Latest News for: sid sham


Letter of the week: The turning point

New Statesman 23 Sep 2020
A selection of the best letters received from our readers this week ... Its focus was not the punk rockers of the King’s Road, such as Siouxsie Sioux and Sid Vicious, but punk groups based in working-class communities, exemplified by Sham 69 and their lead singer Jimmy Pursey ... In the event, Pursey joined RAR, announcing onstage ... Peter Foster Edinburgh.

Le Conseil de paix et de s�curit� tient une session d'urgence

All Africa 22 Sep 2020
Khartoum -- Le Conseil de paix et de s�curit�, pr�sid� par le membre du Conseil souverain, lieutenant-g�n�ral Shams Edeen Kabashi, a tenu lundi une session d'urgence pour discuter la situation de s�curit� actuelle ....
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