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The election campaign's other big lie: the Coalition hasn't delivered 'export agreements'

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Free trade agreements favour imports

Just how beneficial are Australia's free trade agreements? Fairfax's Peter Martin explains.

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Here's another lie. Our trade agreements boost exports. Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison said so repeatedly during the campaign on the basis of next to no evidence, rebadging their agreements with Japan, Korea and China "export agreements".

In every case for which we have clear evidence, our trade agreements seem to have boosted imports more than exports. 

Even on election night the Foreign Minister Julie Bishop used the line, castigating its biggest election winner, South Australia's Nick Xenophon, for expressing scepticism.

Illustration: Dionne Gain

Illustration: Dionne Gain

"He is against free trade agreements," she told the ABC. "South Australia is the state that will benefit enormously from the free trade agreements the Coalition have signed."


Xenophon isn't against trade agreements. He wants the Productivity Commission to run benefit-cost studies on what they actually achieve, something the Coalition has resisted at every turn.

There's no evidence that South Australia or any other state will "benefit enormously from the free trade agreements the Coalition has signed", in large part because the Coalition has ensured there isn't.

Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison rebadging their agreements with Japan, Korea and China as "export agreements".

Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison rebadging their agreements with Japan, Korea and China as "export agreements". Photo: Andrew Meares

It refused outright to commission a cost-benefit analysis on the giant Trans-Pacific Partnership deal it signed in February which is yet to be ratified. More than a decade after it negotiated the US-Australia Free Trade Agreement it hasn't looked back to find out what happened. A prospective study it did commission on the new Japan, Korea and China agreements found that taken together they will boost our exports 0.5 to 1.5 per cent, while boosting our imports 2.5 per cent, which means they will send our trade balance backwards.

Rather than being "export agreements", the deals for which we have data are better described as import agreements. In every case for which we have clear evidence, our trade agreements seem to have boosted imports more than exports.

Until 2003 we only had one, with New Zealand. We preferred to cut tariffs unilaterally and argue for global free trade rather than play favourites. In the 13 years since then we've added, or are adding, 13.

Senator Nick Xenophon.

Senator Nick Xenophon.

After the first new-style agreement with Singapore in 2003 our exports climbed much as before while imports (goods and services) surged. After the 2005 free trade agreement with the United States, both imports and exports continued on the trend lines set previously with imports climbing faster than exports, as they did for Chile and Malaysia and as they will for China, Japan and Korea.

Which isn't to say imports aren't welcome. Increased imports lift our standard of living. And while they can lead to the closure of old Australian industries, such as the car industry, they can boost new ones by ensuring the supply of cheap inputs.

But that isn't an argument for our never-ending pipeline of trade deals. We could get the same cheap imports more quickly by cutting all of our tariffs to zero. Seriously. We could do away with much of our mammoth self-perpetuating trade negotiating bureaucracy and trade more simply.

The Treasurer himself provided an unintentional window into how complex these trade agreements have become when during the campaign he lauded "export trade deals that generate some 19,000 new export opportunities".

What were these 19,000 new export opportunities, I asked one of his staff. The number refers to the count of specific line items in the China, Korea and Japan free trade agreements. That's how complicated they've made trade.

A huge chunk of the traders surveyed by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry don't use them.

"In my experience, they have been a waste of time, particularly Thailand. The paperwork to qualify was so onerous it wasn't worth the effort," says one member.

"I know we have one with the US and I know there is one now with Japan and Korea. Is that correct?" says another.

Using the agreements costs more than time. In order to get low-tariff entry into a market such as the United States, an Australian company has to comply with "rules of origin", which means it needs to ensure that no more than a certain percentage of its inputs is sourced from countries outside of Australia and the United States, sending up costs. In 2010 the Productivity Commission found these extra costs amounted to as much as 8 per cent per shipment.

Where exporters attempt to apply with the rules, they shrink trade. One of the few studies of the impact of the US-Australia Free Trade Agreement found it shrank both nations trade with the rest of the world.

That agreement had 980 rules of origin. One of our latest, with Korea, has 5205. The Trans-Pacific Partnership has even more. And because the agreements are not always consistent with each other, the "noodle bowl" of overlapping requirements makes attempting to trade using the new agreements harder still.

Which would be bad enough, were Australia not negotiating more. In the early stages of negotiation are agreements with India, Indonesia, the European Union and a Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership linking us separately to China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, New Zealand, Thailand, Malaysia, India and Indonesia.

