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Guest Article : Why Does God Hate Women? Written by Wolfgang Goethe,Adjunct Professor of World Religions,Miami Dade College

Two weeks back,I posted a photograph relating to 'Schindler's List' and the Second World War,subsequently after which I noticed a comment from the adjunct professor of World Religions at MDC on the post! I had gone through the profile before…

Women,Makeup And The 21st Century

I had been reading an article at Drishti yesterday,which was all about the history and acceptance of Lipstick.This was just the spark I had been searching for over so many days.It is not that this inspired me to make this post but definitely…

Sign This Petition To Help Greece Fight Against Inhumanity!

I received an e-mail from War on Want today and just when I read 'Greece',thoughts about economy,austerity,World Bank,IMF and inhumanity sprang up at once in my mind.Greece is being subjected to an enormous amount of debt that is next to impossible…

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Founded: 1st Jun 2016

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