Zvuk fena za bebe - za uspavljivanje!
Dokazano je da zvuk fena pomaže u uspavljivanju beba i male djece. Umjesto da imate upaljen vaš fen, iskoristite ovaj video koji traje 2 sata, te gledajte kako vaše dijete tone u san. Ako ste zaspali vi, a ne vaše dijete, tada zvuk fena možda i nije za vas -)
Više o bijelom šumu: https://sites.google.com/site/zegolub/Home/sto-je-bijeli-sum
published: 03 May 2015
120min - Baby Fön Geräusch zum einschlafen | Haarfön für Babys / Hair Dryer Sleep Sounds
Das beste Baby Fön Geräusch zum einschlafen. Der Haarfön für Babys lässt dein Baby in Sekunden einschlafen.
Dieser Baby Fön hat schon tausende Babys schnell zum einschlafen gebracht.
Föhn Baby Geräusche - Die einfachste und beste Möglichkeit um Kinder und Babys schnell schlafen zu lassen.
Nach nur wenigen Minuten sollte dein Baby tief und fest schlafen. Du kannst dann die Lautstärke langsam absenken, bis das Schlafgeräusch aus ist.
Bitte beachte, dass es am besten funktioniert, wenn du das Föngeräusch auf externe Lautsprechern abspielst, da vor allem die tiefen 60-100 Herz Fön-Töne beruhigend wirken. Moderne Smartphones können allerdings auch Töne bis 90 Hz erreichen. (ab iPhone 10) .. und neue Android Smartphones haben einen Soundeinstellung um diese Töne hervorzuheben.
Weitere ...
published: 03 Jun 2018
Asciugacapelli per dormire per 14 ore senza interruzioni di pubblicità
Dormi senza pubblicità con il rumore dell'asciugacapelli di 14 ore
Questo suono bianco è il miglior suono per far addormentare e dormire profondamente.
Usali contro l'insonnia e anche per coprire i rumori degli acufeni.
published: 22 Jul 2015
Ceremonia Ważenia | FEN 39: LOTOS Fight Night
Zapraszamy na transmisję na żywo z Ceremonii Ważenia przed jutrzejszą galą FEN 39: LOTOS Fight Night!
📅 12 marca
📌 Miasto Ząbki
📺 Polsat Sport Fight / Super Polsat
🎫 Eventim.pl
published: 11 Mar 2022
FEN 39 - przegląd karty walk z Jakubem Borowiczem
Nasi partnerzy:
👉 GROUND GAME: 10% rabatu z hasłem "ITC":
👉 MANTO: https://www.mantoshop.pl/
👉 DBX BUSHIDO: https://bushido-sport.pl/
👉 FORTUNA zgarnij bonus powitalny z kodem: "INTHECAGE":
🤝 Dziękujemy, że jesteście! Chcecie pomóc w rozwoju kanału?
Zapraszamy na: https://patronite.pl/inthecagepl
⏩ Facebook: https://facebook.com/inthecagepl
⏩ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@inthecage.pl
⏩ Instagram: https://instagram.com/inthecagepl/
⏩ Twitter: https://twitter.com/inthecagepl
⏩ Sklep: http://inthecage.cupsell.pl/
⏩ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/65p7l3AzRhxO9oQrMrqS8q
#FEN39 #Borowicz #Przegląd
published: 11 Mar 2022
Fen - Nebula [official lyric video]
On "The Dead Light," Fen explore the beauty that comes from destruction. Representing the vanguard of contemporary UK post black metal, the band offers its heaviest, most direct album to date. It is the sixth full-length in a career of less than 15 years and marks another recalibration for the three-piece that, while always daring to use unconventional structures, found that the predecessor "Winter" (2017) was the apex in this respect. "This time, we took on the creative challenge to say more in less time," says co-founder The Watcher.
That does neither mean Fen lost their trademark sweeping melodies and atmosphere, nor does it suggest less progressive structures. If anything, the material shows the group at its most British. "I'm kind of old sc...
published: 18 Oct 2019
فين هيجواين | قصة جونزالو هيجواين
بدأ جونزالو هيجواين مسيرته الكروية مع نادي ريفر بليت في عام 2005، ولعب معهم حتى عام 2007، وشارك معهم في 33 مباراة وسجل 13 هدفاً، ومنذ عام 2007 وهيجواين يلعب مع نادي ريال مدريد الإسباني، وقد ساهم #هيجواين بفوز ريال مدريد بالدوري في موسم 2007–08. ولعب جونزالو هيجواين مبارايات صعبة استطاع من خلالها حسم الفوز لريال مدريد. وسجل #جونزالو_هيجواين خلالها 8 أهداف. واستطاع جونزالو عن جدارة ونجوميته خلال موسم 2008–09 وكان له الفضل الكبير في بقاء ريال مدريد وصيفاً للدوري الأسباني. فقد قاد جونزالو هيجواين ريال مدريد للفوز باكثر من مناسبه وفي اوقات حرجه على الفريق. وسجل 22 هدف في موسم 2008–09 تكفي لاثبات نجوميته، انتقل في موسم 2013–14 إلى نادي نابولي.[6] وبعد أن قضى ثلاثة مواسم هناك انتقل لنادي يوفنتوس في صفقة قياسية 90 مليون يورو، جعلته أغلى لاعب أرجنتيني في التاريخ
published: 10 Mar 2022
Uklidňující zvuky fénu působící na miminko 10h
Jak naučit dítě spát celou noc? Bílý šum - zvuk k uspávání dětí.
Bílé šumy jsou zvuky, které uklidňují, zlepšují a prodlužují dobu spánku. Jsou pro lidské ucho příjemné a přirozené. Komu z nás se výborně nespí s hlukem vlni nebo pod větvemi stromů. I nám se nejlépe spí při šumu moře, bublání potoku nebo vytrvalém dešti.
Jak funguje LULANKO.PL - Z plačícího miminka spící do 4 minut.
Bílý šum - zvuk k uspávání dětí. Nedaří se Vám utišit plačící dítě? Uklidňující zvukové smyčky pro miminka.
published: 25 Dec 2014
► Subskrybuj: https://bit.ly/32moGrQ
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Więcej materiałów na @FightsportPL
published: 11 Mar 2022
Madde Döngüleri ve Çevre Sorunları | LGS Fen #2022
Konuyu pekiştirmek ve ödevlerini tamamlamak için👇
⚡ Fen Zoru Bankası ile Zor Soruların Üstesinden Gel 👉 https://bit.ly/3sZIAZ9
🔹Dinamo Fen ile Konuları Pekiştir ➡ https://bit.ly/3i0EEkp
2022 LGS Kampı programını buradan indirebilirsin➡ https://bit.ly/LGSKAMPİ2022
#2022LGS Kampı 2.dönemde de tüm hızıyla devam ediyor! Dönem boyunca canlı yayınlar, yeni nesil soru çözümleri, kamplar, LGS Günlükleri ve motivasyon videoları ile seninleyiz! Bugünkü dersimiz, #Fen dersinin en önemli konularından "Madde Döngüleri ve Çevre Sorunları" Hazırsan başlıyoruz 🚀 #MaddeDöngüleri #ÇevreSorunları #LGS
Diğer konu anlatımları için tek yapman gereken ABONE olmak 👉https://goo.gl/Eifwr6
Temelleri sağlam atılmış eğitim ile ışıl ışıl bir geleceğe göz kırp! 😉 Tonguç Plus'a özel konu anlatımları, soru çözümleri, te...
published: 11 Mar 2022
FEN - winter (full album)
Year 2017
Tracklist :
1 - I (Pathway) (0:00)
2 - II (Penance) (17:07)
3 - III (Fear) (27:10)
4 - IV (Interment) (37:45)
5 - V (Death) (52:37)
6 - VI (sight) (1:05:17)
published: 14 Mar 2017
Konuyu pekiştirmek ve yazılılara bomba gibi hazırlanmak için👇
🔸Katı ve Sıvı Basıncı deneylerini izlemek için➡ https://bit.ly/3jnqOK9
🔸8. Sınıflara Özel Yazılı Notları için➡https://bit.ly/3pnDW5K
🔹0'dan 8'e Sayısal➡https://bit.ly/2Z7MT8M
🔹Taktikli Fen ➡ https://bit.ly/3DZhofI
🔹Dinamo Fen➡https://bit.ly/3E5JRAF
🔹Zoru Bankası Fen➡https://bit.ly/3jnqkU9
Tonguç Plus LGS Derece Paketi için 👉https://bit.ly/3jo8lNp
2022 LGS Kampı programı için ➡ https://bit.ly/LGS2022Ekim
Ve sonunda #2022LGS Kampı tüm hızıyla devam ediyor! Sene boyunca canlı yayınlar, yeni nesil soru çözümleri, kamplar, LGS Günlükleri ve motivasyon videoları ile seninleyiz! Bugünkü dersimiz, #Fenin en önemli konularından "Katı-Sıvı Basıncı". Hazırsan yeni nesil taktiklerle öğreniyoruz! 🚀#basınç #LGS
Sana en yakın Tonguç Kitapçı...
published: 21 Oct 2021
8. Sınıf Fen 1.Dönem 2.Yazılıya Hazırlık | 2021 📝
Yazılı öncesi konuları pekiştirmek ve sorularla pratik yapmak için sana özel kaynaklar 👇
🎯 Yazılı Notları ile Hazırlan! 👉 https://bit.ly/3qrI1oz
🔴 Dinamo Fen'de Bol Soru Çöz 👉 https://bit.ly/312k7qR
📌 Kamp Takvimi ➡ https://bit.ly/3e2ZzRT
8.Sınıf derslerinde bilmen gereken ve yazılılarında kullanabileceğin tüm taktikleri içeren yazılı kampı ile karşınızdayız! 🤗 #Fen sınavına girmeden önce kullanabileceğin hap bilgiler ve konuları pekiştirebileceğin sorular bu videoda! Sakın kaçırma 😍⭐ #yazilikampi
Videonun Girişi: 00:00
Mevsimler ve İklim: 03:34
DNA ve Genetik Kod: 06:43
Basınç: 17:11
Madde ve Endüstri: 29:49
Yazılı Provası: 1:03:14
TonguçPlus'ta Daha Fazla Yazılı Provası 👉 https://bit.ly/3EpRaTu
published: 27 Dec 2021
Zvuk fena za bebe - za uspavljivanje!
Dokazano je da zvuk fena pomaže u uspavljivanju beba i male djece. Umjesto da imate upaljen vaš fen, iskoristite ovaj video koji traje 2 sata, te gledajte kako ...
