northern Russia.
'Excellent form'
video of Mr Putin's meeting with his Kyrgyz counterpart at the Constantine Palace in Russia's second city was broadcast by state television without sound. There was no obvious sign that Mr Putin had been or still was suffering from any medical condition
speculation on his health, the Russian leader replied: "It would be boring without gossip." Mr Atambayev, for his part, said Mr Putin had driven him around the palace for 20 minutes before the meeting. "I can confirm that he's in excellent form," he was quoted by one journalist as saying. As speculation about Mr Putin's disappearance mounted, the hashtag #Putinumer (#Putinisdead) trended on Twitter. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was forced to counter questions about each rumour, dismissing them as "March madness". Vladimir Putin has said Russia was so fearful of attack at the height of the Ukraine crisis that it was preparing to arm its nuclear weapons, in extraordinary claims aired on state TV on Sunday night.
Amid ongoing Russian media speculation that the President was watching the Crimea documentary from his sickbed, Mr Putin’s full interview with Rossiya One provided new insight into his country’s involvement in the annexation of the Black Sea peninsula.
russia russian putin return missing "united states" military troops army "u.s. army" cancer baby kremlin politics rumor future meeting 2015 power battle exercise training arctic usa america "air force" navy official england uk "united kingdom" ww3 "world war 3" war history tanks 2016 soldier elite "royal air force" airplane britain "great britain" range news media entertainment plans bunker prepare survival trending trendy doom "elite nwo agenda" alex jones infowars rant montagraph prediction false flag attack ukraine crisis u.s. armored convoy europe military ham radio station end times end of the world demcad gerald celente lindsey williams gold silver usd dollar collapse rawdogletard anonymous we are change coast to coast am proof evidence exposed debunked
Russia take control of Crimea, Mr Putin described the Ukrainian revolution to oust Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014 as an armed coup “masterminded by our American friends”.
trick” the world into thinking the regime change was “supported mostly by the Europeans” Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared in public Monday for the first time since March 5, brushing off speculation about his health a few hours after he ordered nearly 40,000 troops to be put on full alert as part of snap readiness exercises and follow dozens of military exercises conducted over the past year since the start of the Ukraine crisis. The corporate media is making a big deal out of the fact Russian leader Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public since March 5. In addition to unfounded allusions he is suffering from an illness, rumors are swirling that Putin — who is compared to Hitler and Stalin in the U.S. and Europe, largely because of his stance on the U.S. engineered coup in neighboring Ukraine — is in Switzerland where his girlfriend Alina Kabaeva has given birth to a son.
The Ukrainian armed coup was organized from Washington, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated in an interview for a new documentary aired Sunday. The Americans tried to hide behind the Europeans, but Moscow saw through the trick, he added. As reported by Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge, the Russian response to the extra-legal ruling of a corrupt court in the Netherlands, which had no jurisdiction over the case on which it ruled, awarding $50 billion dollars from the Russian government to shareholders of Yukos, a corrupt entity that was looting Russia and evading taxes, is telling. Asked what Russia would do about the ruling, an advisor to President Putin replied, “There is a war coming in Europe.
wn.com/Putin Returns (Raw Footage). Is This Putin's First Public Appearance Amid 10 Days Of Hysteria
SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest on RUSSIA / BILDERBERG 2015 / ELITE / GLOBAL RESET / BUILD UP TO WW3 http://www.youtube.com/EliteNWOAgenda
PUTIN RETURNS (Raw Footage). Is This Putin's First Public Appearance Amid 10 Days of Hysteria?
There is still no explanation for President Putin's 10-day absence
Crimea has left Ukraine 'for good Where has Putin been? The best of the memes World waits to see if Putin turns up
Russian President Vladimir Putin has laughed off speculation about his health after making his first appearance in public since 5 March.
Life would be boring without gossip talks in St Petersburg. The 62-year-old appeared relaxed and smiled before the television cameras.
His disappearance from public view had sparked rumours that he might have fallen ill, died, been removed in a coup, or once again become a father. Earlier on Monday, Mr Putin ordered the Russian navy's Northern Fleet on to a state of full combat readiness in the Arctic. It came as more than 45,000 troops, as well as warplanes and submarines, started major military exercises across northern Russia.
'Excellent form'
video of Mr Putin's meeting with his Kyrgyz counterpart at the Constantine Palace in Russia's second city was broadcast by state television without sound. There was no obvious sign that Mr Putin had been or still was suffering from any medical condition
speculation on his health, the Russian leader replied: "It would be boring without gossip." Mr Atambayev, for his part, said Mr Putin had driven him around the palace for 20 minutes before the meeting. "I can confirm that he's in excellent form," he was quoted by one journalist as saying. As speculation about Mr Putin's disappearance mounted, the hashtag #Putinumer (#Putinisdead) trended on Twitter. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was forced to counter questions about each rumour, dismissing them as "March madness". Vladimir Putin has said Russia was so fearful of attack at the height of the Ukraine crisis that it was preparing to arm its nuclear weapons, in extraordinary claims aired on state TV on Sunday night.
Amid ongoing Russian media speculation that the President was watching the Crimea documentary from his sickbed, Mr Putin’s full interview with Rossiya One provided new insight into his country’s involvement in the annexation of the Black Sea peninsula.
russia russian putin return missing "united states" military troops army "u.s. army" cancer baby kremlin politics rumor future meeting 2015 power battle exercise training arctic usa america "air force" navy official england uk "united kingdom" ww3 "world war 3" war history tanks 2016 soldier elite "royal air force" airplane britain "great britain" range news media entertainment plans bunker prepare survival trending trendy doom "elite nwo agenda" alex jones infowars rant montagraph prediction false flag attack ukraine crisis u.s. armored convoy europe military ham radio station end times end of the world demcad gerald celente lindsey williams gold silver usd dollar collapse rawdogletard anonymous we are change coast to coast am proof evidence exposed debunked
Russia take control of Crimea, Mr Putin described the Ukrainian revolution to oust Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014 as an armed coup “masterminded by our American friends”.
trick” the world into thinking the regime change was “supported mostly by the Europeans” Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared in public Monday for the first time since March 5, brushing off speculation about his health a few hours after he ordered nearly 40,000 troops to be put on full alert as part of snap readiness exercises and follow dozens of military exercises conducted over the past year since the start of the Ukraine crisis. The corporate media is making a big deal out of the fact Russian leader Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public since March 5. In addition to unfounded allusions he is suffering from an illness, rumors are swirling that Putin — who is compared to Hitler and Stalin in the U.S. and Europe, largely because of his stance on the U.S. engineered coup in neighboring Ukraine — is in Switzerland where his girlfriend Alina Kabaeva has given birth to a son.
The Ukrainian armed coup was organized from Washington, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated in an interview for a new documentary aired Sunday. The Americans tried to hide behind the Europeans, but Moscow saw through the trick, he added. As reported by Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge, the Russian response to the extra-legal ruling of a corrupt court in the Netherlands, which had no jurisdiction over the case on which it ruled, awarding $50 billion dollars from the Russian government to shareholders of Yukos, a corrupt entity that was looting Russia and evading taxes, is telling. Asked what Russia would do about the ruling, an advisor to President Putin replied, “There is a war coming in Europe.
- published: 16 Mar 2015
- views: 299
Kremlin posts images of Vladimir Putin after health rumors swirl
Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared in a series of photos released by the Kremlin on Friday after a week in which canceled engagements led to speculation over his health.
The three images showed Putin meeting with the head of the Supreme Court in Moscow on Friday, the Kremlin said. State broadcaster Russia 24 also aired video footage of the meeting.
wn.com/Kremlin Posts Images Of Vladimir Putin After Health Rumors Swirl
Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared in a series of photos released by the Kremlin on Friday after a week in which canceled engagements led to speculation over his health.
The three images showed Putin meeting with the head of the Supreme Court in Moscow on Friday, the Kremlin said. State broadcaster Russia 24 also aired video footage of the meeting.
- published: 14 Mar 2015
- views: 31
PUTIN BODY DOUBLE - Is Putin Still Missing? Did the Elite Replace Putin With a Body Double
SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest on RUSSIA / BILDERBERG 2015 / END TIMES / BUILD UP TO WW3 http://www.youtube.com/EliteNWOAgenda
PUTIN BODY DOUBLE - Is Putin Still Missing? Did the Elite Replace Putin With a Body Double
Why does Russian president Vladimir Putin need body doubles? Almost everyone will give you a standard answer - “for safety.” And no one even remembers where he’ve heard such assumption before. Russians do remember Boris Yeltsin had few body doubles, and Putin has them too, but no one raises the alarm. It is a huge deception, indeed. Human’s mind protects itself from such a big lie and blocks further thinking process toward this topic.
But if the president has body doubles, who masters them?
Earlier in history, body doubles were used for safety. Joseph Stalin – one of the bright examples. He trembled for his life and personally selected body doubles to safeguard his live. One of his body doubles was the USSR People's Artist Felix Dadaev. Prior to 1996, all of the information about him was classified. Later, his picture was revealed. He looked exactly like Stalin! There is this entire conspiracy theory that Putin uses body doubles, at least four of them, so nobody knows if there is a real Vladimir Putin because each double has different ears. It's a stupid internet conspiracy that actually shows up in the news. It is related to something we Russians call "Samavanceslov" or "The Time of Troubles" – a period after Communism, when people showed up every day claiming they were secret heirs to the royal Romanov family.
There is still no explanation for President Putin's 10-day absence
Crimea has left Ukraine 'for good Where has Putin been? The best of the memes World waits to see if Putin turns up Russian President Vladimir Putin has laughed off speculation about his health after making his first appearance in public since 5 March.
His disappearance from public view had sparked rumours that he might have fallen ill, died, been removed in a coup, or once again become a father. Earlier on Monday, Mr Putin ordered the Russian navy's Northern Fleet on to a state of full combat readiness in the Arctic. It came as more than 45,000 troops, as well as warplanes and submarines, started major military exercises across northern Russia.
nuclear alert nuke manhattan obama chicago
video of Mr Putin's meeting with his Kyrgyz counterpart at the Constantine Palace in Russia's second city was broadcast by state television without sound. There was no obvious sign that Mr Putin had been or still was suffering from any medical condition
speculation on his health, the Russian leader replied: "It would be boring without gossip." Mr Atambayev, for his part, said Mr Putin had driven him around the palace for 20 minutes before the meeting. "I can confirm that he's in excellent form," he was quoted by one journalist as saying. #Putinumer (#Putinisdead) trended on Twitter. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was forced to counter questions about each rumour, dismissing them as March madness
Amid ongoing Russian media speculation that the President was watching the Crimea documentary from his sickbed, Mr Putin’s full interview with Rossiya One provided new insight into his country’s involvement in the annexation of the Black Sea peninsula.
russia russian putin return "body double" replica clone missing "united states" military troops army "u.s. army" cancer baby kremlin politics rumor future meeting 2015 power battle exercise training arctic usa america "air force" navy official england uk "united kingdom" ww3 "world war 3" war history tanks 2016 soldier elite "royal air force" airplane britain "great britain" range news media entertainment plans bunker prepare survival trending trendy doom "elite nwo agenda" alex jones infowars rant montagraph prediction false flag attack ukraine crisis u.s. armored convoy europe military ham radio station end times end of the world demcad gerald celente lindsey williams gold silver usd dollar collapse rawdogletard anonymous we are change coast to coast am proof evidence exposed debunked
Russia take control of Crimea, Mr Putin described the Ukrainian revolution to oust Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014 as an armed coup “masterminded by our American friends”.
black sea nato navy ship military exercises conducted over the past year since the start of the Ukraine crisis. The corporate media is making a big deal out of the fact Russian leader Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public since March 5. In addition to unfounded allusions he is suffering from an illness, rumors are swirling that Putin — who is compared to Hitler and Stalin in the U.S. and Europe, largely because of his stance on the U.S. engineered coup in neighboring Ukraine — is in Switzerland where his girlfriend Alina Kabaeva has given birth to a son. russia kremlin coup
wn.com/Putin Body Double Is Putin Still Missing Did The Elite Replace Putin With A Body Double
SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest on RUSSIA / BILDERBERG 2015 / END TIMES / BUILD UP TO WW3 http://www.youtube.com/EliteNWOAgenda
PUTIN BODY DOUBLE - Is Putin Still Missing? Did the Elite Replace Putin With a Body Double
Why does Russian president Vladimir Putin need body doubles? Almost everyone will give you a standard answer - “for safety.” And no one even remembers where he’ve heard such assumption before. Russians do remember Boris Yeltsin had few body doubles, and Putin has them too, but no one raises the alarm. It is a huge deception, indeed. Human’s mind protects itself from such a big lie and blocks further thinking process toward this topic.
But if the president has body doubles, who masters them?
Earlier in history, body doubles were used for safety. Joseph Stalin – one of the bright examples. He trembled for his life and personally selected body doubles to safeguard his live. One of his body doubles was the USSR People's Artist Felix Dadaev. Prior to 1996, all of the information about him was classified. Later, his picture was revealed. He looked exactly like Stalin! There is this entire conspiracy theory that Putin uses body doubles, at least four of them, so nobody knows if there is a real Vladimir Putin because each double has different ears. It's a stupid internet conspiracy that actually shows up in the news. It is related to something we Russians call "Samavanceslov" or "The Time of Troubles" – a period after Communism, when people showed up every day claiming they were secret heirs to the royal Romanov family.
There is still no explanation for President Putin's 10-day absence
Crimea has left Ukraine 'for good Where has Putin been? The best of the memes World waits to see if Putin turns up Russian President Vladimir Putin has laughed off speculation about his health after making his first appearance in public since 5 March.
