Republishing guidelines

Steal our articles (no, really)

Rather than charge you for our content, we believe in a free flow of information. So unless otherwise noted, you can republish our articles online or in print for free. You just have to credit us and link to us, and you can’t edit our material or sell it separately.

Using the “republish” button that accompanies every article is the easiest way to meet our guidelines, which are as follows.

Republishing guidelines, for print and online

  1. Unless you have express permission from the author, you can’t edit our material, except to reflect relative changes in time, location and editorial style. If you need to materially edit our content please contact us.
  2. You have to credit our authors and partner institutions — ideally in the byline. We prefer “Author Name, Institution”.
  3. You have to credit The Conversation — ideally at the top of the article and include our logo — with a link back to either our home page, The Conversation or (preferably) the specific article URL on The Conversation website.
  4. If space is tight, you can run the first few lines of the article and then say: “Read the full article on The Conversation” with a link back to the article page on our site.
  5. If you’re republishing online, you must use our page view counter, link to us, and include links from our story. Our page view counter is a small pixel-ping image (invisible to the eye) that allows us to know when our content is republished, and gives our authors sense of the size of audience and which publications they’re reaching. It is a condition of our guidelines that you include our counter. If you use the “republish” button that accompanies each article then you’ll capture our page counter.
  6. It’s OK to put our articles on pages with ads, but you can’t sell our material separately.
  7. You have to confirm that you're licensed to republish images in our articles. Some sources don't allow their images to be republished without permission.
  8. You can republish individual articles, but you can’t systematically republish all of our articles. If that’s your aim, please contact us.
  9. Our articles are licensed under Creative Commons — Attribution/No derivatives, which explain the legal details. If you have questions, please contact us.

Linking and frames

We appreciate referrals, mentions and links to our site, specific articles and authors.

You may link to the home page of The Conversation as long as the link does not cast us in a false or misleading light. Same goes for our logo. You may not frame the content of our site.

Here is our home page link:

And here is our logo:

Conversation logo 3ef91e0a2031c5d9350f37bac3cf5273ef6da3660ffaf7c422b9695f09b6f171

Download a high-resolution version:

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Links to other websites

The Conversation may contain links to other websites that we think may be of interest to you. We have no control over these other sites or their content. You should be aware when you leave The Conversation for another site, and remember that other sites are governed by their own user agreements and privacy policies, which you should read.