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Obama responds to the deaths of Alton Sterling & Philando Castile
US News 1 hour ago
As feelings of confusion, fear and indignation grow following the slaying of two black men by police officers, POTUS delivered his thoughts on the situation. Here are some highlights, concluding with video of his entire speech.
Beyoncé did not come to play, calls for action
Celebrity 2 hours ago
On her website, Beyoncé took a stand against police violence and asked that her fans reach out to their local legislators and voice protest for the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.
Video shows aftermath of fatal police shooting
US News Earlier today
Philando Castile died Wednesday after he was shot by police at a traffic stop in Falcon Heights, Minnesota. Video of the shooting's aftermath was shared widely after the front-seat passenger broadcast it on Facebook. To get updates on this story in your Timeline today, click the Follow ⚡ icon.

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Where is the outrage for this Disney book? Is this the 'Star of David' also? Dishonest media!

tyler ur a boss i love u


specially for you Orlando ❤️ 100% of the proceeds go to support the families of the victims of the Pulse tragedy.



When you check your phone and you still can't download Pokémon Go...

BREAKING: I formally asked the Director of National Intelligence to deny Sec. Clinton access to classified info.


NFL MVP. Offensive Player of the Year. A ranking to match the number on his back. NUMBER ONE. SuperCam.

Dwyane Wade has informed the Bulls he plans to sign a deal with them, sources tell . Bulls sending out contracts now.


Kevin Durant sports his new gear following today's presser Get yours:

// S O M E B O D Y E L S E V I D E O F R I D A Y // L O V E

Ayy my boy Oddish just came over! It's about to be lit 🔥🔥🔥

We are The Wilsons!

Norman and Bambi are partnering with Gidget and Illumination Entertainment on



Conor McGregor was asked if he would fight in UFC 200 on 2 days notice. He didn't turn it down.

Mark Zuckerberg posts about Facebook Live showing aftermath of the shooting

GTA Online: Cunning Stunts
Be daring, defy gravity and punch your fears straight in the mouth with Cunning Stunts, a visually surreal and over-the-top evolution to racing in GTA Online, coming Tuesday, July 12th.

a few things i wanted to make clear

this is the best thing I've seen today 😭😭

Real talk Hamilton probably exists because I had this poster on my wall throughout my teen years

"Charlotte gave me the dolls…”

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