Dokazano je da zvuk fena pomaže u uspavljivanju beba i male djece. Umjesto da imate upaljen vaš fen, iskoristite ovaj video koji traje 2 sata, te gledajte kako vaše dijete tone u san. Ako ste zaspali vi, a ne vaše dijete, tada zvuk fena možda i nije za vas -)
Više o bijelom šumu: https://sites.google.com/site/zegolub/Home/sto-je-bijeli-sum
Dokazano je da zvuk fena pomaže u uspavljivanju beba i male djece. Umjesto da imate upaljen vaš fen, iskoristite ovaj video koji traje 2 sata, te gledajte kako vaše dijete tone u san. Ako ste zaspali vi, a ne vaše dijete, tada zvuk fena možda i nije za vas -)
Više o bijelom šumu: https://sites.google.com/site/zegolub/Home/sto-je-bijeli-sum
- published: 03 May 2015
- views: 16606458
120min - Baby Fön Geräusch zum einschlafen | Haarfön für Babys / Hair Dryer Sleep Sounds
Das beste Baby Fön Geräusch zum einschlafen. Der Haarfön für Babys lässt dein Baby in Sekunden einschlafen.
Dieser Baby Fön hat schon tausende Babys schnell zu...
Das beste Baby Fön Geräusch zum einschlafen. Der Haarfön für Babys lässt dein Baby in Sekunden einschlafen.
Dieser Baby Fön hat schon tausende Babys schnell zum einschlafen gebracht.
Föhn Baby Geräusche - Die einfachste und beste Möglichkeit um Kinder und Babys schnell schlafen zu lassen.
Nach nur wenigen Minuten sollte dein Baby tief und fest schlafen. Du kannst dann die Lautstärke langsam absenken, bis das Schlafgeräusch aus ist.
Bitte beachte, dass es am besten funktioniert, wenn du das Föngeräusch auf externe Lautsprechern abspielst, da vor allem die tiefen 60-100 Herz Fön-Töne beruhigend wirken. Moderne Smartphones können allerdings auch Töne bis 90 Hz erreichen. (ab iPhone 10) .. und neue Android Smartphones haben einen Soundeinstellung um diese Töne hervorzuheben.
Weitere Tips gern in die Kommentare :)
The best baby blow dryer sound to fall asleep to. The baby hair dryer lets your baby fall asleep in seconds.
This baby hair dryer has already brought thousands of babies to sleep quickly.
Hair dryer baby sounds - The easiest and best way to let children and babies sleep quickly.
After just a few minutes, your baby should be sound asleep. You can then slowly lower the volume until the sleep sound is gone.
Please note that it works best if you play the sound of the hair dryer on external speakers, as the deep 60-100 heart dryer tones in particular have a calming effect. However, modern smartphones can also achieve tones of up to 90 Hz. (iPhone 10 + / or: new Android smartphones have a sound setting to emphasize these tones.)
Das beste Baby Fön Geräusch zum einschlafen. Der Haarfön für Babys lässt dein Baby in Sekunden einschlafen.
Dieser Baby Fön hat schon tausende Babys schnell zum einschlafen gebracht.
Föhn Baby Geräusche - Die einfachste und beste Möglichkeit um Kinder und Babys schnell schlafen zu lassen.
Nach nur wenigen Minuten sollte dein Baby tief und fest schlafen. Du kannst dann die Lautstärke langsam absenken, bis das Schlafgeräusch aus ist.
Bitte beachte, dass es am besten funktioniert, wenn du das Föngeräusch auf externe Lautsprechern abspielst, da vor allem die tiefen 60-100 Herz Fön-Töne beruhigend wirken. Moderne Smartphones können allerdings auch Töne bis 90 Hz erreichen. (ab iPhone 10) .. und neue Android Smartphones haben einen Soundeinstellung um diese Töne hervorzuheben.
Weitere Tips gern in die Kommentare :)
The best baby blow dryer sound to fall asleep to. The baby hair dryer lets your baby fall asleep in seconds.
This baby hair dryer has already brought thousands of babies to sleep quickly.
Hair dryer baby sounds - The easiest and best way to let children and babies sleep quickly.
After just a few minutes, your baby should be sound asleep. You can then slowly lower the volume until the sleep sound is gone.
Please note that it works best if you play the sound of the hair dryer on external speakers, as the deep 60-100 heart dryer tones in particular have a calming effect. However, modern smartphones can also achieve tones of up to 90 Hz. (iPhone 10 + / or: new Android smartphones have a sound setting to emphasize these tones.)
- published: 03 Jun 2018
- views: 31093746
Asciugacapelli per dormire per 14 ore senza interruzioni di pubblicità
Dormi senza pubblicità con il rumore dell'asciugacapelli di 14 ore
Questo suono bianco è il miglior suono per far addormentare e dormire profondamente.
Usali co...
Dormi senza pubblicità con il rumore dell'asciugacapelli di 14 ore
Questo suono bianco è il miglior suono per far addormentare e dormire profondamente.
Usali contro l'insonnia e anche per coprire i rumori degli acufeni.
Dormi senza pubblicità con il rumore dell'asciugacapelli di 14 ore
Questo suono bianco è il miglior suono per far addormentare e dormire profondamente.
Usali contro l'insonnia e anche per coprire i rumori degli acufeni.
- published: 22 Jul 2015
- views: 767528
Ceremonia Ważenia | FEN 39: LOTOS Fight Night
Zapraszamy na transmisję na żywo z Ceremonii Ważenia przed jutrzejszą galą FEN 39: LOTOS Fight Night!
📅 12 marca
📌 Miasto Ząbki
📺 Polsat Sport Fight / Super Po...
Zapraszamy na transmisję na żywo z Ceremonii Ważenia przed jutrzejszą galą FEN 39: LOTOS Fight Night!
📅 12 marca
📌 Miasto Ząbki
📺 Polsat Sport Fight / Super Polsat
🎫 Eventim.pl
Zapraszamy na transmisję na żywo z Ceremonii Ważenia przed jutrzejszą galą FEN 39: LOTOS Fight Night!
📅 12 marca
📌 Miasto Ząbki
📺 Polsat Sport Fight / Super Polsat
🎫 Eventim.pl
- published: 11 Mar 2022
- views: 2735
FEN 39 - przegląd karty walk z Jakubem Borowiczem
Nasi partnerzy:
👉 GROUND GAME: 10% rabatu z hasłem "ITC":
👉 MANTO: https://www.mantoshop.pl/
👉 ...
Nasi partnerzy:
👉 GROUND GAME: 10% rabatu z hasłem "ITC":
👉 MANTO: https://www.mantoshop.pl/
👉 DBX BUSHIDO: https://bushido-sport.pl/
👉 FORTUNA zgarnij bonus powitalny z kodem: "INTHECAGE":
🤝 Dziękujemy, że jesteście! Chcecie pomóc w rozwoju kanału?
Zapraszamy na: https://patronite.pl/inthecagepl
⏩ Facebook: https://facebook.com/inthecagepl
⏩ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@inthecage.pl
⏩ Instagram: https://instagram.com/inthecagepl/
⏩ Twitter: https://twitter.com/inthecagepl
⏩ Sklep: http://inthecage.cupsell.pl/
⏩ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/65p7l3AzRhxO9oQrMrqS8q
#FEN39 #Borowicz #Przegląd
Nasi partnerzy:
👉 GROUND GAME: 10% rabatu z hasłem "ITC":
👉 MANTO: https://www.mantoshop.pl/
👉 DBX BUSHIDO: https://bushido-sport.pl/
👉 FORTUNA zgarnij bonus powitalny z kodem: "INTHECAGE":
🤝 Dziękujemy, że jesteście! Chcecie pomóc w rozwoju kanału?
Zapraszamy na: https://patronite.pl/inthecagepl
⏩ Facebook: https://facebook.com/inthecagepl
⏩ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@inthecage.pl
⏩ Instagram: https://instagram.com/inthecagepl/
⏩ Twitter: https://twitter.com/inthecagepl
⏩ Sklep: http://inthecage.cupsell.pl/
⏩ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/65p7l3AzRhxO9oQrMrqS8q
#FEN39 #Borowicz #Przegląd
- published: 11 Mar 2022
- views: 1626
Fen - Nebula [official lyric video]
On "The Dead Light," Fen explore the beauty that comes from destruction. Representing the vanguard of contemporary U...
On "The Dead Light," Fen explore the beauty that comes from destruction. Representing the vanguard of contemporary UK post black metal, the band offers its heaviest, most direct album to date. It is the sixth full-length in a career of less than 15 years and marks another recalibration for the three-piece that, while always daring to use unconventional structures, found that the predecessor "Winter" (2017) was the apex in this respect. "This time, we took on the creative challenge to say more in less time," says co-founder The Watcher.
That does neither mean Fen lost their trademark sweeping melodies and atmosphere, nor does it suggest less progressive structures. If anything, the material shows the group at its most British. "I'm kind of old school, I love heavy metal," the guitarist and singer explains regarding his more riff-oriented, straightforward approach that goes along with some more "outlandish" influences , ranging from Voivod circa "Nothingface" or "Angel Rat" towards latter-day Enslaved.
The result is a sound best described as "spectral, colder, sharper" according to the front man, which also translated into lyrics that revolve around the search for knowledge, symbolized by our upward look to the stars . "When we watch the sky, we basically travel into the past and literally see dead light - nuclear fire from exploded planets, annihilated civilisations."
Wiped out celestial bodies notwithstanding, with tunes like the twopartite, angular title track or the wistful 'Nebula,' which has already become a favourite among at the trio's concerts, Fen in 2019 are luminaries that could not burn brighter.
"The Dead Light" is available as Digipak CD, 2CD book edition (faux-leather hardcover, 18x18cm, 36 pages with preface, exclusive artwork and three bonus tracks) and gatefold 2LP (black and ltd. violet).
Online shop at www.prophecy.de
On "The Dead Light," Fen explore the beauty that comes from destruction. Representing the vanguard of contemporary UK post black metal, the band offers its heaviest, most direct album to date. It is the sixth full-length in a career of less than 15 years and marks another recalibration for the three-piece that, while always daring to use unconventional structures, found that the predecessor "Winter" (2017) was the apex in this respect. "This time, we took on the creative challenge to say more in less time," says co-founder The Watcher.
That does neither mean Fen lost their trademark sweeping melodies and atmosphere, nor does it suggest less progressive structures. If anything, the material shows the group at its most British. "I'm kind of old school, I love heavy metal," the guitarist and singer explains regarding his more riff-oriented, straightforward approach that goes along with some more "outlandish" influences , ranging from Voivod circa "Nothingface" or "Angel Rat" towards latter-day Enslaved.
The result is a sound best described as "spectral, colder, sharper" according to the front man, which also translated into lyrics that revolve around the search for knowledge, symbolized by our upward look to the stars . "When we watch the sky, we basically travel into the past and literally see dead light - nuclear fire from exploded planets, annihilated civilisations."
Wiped out celestial bodies notwithstanding, with tunes like the twopartite, angular title track or the wistful 'Nebula,' which has already become a favourite among at the trio's concerts, Fen in 2019 are luminaries that could not burn brighter.
"The Dead Light" is available as Digipak CD, 2CD book edition (faux-leather hardcover, 18x18cm, 36 pages with preface, exclusive artwork and three bonus tracks) and gatefold 2LP (black and ltd. violet).
Online shop at www.prophecy.de
- published: 18 Oct 2019
- views: 23791
فين هيجواين | قصة جونزالو هيجواين
بدأ جونزالو هيجواين مسيرته الكروية مع نادي ريفر بليت في عام 2005، ولعب معهم حتى عام 2007، وشارك معهم في 33 مباراة وسجل 13 هدفاً، ومنذ عام 2007 وهيجواين يلعب مع...
