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Herefordshire, England

Founded: 16th Jun 2016

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Ideas for IOPS June 2016

The future of IOPS is being discused a lot at the moment. I've been one of the core organisers of the London chapter (I think this is one of only two active chapters if I'm correct?). It feels like we are going strong in London, so I thought…

The Trouble With Pigs

The pigs I am referring to are the pigs of George Orwell’s Animal Farm: the Communists. The animals that think they are ‘more equal’ than others. As a ‘pig’ myself, this is not an argument against pigs. Rather,…

What is IOPS London and what do YOU want it to be?

IOPS London members at the September 2014 meeting (which I didn't attend) asked the question "What is IOPS London and what do YOU want it to be?". It was decided that we'd discuss this question at today's meeting.   So, I started scribbling…

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Newest Projects

London Chapter Video Project

This project is a place to start discussing potential video productions IOPS London could create together. As discussed at the 29.07.14 chapter meeting, one format could be interviewing inspiring local…

Youth Education

This project is for anyone interested in radical youth education.   We could maybe use this space to discuss ideas, keep each other updated and support each other.   Websites of groups already…

Globalisation YouTube Video Help

Hi all, I would like some feedback on a YouTube video I have made before making it public. The video critiques a Crash Course video on Globalisation. The first thing I am interested in is whether all…

Latest News

IOPS London blog

IOPS London now does its on-line work on our own website: https://iopslondon.wordpress.com

Minutes March 2016

Meeting - 1 March 2016GreetingsWhat to do about IOPS?-Should we reboot IOPS-Should we start a new group with heavyweights still supporting. Change the name?Use IOPS to create and spread knowledge about prefiurativism.Pros:IOPS has values already…

Minutes from Aug Meeting

Minutes 25th Aug 2015 Discussion of Keynesian economics, and Alex explained differences to classical and Marxian ideas. Discussed the merits of Keynes' ideas and whether Corbyn can do good for the country, considering theeconomic situation…

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