ЕженедельникОСМ 308

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Data-driven styling for live earthquake tracking [1] | the real time earthquake map


  • It looks like the new mapping function of Maps.me creates some false data in OSM (automatic translation from German). Some mappers are collecting questionable edits on a wiki page.
  • User JIDB improved his proposal posted in April about extending the tagging of Kneipp facilities based on users comments. Kneipp facilities (in German) are popular in German speaking countries.
  • An ambitious discussion takes place on the tagging mailing list about turn lanes.
  • Kevin Kohler starts a discussion about bus route 95A  (automatic translation) where the route has two variants, one of which only runs once a day in each direction. The discussion centres around what happens if someone uses OSM and thinks they are on the frequent part of the route when they are not and how can it be tagged or indeed how should it be tagged.
  • User Amacri posted a request for a new tag natural=upland as type way or to enable the use of type «way» for the tag «place». Currently, the tag place=isolated_dwelling is defined as node or a polygon (area), but not as a way.
  • A call for a tree mapping party in Basaveshwaranagar (India) on ‘The World Environment Day’.
  • A tweet announcing that OSM France is present at the Fujitsu World Tour.
  • A cool project to visualize OSM data in 3D and split vertically by year. The developer of the project used the OSM Postgis Script to load the data into PostGIS. The result is a 3D map which can be navigated.


  • A paper entitled «Guided Classification System for Conceptual Overlapping Classes in OpenStreetMap» has been just published in the International Journal of Geo-Information. The paper aims at contributing to the validation of OSM datasets. A web-based application called Grass&Green was implemented which provides recommendations for crowdsourcing validation. This research encourages the development of customized applications that target a particular geographic feature.


  • Wojciech Myrda documented his import of GDOS data in Poland.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • The OSMF License Working Group has submitted the text of the Collective Database Guideline to the OSMF Board for a decision. There is a discussion concerning this matter on the mailing-list Legal-Talk.


  • State of the Map US 2016, will be held at Seattle University on the 23rd to the 25th of July and will focus on the importance of free map data in humanitarian efforts of organizations, ranging from Microsoft and the American Red Cross to the Tacoma Fire Department. More information here.
  • OSM talks resume at RIOSCRAM 2016 — ISCRAM Conference in Rio de Janeiro.

Humanitarian OSM

  • The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team of the University of Vermont reported on its activities in recent months in response to the disasters in Ecuador and Sri Lanka.
  • Nirab Pudasaini reports in opensource.com on the role of OSM and other Open Data/Humanitarian projects after the devastating earthquake in Nepal 2015. In summary he explains: Opensource projects save lives.
  • Dale Kunce provides in Missing Maps blog a compilation of detected road kilometers, depending on the acquisition year. As examples he uses the United States, the Philippines and Guinea. He thinks that this can indicate which areas are still relatively unmapped.
  • On the HOT mailing list some papers on the effective impact of disaster mapping are collected.


  • [1] Peter Liu from Mapbox uses the data from USGS (US Geological Survey) and created a real-time map of all earthquakes, which are measured by the USGS. Please be patient, retrieving more than 9000 quakes of this month takes some time. 😉 Hover over each marker to inspect the quake, and click to zoom in and view satellite imagery of the surrounding area.
  • The center of Berlin is now represented in Minecraft. The map is based on open geodata from the Berliner Datenportal and OpenStreetMap. It was developed by con terra using FME ™ technology. The map can be downloaded and used freely.
  • The piano map is quite new and not yet listed in the map collection.

Open Data

  • A paper published at AGILE (A conceptual model to assess the quality of volunteered geographic information for the purpose of flood management that combines cross-platform data, i.e. OpenStreetMap and social media data, and authoritative data. This model is part of an ongoing research for the development of an approach for quality assessment of VGI in flood situations from citizen observers. (Update — Link to the paper fixed!)
  • Karin Lindström reports (Schweden) in ComputerSweden on the release of official maps in Sweden (automatic translation). Users Skinfaxi opened a discussion in the German forum in which it is recognised that these data are not yet OSM-compatible (automatic translation).


  • Mapbox has set up a support point for attribution issues on Mapbox hosted maps.
  • Sven Geggus asks (Deutsch) (automatic translation) at mailing list Talk-de if there are leading cases about the usage of registered trademark symbols in maps.


  • Users yogesh10446 points to the Android app mymap. It offers offline maps for Nepal and makes it possible to share location with friends and to edit OSM data as well.


