- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 1489
Profiles In Leadership: LCDR Mark Tedrow '04, USN
JODY - #LCDR V (Freestyle)
Beyond the Call: LCDR Ken Vargas
LCDR Leiby, Naval Aviator -- Career Intermission Program
Star Trek TNG: LCDR Data corrects LT Worf
Blue Angel Lcdr Kevin "Kojak" Davis Tribute
Female Leadership – LCDR LaDonna Simpson, Surface Nuclear Officer
Arlington National Cemetery Military Funeral Video - William R. Mitchell, LCDR, US Navy
LCDR Erik.S.Kristensen . Operation Red Wings 2005 Lone Survivor 2015 Kristensen Klassic
Welcome Home LCDR Jeremy Steffen
Blue Angels #5, LCDR Mark Tedrow ’04, USN, is featured in the series “Profiles In Leadership.” Thanks to the Boeing Company for partnering on this special project. Beat Air Force!
Ken Vargas leads a well-rounded life -- as a Native American, a motorcycle enthusiast, an experienced bow hunter and a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy Civil Engineer Corps. As one of the highest-ranking Native American Officers on Active Duty, LCDR Vargas is responsible for all on-base infrastructures in the southeast United States. For LCDR Vargas, the Navy has given him the chance to fulfill his childhood dream to be a warrior for his country.
Every year, a select number of Enlisted Sailors and Officers are allowed to take time off for personal reasons through the Navy Career Intermission Program (CIP). Those who apply to CIP are permitted to transfer from Active Duty into the Individual Ready Reserve to pursue other interests for up to 3 years while retaining full health-care coverage. Naval Aviator Danielle Leiby took advantage of CIP to start a family. Do you want to learn more about the Career Intermission Program? Visit the Navy Personnel Command page for information on the CIP: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/support/21st_Century_Sailor/tflw/Pages/CIPP.aspx
Tribute to 2007 Blue Angel #6, Lcdr Kevin Davis who lost his life while performing at an Air Show in Beaufort, SC with the United States Navy Blue Angels. He will be missed.
How would you like your college tuition paid for by the Navy? That’s what happened for LCDR Ladonna Simpson, a Surface Nuclear Officer in America’s Navy. Hear more about her role as a nuclear engineer in the Navy by watching this video. Learn more about becoming a Surface Warfare Officer (Nuclear) like LCDR Simpson here: https://www.navy.com/careers/nuclear-power/surface-warfare-nuclear.html
Military funeral highlights for William R. Mitchell, LCDR, USN (Retired). Services were held on October 28, 2010, at Arlington National Cemetery. Video was produced by Jerry Werthman, owner of Cameo Video Productions of Washington. Jerry Werthman is a four-time winner of the prestigious WEVA* International Creative Excellence Award (2006-2011) for his family-commissioned coverage of Arlington National Cemetery military funerals. Associate producer was Ashley Hegstad. For additional information, visit www.arlingtonfuneralvideo.com or www.cameovideopro.com. Call 703-569-0095. Email cameovideopro@aol.com. Video is posted with family permission. Music is by Thomas Newman: "That Next Place" from the motion picture soundtrack "Meet Joe Black." *Wedding and Event Videographers Associat...
http://kristensenklassic.com/ Kristensen Klassic and Scholarship Fund https://twitter.com/EyeStKlassic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNW3knnity0 #SEAL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNW3knnity0 2015 Kristensen Klassic #Unconquerable #NeverQuit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_S._Kristensen
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