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IOPS seeks new political/governmental relations that:

  • facilitate all citizens deliberating sufficiently to effectively participate in decision-making.
  • utilize transparent mechanisms to carry out and evaluate decisions.
  • convey to all citizens a self managing say in legislative decisions proportionate to effects on them.
  • utilize grassroots assemblies, councils or communes, and direct participation or representation and delegation, and/or voting options such as majority rule, some other voting algorithm, or consensus, all as needed to attain self management.
  • offer maximum civil liberties to all, including freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and organizing political parties and facilitates and protects dissent.
  • promote diversity so individuals and groups can pursue their own goals consistent with not interfering with the same rights for others.
  • builds solidarity and fairly, peacefully, and constructively adjudicates disputes and violations of norms and laws, seeking both justice and rehabilitation.
  • support all community members contributing to solving problems and exploring possibilities to ensure that there are no political hierarchies that privilege some citizens over others.


IOPS seeks new economic relations such that:

  • no individuals or groups own productive assets such as natural resources, factories, etc., so ownership doesn’t affect anyone’s decision making influence or share of income.
  • there is no payment according to property, bargaining power, or the value of personal output.
  • workers who work longer or harder or at more onerous conditions doing socially valued labor (including training) earn proportionately more for doing so.
  • those unable to work receive income nonetheless.
  • workers have a say in decisions to the extent possible, proportionate to effects on them, sometimes best attained by majority rule, sometimes by consensus or other arrangements.
  • there is no corporate division of labor giving about a fifth of workers predominatly empowering tasks and four fifths mainly rote, repetitive, and obedient tasks.
  • each worker enjoys conditions suitable to be sufficiently confident and informed to participate effectively in decision making, including having a socially average share of empowering tasks via suitable new designs of work.
  • there is neither market competition nor top-down planning, but instead decentralized cooperative negotiation of inputs and outputs, whether accomplished by workers and consumers councils or some other suitable method.

Gender and Kin

IOPS seeks new gender and kin relations that:

  • do not privilege certain types of family formation over others but instead actively support all types of families consistent with society’s other broad norms and practices.
  • promote children’s well-being and affirm society’s responsibility for all its children, including affirming the right of diverse types of families to have children and to provide them with love and a sense of rootedness and belonging.
  • minimize or eliminate age-based permissions, preferring non-arbitrary means for determining when an individual is old or young enough, to participate in economic, political or other activities, or to receive benefits/privileges.
  • respect marriage and other lasting relations among adults as religious, cultural, or social practices, but reject marriage as a way to gain financial benefits or social status.
  • respect care giving as a valuable function including making care giving a part of every citizen’s social responsibilities, or other worthy means to ensure equitable burdens and benefits.
  • affirm diverse expressions of sexual pleasure, personal identity, and mutual intimacy while ensuring that each person honors the autonomy, humanity, and rights of others.
  • provide diverse, empowering sex education about sex, including legal prohibition against all non-consensual sex.

Culture and Community

IOPS seeks a new cultural and community system that:

  • ensures that people can have multiple cultural and social identities, including providing the space and resources necessary for people to positively express their identities, while recognizing as well that which identity is most important to any particular person at any particular time will depend on that person’s situation and assessments.
  • explicitly recognizes that rights and values exist regardless of cultural identity, so that all people deserve self management, equity, solidarity, and liberty, and so that while society protects all people’s right to affiliate freely and fosters diversity, its core values are universal.
  • guarantees free entry and exit to and from all cultural communities in society including affirming that communities that do have free entry and exit can be under the complete self determination of their members, so long as their policies and actions don't conflict with society's laws.


The organization seeks new international relations such that:

  • international institutions put an end to imperialism in all its forms including colonialism, neo colonialism, neo liberalism, etc.
  • international institutions are internationalist in that they diminish economic disparities in countries’ relative wealth.
  • international institutions protect cultural and social patterns interior to each country from external violation.
  • international relations facilitate international entwinement and ties as people desire, and thus internationalist globalization in place of corporate globalization.


The organization seeks new ecological relations that:

  • recognize the urgency of dealing with diverse ecological trends such as resource depletion, environmental degradation, and global warming, not only for liberation, but for survival, and that therefore facilitate ecologically sound reconstruction of society.
  • account for the full ecological (and social/personal) costs and benefits of both short and long term economic and social choices, so that future populations can make informed reconstructive and then day to day choices about levels of production and consumption, duration of work, self reliance, energy use and harvesting, stewardship, pollution, climate policies, conservation, consumption, and other aims and activities as part of their freely made decisions about future policy.
  • foster a consciousness of ecological connection and responsibility so that future citizens understand and respect the ecological precautionary principle and are also well prepared to decide policies regarding animal rights, vegetarianism, or other matters that transcend sustainability, consistently with their ecological preferences and with their broader agendas for other social and economic functions.