بدأ جونزالو هيجواين مسيرته الكروية مع نادي ريفر بليت في عام 2005، ولعب معهم حتى عام 2007، وشارك معهم في 33 مباراة وسجل 13 هدفاً، ومنذ عام 2007 وهيجواين يلعب مع نادي ريال مدريد الإسباني، وقد ساهم #هيجواين بفوز ريال مدريد بالدوري في موسم 2007–08. ولعب جونزالو هيجواين مبارايات صعبة استطاع من خلالها حسم الفوز لريال مدريد. وسجل #جونزالو_هيجواين خلالها 8 أهداف. واستطاع جونزالو عن جدارة ونجوميته خلال موسم 2008–09 وكان له الفضل الكبير في بقاء ريال مدريد وصيفاً للدوري الأسباني. فقد قاد جونزالو هيجواين ريال مدريد للفوز باكثر من مناسبه وفي اوقات حرجه على الفريق. وسجل 22 هدف في موسم 2008–09 تكفي لاثبات نجوميته، انتقل في موسم 2013–14 إلى نادي نابولي.[6] وبعد أن قضى ثلاثة مواسم هناك انتقل لنادي يوفنتوس في صفقة قياسية 90 مليون يورو، جعلته أغلى لاعب أرجنتيني في التاريخ
بدأ جونزالو هيجواين مسيرته الكروية مع نادي ريفر بليت في عام 2005، ولعب معهم حتى عام 2007، وشارك معهم في 33 مباراة وسجل 13 هدفاً، ومنذ عام 2007 وهيجواين يلعب مع نادي ريال مدريد الإسباني، وقد ساهم #هيجواين بفوز ريال مدريد بالدوري في موسم 2007–08. ولعب جونزالو هيجواين مبارايات صعبة استطاع من خلالها حسم الفوز لريال مدريد. وسجل #جونزالو_هيجواين خلالها 8 أهداف. واستطاع جونزالو عن جدارة ونجوميته خلال موسم 2008–09 وكان له الفضل الكبير في بقاء ريال مدريد وصيفاً للدوري الأسباني. فقد قاد جونزالو هيجواين ريال مدريد للفوز باكثر من مناسبه وفي اوقات حرجه على الفريق. وسجل 22 هدف في موسم 2008–09 تكفي لاثبات نجوميته، انتقل في موسم 2013–14 إلى نادي نابولي.[6] وبعد أن قضى ثلاثة مواسم هناك انتقل لنادي يوفنتوس في صفقة قياسية 90 مليون يورو، جعلته أغلى لاعب أرجنتيني في التاريخ
- published: 10 Mar 2022
- views: 9703
Uklidňující zvuky fénu působící na miminko 10h
Jak naučit dítě spát celou noc? Bílý šum - zvuk k uspávání dětí.
Bílé šumy jsou zvuky, které uklidňují, zlepšují a prodlužují dobu spánku. Jsou pro lidské ucho...
Jak naučit dítě spát celou noc? Bílý šum - zvuk k uspávání dětí.
Bílé šumy jsou zvuky, které uklidňují, zlepšují a prodlužují dobu spánku. Jsou pro lidské ucho příjemné a přirozené. Komu z nás se výborně nespí s hlukem vlni nebo pod větvemi stromů. I nám se nejlépe spí při šumu moře, bublání potoku nebo vytrvalém dešti.
Jak funguje LULANKO.PL - Z plačícího miminka spící do 4 minut.
Bílý šum - zvuk k uspávání dětí. Nedaří se Vám utišit plačící dítě? Uklidňující zvukové smyčky pro miminka.
Jak naučit dítě spát celou noc? Bílý šum - zvuk k uspávání dětí.
Bílé šumy jsou zvuky, které uklidňují, zlepšují a prodlužují dobu spánku. Jsou pro lidské ucho příjemné a přirozené. Komu z nás se výborně nespí s hlukem vlni nebo pod větvemi stromů. I nám se nejlépe spí při šumu moře, bublání potoku nebo vytrvalém dešti.
Jak funguje LULANKO.PL - Z plačícího miminka spící do 4 minut.
Bílý šum - zvuk k uspávání dětí. Nedaří se Vám utišit plačící dítě? Uklidňující zvukové smyčky pro miminka.
- published: 25 Dec 2014
- views: 1944509
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- published: 11 Mar 2022
- views: 9013
Madde Döngüleri ve Çevre Sorunları | LGS Fen #2022
Konuyu pekiştirmek ve ödevlerini tamamlamak için👇
⚡ Fen Zoru Bankası ile Zor Soruların Üstesinden Gel 👉 https://bit.ly/3sZIAZ9
🔹Dinamo Fen ile Konuları Pekiştir...
Konuyu pekiştirmek ve ödevlerini tamamlamak için👇
⚡ Fen Zoru Bankası ile Zor Soruların Üstesinden Gel 👉 https://bit.ly/3sZIAZ9
🔹Dinamo Fen ile Konuları Pekiştir ➡ https://bit.ly/3i0EEkp
2022 LGS Kampı programını buradan indirebilirsin➡ https://bit.ly/LGSKAMPİ2022
#2022LGS Kampı 2.dönemde de tüm hızıyla devam ediyor! Dönem boyunca canlı yayınlar, yeni nesil soru çözümleri, kamplar, LGS Günlükleri ve motivasyon videoları ile seninleyiz! Bugünkü dersimiz, #Fen dersinin en önemli konularından "Madde Döngüleri ve Çevre Sorunları" Hazırsan başlıyoruz 🚀 #MaddeDöngüleri #ÇevreSorunları #LGS
Diğer konu anlatımları için tek yapman gereken ABONE olmak 👉https://goo.gl/Eifwr6
Temelleri sağlam atılmış eğitim ile ışıl ışıl bir geleceğe göz kırp! 😉 Tonguç Plus'a özel konu anlatımları, soru çözümleri, test ve deneme sınavları tek bir adreste. 💪 8. Sınıf LGS Aboneliği ➡ https://bit.ly/37oixT9
Konuyu pekiştirmek ve ödevlerini tamamlamak için👇
⚡ Fen Zoru Bankası ile Zor Soruların Üstesinden Gel 👉 https://bit.ly/3sZIAZ9
🔹Dinamo Fen ile Konuları Pekiştir ➡ https://bit.ly/3i0EEkp
2022 LGS Kampı programını buradan indirebilirsin➡ https://bit.ly/LGSKAMPİ2022
#2022LGS Kampı 2.dönemde de tüm hızıyla devam ediyor! Dönem boyunca canlı yayınlar, yeni nesil soru çözümleri, kamplar, LGS Günlükleri ve motivasyon videoları ile seninleyiz! Bugünkü dersimiz, #Fen dersinin en önemli konularından "Madde Döngüleri ve Çevre Sorunları" Hazırsan başlıyoruz 🚀 #MaddeDöngüleri #ÇevreSorunları #LGS
Diğer konu anlatımları için tek yapman gereken ABONE olmak 👉https://goo.gl/Eifwr6
Temelleri sağlam atılmış eğitim ile ışıl ışıl bir geleceğe göz kırp! 😉 Tonguç Plus'a özel konu anlatımları, soru çözümleri, test ve deneme sınavları tek bir adreste. 💪 8. Sınıf LGS Aboneliği ➡ https://bit.ly/37oixT9
- published: 11 Mar 2022
- views: 5573
FEN - winter (full album)
Year 2017
Tracklist :
1 - I (Pathway) (0:00)
2 - II (Penance) (17:07)
3 - III (Fear) (27:10)
4 - IV (Interment) (37:45)
5 - V (Death) (52:37)
6 - VI (sig...
Year 2017
Tracklist :
1 - I (Pathway) (0:00)
2 - II (Penance) (17:07)
3 - III (Fear) (27:10)
4 - IV (Interment) (37:45)
5 - V (Death) (52:37)
6 - VI (sight) (1:05:17)
Year 2017
Tracklist :
1 - I (Pathway) (0:00)
2 - II (Penance) (17:07)
3 - III (Fear) (27:10)
4 - IV (Interment) (37:45)
5 - V (Death) (52:37)
6 - VI (sight) (1:05:17)
- published: 14 Mar 2017
- views: 55828
Konuyu pekiştirmek ve yazılılara bomba gibi hazırlanmak için👇
🔸Katı ve Sıvı Basıncı deneylerini izlemek için➡ https://bit.ly/3jnqOK9
🔸8. Sınıflara Özel Yazılı N...
Konuyu pekiştirmek ve yazılılara bomba gibi hazırlanmak için👇
🔸Katı ve Sıvı Basıncı deneylerini izlemek için➡ https://bit.ly/3jnqOK9
🔸8. Sınıflara Özel Yazılı Notları için➡https://bit.ly/3pnDW5K
🔹0'dan 8'e Sayısal➡https://bit.ly/2Z7MT8M
🔹Taktikli Fen ➡ https://bit.ly/3DZhofI
🔹Dinamo Fen➡https://bit.ly/3E5JRAF
🔹Zoru Bankası Fen➡https://bit.ly/3jnqkU9
Tonguç Plus LGS Derece Paketi için 👉https://bit.ly/3jo8lNp
2022 LGS Kampı programı için ➡ https://bit.ly/LGS2022Ekim
Ve sonunda #2022LGS Kampı tüm hızıyla devam ediyor! Sene boyunca canlı yayınlar, yeni nesil soru çözümleri, kamplar, LGS Günlükleri ve motivasyon videoları ile seninleyiz! Bugünkü dersimiz, #Fenin en önemli konularından "Katı-Sıvı Basıncı". Hazırsan yeni nesil taktiklerle öğreniyoruz! 🚀#basınç #LGS
Sana en yakın Tonguç Kitapçısı için👉https://www.tongucmagaza.com/satisnoktasi
Diğer konu anlatımları için tek yapman gereken ABONE olmak 👉https://goo.gl/Eifwr6
Online olarak hijyenik şekilde paketlenip, evinize teslim edilen, tüm kitaplarımıza ulaşabilirsiniz👉https://www.tongucmagaza.com/
Tamamen web sitesine özel, okul müfredatına göre düzenlenmiş ve güncel konu anlatımları içeren videolarımız Tonguç Akademi Sınıf Paketi'nde! Daha fazla bilgi için 👉http://tongucakademi.com/UyelikPaketleri
Konuyu pekiştirmek ve yazılılara bomba gibi hazırlanmak için👇
🔸Katı ve Sıvı Basıncı deneylerini izlemek için➡ https://bit.ly/3jnqOK9
🔸8. Sınıflara Özel Yazılı Notları için➡https://bit.ly/3pnDW5K
🔹0'dan 8'e Sayısal➡https://bit.ly/2Z7MT8M
🔹Taktikli Fen ➡ https://bit.ly/3DZhofI
🔹Dinamo Fen➡https://bit.ly/3E5JRAF
🔹Zoru Bankası Fen➡https://bit.ly/3jnqkU9
Tonguç Plus LGS Derece Paketi için 👉https://bit.ly/3jo8lNp
2022 LGS Kampı programı için ➡ https://bit.ly/LGS2022Ekim
Ve sonunda #2022LGS Kampı tüm hızıyla devam ediyor! Sene boyunca canlı yayınlar, yeni nesil soru çözümleri, kamplar, LGS Günlükleri ve motivasyon videoları ile seninleyiz! Bugünkü dersimiz, #Fenin en önemli konularından "Katı-Sıvı Basıncı". Hazırsan yeni nesil taktiklerle öğreniyoruz! 🚀#basınç #LGS
Sana en yakın Tonguç Kitapçısı için👉https://www.tongucmagaza.com/satisnoktasi
Diğer konu anlatımları için tek yapman gereken ABONE olmak 👉https://goo.gl/Eifwr6
Online olarak hijyenik şekilde paketlenip, evinize teslim edilen, tüm kitaplarımıza ulaşabilirsiniz👉https://www.tongucmagaza.com/
Tamamen web sitesine özel, okul müfredatına göre düzenlenmiş ve güncel konu anlatımları içeren videolarımız Tonguç Akademi Sınıf Paketi'nde! Daha fazla bilgi için 👉http://tongucakademi.com/UyelikPaketleri
- published: 21 Oct 2021
- views: 477001
8. Sınıf Fen 1.Dönem 2.Yazılıya Hazırlık | 2021 📝
Yazılı öncesi konuları pekiştirmek ve sorularla pratik yapmak için sana özel kaynaklar 👇
🎯 Yazılı Notları ile Hazırlan! 👉 https://bit.ly/3qrI1oz
🔴 Dinamo Fen'de...
