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Norway: How we made our Local Activist Organization IOPS Compatible

Often, I think it's assumed that IOPS "has no activists", "do nothing", "won't become anything". In short, it's nothing more than a mere internet organization, and won't become anything more either. I wrote this article to show that, on the…

IOPS Founding Convention Poll Results

In this blog, I report on the results of the Preconditions for the IOPS Founding Convention poll, and share my own personal views on the results. A quick resume of the results: In one year – april 2014 – we shall decide where, when…

Tre spennende samarbeidsprosjekt!

For de av dere som har fulgt med på utviklingen av IOPS har grasrota så vidt begynt å røre på seg, og også her i det kalde nord trenger vi mer bevegelse lokalt. Vi har allerede et eget nettsted, et eget…

Newest Projects

Michael Albert European IOPS Speaking tour

This November Michael Albert will be travelling to Europe for an IOPS speaking tour. It's a unique chance for IOPS members in Europe to arouse interest for IOPS and at the same time learn how to become…

IOPS Skandinavia

De skandinaviske samfunnene har mange likheter – kultur, historie, antall innbyggere, former for sosiale bevegelser, økonomi, klima, m.m. I tillegg grenser både Sverige, Danmark og…