  • James Halliday explains with more technical details how osm-p2p works. The project is a decentralized peer-to-peer database for storing and editing OpenStreetMap data.
  • As part of his GSoC project Zabot worked on generating perlin noise to suppress the otherwise visible texture repeats.
  • Meteopool.org who make maps for storm chasing and weather watching, wrote about (German) (automatic translation) their switch to OpenLayers 3 and forthcoming relaunch. They are also looking for a student developer or keen storm chaser to help them in creating three smartphone apps.
  • The planet dump which is usually published on Thursday was delayed by a few days because a very long comment at a changeset discussion made a script crash.
  • Stefan Hahmann reports about an older publication of his about generating incline values for street networks based on GPS traces from OpenStreetMap. Those values might be used for energy-efficient routing or they might be used to reconstruct more detailed elevation data with a method presented in Germany last year.


Software Version Release Date Comment
Overpass-Turbo 2016-06-06 6.6.2016
Maps.me iOS 6.1.9 7.6.2016 Bug fixes, new map data files
iD 1.9.6 8.6.2016
libosmium 2.7.3 8.6.2016 faster output of OSM files in format of XML, OPL or debug format
Maps.me Android var 8.6.2016 Bug fixes, new map dada files
Osmium Tool 1.3.1 8.6.2016 new parameters and command line switches
Route Converter 2.18 8.6.2016 see release information itself
Mapillary Android 2.22 13.6.2016 bug fixes and extended features
OSRM Backend 5.2.1 13.6.2016 bug fix version to 5.2.0

Provided by the OSM Software Watchlist

Did you know …

  • … the Blender tutorial «Creating a Realistic City With OpenStreetMap in Blender»? On Lesterbanks.com you can see the 90 minutes video with impressive results.
  • … the page who shows you an overview of GIS formats?

OSM in the media

  • Chefuturo.it: (Italian) In Lecce, Apulia, 80 volunteers got together along with the disabled people to capture more than 1,100 barriers in town and mapped them. (automatic translation)

Other “geo” things

  • Justin O’Beirne, former head of department at Apple Maps,  did a detail analysis of the differences between Apple and Google Maps. The analysis are divided into 4 parts, the part 1 is about the content and their descriptions. The next parts will be published in the following weeks.
  • The Indian government denies permission to Google Street View over security concerns.
  • Google has developed OpenLocationCode from its Zurich engineering office. With the help of this system a location should be easier to relate to than using Latitude/Longitude. The code is available on Github. The addresses can [be determined] on the map (https://plus.codes/6PVH0000) such as:
    • Olympiastadion, Berlin, Germany 52.51462/13.23952 or 9F4MG67Q+VQ
    • Tatro Carlos Marx, Havanna, Cuba, 23.12933/-82.41934 or 76MV4HHJ+M7
    • Macchu Picchu, Peru, -13.16399/-72.54453 or 57R9RFP4+C4 (Update: codes fixed)
  • An article in Wired about Transitland, which collects and standardizes real-time public data sets for public transport. This service, offered by mapping platform Mapzen, provides developers with public transport data of more than 200 regions.
  • Current geoinformation is economically more valuable. This is the result of a survey of swisstopo and the Swiss organization for geographical information (SOGI).

Upcoming Events

Where What When Country
Esino Lario Mapping party in preparazione di Wikimania 2016 06/18/2016-06/19/2016 italy
Nottingham Nottingham 06/21/2016 united kingdom
Rapperswil Swiss PG Day 2016 06/24/2016 switzerland
Kyoto 京都世界遺産マッピングパーティ:最終回 天龍寺 06/25/2016 japan
Sliač Mapping párty Sliač 06/25/2016 slovakia
Colorado Saturday Mapternoon, Evergreen 06/25/2016 united states
Graz Stammtisch 06/27/2016 austria
Montpellier Rencontre mensuelle 06/29/2016 france
Antwerp Missing Maps @ IPIS 06/29/2016 belgium
Shizuoka OpenStreetMapワークショップ in 日本平 (Nihondaira) 07/02/2016 japan

Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please check your event in our public calendar preview and correct it, where appropiate..

This weekly was produced by Hakuch, Laura Barroso, Nakaner, Peda, Rogehm, Softgrow, derFred, jinalfoflia, mgehling, seumas, stephan75, wambacher, widedangel.

ЕженедельникОСМ 307

Not available yet For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language.


Logo The Map Age Guide from xkcd (CC-BY-NC 2.5) [1]

About us

  • We were interviewed about our Wochennotiz and weeklyOSM and took the chance to report at length. Despite the prophets of doom, the project continues and invites new contributors to help.


