
Review: Offshore: Behind the Wire on Manus and Nauru

Offshore: Behind the Wire on Manus and Nauru

Madeline Gleeson



NewSouth, $29.99

In medieval times there were heaven, hell and purgatory. These days, purgatory and hell have undergone a merger in a place of banishment known as "offshore detention". This book methodically and dispassionately documents the first three years of the chillingly named "Pacific solution" in its second incarnation from 2012. It's a story of government backflips and policy on the run at its most shambolic and inhuman. The accommodation was makeshift, costs blew out, processing of refugees was far too slow and their morale quickly hit rock-bottom. Those who worked there returned with horror stories with which we have become all too familiar. "A problem shifted is not a problem solved, and the country faces a critical choice," says Gleeson. Either we allow abuse to continue or we push for a new approach that is "effective, fair and humane".