LinkedIn winners reap millions from Microsoft deal

Many people might not like Mondays, but LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman is probably not one of them.

Hoffman made a cool billion dollars early Monday, US time, when Microsoft offered $US26.2 billion in cash for his business networking site LinkedIn. The news sent the company's stock soaring 47 per cent, netting Hoffman $US1.1 billion and erasing his $US1.2 billion paper loss after the stock plunged in February to $US108 from $US192 on a downgraded revenue forecast.

LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman stands to net more than $US1 billion from the company's sale to Microsoft.
LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman stands to net more than $US1 billion from the company's sale to Microsoft. Photo: Bloomberg

LinkedIn shares closed at $US192 after the announcement.

Hoffman's 14.5 million shares are now worth $US2.8 billion.

He founded LinkedIn in 2002 after a successful run as chief operating office at PayPal, whose "PayPal Mafia" members Elon Musk and Peter Thiel have gone on to make billions as investors and startup founders.


LinkedIn has more than 400 million members and makes money through premium subscriptions that enable connections between professionals.

But Hoffman wasn't alone in experiencing a huge payday.

Reid Hoffman, chairman and co-founder of LinkedIn (left) and chief executive Jeff Weiner, (centre), applaud during the ...
Reid Hoffman, chairman and co-founder of LinkedIn (left) and chief executive Jeff Weiner, (centre), applaud during the opening bell ceremony at the New York Stock Exchange as LinkedIn listed in 2011.  Photo: Bloomberg

Other big LinkedIn shareholders include independent director and board member Michael Moritz - a onetime journalist turned Sequoia Capital investor in Google, PayPal and YouTube - whose 671,000 shares jumped in value to $US129 million.

And CEO Jeff Weiner, who joined the company in 2009, saw his stake increase $US6.8 million to $US21.6 million.

LinkedIn shares soared on the news of Microsoft's bid.
LinkedIn shares soared on the news of Microsoft's bid. 

Weiner will remain CEO of an independent LinkedIn, reporting to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. The deal is expected to close by the end of the calendar year.

USA Today