Wendy Squires

All a plebiscite will do is further divide us

Wendy Squires This debate will affect lives.

All a plebiscite will do is further divide us

Wendy Squires This debate will affect lives.

Childfree and happy

Wendy Squires It is a fact and a force that childless and single occupant households are to an extent the future.

Go Game of Thrones: Now TV has more penis than you can poke a stick at

wendy squires dinkus

Wendy Squires It hasn't come soon enough for certain actresses who have been lobbying for men to share the bare.

Parental bleating drowns out children's cries for help

The backlash against the doctors in schools program masks a wider issue.

Wendy Squires Fears about doctors prescribing the pill to kids in schools mask real issues the program could remedy.

Comments 18

Excuse me, it's my planet too!

Wendy Squires

Wendy Squires Whatever happened to being polite and aware of other people's space?

Comments 302

Our shameful treatment of veterans must change

Wendy Squires Post traumatic stress disorder affects many who have served this country but little is being done to meet their needs.

Comments 3

Awesome Jerry Hall: At last, a celebrity who actually looks her age

Wendy Squires When will women learn that you can't buy beauty in a doctor's surgery?

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The ugly truth about the fashion world

Wendy Squires Zoolander 2 might seem ridiculous. But take it from me, the real world is worse.

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Guns: madness begets madness

Wendy Squires In America, predictably, but also in Paris, we heard some worrying words this week.

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Better to be chirpy and creative after midnight than a grumpy zombie in the morn

Wendy Squires My clock says it is almost 1am. It's the morning of my deadline for this column and I have just sat down to write. The reason I didn't start earlier is because I simply didn't want to.

Comments 2

The footy stars, those photos and a whole lot of hypocrisy

Wendy Squires Would we still be laughing if it were women whose nude selfies had been published?

Comments 10

Those who feel sad and alone at Christmas and New Year celebrations don't miss much

Wendy Squires

Wendy Squires My bad mood shifts completely after the festivities when friends return from family get-togethers tired of war stories and scars.

Beauty in each beach body

Wendy Squires Swimwear is the greatest social leveller. Clothes are our armour. Without them we are vulnerable.

Maybe next year Santa will get it right

Is Santa really

Wendy Squires I don't wish to be unseasonal, but Father Christmas has got some apologising to do.

Comments 6

We're all beautiful – apart from those nasty fat-shamers


Wendy Squires The actions of Overweight Haters Ltd in London have inspired other self-adoring narcissists around the world, but some of their "victims" are now pushing back.

Only casualties in the wasteful war on drugs


Wendy Squires Our society is awash in drugs and mixed messages, and people who use drugs would be safer if we acknowledged their ubiquity.

Comments 35

It seems I'm a bullseye for bigots

Controversy magnet: Sam Newman on the Footy Show.

Wendy Squires I can hardly believe I'm writing this, but I agree with Sam Newman.

Comments 12

Wendy Squires: Free app puts charities ahead of Kardashians


Wendy Squires Quick quiz: name the most annoying, useless blight of a family in America? No, it's not the Bush clan.

Get Mr Magoo off our roads

Mr Magoo goes to Paris.

Wendy Squires Yes, most elderly drivers are competent – but too many aren't. Sorry, but it is true.

Comments 115