His disappearance from public view had sparked rumours that he might have fallen ill, died, been removed in a coup, or once again become a father. Earlier on Monday, Mr Putin ordered the Russian navy's Northern Fleet on to a state of full combat readiness in the Arctic. It came as more than 45,000 troops, as well as warplanes and submarines, started major military exercises across northern Russia.
nuclear alert nuke manhattan obama chicago
video of Mr Putin's meeting with his Kyrgyz counterpart at the Constantine Palace in Russia's second city was broadcast by state television without sound. There was no obvious sign that Mr Putin had been or still was suffering from any medical condition
speculation on his health, the Russian leader replied: "It would be boring without gossip." Mr Atambayev, for his part, said Mr Putin had driven him around the palace for 20 minutes before the meeting. "I can confirm that he's in excellent form," he was quoted by one journalist as saying. #Putinumer (#Putinisdead) trended on Twitter. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was forced to counter questions about each rumour, dismissing them as March madness
Amid ongoing Russian media speculation that the President was watching the Crimea documentary from his sickbed, Mr Putin’s full interview with Rossiya One provided new insight into his country’s involvement in the annexation of the Black Sea peninsula.
russia russian putin return "body double" replica clone missing "united states" military troops army "u.s. army" cancer baby kremlin politics rumor future meeting 2015 power battle exercise training arctic usa america "air force" navy official england uk "united kingdom" ww3 "world war 3" war history tanks 2016 soldier elite "royal air force" airplane britain "great britain" range news media entertainment plans bunker prepare survival trending trendy doom "elite nwo agenda" alex jones infowars rant montagraph prediction false flag attack ukraine crisis u.s. armored convoy europe military ham radio station end times end of the world demcad gerald celente lindsey williams gold silver usd dollar collapse rawdogletard anonymous we are change coast to coast am proof evidence exposed debunked
Russia take control of Crimea, Mr Putin described the Ukrainian revolution to oust Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014 as an armed coup “masterminded by our American friends”.
black sea nato navy ship military exercises conducted over the past year since the start of the Ukraine crisis. The corporate media is making a big deal out of the fact Russian leader Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public since March 5. In addition to unfounded allusions he is suffering from an illness, rumors are swirling that Putin — who is compared to Hitler and Stalin in the U.S. and Europe, largely because of his stance on the U.S. engineered coup in neighboring Ukraine — is in Switzerland where his girlfriend Alina Kabaeva has given birth to a son. russia kremlin coup
- published: 18 Mar 2015
- views: 213
Who Killed Vladimir Putin ?!
Vladimir putin is Dead!
There's a rumor that Putin is dead
Russian President Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public since March 5.
And with little further information to go by — his press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said simply that there is "no reason to worry" and "everything is fine" — some have naturally assumed the most drastic possible thing that could have happened is what did happen.
"Putin umer" or "Putin has died," is now trending on the Russian Internet.
There's also a website that allows users to ask, "has Putin died?" (the automated response varies with responses like: "No, he's alive" and "No, that's not why it stinks in Moscow.")
And perhaps because people find the very notion rather unlikely, social media users have been trying to imagine what a world without Putin — or a heaven with him — might look like.
It's likely that he would have a mass funeral just like Vladimir Lenin, but would Putin be presented in his favored bare-chested uniform?
Would the outpouring of grief on state TV channels match the level of emotion shown when North Korean leader Kim Jong Il died?
Read more: http://www.rferl.org/content/internet...
Is President Vladimir Putin dead?
RIP Vladimir Putin?
Coup? Bad Plastic Surgery? What Has Happened to Vladimir Putin?
Vladimir Putin is not dead, Kremlin insists
The New Daily
¿Se murió Putin?
Coup? Bad Plastic Surgery? What Has Happened to Vladimir Putin?
Vladimir Putin Is Dead Again, Says The Internet
Rumours swirl in Moscow about Vladimir Putin's health
Kremlin Dismisses Russian Internet Allegations of Putin's Death
Rumors Over Vladimir Putin, Moscow Leadership Abound
Where the hell is Putin? Rumors swirl of botched botox, cancer and death
Putin health rumours dismissed
wn.com/Who Killed Vladimir Putin
Vladimir putin is Dead!
There's a rumor that Putin is dead
Russian President Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public since March 5.
And with little further information to go by — his press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said simply that there is "no reason to worry" and "everything is fine" — some have naturally assumed the most drastic possible thing that could have happened is what did happen.
"Putin umer" or "Putin has died," is now trending on the Russian Internet.
There's also a website that allows users to ask, "has Putin died?" (the automated response varies with responses like: "No, he's alive" and "No, that's not why it stinks in Moscow.")
And perhaps because people find the very notion rather unlikely, social media users have been trying to imagine what a world without Putin — or a heaven with him — might look like.
It's likely that he would have a mass funeral just like Vladimir Lenin, but would Putin be presented in his favored bare-chested uniform?
Would the outpouring of grief on state TV channels match the level of emotion shown when North Korean leader Kim Jong Il died?
Read more: http://www.rferl.org/content/internet...
Is President Vladimir Putin dead?
RIP Vladimir Putin?
Coup? Bad Plastic Surgery? What Has Happened to Vladimir Putin?
Vladimir Putin is not dead, Kremlin insists
The New Daily
¿Se murió Putin?
Coup? Bad Plastic Surgery? What Has Happened to Vladimir Putin?
Vladimir Putin Is Dead Again, Says The Internet
Rumours swirl in Moscow about Vladimir Putin's health
Kremlin Dismisses Russian Internet Allegations of Putin's Death
Rumors Over Vladimir Putin, Moscow Leadership Abound
Where the hell is Putin? Rumors swirl of botched botox, cancer and death
Putin health rumours dismissed
- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 32
Russia's Vladimir Putin dismisses 'gossip' over absence
Russian President Vladimir Putin has laughed off speculation about his health after making his first appearance in public since 5 March.
Life "would be boring without gossip", he told Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev at talks in St Petersburg.
The 62-year-old appeared relaxed and smiled before the television cameras.
His disappearance from public view had sparked rumours that he might have fallen ill, died, been removed in a coup, or once again become a father.
Earlier on Monday, Mr Putin ordered the Russian navy's Northern Fleet on to a state of full combat readiness in the Arctic.
It came as more than 45,000 troops, as well as warplanes and submarines, started major military exercises across northern Russia.
'Excellent form'
A brief video of Mr Putin's meeting with his Kyrgyz counterpart at the Constantine Palace in Russia's second city was broadcast by state television without sound.
There was no obvious sign that Mr Putin had been or still was suffering from any medical condition, says the BBC's Richard Galpin in Moscow.
Asked by reporters about the speculation on his health, the Russian leader replied: "It would be boring without gossip."
Mr Atambayev, for his part, said Mr Putin had driven him around the palace for 20 minutes before the meeting. "I can confirm that he's in excellent form," he was quoted by one journalist as saying.
Our correspondent says the speculation may continue unless the Kremlin explains why Mr Putin seemed to disappear from public view when normally he is constantly in the limelight.
Mr Putin's last public appearance was on 5 March when he met Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.
Last week, he cancelled a number of scheduled events, including a visit to Kazakhstan that was due to take place on Thursday and Friday, and the signing of an agreement with South Ossetia.
As speculation about Mr Putin's disappearance mounted, the hashtag #Putinumer (#Putinisdead) trended on Twitter. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was forced to counter questions about each rumour, dismissing them as "March madness".
"So everyone has now seen the paralysed president captured by a general who has just returned from Switzerland where he was delivering a baby?" Mr Peskov asked journalists sarcastically on Monday.
He said Mr Putin and Mr Atambayev had met at the Constantine Palace because the Kyrgyz leader's daughter was studying nearby.
Crimea anniversary
Mr Putin's reappearance coincides with the first anniversary of a controversial referendum in Crimea, which Russia used as justification for annexing the Ukrainian peninsula.
In a pre-recorded interview which aired on Sunday, Mr Putin said he had been ready to put nuclear weapons on standby at the time.
The EU's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, issued a sharp statement on Crimea on Monday, condemning Russia's actions.
"The EU reaffirms its deep concern at the continuous military build-up and deterioration of the human rights situation in the Crimean peninsula, including the denial of free speech and the persecution of persons belonging to minorities," she said in a statement.
wn.com/Russia's Vladimir Putin Dismisses 'gossip' Over Absence
Russian President Vladimir Putin has laughed off speculation about his health after making his first appearance in public since 5 March.
Life "would be boring without gossip", he told Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev at talks in St Petersburg.
The 62-year-old appeared relaxed and smiled before the television cameras.
His disappearance from public view had sparked rumours that he might have fallen ill, died, been removed in a coup, or once again become a father.
Earlier on Monday, Mr Putin ordered the Russian navy's Northern Fleet on to a state of full combat readiness in the Arctic.
It came as more than 45,000 troops, as well as warplanes and submarines, started major military exercises across northern Russia.
'Excellent form'
A brief video of Mr Putin's meeting with his Kyrgyz counterpart at the Constantine Palace in Russia's second city was broadcast by state television without sound.
There was no obvious sign that Mr Putin had been or still was suffering from any medical condition, says the BBC's Richard Galpin in Moscow.
Asked by reporters about the speculation on his health, the Russian leader replied: "It would be boring without gossip."
Mr Atambayev, for his part, said Mr Putin had driven him around the palace for 20 minutes before the meeting. "I can confirm that he's in excellent form," he was quoted by one journalist as saying.
Our correspondent says the speculation may continue unless the Kremlin explains why Mr Putin seemed to disappear from public view when normally he is constantly in the limelight.
Mr Putin's last public appearance was on 5 March when he met Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.
Last week, he cancelled a number of scheduled events, including a visit to Kazakhstan that was due to take place on Thursday and Friday, and the signing of an agreement with South Ossetia.
As speculation about Mr Putin's disappearance mounted, the hashtag #Putinumer (#Putinisdead) trended on Twitter. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was forced to counter questions about each rumour, dismissing them as "March madness".
"So everyone has now seen the paralysed president captured by a general who has just returned from Switzerland where he was delivering a baby?" Mr Peskov asked journalists sarcastically on Monday.
He said Mr Putin and Mr Atambayev had met at the Constantine Palace because the Kyrgyz leader's daughter was studying nearby.
Crimea anniversary
Mr Putin's reappearance coincides with the first anniversary of a controversial referendum in Crimea, which Russia used as justification for annexing the Ukrainian peninsula.
In a pre-recorded interview which aired on Sunday, Mr Putin said he had been ready to put nuclear weapons on standby at the time.
The EU's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, issued a sharp statement on Crimea on Monday, condemning Russia's actions.
"The EU reaffirms its deep concern at the continuous military build-up and deterioration of the human rights situation in the Crimean peninsula, including the denial of free speech and the persecution of persons belonging to minorities," she said in a statement.
- published: 16 Mar 2015
- views: 97
Putin Delays Kazakh Visit, no Health Problems Says Kremlin
Vladimir Putin has postponed a visit to Kazakhstan, officials from both countries said on Wednesday, though the Kremlin dismissed another report that plans had changed because the Russian president was unwell. Dauren Abayev, adviser and spokesman for Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, announced the delay of the meeting between the two allies, originally scheduled for this week, without giving a reason or a new date. Russia's Interfax news agency reported Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirming the postponement but denying the statement from the Kazakh source that said Putin had fallen ill. The spokesman said, "The president feels fine."
wn.com/Putin Delays Kazakh Visit, No Health Problems Says Kremlin
Vladimir Putin has postponed a visit to Kazakhstan, officials from both countries said on Wednesday, though the Kremlin dismissed another report that plans had changed because the Russian president was unwell. Dauren Abayev, adviser and spokesman for Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, announced the delay of the meeting between the two allies, originally scheduled for this week, without giving a reason or a new date. Russia's Interfax news agency reported Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirming the postponement but denying the statement from the Kazakh source that said Putin had fallen ill. The spokesman said, "The president feels fine."
- published: 12 Mar 2015
- views: 84
Russia Putin: Kremlin denies president health rumours
A spokesman for President Vladimir Putin has denied rumours that the president is unwell.
The rumours started after a trip to Kazakhstan, scheduled for Thursday and Friday, was postponed.
President Putin's last public appearance was on 5 March when he met Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said those making the claims had themselves caught "spring fever".
"When the sun comes up in the spring, and as soon as spring is in the air, then the fever begins," said Mr Peskov. "We are calm on this fever, and respond to the questions with patience."
Reuters quoted a Kazakh government source on Wednesday as saying: "It looks like [Mr Putin] has fallen ill."
Insisting the president was "fine", Mr Peskov said Mr Putin had meetings "all the time" but not all of them were public.
Besides the trip to Kazakhstan, Mr Putin was due to sign a treaty of integration between Russia and South Ossetia - a breakaway state formerly part of Georgia - but the ceremony did not take place.
There may be technical reasons for that - it was reported that the document had not been fully agreed.
Mr Putin had also been slated to attend a federal security meeting on Thursday but a government source told Russia's Ria news agency it was unlikely to go ahead.
RBC Daily, a Moscow business newspaper, reported that the video of Mr Putin posted to the Kremlin's website on 8 March, meeting a delegation for International Women's Day, had been pre-recorded on 5 March. One participant at the meeting told the paper the president had looked tired.
Since then, more videos of Mr Putin have appeared on the site. Footage of a meeting with the governor of Russia's republic of Karelia was published on Wednesday.
The videos have been the subject of scrutiny, with pundits looking closely at Mr Putin's clothes and the digits of a calendar in the background for clues about when the filming took place.
wn.com/Russia Putin Kremlin Denies President Health Rumours
A spokesman for President Vladimir Putin has denied rumours that the president is unwell.