  • Carlos Felipe Castillo aka Kaxtillo has released a video in which he demonstrates how to make 360° images, upload these images to Mapillary and then process them in OSM.
  • The FAA warns about potential outages of the GPS system in southern California. This seems to be caused by tests of the military.
  • Mapillary uploaded a tutorial to Youtube about how to use the Mapillary JOSM plugin to edit OpenStreetMap. (via Twitter) Please note: To install the Mapillary JOSM plugin: Edit -> Preferences -> Plugins -> Search: Mapillary -> Select -> OK and re-start JOSM.
  • Jinal Foflia wrote a blog post about the importance and process of interacting with the local mapping community using OpenStreetMap Notes.
  • Bryan Housel reports about three new functions that will make editing in iD much more efficient.
  • The ‘similar image search‘ in the Terrapattern tool can now be tested in an online map of Berlin.
  • On the Bonn (Germany) mailing list, there is a discussion (Deutsch) (automatic translation) about how to tag roads damaged and impassable by recent heavy rainfall.
  • The Flemish GR organisation (a long distance hiking group) have made their extensive collection of GPX data available in order to improve hiking trails on OpenStreetMap. The participants on the talk-be mailing list are excited but then concerned about the maintenance of long distance relations, not just hiking but also public transport data.
  • On the talk-at mailing list a long discussion started (German) (automatic translation) about what is the correct capitalisation of a chain store name «TEDi» for the name=* tag and the inconsistency that can be seen via Overpass-Turbo.


  • Jorge Luis Batista gave a talk (Spanish) at TEDx Havana about how he is looking forward to «put Cuba on the map» (OpenStreetMap that is) despite limited internet access.
  • Some of the Cuban OpenStreetMappers are trying to activate the Cuban OSM community. More details on the talk-cu mailing list (automatic translation).
  • The question how to create a Garmin Custom Map on OSM help is the most popular currently with 23,000 hits.
  • … and another new feature: HDYC now also mentions your HOTOSM activities.
  • On openstreetmap.cz/sotm colleagues from the Czech Republic and Slovakia have published their presentations (see the links on the agenda).


  • Kevin Kenny reports on the import for the NYC DEP Watershed Recreation Areas. He noticed some misalignment which he is trying to fix.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • Frederik Ramm is seeking a volunteer to cross-check the OSMF finances. This may help to recognize early if the treasurer buys a Porsche from foundation money 😉
  • Peter Barth recapped the f2f meeting of the OSMF board.
  • The OSMF board announced some interesting changes regarding the foundation’s transparency.
  • The OSM Foundation is seeking a (paid) administrative assistant and has extended the application deadline by a week to the 10th of June.


  • Until June 10th, one can vote on talks for the State of the Map and thus help decide about the program for this conference.
  • At the GEOSummit in Bern, Switzerland, there’ll be the opportunity to print large OpenStreetMap maps for free.
  • Planning has started for a weekend meeting (in English) at Dresden, Germany for OpenStreetMappers with two days of talks, discussions, networking, mapping and hacking.

Humanitarian OSM

  • DaCor has started the second phase of Lesotho Map with the release of eleven tasks in tasking manager on May 30.
  • HOTOSM informs about the status of the mapping and the damage resulting after the earthquake in Ecuador.
  • The fourth HOT newsletter has been published.


  • The Guardian took maps from Gretchen Peterson’s book «City Maps: A Coloring Book for Adults» and produced a pretty hard Quiz with the title: «can you identify the city from the blank street map»?
  • This site provides a map for all in accordance with the proposal for highway=via_ferrata (A mountain route equipped with fixed cables, stemples, ladders, and bridges). This map also includes navigation functionality.


Open Data

  • German Federal Transport Minister Dobrindt is reported in heise.de (Deutsch) (automatic translation) announcing the availability of 100 Million Euro from the «mFund» (German) (automatic translation). These funds will be made available for combining government, public and private data to produce new applications. Examples cited include new navigation, precise weather and sharing platforms.
  • Mapbox enters the autonomous vehicle market by introducing Mapbox Drive, a software development kit for cars. It is based on raw data from OpenStreetMap. It is also mentioned on techcrunch.com.
  • locr, a provider of personalized maps, creates a giant world map on super wide EFI inkjet printer. locr uses OSM as geo data source.


  • Debadityo Sinha writes that the Geospatial Information Bill will deal a body blow to environmental democracy in India. The bill puts severe restrictions on acquiring, using and disseminating of geospatial information.


  • User mmd investigated the creation of areas in the Overpass-API and showed various ways to improve it. Based on this discovery his optimizations brought huge speed-ups in the creation of areas.


  • Joachim explains how EOX calculates the curve for labels for geographic features on a map. The code is published on Github.
  • Zabot, a student of this year’s Google Summer of Code, shows the first results of his work. His further plans can be read on his user diary.