The Productivity Commission wants to take stock, and from here on have it or the Treasury examine whether the deals are actually worth doing. A government genuinely concerned about making things easy for business would have agreed long ago. Xenophon, the Greens and Labor are about to make it see sense.

Peter Martin is economics editor of The Age.

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140 comments so far

  • Funny that no cost benefits are done for things the LNP ideologically support or their donors support. But anything for the benefit of all in the country including the lower classes must be thoroughly investigated by cost benefit analysis and return squillions in benefits before it can even be considered. Truth is going to show so many of these agreements as the fluff and falsehoods they are, other than benefitting the other side or big business through cheaper imports.

    Shane in QLD
    Date and time
    July 06, 2016, 5:33PM
    • And Julie Bishop might well say that Nick Xenophon, or any other Australian, "is against free trade agreements". What she fails to note is that the LNP government has signed NO 'free' trade agreements, only 'preferential' ones. And we will see soon enough in which direction the preference flows.

      New Lambton
      Date and time
      July 06, 2016, 8:00PM
    • The real truth lays in the Balance of Trade figures. Imports vs Exports. Our dollar was $US1.10 now it's only $US0.73. The Lieberals continually sprout about $1 billion in interest payments on debt every month. Yet remain secretive about the $2 billion -$4 billion monthly trade inbalance. Rather than spend $750 million over ten years supporting the Australian Car Industry they turned 200,000 tax paying jobs into redundencies.

      200,000 jobs 2 go soon
      thanks to abbutt
      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 5:24AM
    • A conga line of what was it?

      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 6:24AM
    • Berg of the IPA in a column in The Age tried to portray these agreements as Foreign Aid.
      How do we benefit at all if that attitude is coming from the IPA?

      Donate to accumulate
      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 6:55AM
    • From Australia's point of view, the recent free trade deals were designed to benefit one group only - farmers. and even then not all farmers but those favoured by Mr Robb (a farmer himself.) To get this special access for a small group of farmers, the coalition was prepared to sell out the rest of the country.

      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 7:08AM
    • Cheaper imports is an ill thought out plan by the LNP to lower wages in Australia and break the unions. Domestic businesses will have to lower costs to remain competitive; and the simplest way is through wages and penalty rate cuts - something the LNP holds close to its heart. Exports are for primary producers - miners and farmers. No-one else benefits, except the LNP support base. Anyone who disagrees is humiliated, with a tame media acting as the baying hounds.

      They don't want to run cost benefit analyses because ideology requires a limitless cash bag. Like the DD, it's another example of the LNP acting without thought of longer term consequences; just a great headline for tomorrow.

      Gelert of Birrong
      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 7:59AM
    • The two biggest lies of the campaign were the coalitions lies about Labor's asylum seeker and NG policies.
      The coalition were looking to privatise the Medicare payment system, a massive part of Medicare. The coalition are introducing a GP tax by stealth through freezing doctor payment which will seriously reduce bulk billing. The coalition have abolished bulk billing on pathology and many scans.
      The increased rates of bulk billing, soon to plummet, were due to the previous Labor government policies, correcting the damage done when Howard tried to destroy Medicare.

      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 8:05AM
    • Ramp-up cheap imports then add the import of cheap 457 labour to the mix & you have the recipe for Aussie utopia! Jobs & Growth! Not.
      I mean seriously, who have these clowns been governing for?
      And @Shane in QLD you've nailed it, the first thing I thought was 'maybe THIS needs a Royal Commission'... one that includes a serious cost/benefits analysis with some long-term projections including damage/benefit to local industries & business.
      But we all know that will never happen on the LNP's watch.
      The thing that amazed me most about the election is that 50% of people still voted for the LNP. That's not an endorsement of their skills & abilities. It shows how disengaged the average person is with the serious issues facing this country & that is just how the LNP likes it.
      A nation of mushrooms...

      Sir Rex
      Somewhere near Noosa
      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 8:07AM
    • Shane, strongly agree, but unfortunately the joke is on us.

      Malcolm and the mean and tricky LNP don't see any reason for a cost benefit analysis into the proposed (and hopefully soon to be rejected) $50b company tax cut, as it's "common sense" that it will lead to the trickle down economic effect of jobs and growth.

      A lazy and discredited policy, which has no justification in fact, but which relies on the LNP repeating the mantra ad nauseam in the hope the punters would accept it as fact. Thankfully the punters weren't so easily fooled, and will be awake to further LNP tricks.

      Chardonnay Drinker
      Date and time
      July 07, 2016, 8:16AM

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