The rumours started after a trip to Kazakhstan, scheduled for Thursday and Friday, was postponed.
President Putin's last public appearance was on 5 March when he met Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said those making the claims had themselves caught "spring fever".
"When the sun comes up in the spring, and as soon as spring is in the air, then the fever begins," said Mr Peskov. "We are calm on this fever, and respond to the questions with patience."
Reuters quoted a Kazakh government source on Wednesday as saying: "It looks like [Mr Putin] has fallen ill."
Insisting the president was "fine", Mr Peskov said Mr Putin had meetings "all the time" but not all of them were public.
Besides the trip to Kazakhstan, Mr Putin was due to sign a treaty of integration between Russia and South Ossetia - a breakaway state formerly part of Georgia - but the ceremony did not take place.
There may be technical reasons for that - it was reported that the document had not been fully agreed.
Mr Putin had also been slated to attend a federal security meeting on Thursday but a government source told Russia's Ria news agency it was unlikely to go ahead.
RBC Daily, a Moscow business newspaper, reported that the video of Mr Putin posted to the Kremlin's website on 8 March, meeting a delegation for International Women's Day, had been pre-recorded on 5 March. One participant at the meeting told the paper the president had looked tired.
Since then, more videos of Mr Putin have appeared on the site. Footage of a meeting with the governor of Russia's republic of Karelia was published on Wednesday.
The videos have been the subject of scrutiny, with pundits looking closely at Mr Putin's clothes and the digits of a calendar in the background for clues about when the filming took place.
- published: 12 Mar 2015
- views: 4
Why Vladamir Putin is DEAD! All Facts!
Vladimir putin is Dead!
There's a rumor that Putin is dead
Russian President Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public since March 5.
And with little further information to go by — his press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said simply that there is "no reason to worry" and "everything is fine" — some have naturally assumed the most drastic possible thing that could have happened is what did happen.
"Putin umer" or "Putin has died," is now trending on the Russian Internet.
There's also a website that allows users to ask, "has Putin died?" (the automated response varies with responses like: "No, he's alive" and "No, that's not why it stinks in Moscow.")
And perhaps because people find the very notion rather unlikely, social media users have been trying to imagine what a world without Putin — or a heaven with him — might look like.
It's likely that he would have a mass funeral just like Vladimir Lenin, but would Putin be presented in his favored bare-chested uniform?
Would the outpouring of grief on state TV channels match the level of emotion shown when North Korean leader Kim Jong Il died?
Read more: http://www.rferl.org/content/internet...
Is President Vladimir Putin dead?
RIP Vladimir Putin?
Coup? Bad Plastic Surgery? What Has Happened to Vladimir Putin?
Vladimir Putin is not dead, Kremlin insists
The New Daily
¿Se murió Putin?
Coup? Bad Plastic Surgery? What Has Happened to Vladimir Putin?
Vladimir Putin Is Dead Again, Says The Internet
Rumours swirl in Moscow about Vladimir Putin's health
Kremlin Dismisses Russian Internet Allegations of Putin's Death
Rumors Over Vladimir Putin, Moscow Leadership Abound
Where the hell is Putin? Rumors swirl of botched botox, cancer and death
Putin health rumours dismissed
why putin is dead,,putin is dead,, putin is dead facts,,
wn.com/Why Vladamir Putin Is Dead All Facts
Vladimir putin is Dead!
There's a rumor that Putin is dead
Russian President Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public since March 5.
And with little further information to go by — his press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said simply that there is "no reason to worry" and "everything is fine" — some have naturally assumed the most drastic possible thing that could have happened is what did happen.
"Putin umer" or "Putin has died," is now trending on the Russian Internet.
There's also a website that allows users to ask, "has Putin died?" (the automated response varies with responses like: "No, he's alive" and "No, that's not why it stinks in Moscow.")
And perhaps because people find the very notion rather unlikely, social media users have been trying to imagine what a world without Putin — or a heaven with him — might look like.
It's likely that he would have a mass funeral just like Vladimir Lenin, but would Putin be presented in his favored bare-chested uniform?
Would the outpouring of grief on state TV channels match the level of emotion shown when North Korean leader Kim Jong Il died?
Read more: http://www.rferl.org/content/internet...
Is President Vladimir Putin dead?
RIP Vladimir Putin?
Coup? Bad Plastic Surgery? What Has Happened to Vladimir Putin?
Vladimir Putin is not dead, Kremlin insists
The New Daily
¿Se murió Putin?
Coup? Bad Plastic Surgery? What Has Happened to Vladimir Putin?
Vladimir Putin Is Dead Again, Says The Internet
Rumours swirl in Moscow about Vladimir Putin's health
Kremlin Dismisses Russian Internet Allegations of Putin's Death
Rumors Over Vladimir Putin, Moscow Leadership Abound
Where the hell is Putin? Rumors swirl of botched botox, cancer and death
Putin health rumours dismissed
why putin is dead,,putin is dead,, putin is dead facts,,
- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 47
‘It’s boring without rumors’ Putin appears in public after week Of MSM hysteria
Life would be boring without rumors, Vladimir Putin said after appearing on public in St. Petersburg on Monday. Earlier, Western media succumbed to hysteria, asking “Where is Putin?” and suggesting the Russian president might have fallen ill.
Putin met his Kyrgyz counterpart Almazbek Atambayev on Monday in his first public meeting open to the press since March 5.
Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov mocked the rumors about his boss’s alleged disappearance.
“Have you seen the president [Putin] crushed with paralysis and captured by the generals?" Peskov asked the journalists, smiling,” [He] just arrived from Switzerland where he was delivering babies, as you know.”
When a Western journalist asked Peskov about a foreign doctor attending the Russian president, the spokesman said the doctor in question “was among the generals who captured Putin.”
The Kremlin is not going to comment on Putin’s state of health, Peskov stated.
“We’ve said 10 times, we can’t comment anymore,” he told journalists, adding that the more comments that are released, the more fantastic theories are being invented.
'Putin missing' 10 days of MSM hysteria https://soundcloud.com/rttv/putin-missing-10-days-of-msm-hysteria
Social media has been abuzz with tweets and blogposts about the mysterious alleged disappearance of the Russian leader.
After Putin canceled a meeting with German chancellor Angela Merkel on March 11, sympathetic users suggested he may have been ill. This theory was denied by the Kremlin.
Austrian newspaper the Kurier insisted Putin is suffering from back problems, and an orthopedic expert has traveled to Moscow from Vienna to treat him.
Users who preferred the ‘Russian-invasion-is-coming’ mood wrote that Putin was preparing for a full-scale war.
Several tabloids speculated about Putin’s alleged problems at work in the Kremlin. They wrote that Putin had been overthrown by a coup or security agencies in Moscow. The Interpreter wrote that, while some Russians were posting photos on social media showing tanks near the Kremlin.
Among the speculative theories was that Putin’s alleged girlfriend, Olympic champion gymnast-turned-MP Alina Kabaeva, had given birth to a baby and that the Russian leader had abandoned the whole country for paternity leave. The UK’s Daily Mirror even reported that a baby girl, a love child, has recently been born at a clinic in Switzerland.
The New York Daily News went one further, and wrote that it’s not even the first baby of the couple, as they also had two kids together, according to Corriere Del Ticino, a Swiss newspaper.
READ MORE: ‘His handshakes break hands’: Press secretary dismisses Putin illness rumors http://on.rt.com/vi0a2q
Peskov called the mass media fuss just “spring madness.”
“No need to worry, everything is all right. He has working meetings all the time, only not all of these meetings are public,” Dmitry Peskov said Thursday in an interview with Echo of Moscow radio. He added that the president is “absolutely healthy” and joked that “his handshake is so strong he breaks hands with it."
READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/1rjs7f
'Ia membosankan tanpa khabar angin' Putin muncul di khalayak ramai selepas minggu MSM histeria
Kehidupan akan menjadi membosankan tanpa khabar angin, Vladimir Putin berkata selepas muncul pd awam di St Petersburg pd hari Isnin. Terdahulu, media Barat mati akibat histeria, bertanya: "Di mana Putin?" Dan mencadangkan Presiden Rusia mungkin tlh jatuh sakit.
Putin bertemu rakan sejawatannya beliau dari Kyrgyz Almazbek Atambayev pd hari Isnin dlm mesyuarat pertamanya awam terbuka kpd akhbar sejak 5 Mac.
Jurucakap Putin Dmitry Peskov mengejek khabar angin mengenai dakwaan kehilangan bosnya.
"Pernahkah anda melihat presiden [Putin] dihancurkan dgn kelumpuhan dan ditangkap oleh jeneral?" Peskov meminta wartawan, tersenyum, "[Dia] baru pulang dari Switzerland di mana beliau tlh menyampaikan bayi, seperti yg anda tahu."
Apabila seorang wartawan Barat Peskov ditanya tentang seorang doktor asing menghadiri Presiden Rusia, jurucakap itu berkata doktor yg berkenaan "adalah antara jeneral yg tangkap Putin."
Kremlin tidak akan mengulas mengenai kesihatan negeri Putin, Peskov dinyatakan.
"Kami telah berkata 10 kali, kita tdk boleh komen lagi," katanya kpd wartawan, sambil menambah bahwa lebih byk komen yg dikeluarkan, teori2 yg lebih hebat yg sedang dicipta.
Media sosial tlh dimeriahkan dgn tweet dan blogposts mengenai kehilangan dikatakan misteri pemimpin Rusia.
Selepas Putin dibatalkan pertemuan dengan Canselor Jerman Angela Merkel pada 11 Mac, pengguna bersimpati mencadangkan beliau mungkin tlh sakit. Teori ini tlh dinafikan oleh Kremlin.
Akhbar Austria Kurier menegaskan Putin mengalami masalah sakit belakang, dan seorang pakar ortopedik telah mengembara ke Moscow dari Vienna utk merawat dia.
wn.com/‘It’S Boring Without Rumors’ Putin Appears In Public After Week Of Msm Hysteria
Life would be boring without rumors, Vladimir Putin said after appearing on public in St. Petersburg on Monday. Earlier, Western media succumbed to hysteria, asking “Where is Putin?” and suggesting the Russian president might have fallen ill.
Putin met his Kyrgyz counterpart Almazbek Atambayev on Monday in his first public meeting open to the press since March 5.
Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov mocked the rumors about his boss’s alleged disappearance.
“Have you seen the president [Putin] crushed with paralysis and captured by the generals?" Peskov asked the journalists, smiling,” [He] just arrived from Switzerland where he was delivering babies, as you know.”
When a Western journalist asked Peskov about a foreign doctor attending the Russian president, the spokesman said the doctor in question “was among the generals who captured Putin.”
The Kremlin is not going to comment on Putin’s state of health, Peskov stated.
“We’ve said 10 times, we can’t comment anymore,” he told journalists, adding that the more comments that are released, the more fantastic theories are being invented.
'Putin missing' 10 days of MSM hysteria https://soundcloud.com/rttv/putin-missing-10-days-of-msm-hysteria
Social media has been abuzz with tweets and blogposts about the mysterious alleged disappearance of the Russian leader.
After Putin canceled a meeting with German chancellor Angela Merkel on March 11, sympathetic users suggested he may have been ill. This theory was denied by the Kremlin.
Austrian newspaper the Kurier insisted Putin is suffering from back problems, and an orthopedic expert has traveled to Moscow from Vienna to treat him.
Users who preferred the ‘Russian-invasion-is-coming’ mood wrote that Putin was preparing for a full-scale war.
Several tabloids speculated about Putin’s alleged problems at work in the Kremlin. They wrote that Putin had been overthrown by a coup or security agencies in Moscow. The Interpreter wrote that, while some Russians were posting photos on social media showing tanks near the Kremlin.
Among the speculative theories was that Putin’s alleged girlfriend, Olympic champion gymnast-turned-MP Alina Kabaeva, had given birth to a baby and that the Russian leader had abandoned the whole country for paternity leave. The UK’s Daily Mirror even reported that a baby girl, a love child, has recently been born at a clinic in Switzerland.
The New York Daily News went one further, and wrote that it’s not even the first baby of the couple, as they also had two kids together, according to Corriere Del Ticino, a Swiss newspaper.
READ MORE: ‘His handshakes break hands’: Press secretary dismisses Putin illness rumors http://on.rt.com/vi0a2q
Peskov called the mass media fuss just “spring madness.”
“No need to worry, everything is all right. He has working meetings all the time, only not all of these meetings are public,” Dmitry Peskov said Thursday in an interview with Echo of Moscow radio. He added that the president is “absolutely healthy” and joked that “his handshake is so strong he breaks hands with it."
READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/1rjs7f
'Ia membosankan tanpa khabar angin' Putin muncul di khalayak ramai selepas minggu MSM histeria
Kehidupan akan menjadi membosankan tanpa khabar angin, Vladimir Putin berkata selepas muncul pd awam di St Petersburg pd hari Isnin. Terdahulu, media Barat mati akibat histeria, bertanya: "Di mana Putin?" Dan mencadangkan Presiden Rusia mungkin tlh jatuh sakit.
Putin bertemu rakan sejawatannya beliau dari Kyrgyz Almazbek Atambayev pd hari Isnin dlm mesyuarat pertamanya awam terbuka kpd akhbar sejak 5 Mac.
Jurucakap Putin Dmitry Peskov mengejek khabar angin mengenai dakwaan kehilangan bosnya.
