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IOPS Salem Chapter Meeting #25

June 25, 2016.  In attendance: Sara Cromwell, Cheri Tebeau, Michael Tom, Michael Livingston; Absent: Jaqui Eicher, Bill Smaldone, Elliott Lapinel; Gone But Not Forgotten: Jo Bucklin Pictured: The Bettijos of the Lee, Summer 2013.  …

IOPS Salem Chapter Meeting #21

Photo: Happy 95th Bday Jo!   October 3, 2015   In attendance: Sara Cromwell, Cheri Tebeau, Michael Tom, Michael Livingston, Sarah Owens, Bill Smaldone, Jaqui Eicher   Absent: Jo Bucklin, Elliott Lapinel   Michael opened…

IOPS Salem Chapter Meeting #20

August 22, 2015   In attendance: Sara Cromwell, Cheri Tebeau, Michael Tom, Michael Livingston, Sarah Owens, Elliott Lapinel     Absent: Jo Bucklin, Bill Smaldone, Jaqui Eicher, Peter Zhang   By tacit agreement, this meeting…

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This image version of the basic IOPS flyer can be easily posted and viewed on websites, blogs, and various social media platforms.


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Oregon, United States

Founded: 13th Jul 2016

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Newest Projects

The People's Values and Allocations

The People's Values/Allocations is a global, open communication/information system where the people place values on materials and products to properly allocate resources locally. This system provides…

Essential Radical Readings Reading Group

I am interested in getting a group of us together online to discuss and debate essential radical readings, in the hopes that we can then begin to formualte new ideas and strategies for the IOPS. The first…


Looking for those interested in submitting any artwork, journalism, stories, jokes, ideas and insight for a daily news comic project for IOPS. I would love some help or thoughts or collaboration.

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Newsletters are sent out to IOPS members periodically. If you have any content or suggestions of what to include in a newsletter, please send to: newsletter@iopsociety.org