

Kings in grass castles

Sugiura Noriyoshi's Void, part of the NGV's Bamboo: Tradition in Contemporary Form.

An exhibition opening next month highlights the strength and flexibility of this ancient material.

Stars rail against arts 'ritual sacrifice'

Hugo Weaving.

As a national day of action against arts funding cuts kicks off on Friday, an all-star cast of performers, writers and artists are joining forces to mark the "bleak midwinter" for culture in Australia.

Nationals' art museum pledge could annoy Libs

Nationals deputy leader Fiona Nash.

The Coalition has made what appears to be its first arts funding announcement of the election campaign, but it's a move that could prove divisive for the Liberal-Nationals partnership.

Arts sector launches campaign

Arts leaders led by MCA director Liz Ann Macgregor and the STC's executive director Patrick McIntyre have launched a ...

Arts leaders have launched a two-week election campaign against funding cuts but will voters and politicians listen to their concerns?