"Pernahkah anda melihat presiden [Putin] dihancurkan dgn kelumpuhan dan ditangkap oleh jeneral?" Peskov meminta wartawan, tersenyum, "[Dia] baru pulang dari Switzerland di mana beliau tlh menyampaikan bayi, seperti yg anda tahu."
Apabila seorang wartawan Barat Peskov ditanya tentang seorang doktor asing menghadiri Presiden Rusia, jurucakap itu berkata doktor yg berkenaan "adalah antara jeneral yg tangkap Putin."
Kremlin tidak akan mengulas mengenai kesihatan negeri Putin, Peskov dinyatakan.
"Kami telah berkata 10 kali, kita tdk boleh komen lagi," katanya kpd wartawan, sambil menambah bahwa lebih byk komen yg dikeluarkan, teori2 yg lebih hebat yg sedang dicipta.
Media sosial tlh dimeriahkan dgn tweet dan blogposts mengenai kehilangan dikatakan misteri pemimpin Rusia.
Selepas Putin dibatalkan pertemuan dengan Canselor Jerman Angela Merkel pada 11 Mac, pengguna bersimpati mencadangkan beliau mungkin tlh sakit. Teori ini tlh dinafikan oleh Kremlin.
Akhbar Austria Kurier menegaskan Putin mengalami masalah sakit belakang, dan seorang pakar ortopedik telah mengembara ke Moscow dari Vienna utk merawat dia.
- published: 17 Mar 2015
- views: 27
Putin makes first appearance in 11 days
'It would be boring without gossip' – Putin makes first appearance in 11 days
Russian president meets Kyrgyz head of state in St Petersburg after disappearing on 5 March amid speculation of ill-health, childbirth and palace coup.
“It would be boring without gossip.” That, it seems, may be the only explanation the world will ever get from the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, about his whereabouts for the past 11 days – an absence that launched a thousand rumours of ill-health, childbirth or even a palace coup.
Putin, wearing a pink tie and in apparent good health, met with the Kyrgyz leader, Almazbek Atanbayev, in a St Petersburg palace on Monday, the first time he has been seen in public since 5 March.
Atambayev himself commented on the speculation during the joint appearance, telling reporters: “Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin] has just driven me around the palace, and was behind the wheel himself, so there would be fewer rumours. He’s not only walking, he’s driving his guests around.”
Russian television did little to dampen speculation when it announced on Friday that the meeting between Putin and Atambayev had already taken place, offering no video footage. The news item was later dismissed as a technical error.
Putin’s absence was made more suspicious by the Kremlin passing off as current events photographs from meetings that took place days earlier. A meeting in Astana with the president of Kazakhstan was cancelled, with local sources saying Putin had pulled out due to illness, and then denying it.
Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, had declined to give any information about his whereabouts, initially insisting that the president was engaged in continual meetings and was still so strong that he was “breaking hands” with his handshake. On Sunday he had said “the topic is closed”.
The information vacuum has led to all manner of rumours: Putin was in Switzerland with his mistress who had given birth; Putin was being treated by a Viennese back doctor. Independent channel TV Rain was told by a source the president had flu, while others suggested he had retreated to think long and hard after a clan war had erupted between different branches of power following the murder of opposition politician Boris Nemtsov in Moscow last month.
wn.com/Putin Makes First Appearance In 11 Days
'It would be boring without gossip' – Putin makes first appearance in 11 days
Russian president meets Kyrgyz head of state in St Petersburg after disappearing on 5 March amid speculation of ill-health, childbirth and palace coup.
“It would be boring without gossip.” That, it seems, may be the only explanation the world will ever get from the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, about his whereabouts for the past 11 days – an absence that launched a thousand rumours of ill-health, childbirth or even a palace coup.
Putin, wearing a pink tie and in apparent good health, met with the Kyrgyz leader, Almazbek Atanbayev, in a St Petersburg palace on Monday, the first time he has been seen in public since 5 March.
Atambayev himself commented on the speculation during the joint appearance, telling reporters: “Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin] has just driven me around the palace, and was behind the wheel himself, so there would be fewer rumours. He’s not only walking, he’s driving his guests around.”
Russian television did little to dampen speculation when it announced on Friday that the meeting between Putin and Atambayev had already taken place, offering no video footage. The news item was later dismissed as a technical error.
Putin’s absence was made more suspicious by the Kremlin passing off as current events photographs from meetings that took place days earlier. A meeting in Astana with the president of Kazakhstan was cancelled, with local sources saying Putin had pulled out due to illness, and then denying it.
Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, had declined to give any information about his whereabouts, initially insisting that the president was engaged in continual meetings and was still so strong that he was “breaking hands” with his handshake. On Sunday he had said “the topic is closed”.
The information vacuum has led to all manner of rumours: Putin was in Switzerland with his mistress who had given birth; Putin was being treated by a Viennese back doctor. Independent channel TV Rain was told by a source the president had flu, while others suggested he had retreated to think long and hard after a clan war had erupted between different branches of power following the murder of opposition politician Boris Nemtsov in Moscow last month.
- published: 16 Mar 2015
- views: 2
PUTIN RETURNS - Puts 40,000 Troops on Snap Military Exercises. Build up to WW3 ?
SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest on RUSSIA / BILDERBERG 2015 / ELITE / GLOBAL RESET / BUILD UP TO WW3 http://www.youtube.com/EliteNWOAgenda
PUTIN RETURNS - Puts 40,000 Troops on Snap Military Exercises. Build up to WW3 ?
There is still no explanation for President Putin's 10-day absence
Crimea has left Ukraine 'for good Where has Putin been? The best of the memes World waits to see if Putin turns up
Russian President Vladimir Putin has laughed off speculation about his health after making his first appearance in public since 5 March.
Life would be boring without gossip talks in St Petersburg. The 62-year-old appeared relaxed and smiled before the television cameras.
His disappearance from public view had sparked rumours that he might have fallen ill, died, been removed in a coup, or once again become a father. Earlier on Monday, Mr Putin ordered the Russian navy's Northern Fleet on to a state of full combat readiness in the Arctic. It came as more than 45,000 troops, as well as warplanes and submarines, started major military exercises across northern Russia.
'Excellent form'
video of Mr Putin's meeting with his Kyrgyz counterpart at the Constantine Palace in Russia's second city was broadcast by state television without sound. There was no obvious sign that Mr Putin had been or still was suffering from any medical condition
speculation on his health, the Russian leader replied: "It would be boring without gossip." Mr Atambayev, for his part, said Mr Putin had driven him around the palace for 20 minutes before the meeting. "I can confirm that he's in excellent form," he was quoted by one journalist as saying. As speculation about Mr Putin's disappearance mounted, the hashtag #Putinumer (#Putinisdead) trended on Twitter. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was forced to counter questions about each rumour, dismissing them as "March madness". Vladimir Putin has said Russia was so fearful of attack at the height of the Ukraine crisis that it was preparing to arm its nuclear weapons, in extraordinary claims aired on state TV on Sunday night.
Amid ongoing Russian media speculation that the President was watching the Crimea documentary from his sickbed, Mr Putin’s full interview with Rossiya One provided new insight into his country’s involvement in the annexation of the Black Sea peninsula.
russia russian putin return missing "united states" military troops army "u.s. army" cancer baby kremlin politics rumor future meeting 2015 power battle exercise training arctic usa america "air force" navy official england uk "united kingdom" ww3 "world war 3" war history tanks 2016 soldier elite "royal air force" airplane britain "great britain" range news media entertainment plans bunker prepare survival trending trendy doom "elite nwo agenda" alex jones infowars rant montagraph prediction false flag attack ukraine crisis u.s. armored convoy europe military ham radio station end times end of the world demcad gerald celente lindsey williams gold silver usd dollar collapse rawdogletard anonymous we are change coast to coast am proof evidence exposed debunked
Russia take control of Crimea, Mr Putin described the Ukrainian revolution to oust Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014 as an armed coup “masterminded by our American friends”.
trick” the world into thinking the regime change was “supported mostly by the Europeans” Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared in public Monday for the first time since March 5, brushing off speculation about his health a few hours after he ordered nearly 40,000 troops to be put on full alert as part of snap readiness exercises and follow dozens of military exercises conducted over the past year since the start of the Ukraine crisis. The corporate media is making a big deal out of the fact Russian leader Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public since March 5. In addition to unfounded allusions he is suffering from an illness, rumors are swirling that Putin — who is compared to Hitler and Stalin in the U.S. and Europe, largely because of his stance on the U.S. engineered coup in neighboring Ukraine — is in Switzerland where his girlfriend Alina Kabaeva has given birth to a son.
The Ukrainian armed coup was organized from Washington, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated in an interview for a new documentary aired Sunday. The Americans tried to hide behind the Europeans, but Moscow saw through the trick, he added. As reported by Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge, the Russian response to the extra-legal ruling of a corrupt court in the Netherlands, which had no jurisdiction over the case on which it ruled, awarding $50 billion dollars from the Russian government to shareholders of Yukos, a corrupt entity that was looting Russia and evading taxes, is telling. Asked what Russia would do about the ruling, an advisor to President Putin replied, “There is a war coming in Europe.
wn.com/Putin Returns Puts 40,000 Troops On Snap Military Exercises. Build Up To Ww3
SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest on RUSSIA / BILDERBERG 2015 / ELITE / GLOBAL RESET / BUILD UP TO WW3 http://www.youtube.com/EliteNWOAgenda
PUTIN RETURNS - Puts 40,000 Troops on Snap Military Exercises. Build up to WW3 ?
There is still no explanation for President Putin's 10-day absence
Crimea has left Ukraine 'for good Where has Putin been? The best of the memes World waits to see if Putin turns up
Russian President Vladimir Putin has laughed off speculation about his health after making his first appearance in public since 5 March.
Life would be boring without gossip talks in St Petersburg. The 62-year-old appeared relaxed and smiled before the television cameras.
His disappearance from public view had sparked rumours that he might have fallen ill, died, been removed in a coup, or once again become a father. Earlier on Monday, Mr Putin ordered the Russian navy's Northern Fleet on to a state of full combat readiness in the Arctic. It came as more than 45,000 troops, as well as warplanes and submarines, started major military exercises across northern Russia.
'Excellent form'
video of Mr Putin's meeting with his Kyrgyz counterpart at the Constantine Palace in Russia's second city was broadcast by state television without sound. There was no obvious sign that Mr Putin had been or still was suffering from any medical condition
speculation on his health, the Russian leader replied: "It would be boring without gossip." Mr Atambayev, for his part, said Mr Putin had driven him around the palace for 20 minutes before the meeting. "I can confirm that he's in excellent form," he was quoted by one journalist as saying. As speculation about Mr Putin's disappearance mounted, the hashtag #Putinumer (#Putinisdead) trended on Twitter. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was forced to counter questions about each rumour, dismissing them as "March madness". Vladimir Putin has said Russia was so fearful of attack at the height of the Ukraine crisis that it was preparing to arm its nuclear weapons, in extraordinary claims aired on state TV on Sunday night.
Amid ongoing Russian media speculation that the President was watching the Crimea documentary from his sickbed, Mr Putin’s full interview with Rossiya One provided new insight into his country’s involvement in the annexation of the Black Sea peninsula.
russia russian putin return missing "united states" military troops army "u.s. army" cancer baby kremlin politics rumor future meeting 2015 power battle exercise training arctic usa america "air force" navy official england uk "united kingdom" ww3 "world war 3" war history tanks 2016 soldier elite "royal air force" airplane britain "great britain" range news media entertainment plans bunker prepare survival trending trendy doom "elite nwo agenda" alex jones infowars rant montagraph prediction false flag attack ukraine crisis u.s. armored convoy europe military ham radio station end times end of the world demcad gerald celente lindsey williams gold silver usd dollar collapse rawdogletard anonymous we are change coast to coast am proof evidence exposed debunked
Russia take control of Crimea, Mr Putin described the Ukrainian revolution to oust Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014 as an armed coup “masterminded by our American friends”.
trick” the world into thinking the regime change was “supported mostly by the Europeans” Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared in public Monday for the first time since March 5, brushing off speculation about his health a few hours after he ordered nearly 40,000 troops to be put on full alert as part of snap readiness exercises and follow dozens of military exercises conducted over the past year since the start of the Ukraine crisis. The corporate media is making a big deal out of the fact Russian leader Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public since March 5. In addition to unfounded allusions he is suffering from an illness, rumors are swirling that Putin — who is compared to Hitler and Stalin in the U.S. and Europe, largely because of his stance on the U.S. engineered coup in neighboring Ukraine — is in Switzerland where his girlfriend Alina Kabaeva has given birth to a son.
The Ukrainian armed coup was organized from Washington, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated in an interview for a new documentary aired Sunday. The Americans tried to hide behind the Europeans, but Moscow saw through the trick, he added. As reported by Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge, the Russian response to the extra-legal ruling of a corrupt court in the Netherlands, which had no jurisdiction over the case on which it ruled, awarding $50 billion dollars from the Russian government to shareholders of Yukos, a corrupt entity that was looting Russia and evading taxes, is telling. Asked what Russia would do about the ruling, an advisor to President Putin replied, “There is a war coming in Europe.
- published: 16 Mar 2015
- views: 301
VLADIMIR PUTIN MISSING - Situation Getting More Strange. Possible Build up to WW3?
SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest on RUSSIA / CHINA / GLOBAL RESET / BUILD UP TO WW3 http://www.youtube.com/EliteNWOAgenda
VLADIMIR PUTIN MISSING - Situation Getting More Strange. Possible Build up to WW3?
Eastern Europe, here comes the cavalry.
The U.S. Army says it will soon be sending armored Stryker vehicles on a 1,100-mile convoy through six European countries to show solidarity to allies in the wake of recent Russian actions in the Ukraine and Crimea that have Eastern Europe on edge.
