Archive of issues of Resistance, an anarchist publication produced out of New York from 1947-1954.

A roundup of content that has been added to during June 2016. Thank you to all contributors!

Walmart workers at four stores across China have utilised social media to launch a series of coordinated wildcat strikes against the company’s imposition of a new work schedule that enables...

James Green

James Green, labor historian, professor at University of Massachusetts, and writer died June 23, 2016 in Boston. He was the author of the definitive work Death in...


A 1969 pamphlet written by Fred Thompson and produced by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) about potential worldwide union coordination and cooperation.


CNT barricade on the Ramblas, May 1937

Interesting collection of writings on the May days in Barcelona: the combination of the "civil war within the civil war" as workers fought back against a counter-revolutionary Communist...