- published: 31 May 2015
- views: 47208
A razor is a bladed tool primarily used in the removal of unwanted body hair through the act of shaving. Kinds of razors include straight razors, disposable razor, and electric razors.
While the razor has been in existence since before the Bronze Age (the oldest razor like-object has been dated to 18,000 B.C.), its modern counterpart was invented in the 18th century, and the 1930s saw the invention of electric razors. In the 21st century, the safety razor – electric or not – is most commonly used by both men and women, but other kinds still exist.
Razors have been identified from many Bronze Age cultures. These were made of bronze or obsidian and were generally oval in shape, with a small tang protruding from one of the short ends.
Various forms of razors were used throughout history, which are different in appearance but similar in use to modern straight razors. In prehistoric times clam shells, shark teeth, and flint were sharpened and used to shave with. Drawings of such blades were found in prehistoric caves. Some tribes still use blades made of flint to this day. Excavations in Egypt have unearthed solid gold and copper razors in tombs dating back to the 4th millennium BC. The Roman historian Livy reported that the razor was introduced in ancient Rome in the 6th century BC. by legendary king Lucius Tarquinius Priscus. Priscus was ahead of his time because razors did not come to general use until a century later.
Cut may refer to:
Pixie razor cut by Milan @ Head Office
One hot razor cut!
A Razor Cut Haircut Featuring The Donald Scott Carving Comb
How to razor cut a Bob by Ms.Willa (NO Edit)
Cutting Hair With a Razor: Do's and Don'ts
How to do a Full Razor Cut
Andrew hair style RAZOR FADED HAIR CUT
How to do a Straight Razor Shave and Beard Trim by Pacinos The Barber
This video was made by GottiMovies to represent the salon work in Debrecen's most popular professional hairdressing salon.
A fantastic how-to by Gerard Scarpaci Artistic Director Aveda Advanced Academy New York.
"The Carving Comb makes razor cuts not just safer, but easier," says inventor Donald Scott. "The teeth keep the hair against the cutting edge. And with a comb built into the handle, I have one less tool to hold. The Carving Comb has razors on both sides. One side removes weight by cutting half of the hair. The other side of the razor, straight edge acts like a straight razor with a softer edge. Add texture, remove weight, and get creative! says Donald Scott. Formerly of Paul Mitchell Superhair, the first advanced academy in New York City and America, Donald was appointed artistic director of the salon and educational director of the school. Donald Scott and Paul Mitchell traveled extensively throughout the United States and Europe doing shows, presentations and shows to educate hairdres...
How many of you have recommended a razor cut to that client who had just one unfavorable end result with a razor? You know the one, “I don’t ever want my hair to be cut with a razor again!” A lot of clients out there have had that one experience where they left the salon with their hair feeling rough and split. We think you know by now that we love razors! They are fun to work with, we can create beautiful shapes and we know that excitement is created in the salon when stylists are using their razors. You should recall that we set you up with the fundamentals of razor cutting and now we want to turn you on to controlling your razor angle to keep the ends of the hair friendly and the cuticle layer of the hair intact. Learn more about the Sam Villa Signature Series Razor at https://www.sa...
In this barbering tutorial I will show you how to do a full mens razor cut, achieving a really nice texturised effect and 2 finished looks that it can be styled in. I will go in to detail on how to use the razor, many different ways to create texture and the general understanding and principals of the hair cut. Please like and subscribe to my channel and give me comments on what you think, if it was useful and if there is anything in particular you want me to cover in future videos
Here is a step by step video tutorial on How to do a Straight Razor Shave and Beard Trim by Pacinos The Barber For any product information or purchases, please visit www.PacinosTheBarber.com
Creative beauty blogger Habiba demonstrates how cut her bangs using a razor.