The move was first reported Thursday in the military newspaper Stars and Stripes. U.S. Army Europe posted the Stripes story on its website on Friday.
The convoy is "a highly visible demonstration of U.S, commitment to its NATO allies and demonstrating NATO's ability to move military forces freely across allied borders in close cooperation," U.S. Army Europe spokesman Lt. Col. Craig Childs, said in a statement, according to the Stripes report. Russian heavy bomber aircraft flew more patrols outside Russian airspace "than in any year since the Cold War," though he did not offer a specific number. There have also been increased Russian air patrols across the coastlines of Europe. Kremlin: Huge Announcement Coming - Russian Embassy Personnel In London Depart - Unmarked White Trucks Flood Moscow's Red Square - Mysterious Construction - Putin Death Rumors Go Viral Across World
By all accounts the Internet rumor that Russian President Vladimir Putin died is nothing more than a hoax started with a Facebook Page titled "‘R.I.P. Vladimir Putin," which garnered almost 1 million likes when it hit the Internet on Tuesday, March 10, 2015. The 'About' page stated the following:
"At about 11 a.m. ET on Tuesday (March 10, 2015), our beloved politician Vladimir Putin passed away. Vladimir Putin was born on October 7, 1952 in Saint Petersburg. He will be missed but not forgotten. Please show your sympathy and condolences by commenting on and liking this page."
Hundreds of Putin fans left messages, many were rightly skeptical, and while there is nothing strange about death hoaxes, a quick search shows they are a form of amusement for the hoaxsters themselves, what is strange is a recent DEBKAFILE report titled "Unconfirmed Russian Internet rumors that Vladimir Putin is dead " which states that "a short announcement of Putin’s death was seen briefly on Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s website early Thursday, only to be removed after 20 minutes."
Medvedev is the sitting Prime Minister of Russia since 2012 and the former Russian President from 2008 to 2012, yet somehow, two days after the original hoax swept across the internet, his website fell for it long enough to put a death announcement up? With his connections being who he is and what he was, wouldn't he have known on Tuesday when the hoax was created that it was false? anonymous hack bbc
postponement of Putin's scheduled visit to Kazakhstan saying "It looks like he has fallen ill," . If you're having trouble finding a page in Reuters." RUSSIA’S internet is abuzz with rumour: President Vladimir Putin has not been seen for eight days. Heart attack? Cancer? Is their controversial leader actually dead? His press secretary Dmitry Peskov asserts: “There is no reason to worry ... everything is fine”. putin russia internet rumor cancer "heart attack" truth media russian health "private hospital" hospital "social media" elite moscow stroke 2015 2016 internet fun comedy politics presidential photography official lies leader press "united states" u.s. usa america work job fever illness tv entertainment trending trendy travel visit traveling "health insurance" "heart disease" trends "elite nwo agenda" missing james bond movie montagraph false flag attack evidence illuminati george soros ukraine china gold silver anonymous coast to coast am david icke lindsey williams gerald celente glenn beck alex jones infowars
“Putin Umer” (Putin is dead) is the trending search subject across Russia. #PutinIsDead is exploding across Twitter. On March 11, Kremlin officials issued photographs of the President attending a meeting with the head of the Republic of Karelia, claiming the photos were taken that day. Vladimir Putin has been silent lately. But if anyone thought he had been shamed into defeat or marginalized, then think again. sanctions annexation of Crimea last year, Russia has cut off 60% of Europe’s gas supplies right in the middle of winter. This has caused an almost immediate crisis in six European nations that have seen a complete cut-off to their supplies – Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Croatia and Turkey – with more to follow. According to reports via Zero Hedge, the effect has been almost instantaneous.
Is Vladimir Putin about to unleash bombshell satellite imagery that reveals the U.S. government’s role in carrying out the 9/11 attacks as punishment for the White House’s role in supporting Kiev and encircling Russia?
wn.com/Vladimir Putin Missing Situation Getting More Strange. Possible Build Up To Ww3
SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest on RUSSIA / CHINA / GLOBAL RESET / BUILD UP TO WW3 http://www.youtube.com/EliteNWOAgenda
VLADIMIR PUTIN MISSING - Situation Getting More Strange. Possible Build up to WW3?
Eastern Europe, here comes the cavalry.
The U.S. Army says it will soon be sending armored Stryker vehicles on a 1,100-mile convoy through six European countries to show solidarity to allies in the wake of recent Russian actions in the Ukraine and Crimea that have Eastern Europe on edge.
The move was first reported Thursday in the military newspaper Stars and Stripes. U.S. Army Europe posted the Stripes story on its website on Friday.
The convoy is "a highly visible demonstration of U.S, commitment to its NATO allies and demonstrating NATO's ability to move military forces freely across allied borders in close cooperation," U.S. Army Europe spokesman Lt. Col. Craig Childs, said in a statement, according to the Stripes report. Russian heavy bomber aircraft flew more patrols outside Russian airspace "than in any year since the Cold War," though he did not offer a specific number. There have also been increased Russian air patrols across the coastlines of Europe. Kremlin: Huge Announcement Coming - Russian Embassy Personnel In London Depart - Unmarked White Trucks Flood Moscow's Red Square - Mysterious Construction - Putin Death Rumors Go Viral Across World
By all accounts the Internet rumor that Russian President Vladimir Putin died is nothing more than a hoax started with a Facebook Page titled "‘R.I.P. Vladimir Putin," which garnered almost 1 million likes when it hit the Internet on Tuesday, March 10, 2015. The 'About' page stated the following:
"At about 11 a.m. ET on Tuesday (March 10, 2015), our beloved politician Vladimir Putin passed away. Vladimir Putin was born on October 7, 1952 in Saint Petersburg. He will be missed but not forgotten. Please show your sympathy and condolences by commenting on and liking this page."
Hundreds of Putin fans left messages, many were rightly skeptical, and while there is nothing strange about death hoaxes, a quick search shows they are a form of amusement for the hoaxsters themselves, what is strange is a recent DEBKAFILE report titled "Unconfirmed Russian Internet rumors that Vladimir Putin is dead " which states that "a short announcement of Putin’s death was seen briefly on Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s website early Thursday, only to be removed after 20 minutes."
Medvedev is the sitting Prime Minister of Russia since 2012 and the former Russian President from 2008 to 2012, yet somehow, two days after the original hoax swept across the internet, his website fell for it long enough to put a death announcement up? With his connections being who he is and what he was, wouldn't he have known on Tuesday when the hoax was created that it was false? anonymous hack bbc
postponement of Putin's scheduled visit to Kazakhstan saying "It looks like he has fallen ill," . If you're having trouble finding a page in Reuters." RUSSIA’S internet is abuzz with rumour: President Vladimir Putin has not been seen for eight days. Heart attack? Cancer? Is their controversial leader actually dead? His press secretary Dmitry Peskov asserts: “There is no reason to worry ... everything is fine”. putin russia internet rumor cancer "heart attack" truth media russian health "private hospital" hospital "social media" elite moscow stroke 2015 2016 internet fun comedy politics presidential photography official lies leader press "united states" u.s. usa america work job fever illness tv entertainment trending trendy travel visit traveling "health insurance" "heart disease" trends "elite nwo agenda" missing james bond movie montagraph false flag attack evidence illuminati george soros ukraine china gold silver anonymous coast to coast am david icke lindsey williams gerald celente glenn beck alex jones infowars
“Putin Umer” (Putin is dead) is the trending search subject across Russia. #PutinIsDead is exploding across Twitter. On March 11, Kremlin officials issued photographs of the President attending a meeting with the head of the Republic of Karelia, claiming the photos were taken that day. Vladimir Putin has been silent lately. But if anyone thought he had been shamed into defeat or marginalized, then think again. sanctions annexation of Crimea last year, Russia has cut off 60% of Europe’s gas supplies right in the middle of winter. This has caused an almost immediate crisis in six European nations that have seen a complete cut-off to their supplies – Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Croatia and Turkey – with more to follow. According to reports via Zero Hedge, the effect has been almost instantaneous.
Is Vladimir Putin about to unleash bombshell satellite imagery that reveals the U.S. government’s role in carrying out the 9/11 attacks as punishment for the White House’s role in supporting Kiev and encircling Russia?
- published: 15 Mar 2015
- views: 301
Where Is Putin? Kremlin finally produces video of missing Russian leader, but footage may be old
The Kremlin has released a video of Russian President Vladimir Putin over one week after he mysteriously disappeared from the public eye
Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv
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wn.com/Where Is Putin Kremlin Finally Produces Video Of Missing Russian Leader, But Footage May Be Old
The Kremlin has released a video of Russian President Vladimir Putin over one week after he mysteriously disappeared from the public eye
Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv
Facebook: https://facebook.com/uatodaytv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/uatodaytv
- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 167
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St. Petersburg, Russia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
St. Petersburg, Russia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
St. Petersburg, Russia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
St. Petersburg is often described as the most Westernized city of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. It is the northernmost city in the world to have a population of over one million. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The most important places to visit in St. Petersburg are: Church of the Savior on Blood (one of the greatest landmarks of St. Petersburg, its striking facade leaves a memorable impression on visitors that come from around the world), St. Isaac's Cathedral (one of Russia's largest churches. Constructed in the 19th centu
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Moscow Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Your trip to Moscow, Russia is bound to be a special one. From the multicolored spires of St. Basil’s Cathedral to the sturdy red walls of the Kremlin, there is much to see and do in this stunning city.
Named after the Moskva River—which flows through the city—Moscow has long been at the forefront of the creative world. Tour Moscow to follow in the footsteps of Tolstoy and Chekhov, among others, and join in the sense of pride Russia feels for its literary tradition. Moscow has named a number of its parks and open spaces after its poets and authors, so take a break at the fountain in Pushkin Square, or rest beneath the leafy trees in Gorky Pa
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Russia: 10 Top Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Russia: 10 Top Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Russia: 10 Top Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Russia Tourist Attractions,
Russia Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
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Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
List of Attractions in Russia :
1. Saint Basil's Cathedral
2. Hermitage Museum
3. Moscow Kremlin
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5. Lake Baikal
6. St Sophia Cathedral, Novgorod
7. Kizhi Island
8. Valley of Geysers
9. Mount Elbrus
10. Trans-Siberian Railway
Russia Travel Tips: Transportation, Shopping, Safety, Documents
Russia Travel Tips: Transportation, Shopping, Safety, Documents
Russia Travel Tips: Transportation, Shopping, Safety, Documents
http://preparetoserve.com/RUSSIA Russia Travel Tips: Transportation, Shopping, Safety, Documents.
Gay Travel Guide: Moscow + [St. Petersburg], Russia
Gay Travel Guide: Moscow + [St. Petersburg], Russia
Gay Travel Guide: Moscow + [St. Petersburg], Russia
Area: 970 (556) sq mi
Population: 11,500,000 (4,900,000) (approx)
Things to do Gay: Cruise, clubs/bars, Online
Things to do: Kreml, Red Square, St. Basil, Hermitage, Catherine Palace, etc etc
Need Cash: No
Walk: X
Bike: XX
Public Transit: XXXX
Car: XXX
St. Petersburg:
Walk: XXX
Bike: XXXX
Public Transit: XX
Car: X
St. Petersburg Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
St. Petersburg Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
St. Petersburg Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
St Petersburg lies around 400 miles to the Northwest of Moscow. Nestled on the Neva River, it spreads out from its banks and across a series of islands that lie within the river delta.
With a wealth of extravagant palaces, breathtaking cathedrals and magnificent gardens, St Petersburg is truly Russia’s Imperial city.
Carved out of swampland in the early 18th century by Csar Peter the Great, St Petersberg has been gilded by generations of Russian royalty.
Over the centuries, this dynasty sought to create a city to rival the greatest cities of Europe, and, a
Moskva Travel Video Guide
Moskva Travel Video Guide
Moskva Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Moskva in Russia.
Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe. Both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. It has witnessed much change and has become a prosperous city and one of contrast and the superlative, of millionaires and also the very poor. Vasiliya Blazhennovo Khram, Basilius Cathedral, is one of the main landmarks of the Russian metropolis and was built at the command of Moscow sovereign, Ivan The Fourth, also known as Ivan The Terrible, Russia’s first Tsar. The cathedral is representative of Moscow’s architecture with red brick monuments and an accu
St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow (Russia) - Travel Guide
St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow (Russia) - Travel Guide
St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russian Federation -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
It looks more like a cluster of brightly colored hot air balloons than a cathedral.
This is St. Basil's, or the "Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin By the Moat".
This flamboyantly shaped and colored building is one of Russia's most important churches.
The cathedral was started in 1555 as eight chapels built around a larger ninth.
There have been several theories about the design of St. Basil's, but no certain answers.
The cathedral has had several additions, and the whole ch
БОЛХОВ Russia Travel Guide
БОЛХОВ Russia Travel Guide
БОЛХОВ Russia Travel Guide
Кабардино-Балкария ГОЛУБЫЕ ОЗЕРА Аушигер Russia Travel Guide
Кабардино-Балкария ГОЛУБЫЕ ОЗЕРА Аушигер Russia Travel Guide
Кабардино-Балкария ГОЛУБЫЕ ОЗЕРА Аушигер Russia Travel Guide
Фотосюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Кабардино-Балкарию по маршруту: Нижнее Голубое озеро (Черек-Кёл, Церик-Кёль), Аушигер (термальный источник).
