The war over books just got really confusing

Peter Martin 11:45 PM   Attempts to free up access to cheaper books have been misinterpreted by Australia's leading authors. Access to books is too important a question to leave to authors.



Is Elon Musk the car world's Willy Wonka?

Johnny Depp played Willy Wonka in <i>Charlie and the Chocolate Factory</i>.

James Quinn 11:00 AM   Tesla's founder is selling the future, dreams big, and to date has, despite some production delays, made them happen for a relatively small few.

The trouble with zoos

Keeping wild animals in captivity is fraught with problems.

Lori Gruen 1:30 PM   Zoos warp our understanding of wild animals and perpetuate the notion that they are here for our purposes.

ABC suffering slow death by a thousand cuts

Dinkus: Ranald Macdonald

Ranald MacDonald 11:45 PM   Tell us, ministers, how the ABC is now better off under your government?

Comments 42

Fat shaming is not concern for people's health

Plus Size Model Tess Holliday.

Bryony Gordon   In our PC world, there is only one group of people it's acceptable to vilify: the fat.

Comments 13

I'll take my weekend when it suits me

The tradition model is already under pressure.

lucy mangan   We don't need specific days off any more.

Comments 5

Why Australia is stingy and getting stingier

Illustration: Simon Letch

Matt Wade   We think we're more generous than we are but we're downright miserly.

Leaks, secrets and the scary NBN raids

Complaint: The NBN's chief executive Bill Morrow. The AFP responded to the company.

Jonathan Holmes   These days, it seems, the police and security forces can get just about anything they want, even when the issue has nothing to do with national security.

Comments 18

Why we went ahead with the Coburg rally

Violence erupted when participants in a Say No To Racism rally protesting the forced closure of Aboriginal communities, ...

Sue Bolton   We reject the assertion that, as Moreland is already culturally diverse, there was no need to hold such a rally and by doing so we bought violence into the local area.

Comments 39

Wonder why your kids drink and use drugs?

Aubrey Perry Headshot

Aubrey Perry   We shouldn't imply an acceptance of this behaviour in the example we set for our children with our own.

Comments 4

The zika crisis is not going away

A mosquito.

Amir Attaran   We could turn Zika's negative into an unprecedented positive: the first transcontinental, truly global Olympics.

Comments 4

We shouldn't payfor extreme athletes'  risks

Dyson illustration; re Extreme activities, cost of rescue, Age Opinion 31 May 2016

Arthur Caplan and Brendan Parent   Thrill seekers in perilous situations should be saved. But the obligation to rescue should include one important stipulation: Hold the risk takers responsible.

Why it's time to ban pornography

Telstra's opti-in "clean feed" makes it easier for parents to filter what comes into their homes.

Matthew Schmitz   Pornography's enjoyments may be private, but its harms are inescapably public.

The  rally that brought Nazis to Coburg streets

Masked protester in Coburg on Saturday.

Bianca Hall   The Melbourne suburb of Coburg became a no-go zone for residents on Saturday as rival protest groups clashed on the streets.

Why we called foul on a VCE play

Cast of the play, Tales of A City by the Sea, when it premiered in 2014.

Dr Dvir Abramovich   When parents send their children to school, there is an expectation that they will not be placed in a toxic environment.

What Clinton needs most

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Nicole Hemmer   As Hillary Clinton edges closer to clinching the Democratic nomination – as of Monday, she needs just 73 more delegates – attention has turned to the other half of the ticket. 


Less Michael Bay, more Swedish arthouse

Federal election campaigns used to be like Hollywood blockbusters, moving at such a cracking pace, people missed on all the glaring inconsistencies, writes ADAM GARTRELL.

Multiculturalism: not an ideal, but a reality

We need to create human societies from people of many different backgrounds, writes MARTIN FLANAGAN.

Khan's London a symbol of a working democracy

If Donald Trump is elected US president, London's new mayor would be barred from entering the country because he's a Muslim, writes WALEED ALY. 

Gold Logie is more than a win for diversity

The bigots who struggle with Waleed Aly's success fail to understand it has nothing to do with religion.

The biggest issue

Population growth must be addressed to ensure future prosperity and health, writes FARRAH TOMAZIN.

The fight China will take to the brink of war

The world's two greatest powers are competing for military dominance of the western Pacific Ocean and the contest is about to intensify, by PETER HARTCHER.

Surgeons trained on living animals save lives

In emergencies, surgeons, whose training has been as realistic as possible, can make the difference between life and death, by JOHN CUNNINGHAM.

Death in black and white

Imagine if a royal commission was held into a matter of national shame, and it spent tens of millions of dollars, produced a vast report, but the headline indicators of that shame actually went backwards.

Against the odds the stars line up for Labor

Increasing inequality has allowed Labor to start doing something it hasn't done for decades - articulate a worldview.

Better teachers? Better at what, exactly?

We all know it is bureaucratic procedures, lack of funding and poor pay rates that hold back educational standards, not bad teachers, by NED MANNING.

Beauty of science is in the unexpected moment

The CSIRO's pursuit of science will be hampered by the naked hunt for cash, by SURENDRA VERMA.

The sheer stupidity of Trump’s terrifying rise

How would such an ignorant amateur actually run the most powerful country in the world? By JANET DALEY

Gen Y frets over a looming bleak future

Good jobs, affordable homes and peace of mind appear increasingly out of reach for young Australians.