Software Version Release Date Comment
GeoServer 2.9.0 2016-05-30
Mapillary for Android 2.16 2016-05-31 Some extensions and some bug fixes
Mapillary for iOS 4.3.2 2016-05-31 Modified Gui, some fixes
libosmium 2.7.1 2016-06-01
PyOsmium 2.7.1 2016-06-01 Some extensions
JOSM 10327 2016-06-05 Hotfix of version 10301 and last Java 7 version
Overpass Turbo 06-06-2016 06.06.2016 new features and bugfixes

provided by the OSM Software Watchlist

Did you know …

  • A map, The Great British Public Toilet Map, shows public toilets in central Brixton
  • OpenStreetMap viewer for Amiga-Systems. This map can be moved around and zoomed, waypoints can be set and recorded tracks or waypoints can be loaded from GPX, TCX, KML or KMZ files.

Other “geo” things

  • [1] XKCD has published a cartoon for dating world maps. It seems that OpenStreetMap is current but it is still fun to trace through the many decision boxes around geo-political events…
  • DLR (automatic translation) has developed a multifunctional crises management system project PHAROS. It is an open and flexible service platform that builds system for satellite monitoring, sensor technology, simulations and various communication techniques. It also uses OSM. This system demonstrates disaster management in forest fires (see video).
  • Illegal mapping is a «serious» problem in remote areas of western China, according to five annual announcements on typical illegal mapping practices released by the National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation (NASG).
  • For a low-lying, densely populated country like the Netherlands, monitoring subsidence is critical. Until recently, tiny displacements in the ground beneath our feet couldn’t be mapped nationally but, thanks to the Sentinel-1 mission, this is now possible.
  • The Verge reports that police prosecuting a suspect in a bank robbery in California, USA sought data from Google, used in the Google’s Location History service on Android phones. The reporter speculates about how many requests might have been made of Google for this service that is mainly for geo-targeted advertising.
  • Gretchen N. Peterson writes about criticism she got on her coloring book citiy maps and also explains on how she produced the maps.

Upcoming Events

Where What When Country
Wien 57. Wiener Stammtisch 06/02/2016 austria
Dresden Stammtisch 06/02/2016 germany
Mantova 2016 Mapping party a Volta mantovana 06/04/2016 italy
Bucharest OSM Bucharest Mapping Party 2016 06/04/2016 romania
Colaboratorio Mapa Comunitario de Activos de Santurce 06/04/2016 puerto rico
Brasília Encontro OSM Brasília 06/05/2016 brazil
Bucharest OSM Bucharest Mapping Party 2016 06/05/2016 romania
Brussels Missing Maps Mapathon @Doctors without borders/Handicap international 06/06/2016 belgium
Tokyo OSM Monthly Mappers «M-eat-ing» — Jun 2016 06/09/2016 japan
Paris Mapathon Missing Maps Paris #5 06/09/2016 france
Dresden Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 06/10/2016 germany
Besenello Trentino Portobeseno : several talk about OpenStreetMap 06/10/2016-06/12/2016 italy
Zurich Stammtisch/Micromapping-Party Zürich 06/11/2016 switzerland
Passau Mappertreffen Passau 06/13/2016 germany
Landshut Landshut Stammtisch 06/14/2016 germany
Edinburgh Edinburgh 06/14/2016 united kingdom
Lyon Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs 06/14/2016 france

Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please check your event in our public calendar preview and correct it, where appropiate..

Long Term Dates

Where What When Country
Besenello Trentino Portobeseno : several talk about OpenStreetMap 10.06.2016-12.06.2016 italy
Berlin DB Open Data Hackday 17.06.2016-18.06.2016 germany
http://osm.org/go/0CmcQnN Esino Lario «Mapping party a Esino Lario in preparazione di Wikimania 2016» 18.06.2016-19.06.2016 italy
Salzburg OSM-Sonntag 03.07.2016 austria
Salzburg »’FOSSGIS 2016»’ 04.07.2016-06.07.2016 austria
Salzburg AGIT 2016 06.07.2016-08.07.2016 austria
Seattle »’State of The Map US 2016»’ 23.07.2016-25.07.2016 united states
Bonn FOSS4G 2016 Code Sprint 20.08.2016-22.08.2016 germany
Bonn Workshops at FOSS4G 2016 22.08.2016-23.08.2016 germany
Bonn »’FOSS4G 2016»’ 24.08.2016-26.08.2016 germany
Bonn FOSS4G 2016 Code Sprint Part II 27.08.2016-28.08.2016 germany
Brussels »’State of the Map 2016»’ 23.09.2016-26.09.2016 belgium
Metro Manila »’State of the Map Asia»’ 01.10.2016-02.10.2016 philippines
Berlin Hack Weekend 15.10.2016-16.10.2016 germany
Karlsruhe Hack Weekend 29.10.2016-30.10.2016 germany

This weekly was produced by Laura Barroso, Nakaner, Peda, Rogehm, Softgrow, derFred, jinalfoflia, malenki, mgehling, seumas, stephan75, wambacher, widedangel.