ОСЕТИЯ Фиагдон ДАРГАВС Кармадон Russia Travel Guide
ОСЕТИЯ Фиагдон ДАРГАВС Кармадон Russia Travel Guide
ОСЕТИЯ Фиагдон ДАРГАВС Кармадон Russia Travel Guide
Фото сюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Республику Северная Осетия-Алания по маршруту: станица Змейская (завтрак); Верхний Фиагдон, Хидикус (Свято-Успенский Аланский монастырь); Даргавс («город мертвых»); Кармадон; Кадаргаван («тропа чудес»). Июль 2008 г.
ЯСНАЯ ПОЛЯНА Лев Толстой Russia Travel Guide
ЯСНАЯ ПОЛЯНА Лев Толстой Russia Travel Guide
ЯСНАЯ ПОЛЯНА Лев Толстой Russia Travel Guide
Russia Travel Guide
Russia Travel Guide
Russia Travel Guide
Qolsharif Mosque, Kazan Kremlin - Russia Travel Guide
Qolsharif Mosque, Kazan Kremlin - Russia Travel Guide
Qolsharif Mosque, Kazan Kremlin - Russia Travel Guide
Take a tour of Qolsharif Mosque in Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Qolsharif Mosque in Russia, though undoubtedly modern, has deep historical ties to the past.
The current building, found in Kazan Kremlin, was started in 1996 and inaugurated in 2005.
However, the mosque was rebuilt after an ancient mosque of the same name from the 1500s.
This mosque was supposedly the biggest in Russia at the time of its construction.
Its appearance is uncertain because it was destroyed in 1552 by Ivan the Terrible.
The new Qolsharif Mosque attempts to mirror the old, and, in doing so,
Omsk Dormition Cathedral, Omsk (Russia) - Travel Guide
Omsk Dormition Cathedral, Omsk (Russia) - Travel Guide
Omsk Dormition Cathedral, Omsk (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Omsk Dormition Cathedral in Omsk, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A striking feature of the city of Omsk, in southern Russia, is the grand and colorful Dormition Cathedral.
This structure boasts a gleaming white exterior and shiny blue and gold domes, typical of Russian architecture.
These features add to the majesty of the cathedral as both a place of worship and historical monument.
The original Dormition Cathedral was built in the late nineteenth century, designed in the Russian Revival Style.
However, when the Soviets came to power, they destroyed this and
Solovetsky Monastery, Solovki (Russia) - Travel Guide
Solovetsky Monastery, Solovki (Russia) - Travel Guide
Solovetsky Monastery, Solovki (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Solovetsky Monastery in Solovki, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Located on the Solovetsky Islands, a small archipelago in Solovki, Russia, is the Solovetsky Monastery.
The site was founded by two monks in the 1400s and after a generous land donation the monastery was substantially expanded.
The secluded location of the islands was a perfect stronghold throughout the Livonian, Crimian and Russian Civil Wars.
The surrounding walls are four to six meters in thickness and encompass the village where the monastery is located.
A source of great pride for the monks
ОВСТУГ Брянск Орел
ОВСТУГ Брянск Орел
ОВСТУГ Брянск Орел
Sochi Russia Travel Guide part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4. Dendrarium. Yacht for rent.
Sochi Russia Travel Guide part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4. Dendrarium. Yacht for rent.
Sochi Russia Travel Guide part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4. Dendrarium. Yacht for rent.
Sochi Russia Travel Guide part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4 Hotel. Dendrarium. Yacht for rent.
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Перевод на английский сделала Мария Гришина https://vk.com/id5483550. За что ей бесконечно огромное спасибо!
Moscow travel guide (Russia)
The city with the impressive architecture, the expensive cars and the gorgeous women. Find information at http://www.tripment.net/
wn.com/Moscow Travel Guide (Russia)
The city with the impressive architecture, the expensive cars and the gorgeous women. Find information at http://www.tripment.net/
- published: 07 Nov 2014
- views: 3287
Russia Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Russia.
Russia is a country full of adventure, culture and vast distances. A continent, a multi-ethnic country and a vast land unites both Europe and Asia. Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe in which both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. The Kremlin is located on a forty metre high hill above the Moskva River and beyond its protective walls are numerous buildings, palaces, towers, squares and churches. The city’s history began with the construction of the Kremlin which lay at the very heart of the city and was for centuries Russia’s spiritual and political centre. A fascinating cruise travels across numerous rivers, canals and lakes within the heart of the former Tsar’s realm, past monasteries and timber built churches. In Uglič the Dimitrijvskaija Church is crowned with blue, onion-shaped domes that are adorned with stars. The red colour of the church is a symbol of bloodshed and the incidents that once occurred at this place of death gave rise to a time of confusion. St. Petersburg, known also as the Venice Of The North, contains splendid buildings such as the Winter Palace and the Eremitage. Twenty four thousand tree stumps were used for the foundation of Isaaks Cathedral that can accommodate a congregation of fourteen thousand. In Port Baikal is the modern Circum-Baikal train that takes a full day to travel around Lake Baikal and is one of the most difficult sections of the Trans-Siberian Railroad that travels from Moscow to as far as Vladivostok. Russia is huge and its nature, culture, immense contrast and dramatic history have formed the fascinating and colourful Russian soul.
wn.com/Russia Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Russia.
Russia is a country full of adventure, culture and vast distances. A continent, a multi-ethnic country and a vast land unites both Europe and Asia. Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe in which both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. The Kremlin is located on a forty metre high hill above the Moskva River and beyond its protective walls are numerous buildings, palaces, towers, squares and churches. The city’s history began with the construction of the Kremlin which lay at the very heart of the city and was for centuries Russia’s spiritual and political centre. A fascinating cruise travels across numerous rivers, canals and lakes within the heart of the former Tsar’s realm, past monasteries and timber built churches. In Uglič the Dimitrijvskaija Church is crowned with blue, onion-shaped domes that are adorned with stars. The red colour of the church is a symbol of bloodshed and the incidents that once occurred at this place of death gave rise to a time of confusion. St. Petersburg, known also as the Venice Of The North, contains splendid buildings such as the Winter Palace and the Eremitage. Twenty four thousand tree stumps were used for the foundation of Isaaks Cathedral that can accommodate a congregation of fourteen thousand. In Port Baikal is the modern Circum-Baikal train that takes a full day to travel around Lake Baikal and is one of the most difficult sections of the Trans-Siberian Railroad that travels from Moscow to as far as Vladivostok. Russia is huge and its nature, culture, immense contrast and dramatic history have formed the fascinating and colourful Russian soul.
- published: 20 Nov 2014
- views: 1563
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia travel channel full episodes
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wn.com/Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Moscow Vacation Travel Guide Russia travel channel full episodes
travel channel documentary 2015
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- published: 18 May 2015
- views: 0
St. Petersburg, Russia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
St. Petersburg is often described as the most Westernized city of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. It is the northernmost city in the world to have a population of over one million. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The most important places to visit in St. Petersburg are: Church of the Savior on Blood (one of the greatest landmarks of St. Petersburg, its striking facade leaves a memorable impression on visitors that come from around the world), St. Isaac's Cathedral (one of Russia's largest churches. Constructed in the 19th century, a French-born architect created this remarkable structure), Peterhof Palace (Peter the Great built this incredibly luxurious imperial palace. Situated by the gulf of Finland, it was built in the early 18th century), Hermitage and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important St. Petersburg travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
Background music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) / Dan-O at DanoSongs.com
wn.com/St. Petersburg, Russia Travel Guide Must See Attractions
St. Petersburg is often described as the most Westernized city of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. It is the northernmost city in the world to have a population of over one million. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The most important places to visit in St. Petersburg are: Church of the Savior on Blood (one of the greatest landmarks of St. Petersburg, its striking facade leaves a memorable impression on visitors that come from around the world), St. Isaac's Cathedral (one of Russia's largest churches. Constructed in the 19th century, a French-born architect created this remarkable structure), Peterhof Palace (Peter the Great built this incredibly luxurious imperial palace. Situated by the gulf of Finland, it was built in the early 18th century), Hermitage and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important St. Petersburg travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
Background music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) / Dan-O at DanoSongs.com
- published: 12 Apr 2013
- views: 132614
Moscow Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Your trip to Moscow, Russia is bound to be a special one. From the multicolored spires of St. Basil’s Cathedral to the sturdy red walls of the Kremlin, there is much to see and do in this stunning city.
Named after the Moskva River—which flows through the city—Moscow has long been at the forefront of the creative world. Tour Moscow to follow in the footsteps of Tolstoy and Chekhov, among others, and join in the sense of pride Russia feels for its literary tradition. Moscow has named a number of its parks and open spaces after its poets and authors, so take a break at the fountain in Pushkin Square, or rest beneath the leafy trees in Gorky Park. When you’ve gotten your fill of literary splendor, head to the Memorial Museum of Cosmonauts, where you can learn about the Soviet Union’s efforts to reach the stars and the epic space race that lasted from 1955 to 1972.
Moscow is a city of creativity and innovation, but is also very much aware of its own history; as such, a haunting part of any Moscow sightseeing is a visit to the Fallen Monument Park. After the fall of the Soviet Union, countless statues and monuments were removed from their pedestals and moved to this park. Over the years, more modern artwork and sculptures have been added, turning the park into a strange, yet peaceful graveyard of former icons.
What is your favorite part of Moscow?
Visit our Moscow travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/Moscow Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Your trip to Moscow, Russia is bound to be a special one. From the multicolored spires of St. Basil’s Cathedral to the sturdy red walls of the Kremlin, there is much to see and do in this stunning city.
Named after the Moskva River—which flows through the city—Moscow has long been at the forefront of the creative world. Tour Moscow to follow in the footsteps of Tolstoy and Chekhov, among others, and join in the sense of pride Russia feels for its literary tradition. Moscow has named a number of its parks and open spaces after its poets and authors, so take a break at the fountain in Pushkin Square, or rest beneath the leafy trees in Gorky Park. When you’ve gotten your fill of literary splendor, head to the Memorial Museum of Cosmonauts, where you can learn about the Soviet Union’s efforts to reach the stars and the epic space race that lasted from 1955 to 1972.
Moscow is a city of creativity and innovation, but is also very much aware of its own history; as such, a haunting part of any Moscow sightseeing is a visit to the Fallen Monument Park. After the fall of the Soviet Union, countless statues and monuments were removed from their pedestals and moved to this park. Over the years, more modern artwork and sculptures have been added, turning the park into a strange, yet peaceful graveyard of former icons.
What is your favorite part of Moscow?
Visit our Moscow travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
Follow us on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Expedia
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Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
- published: 18 Mar 2015
- views: 171263
SIBERIA - Wild Russia - Beautiful Wilderness - Travel documentary HD
WELCOME to the World Documentaries HD! SUBSCRIBE NOW! https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldDocumentary2014 With great new content coming out regularly subscribi...
wn.com/Siberia Wild Russia Beautiful Wilderness Travel Documentary Hd
WELCOME to the World Documentaries HD! SUBSCRIBE NOW! https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldDocumentary2014 With great new content coming out regularly subscribi...
Russia: 10 Top Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Russia Tourist Attractions,
Russia Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Website: http://Omegatours.vn
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
List of Attractions in Russia :
1. Saint Basil's Cathedral
2. Hermitage Museum
3. Moscow Kremlin
4. Suzdal
5. Lake Baikal
6. St Sophia Cathedral, Novgorod
7. Kizhi Island
8. Valley of Geysers
9. Mount Elbrus
10. Trans-Siberian Railway
wn.com/Russia 10 Top Tourist Attractions Video Travel Guide
Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Tourist Attractions in Russia,
Russia Tourist Attractions,
Russia Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Website: http://Omegatours.vn
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
List of Attractions in Russia :
1. Saint Basil's Cathedral
2. Hermitage Museum
3. Moscow Kremlin
4. Suzdal
5. Lake Baikal
6. St Sophia Cathedral, Novgorod
7. Kizhi Island
8. Valley of Geysers
9. Mount Elbrus
10. Trans-Siberian Railway
- published: 13 Nov 2014
- views: 232
Russia Travel Tips: Transportation, Shopping, Safety, Documents
http://preparetoserve.com/RUSSIA Russia Travel Tips: Transportation, Shopping, Safety, Documents.
wn.com/Russia Travel Tips Transportation, Shopping, Safety, Documents
http://preparetoserve.com/RUSSIA Russia Travel Tips: Transportation, Shopping, Safety, Documents.
- published: 19 Nov 2014
- views: 443
Gay Travel Guide: Moscow + [St. Petersburg], Russia
Area: 970 (556) sq mi
Population: 11,500,000 (4,900,000) (approx)
Things to do Gay: Cruise, clubs/bars, Online
Things to do: Kreml, Red Square, St. Basil, Hermitage, Catherine Palace, etc etc
Need Cash: No
Walk: X
Bike: XX
Public Transit: XXXX
Car: XXX
St. Petersburg:
Walk: XXX
Bike: XXXX
Public Transit: XX
Car: X
wn.com/Gay Travel Guide Moscow St. Petersburg , Russia
Area: 970 (556) sq mi
Population: 11,500,000 (4,900,000) (approx)
Things to do Gay: Cruise, clubs/bars, Online
Things to do: Kreml, Red Square, St. Basil, Hermitage, Catherine Palace, etc etc
Need Cash: No
Walk: X
Bike: XX
Public Transit: XXXX
Car: XXX
St. Petersburg:
Walk: XXX
Bike: XXXX
Public Transit: XX
Car: X
- published: 17 Apr 2015
- views: 5
St. Petersburg Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
St Petersburg lies around 400 miles to the Northwest of Moscow. Nestled on the Neva River, it spreads out from its banks and across a series of islands that lie within the river delta.
With a wealth of extravagant palaces, breathtaking cathedrals and magnificent gardens, St Petersburg is truly Russia’s Imperial city.