Yazılı öncesi konuları pekiştirmek ve sorularla pratik yapmak için sana özel kaynaklar 👇
🎯 Yazılı Notları ile Hazırlan! 👉 https://bit.ly/3qrI1oz
🔴 Dinamo Fen'de Bol Soru Çöz 👉 https://bit.ly/312k7qR
📌 Kamp Takvimi ➡ https://bit.ly/3e2ZzRT
8.Sınıf derslerinde bilmen gereken ve yazılılarında kullanabileceğin tüm taktikleri içeren yazılı kampı ile karşınızdayız! 🤗 #Fen sınavına girmeden önce kullanabileceğin hap bilgiler ve konuları pekiştirebileceğin sorular bu videoda! Sakın kaçırma 😍⭐ #yazilikampi
Videonun Girişi: 00:00
Mevsimler ve İklim: 03:34
DNA ve Genetik Kod: 06:43
Basınç: 17:11
Madde ve Endüstri: 29:49
Yazılı Provası: 1:03:14
TonguçPlus'ta Daha Fazla Yazılı Provası 👉 https://bit.ly/3EpRaTu
Yazılı öncesi konuları pekiştirmek ve sorularla pratik yapmak için sana özel kaynaklar 👇
🎯 Yazılı Notları ile Hazırlan! 👉 https://bit.ly/3qrI1oz
🔴 Dinamo Fen'de Bol Soru Çöz 👉 https://bit.ly/312k7qR
📌 Kamp Takvimi ➡ https://bit.ly/3e2ZzRT
8.Sınıf derslerinde bilmen gereken ve yazılılarında kullanabileceğin tüm taktikleri içeren yazılı kampı ile karşınızdayız! 🤗 #Fen sınavına girmeden önce kullanabileceğin hap bilgiler ve konuları pekiştirebileceğin sorular bu videoda! Sakın kaçırma 😍⭐ #yazilikampi
Videonun Girişi: 00:00
Mevsimler ve İklim: 03:34
DNA ve Genetik Kod: 06:43
Basınç: 17:11
Madde ve Endüstri: 29:49
Yazılı Provası: 1:03:14
TonguçPlus'ta Daha Fazla Yazılı Provası 👉 https://bit.ly/3EpRaTu
- published: 27 Dec 2021
- views: 488570
Dhamaal Funny Scene | Mr. Iyer Drops Javed Jaffrey & Arshad Warsi | Netflix India
Shriporwarmara Attapattu Jaisurya Natwar Shriramkrishna Shivavenkata Rajashekhara Srinivasana Trichipalli Yekeparampir Perambdur Chinnaswami Muttuswami Venugopal Iyer.
Catch Venu and the khazaana under 'W' in Dhamaal, only on Netflix.
Follow Netflix India on:
Website: https://www.netflix.com/
YouTube: http://bit.ly/NetflixIndiaYT
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/netflix_in
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NetflixIN
Twitter: http://twitter.com/netflixindia
#Dhamaal #FunnyScene #NetflixIndia
published: 03 Feb 2020
Ed Surname - Car Impression (2002)
A Vehicle impression performed for an elderly man in the street, who is chased in the car. By Edward Surname.
published: 22 Jun 2017
When you find your surname on the random cars 😀🚗
published: 21 Nov 2021
Angry husband fills wife's car with concrete after she changed her surname for supermarket HD2017
published: 10 Apr 2017
Surname | Official Music Video| Rajvir Jawanda Ft. MixSingh | Songs 2016 | Jass Records
Surname | Official Music Video| Rajvir Jawanda Ft. MixSingh | Songs 2016 | Jass Records
Subscribe To Our Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/officialjassrecords
► Song Credits :
Title | Surname
Singer | Rajvir Jawanda
Lyrics : Gill Raunta
Music | MixSingh
Presents : Jasvirpal Singh
Producer | Jagjitpal Singh & Jasvirpal Singh
Project By : Vipen Joshi
Video By | Jass Filmz
Dop | Honey Cam
Chief Asst. Director | Jagdeep Si...
published: 17 Sep 2016
Fuming husband fills wife's car with concrete after 'she changed surname for supermarket promotion'
Fuming husband fills wife's car with concrete after 'she changed surname for supermarket promotion'
But the final straw came when she changed her last name to that of a supermarket, called Veniy (Loyal), after the chain offered a promotion.
The store offered to pay 50,000 RUB (£703) a month to any customer prepared to legally change their surname to their brand name for advertising purposes.
A clip of the incident was passed the onto local TV stations and spread online, with many wondering what the wife's reaction would be when she saw her car in such a state.
The video, which has received more than 1.8 million views and thousands of comments in just a few days online, includes a post from user Aleksei Fokin, musing: "I wish I could see his wife's face".
A furious husband decided to ena...
published: 12 Apr 2017
What's Your Name Song +More Nursery Rhymes for Kids | Little Baby Bum
SUBSCRIBE for new videos every week!►https://www.youtube.com/user/LittleBa...
►Little Baby Bum Spotify: https://littlebabybum.lnk.to/music
Little Baby Bum is a fun and educational show for kids featuring classic and new nursery rhymes and loved by babies and their parents all around the world. Sing along with 6-year old Mia her family and friends in a world where animals can dance, buses are friends and rainy days are never boring.
Brand New Little Baby Bum Videos | Baby Songs | Nursery Rhymes
Go Buster! - Cartoons For Kids : Season 1
Nursery Rhymes | Songs For Children | Little Baby Bum
Nursery Rhymes for Babies | The Best Songs for Kids
published: 12 Jun 2019
Grill The Grid 2021: Teams A-Z
We asked the drivers to name an F1 team, past or present, for every letter of the alphabet. Some of the answers (or lack of them!) may surprise you.
For more F1® videos, visit http://www.Formula1.com
Follow F1®:
published: 28 May 2021
Car Back Glass Surname Sticker👌
published: 02 Nov 2021
#FUNFACTS #SHORTS. #. ...✓.... #FUNFACTS #SHORTS. #...✓.... #motivationline21. ...✓....
#FUNFACTS #SHORTS. #...✓.... #motivationline21. ...✓....
..#motivationline21. ...✓...@motivation_line_21
Turn on notification🙏👍
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published: 28 Jul 2021
Saoirse Ronan Tries To Teach Stephen An Irish Accent
The star of Brooklyn gives Stephen a primer in speaking with an Irish brogue.
published: 13 Jan 2016
Rihanna - What's My Name? (Official Music Video) ft. Drake
Get Rihanna’s eighth studio album ANTI now:
Download on TIDAL: http://smarturl.it/downloadANTI
Stream on TIDAL: http://smarturl.it/streamANTIdlx
Download on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/dlxANTI
Download on Google Play: http://smarturl.it/ANTIdlxgp
Download on Amazon: http://geni.us/amzANTI
Music video by Rihanna performing What's My Name?. (C) 2010 The Island Def Jam Music Group
#Rihanna #WhatsMyName #Remastered
#VEVOCertified on January 23, 2011. http://www.vevo.com/certified http://www.youtube.com/vevocertified
published: 12 Nov 2010
My Name Song + More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - CoComelon
A new compilation video, including one of our most recent songs, "My Name Song"!
Watch your favorite song by clicking a title below:
0:05 My Name Song
3:53 Mary Had a Little Lamb
6:41 Please and Thank You
9:47 B-I-N-G-O
12:31 Baby Shark
14:39 Rock-A-Bye Baby
16:48 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
19:47 Old MacDonald Had a Farm
22:19 Three Little Kittens
24:54 Ten in the Bed
28:45 Five Little Dinos
30:54 Row Row Row Your Boat
About Cocomelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
At Cocomelon, our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music.
Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our ...
published: 22 Jun 2018
Big Baby Tape - Surname
published: 21 May 2019
Dhamaal Funny Scene | Mr. Iyer Drops Javed Jaffrey & Arshad Warsi | Netflix India
Shriporwarmara Attapattu Jaisurya Natwar Shriramkrishna Shivavenkata Rajashekhara Srinivasana Trichipalli Yekeparampir Perambdur Chinnaswami Muttuswami Venugop...
Shriporwarmara Attapattu Jaisurya Natwar Shriramkrishna Shivavenkata Rajashekhara Srinivasana Trichipalli Yekeparampir Perambdur Chinnaswami Muttuswami Venugopal Iyer.
Catch Venu and the khazaana under 'W' in Dhamaal, only on Netflix.
Follow Netflix India on:
Website: https://www.netflix.com/
YouTube: http://bit.ly/NetflixIndiaYT
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/netflix_in
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NetflixIN
Twitter: http://twitter.com/netflixindia
#Dhamaal #FunnyScene #NetflixIndia
Shriporwarmara Attapattu Jaisurya Natwar Shriramkrishna Shivavenkata Rajashekhara Srinivasana Trichipalli Yekeparampir Perambdur Chinnaswami Muttuswami Venugopal Iyer.
Catch Venu and the khazaana under 'W' in Dhamaal, only on Netflix.
Follow Netflix India on:
Website: https://www.netflix.com/
YouTube: http://bit.ly/NetflixIndiaYT
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/netflix_in
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NetflixIN
Twitter: http://twitter.com/netflixindia
#Dhamaal #FunnyScene #NetflixIndia
- published: 03 Feb 2020
- views: 6596753
Ed Surname - Car Impression (2002)
A Vehicle impression performed for an elderly man in the street, who is chased in the car. By Edward Surname.
A Vehicle impression performed for an elderly man in the street, who is chased in the car. By Edward Surname.
