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Fatal baiting of four-year-old German Shepherd caught on home security footage

The RSPCA has warned animal owners about a rise in pet poisonings, with one alleged case of a dog being fatally baited caught on home security footage.

German Shepherd Bommer was believed to have been a victim of baiting after a person was filmed feeding the four-year-old dog through a gate.

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Suspected dog baited caught on CCTV

The cowardly act was captured on home security, the German Shepherd was dead in less than an hour. Vision: Nine News Perth.

Bommer's owner, Michael, told Nine News Perth he rushed his dog to the vet but it was already too late. 

"He's been killed for no reason, my best friend we've done everything together," he said.

Fatal baiting of four-year-old German Shepherd caught on home security footage
Fatal baiting of four-year-old German Shepherd caught on home security footage 

"It was very sudden, came home from dinner and he just collapsed.

"It's terrible, it's just low life."


The RSPCA was trying to find out if Bommer was poisoned, but the dog was cremated before a toxicology test could be conducted.

Vet Jessica Moore-Jones said dog owners needed to act fast if they believed their pet has been baited. 

"If you found it immediately, if you saw it happen or if you got a suspicion it just happened get to a vet immediately," she said. 

The maximum fine for posing an animal is $50,000 or five years behind bars.