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The International Organization for a Participatory Society (IOPS) is a revolutionary organization that aims to win a better world, through:

  • flexibly exploring and advocating long term vision
  • building the seeds of the future in the present
  • empowering the lives of its members
  • organizing in an internally classless and self-managing way
  • winning changes in society that better the situations of suffering constituencies while also laying the ground work for more changes and construction to come

Core Values

  • Self-Management

    Decision making influence in proportion to the degree you are affected by a decision.

  • Equity/Justice

    Distribution of circumstances and benefits in accord with duration, intensity, and onerousness of socially valued labor, or comparable factors in other aspects of life.

  • Solidarity

    Creation of conditions that foster mutual aid and empathy.

  • Diversity

    Respect for dissent and difference, including making room for minority and dissident positions to develop and revisit earlier commitments.

  • Ecological Stewardship

    Care for natural habitats and environment in accord with sustainability and the thriving of diversity for species and humans.

  • Internationalism

    Applying the above mentioned values not merely to a society, but to the community of all societies.

Key Goals & Priorities

  • IOPS is anti capitalist, anti racist, anti sexist, and anti authoritarian. It centrally addresses economics/class, politics, culture/race, kinship/gender, ecology, and international relations without privileging any one focus above the rest.
  • IOPS seeks to transcend 20th Century market and centrally planned socialism with a new participatory society - or participatory socialism - that combines classless economy, feminist kinship, intercommunalist culture, and self managing polity.
  • IOPS flexibly explores and advocates long term vision sufficiently to inspire and orient current activity but does not advocate or seek to implement detailed blueprints that transcend movement needs and knowledge.
  • IOPS sees social strategy and especially tactics as largely contingent on place and time and therefore continually revises shared views in light of new evidence including regularly updating analysis, vision, and strategy.