Amazon-US: http://podopia.space/slus/2/com/B01G9991GE/review Put on the Ss8/25 Shadow Shades Golden Walnut Monofilament Razor Cut Infatuation Wig by Raquel Welch to complement your sharp, professional ensemble effortlessly! is a classic razor-cut with tapered bangs that are precisely in sides and back to touch the collarbone. The is a unique combination of synthetic hair strands and a sheer Indulgence Top. Lightweight and versatile, this designer headpiece lets enjoy over hundreds of different hairstyles. The front of this mid-length hairdo add a of modish to bland personality.features: Type: Cap Size: Average Crown: 8" Bangs: 4" Nape: 7"
Vivienne Mackinder Demonstrates a short clip from her razor cutting course the art of Razor cutting a Meg Ryan Shag. To see the full length version please visit HairDesignerTV.com for more information about private training with vivienne please contact Education@mackinder.com http://viviennemackinder.com https://hairdesignertv.com https://www.facebook.com/VivienneMackinder/ https://www.facebook.com/HairDesignerTV-118664104870116/ https://twitter.com/HairDesignerTV https://www.linkedin.com/in/vivienne-mackinder-9a280118?trk=hp-identity-name https://www.instagram.com/viviennemackinder/ RAZOR CUTS how to, video, razor cuts, razor techniques, texturing cutting, , hairstyle, hair, style, texture, fun, quick, easy, fast, beautiful, how to, crafts, shag hair cut, hairdressers, view, D...
Creative beauty blogger Habiba demonstrates how cut her bangs using a razor.
Thad Boland walks you through his shoulder length bob haircut with a razor inspired by some of the latest celebrity trends including Kim Kardashian, Alyson Hannigan, Jennifer Aniston, and Many More. Order the Feather Razor here: http://shopfse.com/collections/razors Order the Mizutani Puffin Dry Cutting Scissor here: http://shopfse.com/collections/dry-cutting-scissors BEST WAY TO FOLLOW US: 1. SUBSCRIBE 2. FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/freesaloneducation 3. TWITTER @saloneducation 4. LAST AND MOST IMPORTANT... OUR WEBSITE http://www.FreeSalonEducation.com Gratitude Education Partners include: Millennium Harms Software http://www.harms-software.com Mizutani Scissors http://www.mizutaniscissors.com freesaloneducation.com is a website truly dedicated to the growth and success of salo...
My cut n curl technique
In this barbering tutorial I will show you how to do a full mens razor cut, achieving a really nice texturised effect a finished look that it can be styled in. I will go in to detail on how to use the clippers, many different ways to create texture and the general understanding and principals of the hair cut. Please like and subscribe to my channel and give me comments on what you think, if it was useful and if there is anything in particular you want me to cover in future videos
this makeover is dramatic and this model has a fabulous new look that is youthful and modern! lots of blonde hilites and shaggy, piecy layers that have loads of texture, our sharktooth razor cutting tool is available call our salon 843-884-9922 london hair, 65 dollars plus 10 dollars for shipping and handling
this model's hair was grown out with no shape, i gave Carol a shaggy, piecey cut with the sharktooth razor! i used the max wax for separation and hold, leaving length on the top gives this short cut volume and texture, while the neckline and edges are soft and ragged, youthful and modern...
Two haircuts in this video; one is how to put a design on the side of short clipper cut hair and layer haircut for long hair for women. Learn about how to use the clipper for hair design and then to get a clean look using a razor. Since cosmetologists are not allowed to use straight razor, learn about how to achieve a clean hair design by using special metal blades on a clipper. Use your design sketch or picture to do an accurate hair design. For the lady's long layer haircut, establish a guideline at the crown part of the hair, elevate the hair sections around the crown to the guideline and cut with scissors. Cut the perimeter around the hairline with razors to shape and blend the top cut with the perimeter hair.This is a haircutting video. Demo for layer haircut: Nicholas Domena, Guest ...
This is a two part tutorial. The first part of the video I will show you how to cut boys hair using mostly a razor. Think it can't be done. Check it out. ↓↓↓↓ CLICK SHOW MORE ↓↓↓↓ Don't forget to watch my music video!!! http://youtu.be/mBOE5-zyVDA Be sure and subscribe to my personal channel April's Life https://www.youtube.com/user/AprilShowrz ** you can also find me on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/hair101withApril or visit our website at http://www.hair101withapril.com/ or on instagram at http://instagram.com/hair101withapril For collaborations or business inquiries email -- hairgilr101@gmail.com Need to ship something? Hair 101 with April c/o April Orgill P.O. Box 672 Lehi, Utah 84043-0672 View Some of my most popular videos below Olaplex 2 color Balayage // Wome...