A Vehicle impression performed for an elderly man in the street, who is chased in the car. By Edward Surname.
- published: 22 Jun 2017
- views: 96
Surname | Official Music Video| Rajvir Jawanda Ft. MixSingh | Songs 2016 | Jass Records
Surname | Official Music Video| Rajvir Jawanda Ft. MixSingh | Songs 2016 | Jass Records
Subscribe To Our Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/officialjassrec...
Surname | Official Music Video| Rajvir Jawanda Ft. MixSingh | Songs 2016 | Jass Records
Subscribe To Our Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/officialjassrecords
► Song Credits :
Title | Surname
Singer | Rajvir Jawanda
Lyrics : Gill Raunta
Music | MixSingh
Presents : Jasvirpal Singh
Producer | Jagjitpal Singh & Jasvirpal Singh
Project By : Vipen Joshi
Video By | Jass Filmz
Dop | Honey Cam
Chief Asst. Director | Jagdeep Singh
Asst. Director | Harvin Singh & Diljot Nokwal
Make Up | Jassi Patiala
Production Manager | HS Dhaliwal
Still | GD Sidhu, Sukhdarshan Photography
Story Screenplay & Direction | Gary Deol
Design | Roop Kamal Singh
Label | Jass Records
Like || Share || Spread || Love
Official Web Site | http://www.jassrecords.com
►Enjoy & Stay Connected with us:
Facebook :- http://www.Facebook.Com/Officialjassrecords
Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/jassrecord/
Twitter :- https://twitter.com/jassrecords1
(This Song Is Subject To Copyright of Jass Records)
Surname | Official Music Video| Rajvir Jawanda Ft. MixSingh | Songs 2016 | Jass Records
Subscribe To Our Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/officialjassrecords
► Song Credits :
Title | Surname
Singer | Rajvir Jawanda
Lyrics : Gill Raunta
Music | MixSingh
Presents : Jasvirpal Singh
Producer | Jagjitpal Singh & Jasvirpal Singh
Project By : Vipen Joshi
Video By | Jass Filmz
Dop | Honey Cam
Chief Asst. Director | Jagdeep Singh
Asst. Director | Harvin Singh & Diljot Nokwal
Make Up | Jassi Patiala
Production Manager | HS Dhaliwal
Still | GD Sidhu, Sukhdarshan Photography
Story Screenplay & Direction | Gary Deol
Design | Roop Kamal Singh
Label | Jass Records
Like || Share || Spread || Love
Official Web Site | http://www.jassrecords.com
►Enjoy & Stay Connected with us:
Facebook :- http://www.Facebook.Com/Officialjassrecords
Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/jassrecord/
Twitter :- https://twitter.com/jassrecords1
(This Song Is Subject To Copyright of Jass Records)
- published: 17 Sep 2016
- views: 26725735
Fuming husband fills wife's car with concrete after 'she changed surname for supermarket promotion'
Fuming husband fills wife's car with concrete after 'she changed surname for supermarket promotion'
But the final straw came when she changed her last name to t...
Fuming husband fills wife's car with concrete after 'she changed surname for supermarket promotion'
But the final straw came when she changed her last name to that of a supermarket, called Veniy (Loyal), after the chain offered a promotion.
The store offered to pay 50,000 RUB (£703) a month to any customer prepared to legally change their surname to their brand name for advertising purposes.
A clip of the incident was passed the onto local TV stations and spread online, with many wondering what the wife's reaction would be when she saw her car in such a state.
The video, which has received more than 1.8 million views and thousands of comments in just a few days online, includes a post from user Aleksei Fokin, musing: "I wish I could see his wife's face".
A furious husband decided to enact an unusual form of revenge upon his wife after she allegedly changed her surname without telling him.
The unnamed Russian man, from the northern city of St Petersburg, is claimed to have retaliated by filling her car with cement, amid conflicting reports that his wife had also confessed to being unfaithful.
Local media reports state the man initially ordered a concrete mixing lorry to meet him in the car park of a local shop.
Bystander footage then shows the man directing the the mixer towards his wife's car, before finally giving the all-clear for the hardening agent to be poured through the driver's window.
Thank you for Watching more
Please subscribe my channel
Fuming husband fills wife's car with concrete after 'she changed surname for supermarket promotion'
But the final straw came when she changed her last name to that of a supermarket, called Veniy (Loyal), after the chain offered a promotion.
The store offered to pay 50,000 RUB (£703) a month to any customer prepared to legally change their surname to their brand name for advertising purposes.
A clip of the incident was passed the onto local TV stations and spread online, with many wondering what the wife's reaction would be when she saw her car in such a state.
The video, which has received more than 1.8 million views and thousands of comments in just a few days online, includes a post from user Aleksei Fokin, musing: "I wish I could see his wife's face".
A furious husband decided to enact an unusual form of revenge upon his wife after she allegedly changed her surname without telling him.
The unnamed Russian man, from the northern city of St Petersburg, is claimed to have retaliated by filling her car with cement, amid conflicting reports that his wife had also confessed to being unfaithful.
Local media reports state the man initially ordered a concrete mixing lorry to meet him in the car park of a local shop.
Bystander footage then shows the man directing the the mixer towards his wife's car, before finally giving the all-clear for the hardening agent to be poured through the driver's window.
Thank you for Watching more
Please subscribe my channel
- published: 12 Apr 2017
- views: 187
What's Your Name Song +More Nursery Rhymes for Kids | Little Baby Bum
SUBSCRIBE for new videos every week!►https://www.youtube.com/user/LittleBa...
►Little Baby Bum Spotify: https://littlebabybum.lnk.to/music
Little Baby Bum is a...
SUBSCRIBE for new videos every week!►https://www.youtube.com/user/LittleBa...
►Little Baby Bum Spotify: https://littlebabybum.lnk.to/music
Little Baby Bum is a fun and educational show for kids featuring classic and new nursery rhymes and loved by babies and their parents all around the world. Sing along with 6-year old Mia her family and friends in a world where animals can dance, buses are friends and rainy days are never boring.
Brand New Little Baby Bum Videos | Baby Songs | Nursery Rhymes
Go Buster! - Cartoons For Kids : Season 1
Nursery Rhymes | Songs For Children | Little Baby Bum
Nursery Rhymes for Babies | The Best Songs for Kids
Everybody’s got a name
Everybody’s got a name
My name is Sammy
I’m your baby sitter today
Everybody’s got a name
So what’s your name?
My name is Mia
My name is Ollie
My name is Ella
Everybody’s got a name
Everybody’s got a name
Some names are different
Some names are the same
Everybody’s got a name
So what’s your name?
My name is Mia
His name is Max
My name is Buster
Everybody’s got a name
Everybody’s got a name
Some names are different
Some names are the same
Everybody’s got a name
So what’s your name?
Children love singing and dancing with Mia and her other three siblings sister Ella, brother Ollie and Baby Max who are joined by a fun, diverse cast of the animal, vehicle, and human friends. Through the magic of rhythm and rhyme, their world comes alive.
Watch new and classic Little Baby Bum shows on Youtube. New week new fun and exciting song to learn along with other favorites like The Wheels on the Bus, Jhonny Jhonny Yes Papa, Rain Rain Go Away, ABC Song, Ice Cream Song, Wash Your Hands, Five Little Ducks, Ten Little Buses and many others.
#LBB #LittleBabyBum #MoonbugKids #WhatsYourName
© El Bebe Productions Limited - part of LittleBabyBum
SUBSCRIBE for new videos every week!►https://www.youtube.com/user/LittleBa...
►Little Baby Bum Spotify: https://littlebabybum.lnk.to/music
Little Baby Bum is a fun and educational show for kids featuring classic and new nursery rhymes and loved by babies and their parents all around the world. Sing along with 6-year old Mia her family and friends in a world where animals can dance, buses are friends and rainy days are never boring.
Brand New Little Baby Bum Videos | Baby Songs | Nursery Rhymes
Go Buster! - Cartoons For Kids : Season 1
Nursery Rhymes | Songs For Children | Little Baby Bum
Nursery Rhymes for Babies | The Best Songs for Kids
Everybody’s got a name
Everybody’s got a name
My name is Sammy
I’m your baby sitter today
Everybody’s got a name
So what’s your name?
My name is Mia
My name is Ollie
My name is Ella
Everybody’s got a name
Everybody’s got a name
Some names are different
Some names are the same
Everybody’s got a name
So what’s your name?
My name is Mia
His name is Max
My name is Buster
Everybody’s got a name
Everybody’s got a name
Some names are different
Some names are the same
Everybody’s got a name
So what’s your name?
Children love singing and dancing with Mia and her other three siblings sister Ella, brother Ollie and Baby Max who are joined by a fun, diverse cast of the animal, vehicle, and human friends. Through the magic of rhythm and rhyme, their world comes alive.
Watch new and classic Little Baby Bum shows on Youtube. New week new fun and exciting song to learn along with other favorites like The Wheels on the Bus, Jhonny Jhonny Yes Papa, Rain Rain Go Away, ABC Song, Ice Cream Song, Wash Your Hands, Five Little Ducks, Ten Little Buses and many others.
#LBB #LittleBabyBum #MoonbugKids #WhatsYourName
© El Bebe Productions Limited - part of LittleBabyBum
- published: 12 Jun 2019
- views: 16942287
Grill The Grid 2021: Teams A-Z
We asked the drivers to name an F1 team, past or present, for every letter of the alphabet. Some of the answers (or lack of them!) may surprise you.
For m...
We asked the drivers to name an F1 team, past or present, for every letter of the alphabet. Some of the answers (or lack of them!) may surprise you.
For more F1® videos, visit http://www.Formula1.com
Follow F1®:
We asked the drivers to name an F1 team, past or present, for every letter of the alphabet. Some of the answers (or lack of them!) may surprise you.
For more F1® videos, visit http://www.Formula1.com
Follow F1®:
- published: 28 May 2021
- views: 5851638
#FUNFACTS #SHORTS. #. ...✓.... #FUNFACTS #SHORTS. #...✓.... #motivationline21. ...✓....
#FUNFACTS #SHORTS. #. ...✓.... #FUNFACTS #SHORTS. #...✓.... #motivationline21. ...✓....
#FUNFACTS #SHORTS. #...✓.... #motivationline21. ...✓....
..#motivationline21. ...✓...@motivation_line_21
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#ifs #railway #irs
#ibps #rrb #uppsc #upscaspirants
#indiagk #bestmotivationalquotes
#indianarmy #news
#knowledge #exams
#pcs #mppsc#love #instagood #photooftheday
#FUNFACTS #SHORTS. #. ...✓.... #FUNFACTS #SHORTS. #...✓.... #motivationline21. ...✓....
#FUNFACTS #SHORTS. #...✓.... #motivationline21. ...✓....
..#motivationline21. ...✓...@motivation_line_21
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#upsc #ias #ips
#currentaffairs #ssc
#gk #ssccgl
#upscexam #upscmotivation #civilservices
#mppsc #education
#ifs #railway #irs
#ibps #rrb #uppsc #upscaspirants
#indiagk #bestmotivationalquotes
#indianarmy #news
#knowledge #exams
#pcs #mppsc#love #instagood #photooftheday
- published: 28 Jul 2021
- views: 25361
Saoirse Ronan Tries To Teach Stephen An Irish Accent
The star of Brooklyn gives Stephen a primer in speaking with an Irish brogue.
