Upside Down World
Saturday, 06 August 2016
News Briefs

1 Why Are Mexican Teachers Being Jailed for Protesting Education Reform? David Bacon
2 Latin America: Populism and the People Thea Riofrancos
3 The US Applauds the Coup in Brazil, Calls It Democracy Greg Grandin
4 After Empowering the 1% and Impoverishing Millions, IMF Admits Neoliberalism a Failure Benjamin Dangl
5 Argentina's last military dictator jailed for role in international death squad Uki Goñi
6 New Political Earthquake in Brazil: Is It Now Time for Media Outlets to Call This a “Coup”? Glenn Greenwald, Andrew Fishman, David Miranda
7 The Right Marches on Brazil Sabrina Fernandes
8 Openings and Labyrinths of Latin America’s Left Benjamin Dangl
9 Brazil’s Democracy to Suffer Grievous Blow as Unelectable, Corrupt Neoliberal Is Installed Glenn Greenwald
10 Zapatistas: An Unvanquished Movement Paul Salgado
11 After Vote to Remove Brazil’s President, Key Opposition Figure Holds Meetings in Washington Glenn Greenwald, Andrew Fishman, David Miranda
12 Goldman prize winner Acuña de Chaupe of Peru: 'I will never be defeated by the mining companies' Dan Collyns
13 The Right Rises Up as Latin American Left Faces Setbacks Benjamin Dangl
14 Interview with Gustavo Castro, Sole Witness to Assasination of Berta Cáceres Danielle Marie Mackey
15 A Voter’s Guide to Hillary Clinton’s Policies in Latin America Greg Grandin
16 "She's Baldly Lying": Dana Frank Responds to Hillary Clinton's Defense of Her Role in Honduras Coup Democracy Now!
17 Puerto Rico Moves to Suspend Payments on $72B Public Debt Democracy Now!
18 Dismantling neoliberal education: a lesson from the Zapatistas Levi Gahman
19 Millennials Are Taking to the Streets to Defend Democracy in Brazil Greg Grandin
20 Chile lawmakers lift abortion ban introduced by Pinochet BBC
21 Occupy Buenos Aires: the workers' movement that transformed a city, and inspired the world Matt Kennard and Ana Caistor-Arendar
22 Across Latin America, governments criminalize social movements to silence dissent Jeff Abbott
23 Honduras: Indigenous Leader Berta Cáceres Murdered TeleSUR English
24 The Clinton-Backed Honduran Regime Is Picking Off Indigenous Leaders Greg Grandin
25 Hillary Clinton’s Dark Drug War Legacy in Mexico Jesse Franzblau
26 Women Farmers and Land Grabs in Haiti: An Interview With Iderle Brénus Beverly Bell
27 Indigenous land and forest rights in the spotlight during pope’s visit to Mexico Sandra Cuffe
28 Mexico: Charges Against Zapatista Subcomandante Marcos Ruled Invalid 20 Years Later Democracy Now!
29 "Make the Economy Scream": Secret Documents Show Nixon, Kissinger Role Backing 1973 Chile Coup Democracy Now!
30 What Do Cubans Think of Normalization With the United States? Sujatha Fernandes
31 Argentina’s Painful Return to “Economic Orthodoxy” Sara Kozameh
32 2014: Hillary Clinton admits role in Honduran coup aftermath Mark Weisbrot
33 The Lessons of Zapatista Women Activists for Today’s Social Movements James Tracy
34 Indigenous Rights Win Major Steps Forward in Honduras Cultural Survival
35 For US in Haiti, Black Votes Don’t Matter Mark Weisbrot
36 Why Haitians Are Chanting ‘Down with Obama’ James North
37 Argentina’s President Macri: A Rather Authoritarian Beginning Ezequiel Adamovsky
38 Wampis nation establishes the first autonomous indigenous government in Peru Fionuala Cregan
39 Migration Is Not a Crime Federico Barahona
40 Why Is the US Deporting Refugee Families? Michelle Chen
41 Ecuador’s Quest for Food Sovereignty and Land Reform Karla Peña
42 Inspiration from Chiapas: Why We Still Love the Zapatistas Leonidas Oikonomakis
43 Can Canada’s new PM stop mining abuses in Latin America? David Hill
44 National Communal Parliament Meets for First Time in Venezuela TeleSUR English
45 Oscar Olivera: After the Water War Oscar Olivera
46 The End of Chavismo? Why Venezuela’s Ruling Party Lost Big, and What Comes Next Gabriel Hetland
47 Setting the Record Straight on Venezuela Steve Ellner
48 Venezuela Votes Soon -- And the U.S. Isn't Missing Its Chance to Meddle Mark Weisbrot
49 The Taming of the Argentine Right? Ernesto Semán
50 Argentine Election a Setback, But Not Likely to Reverse Latin America’s 21st Century Trend Mark Weisbrot
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