Carved out of swampland in the early 18th century by Csar Peter the Great, St Petersberg has been gilded by generations of Russian royalty.
Over the centuries, this dynasty sought to create a city to rival the greatest cities of Europe, and, as you step onto the cobblestone streets here, you’ll discover they succeeded.
Most visitors start their adventures right in the heart of historic St Petersburg. Palace Square is dominated by the Alexander Column and is home to the Winter Palace.
This monumental palace is a legacy of Catherine the Great and was designed to reflect the might and power of Imperial Russia. Today it houses the State Hermitage Museum which is one of the world’s oldest and largest museums.
Experience some of the country’s most extravagant architecture by strolling along Nevsky Prospect, the city’s main avenue.
Visit the Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood, with its extraordinary mosaics,… and Kazan Cathedral, another architectural gem.
Further along the river is St Isaac’s cathedral, whose gold plated dome has been glittering under Russia’s sun for more than 100 years.
As the sun sets, take a canal cruise to discover the romance of St Petersburg at night. Pass through a network of draw-bridges on a journey that shows the true scale of Peter the Great’s vision.
Romantic, opulent and spectacular, St Petersburg is a glittering testiment to Russia’s royal history and a celebration of the power of one man’s dream.
wn.com/St. Petersburg Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
St Petersburg lies around 400 miles to the Northwest of Moscow. Nestled on the Neva River, it spreads out from its banks and across a series of islands that lie within the river delta.
With a wealth of extravagant palaces, breathtaking cathedrals and magnificent gardens, St Petersburg is truly Russia’s Imperial city.
Carved out of swampland in the early 18th century by Csar Peter the Great, St Petersberg has been gilded by generations of Russian royalty.
Over the centuries, this dynasty sought to create a city to rival the greatest cities of Europe, and, as you step onto the cobblestone streets here, you’ll discover they succeeded.
Most visitors start their adventures right in the heart of historic St Petersburg. Palace Square is dominated by the Alexander Column and is home to the Winter Palace.
This monumental palace is a legacy of Catherine the Great and was designed to reflect the might and power of Imperial Russia. Today it houses the State Hermitage Museum which is one of the world’s oldest and largest museums.
Experience some of the country’s most extravagant architecture by strolling along Nevsky Prospect, the city’s main avenue.
Visit the Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood, with its extraordinary mosaics,… and Kazan Cathedral, another architectural gem.
Further along the river is St Isaac’s cathedral, whose gold plated dome has been glittering under Russia’s sun for more than 100 years.
As the sun sets, take a canal cruise to discover the romance of St Petersburg at night. Pass through a network of draw-bridges on a journey that shows the true scale of Peter the Great’s vision.
Romantic, opulent and spectacular, St Petersburg is a glittering testiment to Russia’s royal history and a celebration of the power of one man’s dream.
- published: 03 Mar 2015
- views: 6531
Moskva Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Moskva in Russia.
Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe. Both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. It has witnessed much change and has become a prosperous city and one of contrast and the superlative, of millionaires and also the very poor. Vasiliya Blazhennovo Khram, Basilius Cathedral, is one of the main landmarks of the Russian metropolis and was built at the command of Moscow sovereign, Ivan The Fourth, also known as Ivan The Terrible, Russia’s first Tsar. The cathedral is representative of Moscow’s architecture with red brick monuments and an accumulation of onion-shaped towers. The Kremlin extends beyond a red wall and various towers that date back to the fifteenth century. Since time immemorial it has been the seat of both tsars and bishops and in front of its walls is Red Square that was once used as a marketplace and also a place of execution. Here the death penalty was declared and immediately carried out. Arbatskaya is a city district west of the Kremlin. In the fifteenth century, the craftsmen and servants of the Tsar lived there and then followed artists, intellectuals and aristocrats. In 1935 the Metro was inaugurated and had thirteen stations. Today there are more than a hundred located along two hundred and sixty kilometres of rail, used by millions each and every day. The Moscow Underground is fast, cheap and quite splendid. Its stations are veritable works of art! When the Tsar’s empire vanished, the realm of the Communist rulers was torn apart. But the mega metropolis of Moscow managed to survive. A restless and powerful city of fantastic culture and truly dramatic history.
wn.com/Moskva Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Moskva in Russia.
Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe. Both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. It has witnessed much change and has become a prosperous city and one of contrast and the superlative, of millionaires and also the very poor. Vasiliya Blazhennovo Khram, Basilius Cathedral, is one of the main landmarks of the Russian metropolis and was built at the command of Moscow sovereign, Ivan The Fourth, also known as Ivan The Terrible, Russia’s first Tsar. The cathedral is representative of Moscow’s architecture with red brick monuments and an accumulation of onion-shaped towers. The Kremlin extends beyond a red wall and various towers that date back to the fifteenth century. Since time immemorial it has been the seat of both tsars and bishops and in front of its walls is Red Square that was once used as a marketplace and also a place of execution. Here the death penalty was declared and immediately carried out. Arbatskaya is a city district west of the Kremlin. In the fifteenth century, the craftsmen and servants of the Tsar lived there and then followed artists, intellectuals and aristocrats. In 1935 the Metro was inaugurated and had thirteen stations. Today there are more than a hundred located along two hundred and sixty kilometres of rail, used by millions each and every day. The Moscow Underground is fast, cheap and quite splendid. Its stations are veritable works of art! When the Tsar’s empire vanished, the realm of the Communist rulers was torn apart. But the mega metropolis of Moscow managed to survive. A restless and powerful city of fantastic culture and truly dramatic history.
- published: 07 Mar 2014
- views: 34789
St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russian Federation -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
It looks more like a cluster of brightly colored hot air balloons than a cathedral.
This is St. Basil's, or the "Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin By the Moat".
This flamboyantly shaped and colored building is one of Russia's most important churches.
The cathedral was started in 1555 as eight chapels built around a larger ninth.
There have been several theories about the design of St. Basil's, but no certain answers.
The cathedral has had several additions, and the whole church narrowly escaped destruction under Stalin.
St. Basil's is no longer a church, it now operates as a museum.
wn.com/St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow (Russia) Travel Guide
Take a tour of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russian Federation -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
It looks more like a cluster of brightly colored hot air balloons than a cathedral.
This is St. Basil's, or the "Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin By the Moat".
This flamboyantly shaped and colored building is one of Russia's most important churches.
The cathedral was started in 1555 as eight chapels built around a larger ninth.
There have been several theories about the design of St. Basil's, but no certain answers.
The cathedral has had several additions, and the whole church narrowly escaped destruction under Stalin.
St. Basil's is no longer a church, it now operates as a museum.
- published: 06 Oct 2010
- views: 38363
Кабардино-Балкария ГОЛУБЫЕ ОЗЕРА Аушигер Russia Travel Guide
Фотосюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Кабардино-Балкарию по маршруту: Нижнее Голубое озеро (Черек-Кёл, Церик-Кёль), Аушигер (термальный источник).
wn.com/Кабардино Балкария Голубые Озера Аушигер Russia Travel Guide
Фотосюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Кабардино-Балкарию по маршруту: Нижнее Голубое озеро (Черек-Кёл, Церик-Кёль), Аушигер (термальный источник).
- published: 15 Jul 2015
- views: 13
ОСЕТИЯ Фиагдон ДАРГАВС Кармадон Russia Travel Guide
Фото сюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Республику Северная Осетия-Алания по маршруту: станица Змейская (завтрак); Верхний Фиагдон, Хидикус (Свято-Успенский Аланский монастырь); Даргавс («город мертвых»); Кармадон; Кадаргаван («тропа чудес»). Июль 2008 г.
wn.com/Осетия Фиагдон Даргавс Кармадон Russia Travel Guide
Фото сюжет об экскурсии из Железноводска в Республику Северная Осетия-Алания по маршруту: станица Змейская (завтрак); Верхний Фиагдон, Хидикус (Свято-Успенский Аланский монастырь); Даргавс («город мертвых»); Кармадон; Кадаргаван («тропа чудес»). Июль 2008 г.
- published: 09 Jul 2015
- views: 3
Qolsharif Mosque, Kazan Kremlin - Russia Travel Guide
Take a tour of Qolsharif Mosque in Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Qolsharif Mosque in Russia, though undoubtedly modern, has deep historical ties to the past.
The current building, found in Kazan Kremlin, was started in 1996 and inaugurated in 2005.
However, the mosque was rebuilt after an ancient mosque of the same name from the 1500s.
This mosque was supposedly the biggest in Russia at the time of its construction.
Its appearance is uncertain because it was destroyed in 1552 by Ivan the Terrible.
The new Qolsharif Mosque attempts to mirror the old, and, in doing so, has created a beautiful building.
wn.com/Qolsharif Mosque, Kazan Kremlin Russia Travel Guide
Take a tour of Qolsharif Mosque in Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Qolsharif Mosque in Russia, though undoubtedly modern, has deep historical ties to the past.
The current building, found in Kazan Kremlin, was started in 1996 and inaugurated in 2005.
However, the mosque was rebuilt after an ancient mosque of the same name from the 1500s.
This mosque was supposedly the biggest in Russia at the time of its construction.
Its appearance is uncertain because it was destroyed in 1552 by Ivan the Terrible.
The new Qolsharif Mosque attempts to mirror the old, and, in doing so, has created a beautiful building.
- published: 01 Nov 2010
- views: 10146
Omsk Dormition Cathedral, Omsk (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Omsk Dormition Cathedral in Omsk, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A striking feature of the city of Omsk, in southern Russia, is the grand and colorful Dormition Cathedral.
This structure boasts a gleaming white exterior and shiny blue and gold domes, typical of Russian architecture.
These features add to the majesty of the cathedral as both a place of worship and historical monument.
The original Dormition Cathedral was built in the late nineteenth century, designed in the Russian Revival Style.
However, when the Soviets came to power, they destroyed this and many other Russian churches as part of their Communist agenda.
Fortunately, the Omsk Dormition Cathedral was recently rebuilt, to forever regain its beauty and history.
wn.com/Omsk Dormition Cathedral, Omsk (Russia) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Omsk Dormition Cathedral in Omsk, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A striking feature of the city of Omsk, in southern Russia, is the grand and colorful Dormition Cathedral.
This structure boasts a gleaming white exterior and shiny blue and gold domes, typical of Russian architecture.
These features add to the majesty of the cathedral as both a place of worship and historical monument.
The original Dormition Cathedral was built in the late nineteenth century, designed in the Russian Revival Style.
However, when the Soviets came to power, they destroyed this and many other Russian churches as part of their Communist agenda.
Fortunately, the Omsk Dormition Cathedral was recently rebuilt, to forever regain its beauty and history.
- published: 19 May 2011
- views: 3162
Solovetsky Monastery, Solovki (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Solovetsky Monastery in Solovki, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Located on the Solovetsky Islands, a small archipelago in Solovki, Russia, is the Solovetsky Monastery.
The site was founded by two monks in the 1400s and after a generous land donation the monastery was substantially expanded.
The secluded location of the islands was a perfect stronghold throughout the Livonian, Crimian and Russian Civil Wars.
The surrounding walls are four to six meters in thickness and encompass the village where the monastery is located.
A source of great pride for the monks inhabiting the monastery were the expansive manicured grounds and gardens.
Solovetsky Monastery and village now cover all the Solovetsky Islands and are open for visitors and pilgrims.
wn.com/Solovetsky Monastery, Solovki (Russia) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Solovetsky Monastery in Solovki, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Located on the Solovetsky Islands, a small archipelago in Solovki, Russia, is the Solovetsky Monastery.
The site was founded by two monks in the 1400s and after a generous land donation the monastery was substantially expanded.
The secluded location of the islands was a perfect stronghold throughout the Livonian, Crimian and Russian Civil Wars.
The surrounding walls are four to six meters in thickness and encompass the village where the monastery is located.
A source of great pride for the monks inhabiting the monastery were the expansive manicured grounds and gardens.
Solovetsky Monastery and village now cover all the Solovetsky Islands and are open for visitors and pilgrims.
- published: 04 Apr 2011
- views: 2126
Sochi Russia Travel Guide part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4. Dendrarium. Yacht for rent.
Sochi Russia Travel Guide part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4 Hotel. Dendrarium. Yacht for rent.
You can be a host of this tv show! Just regester on our website: http://poleteli.tv/ It is fast and easy!
Have question? Write: tv.poleteli@gmail.com
Thank you for watching this video.
By the way you can learn Russian language! :)
Very big thanks to Mariya Grishina for translation!
Перевод на английский сделала Мария Гришина https://vk.com/id5483550. За что ей бесконечно огромное спасибо!
wn.com/Sochi Russia Travel Guide Part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4. Dendrarium. Yacht For Rent.
Sochi Russia Travel Guide part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4 Hotel. Dendrarium. Yacht for rent.
You can be a host of this tv show! Just regester on our website: http://poleteli.tv/ It is fast and easy!
Have question? Write: tv.poleteli@gmail.com
Thank you for watching this video.
By the way you can learn Russian language! :)
Very big thanks to Mariya Grishina for translation!
Перевод на английский сделала Мария Гришина https://vk.com/id5483550. За что ей бесконечно огромное спасибо!
- published: 06 Aug 2015
- views: 10
LIVE: Putin addresses Victory Day meeting
LIVE: Putin addresses Victory Day meeting
LIVE: Putin addresses Victory Day meeting
Russian President Vladimir Putin and head of the Kremlin administration Sergei Ivanov are due to give an introductory address ahead of a steering committee meeting related to the 70th anniversary of Victory Day, in Moscow on March 17. At the top of the agenda is expected to be Russia’s preparedness for the Victory Day anniversary celebrations. A comprehensive report on efforts to improve the socio-economic condition of Great Patriotic War veterans is also expected to be discussed during the meeting, and later to come into force at the federal and regional level.