The star of Brooklyn gives Stephen a primer in speaking with an Irish brogue.
The star of Brooklyn gives Stephen a primer in speaking with an Irish brogue.
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 13675260
Rihanna - What's My Name? (Official Music Video) ft. Drake
Get Rihanna’s eighth studio album ANTI now:
Download on TIDAL: http://smarturl.it/downloadANTI
Stream on TIDAL: http://smarturl.it/streamANTId...
Get Rihanna’s eighth studio album ANTI now:
Download on TIDAL: http://smarturl.it/downloadANTI
Stream on TIDAL: http://smarturl.it/streamANTIdlx
Download on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/dlxANTI
Download on Google Play: http://smarturl.it/ANTIdlxgp
Download on Amazon: http://geni.us/amzANTI
Music video by Rihanna performing What's My Name?. (C) 2010 The Island Def Jam Music Group
#Rihanna #WhatsMyName #Remastered
#VEVOCertified on January 23, 2011. http://www.vevo.com/certified http://www.youtube.com/vevocertified
Get Rihanna’s eighth studio album ANTI now:
Download on TIDAL: http://smarturl.it/downloadANTI
Stream on TIDAL: http://smarturl.it/streamANTIdlx
Download on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/dlxANTI
Download on Google Play: http://smarturl.it/ANTIdlxgp
Download on Amazon: http://geni.us/amzANTI
Music video by Rihanna performing What's My Name?. (C) 2010 The Island Def Jam Music Group
#Rihanna #WhatsMyName #Remastered
#VEVOCertified on January 23, 2011. http://www.vevo.com/certified http://www.youtube.com/vevocertified
- published: 12 Nov 2010
- views: 918140260
My Name Song + More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - CoComelon
A new compilation video, including one of our most recent songs, "My Name Song"!
Watch your favorit...
A new compilation video, including one of our most recent songs, "My Name Song"!
Watch your favorite song by clicking a title below:
0:05 My Name Song
3:53 Mary Had a Little Lamb
6:41 Please and Thank You
9:47 B-I-N-G-O
12:31 Baby Shark
14:39 Rock-A-Bye Baby
16:48 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
19:47 Old MacDonald Had a Farm
22:19 Three Little Kittens
24:54 Ten in the Bed
28:45 Five Little Dinos
30:54 Row Row Row Your Boat
About Cocomelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
At Cocomelon, our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music.
Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our videos, learning letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and much, much more while simply enjoying our friendly characters and fun stories.
We also make life easier for parents who want to keep their kids happily entertained, giving you the peace of mind that your children are receiving quality educational content. Our videos also give you an opportunity to teach and play with your children as you both watch!
WEBSITE: http://www.Cocomelon.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Cocomelonkids
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cocomelon_official/
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/Cocomelonkids
Copyright © Treasure Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.
A new compilation video, including one of our most recent songs, "My Name Song"!
Watch your favorite song by clicking a title below:
0:05 My Name Song
3:53 Mary Had a Little Lamb
6:41 Please and Thank You
9:47 B-I-N-G-O
12:31 Baby Shark
14:39 Rock-A-Bye Baby
16:48 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
19:47 Old MacDonald Had a Farm
22:19 Three Little Kittens
24:54 Ten in the Bed
28:45 Five Little Dinos
30:54 Row Row Row Your Boat
About Cocomelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
At Cocomelon, our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music.
Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our videos, learning letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and much, much more while simply enjoying our friendly characters and fun stories.
We also make life easier for parents who want to keep their kids happily entertained, giving you the peace of mind that your children are receiving quality educational content. Our videos also give you an opportunity to teach and play with your children as you both watch!
WEBSITE: http://www.Cocomelon.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Cocomelonkids
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cocomelon_official/
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/Cocomelonkids
Copyright © Treasure Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.
- published: 22 Jun 2018
- views: 85366478
Legendary Tough meets Greek Mythology
This commercial created back in 2006 by Anifex Studio located in Australia. I believe it was for international TV market (not shown in USA).
published: 17 Mar 2012
Hecatoncheires: The Powerful Monsters of Greek Mythology - Mythological Bestiary
Hecatoncheires: The Powerful Monstesr of Greek Mythology
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
published: 10 Sep 2018
Centaurs: The Mythological Hybrid Creature of Greek Mythology - Mythological Bestiary - Fixed
Mythological Bestiary: Centaurs: The Mythological Hybrid Creature of Greek Mythology
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History
Wiki: A centaur (/ˈsɛntɔːr/; Greek: kένταυρος, kéntauros, Latin: centaurus), or occasionally hippocentaur, is a mythological creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body and legs of a horse.
published: 03 Jan 2019
Real Racing 3 but your opponents are from Greek mythology
published: 28 Feb 2022
Phaeton: The Fall of the Son of Apollo - Greek Mythology Stories - See U in History
Phaeton: The Fall of the Son of Apollo - Greek Mythology Stories
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
published: 10 May 2019
Moirai: The Sisters of Fate - (Greek Mythology Explained)
Today we take a look at another set of stories from Greek Mythology, the Moirai also known as the sisters of fate.
If you have enjoyed this video, please leave a like as it helps a lot.
►BUY OUR NOVEL HERE►https://www.amazon.com/Greek-Mythology-Explained-Deeper-Classical/dp/1633538966/
►SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS! ►►► https://goo.gl/j5qJPy
►CHECK OUT THE CHANNEL MERCH! ►► https://goo.gl/mcdDhJ
►COMPLETE PLAYLIST! ►► ►https://goo.gl/PNtLZT
►GREEK MYTHOLOGY PLAYLIST! ►►►https://goo.gl/mkT3Qk
►NORSE MYTHOLOGY PLAYLIST! ►►►https://goo.gl/cj4MUs
For those wanting to support the channel - https://www.patreon.com/MythologyExplained
Intro by http://taloscreative.co.uk
Intro Music by http://www.grahamplowman.com
If any of your artwork has been used in...
published: 25 Apr 2019
10 Best Games Where You Can PLAY AS GOD
Some games let you do whatever you want, but only a few games make you actually play as a god. Here are some of our favorite examples.
Subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/gameranxTV?sub_confirmation=1
published: 03 Jun 2020
The Lost Technology of Poseidon (Greek Mythology) | Dopamine NRG
In Rhapsody N, verses 21-38, Homer describes in the Iliad the Speedboat of Poseidon, which was capable of Flight! An exciting video that will take you on a journey through the Magic of the Ancient World, as it was before it was swallowed up by the Eternal Waves of the Sea!
► To Subscribe, press here https://tinyurl.com/um7nunjv
► If you liked the video, please press the like button!
► Don't forget to ring the Bell, to get notifications on new uploads!
Music sources: Creative Commons License:
a) Journey’s End by Purrple Cat | https://purrplecat.comMusic promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.comCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unportedhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
b) You’re The Champion by MaxKoMusic | https://maxkomusic.com/Music promoted by https://www.fre...
published: 03 Nov 2021
Blood of Zeus | Official Trailer | Netflix
In a brewing war between the gods of Olympus and the titans, Heron, a commoner living on the outskirts of ancient Greece, becomes mankind's best hope of surviving an evil demon army, when he discovers the secrets of his past.
Premieres October 27 only on Netflix.
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7
About Netflix:
Netflix is the world's leading streaming entertainment service with 193 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries and feature films across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on any internet-connected screen. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments.
Blood of Zeus | Official Trailer | Netflix
A commoner liv...
published: 05 Oct 2020
The Wombats – This Car Drives All By Itself (Official Video)
From the new album 'Fix Yourself, Not The World' – listen/buy here: https://thewombats.ffm.to/fyntw.oyd
For news, tour dates and more, check out:
Director: Callum L. James
Producer: Jake River Parker
Production Company: Head & Wrecker – https://headandwrecker.co.uk/
Production Manager: Rowan Mackintosh King
1st AD: Joe Mulvihill
DOP: Thomas English
1st AC Focus Puller: Chris Steel
2nd AC Loader: Anastasiya Cherkasyuk
Gaffer: Will Stuetz
Spark: Jack Foley, Chaimaa Ormazabal
Grip: Alex Aguilar
Stylist: Suzie Walsh
MUA: Emma Gandolfo
Art Director: Katie South
Art Assist: Niall Herlihy, Soo Young
Runner: Thea Evans, Dylan Parker
Scalextrics Driver: Simon Owen, Daniel Cornwall
VFX: Shivam Solanki
Grade: Dominic Phipps (at Framestore)
Cast: Declan Miele Ho...
published: 14 Jan 2022
The 9 Most Important Creatures of Greek Mythology - Mythological Curiosities - See U in History
Mythological Curiosities - The 9 Most Important Creatures of Greek Mythology
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
published: 08 Mar 2021
The Greatest Warrior in Greece: Achilles - Greek Mythology Explained
Welcome to Mythology Explained- today we’re going to be discussing Achilles. Achilles was the son of Peleus and Thetis. Pelus was the king of Phthia, which was either a city or district in Thessaly, and the grandson of Zeus, making Achilles the great-grandson of Zeus. Thetis was a sea-goddess and one of 50 Nereids, a group of sea-nymphs who were the daughters of Nereus, who was a sea-god and the son of Gaia, the personification of the earth, and of Pontus, the personification of the sea.
When Zeus found out that any children he sired by Thetis would be more powerful than himself, he decided to marry off Thetis to Peleus, a mortal man, to forestall any such eventuality. Another version has Zeus marry Thetis to a mortal after she rejects his advance. Thetis and Peleus’ marriage is a very i...
published: 31 Aug 2021
The myth of Icarus and Daedalus - Amy Adkins
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-myth-of-icarus-and-daedalus-amy-adkins
In mythological ancient Greece, Icarus flew above Crete on wings made from wax and feathers, defying the laws of man and nature. To witnesses on the ground, he looked like a god, and he felt like one too. But, in his society, the line that separated god from man was absolute, and the punishment for mortals who attempted to cross it was severe. Amy Adkins explains the myth of Icarus and Daedalus.
Lesson by Amy Adkins, animation by TED-Ed.
published: 13 Mar 2017
Jaguar F-PACE World Car Awards Commercial (Canon EOS C200)
Jaguar F-PACE world car award commercial directed by Brett Danton with creative director Matt Johnston from Spark44.
Shot using the Canon EOS C200 in Cinema RAW light except one shoot on a EOS C700 for comparison and intercutting between cameras in Queenstown New Zealand.
Producer Gary Strangman
Actress Talia Fowler
DOP Ashleigh Carter
Post Production GPS Studios
VO Rupert Degas
Recording Studio Buzz Pringle
Wardrobe Stanzee
3D Cream Studios
published: 06 Dec 2017
Legendary Tough meets Greek Mythology
This commercial created back in 2006 by Anifex Studio located in Australia. I believe it was for international TV market (not shown in USA).
This commercial created back in 2006 by Anifex Studio located in Australia. I believe it was for international TV market (not shown in USA).
