Monday Breakfast

Monday 7:00am to 8:30am
Current affairs, media analysis, alternative media.


Greg Rolles and Aziza Hussein


Latest episode

About Monday Breakfast

22 August 2016

with Aziza, Dianne and Greg

7:00am Front Pages

7:15am Greg speaks to Melanie Brown, a refugee rights activist who visits asylum seekers and refugees at the Melbourne Immigration Detention Centre and Kumar, a Tamil Refugee who spent in 2 years in detention on Christmas island and in Weipa about Jasmine Pilbrow's court case can be supported by going to Broadmedows Town Park from 8:15 am.

8:00am  Front Pages 
8:15am Aziza speaks to Dr. Adil AlGassas a Sudanese writer, researcher and activist about the research he has conducted about displacement at Victoria University. 

with Beth, Peter and Sue

7:00am Front Page (papers)

7:15am (Budget review with sound effects by Corey Marie from Saturday morning Solidarity Breaky show)

7:30am Ursula Alquier - Lock the Gate Victorian Coordinator Quitcoal (Friends of the Earth) Community Campaigner

7:45am Music and activist calendar (Formidable Vegetable Sound System who performed at Saturday's Dance against Monsanto: Track 6 No Such Thing As waste runs for 3minutes 18 seconds)

8:00am Front page (papers)

8:15am Jane Morel disability rights in the studio.

8:30am Thank yous. 

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