Is Russia's Putin Dead? Herzog Vows To Appease Obama. Joe Biden Blasphemes Name of Christ.
Is Russia's Putin Dead? Herzog Vows To Appease Obama. Joe Biden Blasphemes Name of Christ.
Is Russia's Putin Dead? Herzog Vows To Appease Obama. Joe Biden Blasphemes Name of Christ.
The Georgia Guidestones. Turning The Other Cheek. Jesus Has Conquered Death!
BREAKING: Russia Declares Right To Deploy Nuclear Weapons in Crimea
BREAKING: Russia Declares Right To Deploy Nuclear Weapons in Crimea
BREAKING: Russia Declares Right To Deploy Nuclear Weapons in Crimea
Also in this broadcast:
- Putin pulls out of Post Cold War Arms Treaty
- Russia and North Korea declare 2015 'A Year of Friendship'
- House Resolution 758 Re-Visit: U.S. Declares War on Russia
- Prophetic Dream on Russia, Iran, China, North Korea plotting devalue of U.S. Dollar
and much, much, more...
Evangelist Anita Fuentes Website: http://www.emoaf.org/
Join the Conversation and Get Breaking News Headlines @ my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/openyoureyespeople.emoaf
Join me Live Mon, Wed, Fri 5PM PDT End-Time Broadcast: http://www.emoaf.org/Evangelist-Anita-Fuentes-Liv
In rare interview, Putin confidante talks Ukraine
In rare interview, Putin confidante talks Ukraine
In rare interview, Putin confidante talks Ukraine
MADISON HEIGHTS, Mich. (WJBK) - Jahmel Binion of Madison Heights, Mich. has the rare disorder ectodermal dysplasia, a condition characterized by a reduced ab...
As war rages in eastern Ukraine, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov speaks with Christiane Amanpour.
In rare interview, Putin confidante talks Ukraine
In rare interview, Putin confidante talks Ukraine
Unde a dispărut #Putin și alte teme de #palavre pe Curaj.TV
Unde a dispărut #Putin și alte teme de #palavre pe Curaj.TV
Unde a dispărut #Putin și alte teme de #palavre pe Curaj.TV
Unii spun că a murit, alții că ar fi fost dat jos de niște puciști, a treia categorie crede că Putler e ocupat de nașterea urmașului la tron.
Recent Events in Russia, March 14, 2015
Recent Events in Russia, March 14, 2015
Recent Events in Russia, March 14, 2015
Michael discusses recent events unfolding in Russia and the upcoming elections in Israel.
Bohusla Sobotka a Robert Fico - tisková konference 38. sjezd
Bohusla Sobotka a Robert Fico - tisková konference 38. sjezd
Bohusla Sobotka a Robert Fico - tisková konference 38. sjezd
НАРУШИМ - live Тверь ТБ"Собака Милле"
НАРУШИМ - live Тверь ТБ"Собака Милле"
НАРУШИМ - live Тверь ТБ"Собака Милле"
Live концерт в Твери ТБ"Собака Милле" 28.02.2015
1. Интро + 2 стороны
2. Скоро
3. Листва
4. Ищу Тебя
5. Пуля (cover Jane Air)
6. Осколки (cover Amatory)
Группа НАРУШИМ В ВК https://vk.com/narushimvse
W.A.N. Radio with Gary Hendershot, Mar 10, 201
W.A.N. Radio with Gary Hendershot, Mar 10, 201
W.A.N. Radio with Gary Hendershot, Mar 10, 201
Gary Hendershot barking at the moon again ... as if anyone was really listening ...
Temporary injunction bars man from lighting up inside his Washington home after neighbors sue
Published March 10, 2015, Associated Press
Cuba throws weight behind Venezuela in row with US
By Carlos Batista, Mar 10, 2015
Clinton: I ‘Opted For Convenience’ Only Having Private Email Account
LIVE: Putin addresses Victory Day meeting
Russian President Vladimir Putin and head of the Kremlin administration Sergei Ivanov are due to give an introductory address ahead of a steering committee meeting related to the 70th anniversary of Victory Day, in Moscow on March 17. At the top of the agenda is expected to be Russia’s preparedness for the Victory Day anniversary celebrations. A comprehensive report on efforts to improve the socio-economic condition of Great Patriotic War veterans is also expected to be discussed during the meeting, and later to come into force at the federal and regional level.
To use this footage please contact the Ruptly Client Desk: cd@ruptly.tv
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wn.com/Live Putin Addresses Victory Day Meeting
Russian President Vladimir Putin and head of the Kremlin administration Sergei Ivanov are due to give an introductory address ahead of a steering committee meeting related to the 70th anniversary of Victory Day, in Moscow on March 17. At the top of the agenda is expected to be Russia’s preparedness for the Victory Day anniversary celebrations. A comprehensive report on efforts to improve the socio-economic condition of Great Patriotic War veterans is also expected to be discussed during the meeting, and later to come into force at the federal and regional level.
To use this footage please contact the Ruptly Client Desk: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
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Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
- published: 17 Mar 2015
- views: 935
BREAKING: Russia Declares Right To Deploy Nuclear Weapons in Crimea
Also in this broadcast:
- Putin pulls out of Post Cold War Arms Treaty
- Russia and North Korea declare 2015 'A Year of Friendship'
- House Resolution 758 Re-Visit: U.S. Declares War on Russia
- Prophetic Dream on Russia, Iran, China, North Korea plotting devalue of U.S. Dollar
and much, much, more...
Evangelist Anita Fuentes Website: http://www.emoaf.org/
Join the Conversation and Get Breaking News Headlines @ my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/openyoureyespeople.emoaf
Join me Live Mon, Wed, Fri 5PM PDT End-Time Broadcast: http://www.emoaf.org/Evangelist-Anita-Fuentes-Live-On-Air-Radio-TV-Broadcast.html
Our End-Time Prophecy Channel - Subscribe!: https://www.youtube.com/user/PureGraceEvangelism/videos
Pick up A CD and by doing so your helping the Urgent and Vital work of this end-time ministry! http://www.emoaf.org/
Will You Help Us Do Even More? Please Donate:
wn.com/Breaking Russia Declares Right To Deploy Nuclear Weapons In Crimea
Also in this broadcast:
- Putin pulls out of Post Cold War Arms Treaty
- Russia and North Korea declare 2015 'A Year of Friendship'
- House Resolution 758 Re-Visit: U.S. Declares War on Russia
- Prophetic Dream on Russia, Iran, China, North Korea plotting devalue of U.S. Dollar
and much, much, more...
Evangelist Anita Fuentes Website: http://www.emoaf.org/
Join the Conversation and Get Breaking News Headlines @ my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/openyoureyespeople.emoaf
Join me Live Mon, Wed, Fri 5PM PDT End-Time Broadcast: http://www.emoaf.org/Evangelist-Anita-Fuentes-Live-On-Air-Radio-TV-Broadcast.html
Our End-Time Prophecy Channel - Subscribe!: https://www.youtube.com/user/PureGraceEvangelism/videos
Pick up A CD and by doing so your helping the Urgent and Vital work of this end-time ministry! http://www.emoaf.org/
Will You Help Us Do Even More? Please Donate:
- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 301
In rare interview, Putin confidante talks Ukraine
MADISON HEIGHTS, Mich. (WJBK) - Jahmel Binion of Madison Heights, Mich. has the rare disorder ectodermal dysplasia, a condition characterized by a reduced ab...
As war rages in eastern Ukraine, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov speaks with Christiane Amanpour.
In rare interview, Putin confidante talks Ukraine
In rare interview, Putin confidante talks Ukraine
wn.com/In Rare Interview, Putin Confidante Talks Ukraine
MADISON HEIGHTS, Mich. (WJBK) - Jahmel Binion of Madison Heights, Mich. has the rare disorder ectodermal dysplasia, a condition characterized by a reduced ab...
As war rages in eastern Ukraine, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov speaks with Christiane Amanpour.
In rare interview, Putin confidante talks Ukraine
In rare interview, Putin confidante talks Ukraine
- published: 25 Feb 2015
- views: 16
Unde a dispărut #Putin și alte teme de #palavre pe Curaj.TV
Unii spun că a murit, alții că ar fi fost dat jos de niște puciști, a treia categorie crede că Putler e ocupat de nașterea urmașului la tron.
wn.com/Unde A Dispărut Putin Și Alte Teme De Palavre Pe Curaj.Tv
Unii spun că a murit, alții că ar fi fost dat jos de niște puciști, a treia categorie crede că Putler e ocupat de nașterea urmașului la tron.
- published: 14 Mar 2015
- views: 543
Recent Events in Russia, March 14, 2015
Michael discusses recent events unfolding in Russia and the upcoming elections in Israel.
wn.com/Recent Events In Russia, March 14, 2015
Michael discusses recent events unfolding in Russia and the upcoming elections in Israel.
- published: 14 Mar 2015
- views: 24
НАРУШИМ - live Тверь ТБ"Собака Милле"
Live концерт в Твери ТБ"Собака Милле" 28.02.2015
1. Интро + 2 стороны
2. Скоро
3. Листва
4. Ищу Тебя
5. Пуля (cover Jane Air)
6. Осколки (cover Amatory)
Группа НАРУШИМ В ВК https://vk.com/narushimvse
wn.com/Нарушим Live Тверь Тб Собака Милле
Live концерт в Твери ТБ"Собака Милле" 28.02.2015
1. Интро + 2 стороны
2. Скоро
3. Листва
4. Ищу Тебя
5. Пуля (cover Jane Air)
6. Осколки (cover Amatory)
Группа НАРУШИМ В ВК https://vk.com/narushimvse
- published: 01 Mar 2015
- views: 208
W.A.N. Radio with Gary Hendershot, Mar 10, 201
Gary Hendershot barking at the moon again ... as if anyone was really listening ...
Temporary injunction bars man from lighting up inside his Washington home after neighbors sue
Published March 10, 2015, Associated Press
Cuba throws weight behind Venezuela in row with US
By Carlos Batista, Mar 10, 2015
Clinton: I ‘Opted For Convenience’ Only Having Private Email Account
March 10, 2015
52 senators warn of sweeping ammo bans, say Second Amendment 'at risk'
By Paul Bedard | March 10, 2015
ATF waves white flag, kills AR-15 bullet ban in big win for NRA
By Paul Bedard | March 10, 2015
Secret Service testing drones, how to disrupt their flying
Vaccine strain of measles found in measles outbreaks: genetic testing reveals forensic evidence of outbreak source
Sunday, March 08, 2015 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
‘ATF Elimination Act': GOP Lawmaker Proposes Legislation to Remove Agency
Submitted by IWB, on March 10th, 2015
CHP Investigation Finds Officer Aiming Weapon at Protest Within Policy
Next Mega-Bailout On Deck: White House Studying "New Bankruptcy Options" For Student-Loan Borrowers
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/10/2015
Five High-Ranked Ukrainian Officials Die in String of Mysterious Suicides
ISIS: God did not command us to fight Israel
Author: Bassam Ramadan
President Obama Declares Venezuela “A Threat to National Security”, Seeks Regime-Change
By Eric Zuesse, Global Research, March 10, 2015
Americans say CEOs should get 7x average worker. They get 354x average worker.
Submitted by IWB, on March 6th, 2015
COVER-UP: US Navy sailors disappear as government, doctors bury truth about Fukushima radiation
Tuesday, March 10, 2015 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer
Hillary Clinton scandal spreads as tea party group seeks private IRS emails
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Monday, March 9, 2015
wn.com/W.A.N. Radio With Gary Hendershot, Mar 10, 201
Gary Hendershot barking at the moon again ... as if anyone was really listening ...
Temporary injunction bars man from lighting up inside his Washington home after neighbors sue
Published March 10, 2015, Associated Press
Cuba throws weight behind Venezuela in row with US
By Carlos Batista, Mar 10, 2015
Clinton: I ‘Opted For Convenience’ Only Having Private Email Account
March 10, 2015
52 senators warn of sweeping ammo bans, say Second Amendment 'at risk'
By Paul Bedard | March 10, 2015
ATF waves white flag, kills AR-15 bullet ban in big win for NRA
By Paul Bedard | March 10, 2015
Secret Service testing drones, how to disrupt their flying
Vaccine strain of measles found in measles outbreaks: genetic testing reveals forensic evidence of outbreak source
Sunday, March 08, 2015 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
‘ATF Elimination Act': GOP Lawmaker Proposes Legislation to Remove Agency
Submitted by IWB, on March 10th, 2015
CHP Investigation Finds Officer Aiming Weapon at Protest Within Policy
Next Mega-Bailout On Deck: White House Studying "New Bankruptcy Options" For Student-Loan Borrowers
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/10/2015
Five High-Ranked Ukrainian Officials Die in String of Mysterious Suicides
ISIS: God did not command us to fight Israel
Author: Bassam Ramadan
President Obama Declares Venezuela “A Threat to National Security”, Seeks Regime-Change
By Eric Zuesse, Global Research, March 10, 2015
Americans say CEOs should get 7x average worker. They get 354x average worker.
Submitted by IWB, on March 6th, 2015
COVER-UP: US Navy sailors disappear as government, doctors bury truth about Fukushima radiation
Tuesday, March 10, 2015 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer
Hillary Clinton scandal spreads as tea party group seeks private IRS emails
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Monday, March 9, 2015
- published: 11 Mar 2015
- views: 57