This commercial created back in 2006 by Anifex Studio located in Australia. I believe it was for international TV market (not shown in USA).
- published: 17 Mar 2012
- views: 17648
Hecatoncheires: The Powerful Monsters of Greek Mythology - Mythological Bestiary
Hecatoncheires: The Powerful Monstesr of Greek Mythology
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
Hecatoncheires: The Powerful Monstesr of Greek Mythology
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
Hecatoncheires: The Powerful Monstesr of Greek Mythology
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
- published: 10 Sep 2018
- views: 71683
Centaurs: The Mythological Hybrid Creature of Greek Mythology - Mythological Bestiary - Fixed
Mythological Bestiary: Centaurs: The Mythological Hybrid Creature of Greek Mythology
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History
Mythological Bestiary: Centaurs: The Mythological Hybrid Creature of Greek Mythology
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History
Wiki: A centaur (/ˈsɛntɔːr/; Greek: kένταυρος, kéntauros, Latin: centaurus), or occasionally hippocentaur, is a mythological creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body and legs of a horse.
Mythological Bestiary: Centaurs: The Mythological Hybrid Creature of Greek Mythology
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History
Wiki: A centaur (/ˈsɛntɔːr/; Greek: kένταυρος, kéntauros, Latin: centaurus), or occasionally hippocentaur, is a mythological creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body and legs of a horse.
- published: 03 Jan 2019
- views: 106079
Phaeton: The Fall of the Son of Apollo - Greek Mythology Stories - See U in History
Phaeton: The Fall of the Son of Apollo - Greek Mythology Stories
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
Phaeton: The Fall of the Son of Apollo - Greek Mythology Stories
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
Phaeton: The Fall of the Son of Apollo - Greek Mythology Stories
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
- published: 10 May 2019
- views: 60477
Moirai: The Sisters of Fate - (Greek Mythology Explained)
Today we take a look at another set of stories from Greek Mythology, the Moirai also known as the sisters of fate.
If you have enjoyed this video, please leave...
Today we take a look at another set of stories from Greek Mythology, the Moirai also known as the sisters of fate.
If you have enjoyed this video, please leave a like as it helps a lot.
►BUY OUR NOVEL HERE►https://www.amazon.com/Greek-Mythology-Explained-Deeper-Classical/dp/1633538966/
►SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS! ►►► https://goo.gl/j5qJPy
►CHECK OUT THE CHANNEL MERCH! ►► https://goo.gl/mcdDhJ
►COMPLETE PLAYLIST! ►► ►https://goo.gl/PNtLZT
►GREEK MYTHOLOGY PLAYLIST! ►►►https://goo.gl/mkT3Qk
►NORSE MYTHOLOGY PLAYLIST! ►►►https://goo.gl/cj4MUs
For those wanting to support the channel - https://www.patreon.com/MythologyExplained
Intro by http://taloscreative.co.uk
Intro Music by http://www.grahamplowman.com
If any of your artwork has been used in a video of mine please don't hesitate to contact me and the appropriate credit can be given.
#Moirai #GreekMythology
Today we take a look at another set of stories from Greek Mythology, the Moirai also known as the sisters of fate.
If you have enjoyed this video, please leave a like as it helps a lot.
►BUY OUR NOVEL HERE►https://www.amazon.com/Greek-Mythology-Explained-Deeper-Classical/dp/1633538966/
►SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS! ►►► https://goo.gl/j5qJPy
►CHECK OUT THE CHANNEL MERCH! ►► https://goo.gl/mcdDhJ
►COMPLETE PLAYLIST! ►► ►https://goo.gl/PNtLZT
►GREEK MYTHOLOGY PLAYLIST! ►►►https://goo.gl/mkT3Qk
►NORSE MYTHOLOGY PLAYLIST! ►►►https://goo.gl/cj4MUs
For those wanting to support the channel - https://www.patreon.com/MythologyExplained
Intro by http://taloscreative.co.uk
Intro Music by http://www.grahamplowman.com
If any of your artwork has been used in a video of mine please don't hesitate to contact me and the appropriate credit can be given.
#Moirai #GreekMythology
- published: 25 Apr 2019
- views: 225533
10 Best Games Where You Can PLAY AS GOD
Some games let you do whatever you want, but only a few games make you actually play as a god. Here are some of our favorite examples.
Subscribe for more: https...
Some games let you do whatever you want, but only a few games make you actually play as a god. Here are some of our favorite examples.
Subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/gameranxTV?sub_confirmation=1
Some games let you do whatever you want, but only a few games make you actually play as a god. Here are some of our favorite examples.
Subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/gameranxTV?sub_confirmation=1
- published: 03 Jun 2020
- views: 939680
The Lost Technology of Poseidon (Greek Mythology) | Dopamine NRG
In Rhapsody N, verses 21-38, Homer describes in the Iliad the Speedboat of Poseidon, which was capable of Flight! An exciting video that will take you on a jour...
In Rhapsody N, verses 21-38, Homer describes in the Iliad the Speedboat of Poseidon, which was capable of Flight! An exciting video that will take you on a journey through the Magic of the Ancient World, as it was before it was swallowed up by the Eternal Waves of the Sea!
► To Subscribe, press here https://tinyurl.com/um7nunjv
► If you liked the video, please press the like button!
► Don't forget to ring the Bell, to get notifications on new uploads!
Music sources: Creative Commons License:
a) Journey’s End by Purrple Cat | https://purrplecat.comMusic promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.comCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unportedhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
b) You’re The Champion by MaxKoMusic | https://maxkomusic.com/Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.comCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unportedhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
videos: fair use:
a) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaWnLiffxJ4
b) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyDrG6iUxB0
#DopaminNRG #GreekMythology #GreekHistory #History #GreekGods #GodsOfOlymp #Homer #iliad #TrojanWar #Troy
In Rhapsody N, verses 21-38, Homer describes in the Iliad the Speedboat of Poseidon, which was capable of Flight! An exciting video that will take you on a journey through the Magic of the Ancient World, as it was before it was swallowed up by the Eternal Waves of the Sea!
► To Subscribe, press here https://tinyurl.com/um7nunjv
► If you liked the video, please press the like button!
► Don't forget to ring the Bell, to get notifications on new uploads!
Music sources: Creative Commons License:
a) Journey’s End by Purrple Cat | https://purrplecat.comMusic promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.comCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unportedhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
b) You’re The Champion by MaxKoMusic | https://maxkomusic.com/Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.comCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unportedhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
videos: fair use:
a) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaWnLiffxJ4
b) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyDrG6iUxB0
#DopaminNRG #GreekMythology #GreekHistory #History #GreekGods #GodsOfOlymp #Homer #iliad #TrojanWar #Troy
- published: 03 Nov 2021
- views: 14
Blood of Zeus | Official Trailer | Netflix
In a brewing war between the gods of Olympus and the titans, Heron, a commoner living on the outskirts of ancient Greece, becomes mankind's best hope of survivi...
In a brewing war between the gods of Olympus and the titans, Heron, a commoner living on the outskirts of ancient Greece, becomes mankind's best hope of surviving an evil demon army, when he discovers the secrets of his past.
Premieres October 27 only on Netflix.
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7
About Netflix:
Netflix is the world's leading streaming entertainment service with 193 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries and feature films across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on any internet-connected screen. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments.
Blood of Zeus | Official Trailer | Netflix
A commoner living in ancient Greece, Heron discovers his true heritage as a son of Zeus, and his purpose: to save the world from a demonic army.
In a brewing war between the gods of Olympus and the titans, Heron, a commoner living on the outskirts of ancient Greece, becomes mankind's best hope of surviving an evil demon army, when he discovers the secrets of his past.
Premieres October 27 only on Netflix.
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7
About Netflix:
Netflix is the world's leading streaming entertainment service with 193 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries and feature films across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on any internet-connected screen. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments.
Blood of Zeus | Official Trailer | Netflix
A commoner living in ancient Greece, Heron discovers his true heritage as a son of Zeus, and his purpose: to save the world from a demonic army.
