Melbourne Anarchist Club MAC info, events and news


Anarchist Bookfair 2013 / Black Light #2

Anarres/MAC will be having a stall at the upcoming Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair, August 10, 2013. For more details on the bookfair, see the bookfair website.

We'll also be distributing copies of the latest edition of our zine, Black Light. (The previous edition is available for download here.)

If you'd like to contribute to the zine, write to melbourneanarchistclub[at]gmail[dot]com.

Thank you to all who attended the Towards Federation event at MAC on the weekend of June 8/9. A full report on the event will be available on the MAC site as soon as practical. In the meantime, a brief report has been published on the 'slackbastard' blog.


Black Light #1

MAC released Black Light #1 at the 2nd annual Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair. It's available for download over at

Cover for Black Light #1


Black Light zine (#1)


The deadline for submissions for the MAC zine Black Light (#1) is JULY 15.

The previous edition (#0) is available for download here.

If you have something you'd like to contribute send it to:

[email protected]

The theme for this issue is anarchy and organisation.

The issue will be available for distribution at the Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair, August 4.



Climate Change – State Action or Direct Action?

The next Fantin Reading Group session has been organizado and is ready to go!:

Climate Change – State Action or Direct Action?

We're heading into an era when the question of whether the state can save capitalism in a context of envionmental collapse is one of the most important strategical questions of our time. It seems increasingly unlikely that governments are capable of responding within the predicted 10 years we have to prevent dangerous climate change. Is there still potential for a grassroots climate revolution? Or are we all completely fucked?

1-3pm, Saturday 24 September @ the Melbourne Anarchist Club, 62 St Georges Rd Northcote.

Readings (optional) are available from the Fantin Reading Group Blog (past readings are also available on the site). They include a text by energy activist Kolya Abramsky and a statement on environmental working-class revolution by a member of the First of May Anarchist Alliance.

All welcome, hope to see you there!


Black Light Issue Zero

At the Paris Commune Anniversary event, MAC launched Black Light #0. Black Light will be our new publication, and we did a pilot issue to work out the bugs. You can download it for yourself.

Articles include:

  • Anarchism in Indonesia: a history and update of current struggles, including first-hand info on Kulon Progo
  • Voina / ?????: The Russian art group in trouble
  • A Home for the Far Right: An overview of the attempts of the Australian far right to find political acceptance
  • Plus articles confronting common myths of anarchism, a brief history of the Paris Commune and anarcha-feminism

Print-ready PDF
Please note we trimmed 10mm off the creep (right side after it's folded) and 5mm from the top and bottom.
We also printed it on grey paper.

Interactive PDF
Ideal for viewing on screen. Includes bookmarks and hyperlinks. Looks nice.