- published: 05 Oct 2020
- views: 5610048
The Wombats – This Car Drives All By Itself (Official Video)
From the new album 'Fix Yourself, Not The World' – listen/buy here: https://thewombats.ffm.to/fyntw.oyd
For news, tour dates and more, check out:
From the new album 'Fix Yourself, Not The World' – listen/buy here: https://thewombats.ffm.to/fyntw.oyd
For news, tour dates and more, check out:
Director: Callum L. James
Producer: Jake River Parker
Production Company: Head & Wrecker – https://headandwrecker.co.uk/
Production Manager: Rowan Mackintosh King
1st AD: Joe Mulvihill
DOP: Thomas English
1st AC Focus Puller: Chris Steel
2nd AC Loader: Anastasiya Cherkasyuk
Gaffer: Will Stuetz
Spark: Jack Foley, Chaimaa Ormazabal
Grip: Alex Aguilar
Stylist: Suzie Walsh
MUA: Emma Gandolfo
Art Director: Katie South
Art Assist: Niall Herlihy, Soo Young
Runner: Thea Evans, Dylan Parker
Scalextrics Driver: Simon Owen, Daniel Cornwall
VFX: Shivam Solanki
Grade: Dominic Phipps (at Framestore)
Cast: Declan Miele Howell, Gaia Ottman, Eddie Khamis
Follow The Wombats:
Instagram: https://thewombats.ffm.to/instagram.oyd
Facebook: https://thewombats.ffm.to/facebook.oyd
Twitter: https://thewombats.ffm.to/twitter.oyd
TikTok: https://thewombats.ffm.to/tiktok.oyd
Spotify: https://thewombats.ffm.to/spotify.oyd
Apple Music: https://thewombats.ffm.to/applemusic.oyd
"This Car Drives All By Itself" Lyrics:
This car drives all by itself
And this car drives all by itself
And you can force it
But it doesn't want to move an inch
You can't buy its loyalty this time
You can tempt it with a pocket full of shiny things
Still there's no room left in paradise
And the kids aren't wrong
And the kids aren't wrong
And the kids aren't wrong this time
I'm looking for a spark in the heart of the light
This car drives all by itself
And this car drives all by itself
You can drag the years behind you
You can let them go
Still she'll laugh at you behind your back
There's no water here there's just the wide open road
And it leads you up the garden path
And the kids aren't wrong
And the kids aren't wrong
And the kids aren't wrong this time
I'm looking for a spark in the heart of the light
This car drives all by itself
And this car drives all by itself
I see a tunnel at the end of the light
And it's killing me slowly with its tune
I'm always a mess come the end of the night
Oh but we keep, keep dancing though we're out of time
Oh hold on baby, baby yeah it's alright
Because this car drives all by itself
And this car drives all by itself
And the kids aren't wrong
And the kids aren't wrong
And the kid aren't wrong this time
I see a tunnel at the end of the light
This car drives all by itself
And this car drives all by itself
#TheWombats #ThisCarDrivesAllByItself #FixYourselfNotTheWorld
From the new album 'Fix Yourself, Not The World' – listen/buy here: https://thewombats.ffm.to/fyntw.oyd
For news, tour dates and more, check out:
Director: Callum L. James
Producer: Jake River Parker
Production Company: Head & Wrecker – https://headandwrecker.co.uk/
Production Manager: Rowan Mackintosh King
1st AD: Joe Mulvihill
DOP: Thomas English
1st AC Focus Puller: Chris Steel
2nd AC Loader: Anastasiya Cherkasyuk
Gaffer: Will Stuetz
Spark: Jack Foley, Chaimaa Ormazabal
Grip: Alex Aguilar
Stylist: Suzie Walsh
MUA: Emma Gandolfo
Art Director: Katie South
Art Assist: Niall Herlihy, Soo Young
Runner: Thea Evans, Dylan Parker
Scalextrics Driver: Simon Owen, Daniel Cornwall
VFX: Shivam Solanki
Grade: Dominic Phipps (at Framestore)
Cast: Declan Miele Howell, Gaia Ottman, Eddie Khamis
Follow The Wombats:
Instagram: https://thewombats.ffm.to/instagram.oyd
Facebook: https://thewombats.ffm.to/facebook.oyd
Twitter: https://thewombats.ffm.to/twitter.oyd
TikTok: https://thewombats.ffm.to/tiktok.oyd
Spotify: https://thewombats.ffm.to/spotify.oyd
Apple Music: https://thewombats.ffm.to/applemusic.oyd
"This Car Drives All By Itself" Lyrics:
This car drives all by itself
And this car drives all by itself
And you can force it
But it doesn't want to move an inch
You can't buy its loyalty this time
You can tempt it with a pocket full of shiny things
Still there's no room left in paradise
And the kids aren't wrong
And the kids aren't wrong
And the kids aren't wrong this time
I'm looking for a spark in the heart of the light
This car drives all by itself
And this car drives all by itself
You can drag the years behind you
You can let them go
Still she'll laugh at you behind your back
There's no water here there's just the wide open road
And it leads you up the garden path
And the kids aren't wrong
And the kids aren't wrong
And the kids aren't wrong this time
I'm looking for a spark in the heart of the light
This car drives all by itself
And this car drives all by itself
I see a tunnel at the end of the light
And it's killing me slowly with its tune
I'm always a mess come the end of the night
Oh but we keep, keep dancing though we're out of time
Oh hold on baby, baby yeah it's alright
Because this car drives all by itself
And this car drives all by itself
And the kids aren't wrong
And the kids aren't wrong
And the kid aren't wrong this time
I see a tunnel at the end of the light
This car drives all by itself
And this car drives all by itself
#TheWombats #ThisCarDrivesAllByItself #FixYourselfNotTheWorld
- published: 14 Jan 2022
- views: 641579
The 9 Most Important Creatures of Greek Mythology - Mythological Curiosities - See U in History
Mythological Curiosities - The 9 Most Important Creatures of Greek Mythology
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
Mythological Curiosities - The 9 Most Important Creatures of Greek Mythology
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
Mythological Curiosities - The 9 Most Important Creatures of Greek Mythology
#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
- published: 08 Mar 2021
- views: 98351
The Greatest Warrior in Greece: Achilles - Greek Mythology Explained
Welcome to Mythology Explained- today we’re going to be discussing
Achilles. Achilles was the son of Peleus and Thetis. Pelus was the king of Phthia, which was ...
Welcome to Mythology Explained- today we’re going to be discussing
Achilles. Achilles was the son of Peleus and Thetis. Pelus was the king of Phthia, which was either a city or district in Thessaly, and the grandson of Zeus, making Achilles the great-grandson of Zeus. Thetis was a sea-goddess and one of 50 Nereids, a group of sea-nymphs who were the daughters of Nereus, who was a sea-god and the son of Gaia, the personification of the earth, and of Pontus, the personification of the sea.
When Zeus found out that any children he sired by Thetis would be more powerful than himself, he decided to marry off Thetis to Peleus, a mortal man, to forestall any such eventuality. Another version has Zeus marry Thetis to a mortal after she rejects his advance. Thetis and Peleus’ marriage is a very important piece of this story, for it was the impetus that catalyzed the Trojan War, the conflict that would claim Achilles' life. You could say that it was the marriage of Achilles’ own parents that was the architect of the hero’s own doom.
The wedding was a grand affair. All of the gods were in attendance. That is, all of the gods except for Eris, the goddess of strife, who was intentionally snubbed by not being extended an invitation. Being deliberately excluded didn’t sit well with Eris, and so she devised a subtle and insidious plan. Her invitation be damned, she showed up at the wedding. She brought with her a golden apple inscribed with the words, “for the fairest”. Three goddesses, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, strode forward to claim the gift for their own, each goddess asserting that it was she who was the most beautiful and, thus, the rightful recipient of the apple. This dispute was a matter of deep contention between the three, so it was decided that Paris, a prince of Troy, was to be the arbiter who would adjudicate. Each goddess attempted to bribe him. Hera offered an expansive kingdom, Athena, victory in war, and Aphrodite, the most beautiful woman in all the world. Paris was most seduced by Aphrodite’s offer, and so it was she who was declared most beautiful. The prince promptly set sail for Sparta where he took Helen back to Troy with him, either willingly or unwillingly, depending on the version. This theft precipitated the Trojan war. Menelaus, Helen’s husband, and Agamemnon rallied all of Greece’s armies, setting sail with a thousand ships to assail the walls of Troy. And it would be this war that would prove the defining chapter of Achilles’ life.
When Achilles was but an infant, his mother contrived to make him immortal. There are two versions of this. The first is that she placed him atop fiery embers at night and then anointed him with ambrosia during the day. Peleus, fearing that his son would be burned to death, put an end to this process before the transformation was complete, leaving Achilles mortal. The second version is perhaps the better known of the two. It entails Achilles’ mother holding him by his heels and dipping him into the river Styx, one of the rivers of the underworld. This was done successfully, but the process was ultimately flawed; for it left Achilles with two vulnerable areas, two chinks in his otherwise impervious body: his heels.
...Watch the video for the rest!
Welcome to Mythology Explained- today we’re going to be discussing
Achilles. Achilles was the son of Peleus and Thetis. Pelus was the king of Phthia, which was either a city or district in Thessaly, and the grandson of Zeus, making Achilles the great-grandson of Zeus. Thetis was a sea-goddess and one of 50 Nereids, a group of sea-nymphs who were the daughters of Nereus, who was a sea-god and the son of Gaia, the personification of the earth, and of Pontus, the personification of the sea.
When Zeus found out that any children he sired by Thetis would be more powerful than himself, he decided to marry off Thetis to Peleus, a mortal man, to forestall any such eventuality. Another version has Zeus marry Thetis to a mortal after she rejects his advance. Thetis and Peleus’ marriage is a very important piece of this story, for it was the impetus that catalyzed the Trojan War, the conflict that would claim Achilles' life. You could say that it was the marriage of Achilles’ own parents that was the architect of the hero’s own doom.
The wedding was a grand affair. All of the gods were in attendance. That is, all of the gods except for Eris, the goddess of strife, who was intentionally snubbed by not being extended an invitation. Being deliberately excluded didn’t sit well with Eris, and so she devised a subtle and insidious plan. Her invitation be damned, she showed up at the wedding. She brought with her a golden apple inscribed with the words, “for the fairest”. Three goddesses, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, strode forward to claim the gift for their own, each goddess asserting that it was she who was the most beautiful and, thus, the rightful recipient of the apple. This dispute was a matter of deep contention between the three, so it was decided that Paris, a prince of Troy, was to be the arbiter who would adjudicate. Each goddess attempted to bribe him. Hera offered an expansive kingdom, Athena, victory in war, and Aphrodite, the most beautiful woman in all the world. Paris was most seduced by Aphrodite’s offer, and so it was she who was declared most beautiful. The prince promptly set sail for Sparta where he took Helen back to Troy with him, either willingly or unwillingly, depending on the version. This theft precipitated the Trojan war. Menelaus, Helen’s husband, and Agamemnon rallied all of Greece’s armies, setting sail with a thousand ships to assail the walls of Troy. And it would be this war that would prove the defining chapter of Achilles’ life.
When Achilles was but an infant, his mother contrived to make him immortal. There are two versions of this. The first is that she placed him atop fiery embers at night and then anointed him with ambrosia during the day. Peleus, fearing that his son would be burned to death, put an end to this process before the transformation was complete, leaving Achilles mortal. The second version is perhaps the better known of the two. It entails Achilles’ mother holding him by his heels and dipping him into the river Styx, one of the rivers of the underworld. This was done successfully, but the process was ultimately flawed; for it left Achilles with two vulnerable areas, two chinks in his otherwise impervious body: his heels.
...Watch the video for the rest!
- published: 31 Aug 2021
- views: 28693
The myth of Icarus and Daedalus - Amy Adkins
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-myth-of-icarus-and-daedalus-amy-adkins
In mythological ancient Greece, Icarus flew above Crete on wings made fr...
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-myth-of-icarus-and-daedalus-amy-adkins
In mythological ancient Greece, Icarus flew above Crete on wings made from wax and feathers, defying the laws of man and nature. To witnesses on the ground, he looked like a god, and he felt like one too. But, in his society, the line that separated god from man was absolute, and the punishment for mortals who attempted to cross it was severe. Amy Adkins explains the myth of Icarus and Daedalus.
Lesson by Amy Adkins, animation by TED-Ed.
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-myth-of-icarus-and-daedalus-amy-adkins
In mythological ancient Greece, Icarus flew above Crete on wings made from wax and feathers, defying the laws of man and nature. To witnesses on the ground, he looked like a god, and he felt like one too. But, in his society, the line that separated god from man was absolute, and the punishment for mortals who attempted to cross it was severe. Amy Adkins explains the myth of Icarus and Daedalus.
Lesson by Amy Adkins, animation by TED-Ed.
- published: 13 Mar 2017
- views: 7121454
Jaguar F-PACE World Car Awards Commercial (Canon EOS C200)
Jaguar F-PACE world car award commercial directed by Brett Danton with creative director Matt Johnston from Spark44.
Shot using the Canon EOS C200 in Cinema RA...
Jaguar F-PACE world car award commercial directed by Brett Danton with creative director Matt Johnston from Spark44.
Shot using the Canon EOS C200 in Cinema RAW light except one shoot on a EOS C700 for comparison and intercutting between cameras in Queenstown New Zealand.
Producer Gary Strangman
Actress Talia Fowler
DOP Ashleigh Carter
Post Production GPS Studios
VO Rupert Degas
Recording Studio Buzz Pringle
Wardrobe Stanzee
3D Cream Studios
Jaguar F-PACE world car award commercial directed by Brett Danton with creative director Matt Johnston from Spark44.
Shot using the Canon EOS C200 in Cinema RAW light except one shoot on a EOS C700 for comparison and intercutting between cameras in Queenstown New Zealand.
Producer Gary Strangman
Actress Talia Fowler
DOP Ashleigh Carter
Post Production GPS Studios
VO Rupert Degas
Recording Studio Buzz Pringle
Wardrobe Stanzee
3D Cream Studios
- published: 06 Dec 2017
- views: 44199