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Young greek anarchist in hunger strike because permission to study refused

Maybe as anarchists we can sign the petition in support of this young greek imprisoned man who is not permiitted to study . www.thepetitionsite.com/126/592/345/education-to-the-revolutionary-anarchist-nikos-romanos/ . It seems to be a month…

Hart tegen hard

Deze actie lijkt me niet in strijd met de iops doelstellingen(?). Misschien kunnen we dit ondertekenen , individueel of als organisatie ? www.hartbovenhard.be  

Thoughts and Deeds 5: Organization!?

This is part five of a six part interview. It deals mainly with the IOPS experience. As to the other parts, they will be linked, below, as they are published…  Thoughts & Deeds 1: RevolutionThoughts & Deeds 2: PerspectivesThoughts…

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The universal exchange unit

Something like Prolegomena but shorter The history of money is well described in various sources some of which are published online. Before writing down this few lines we have checked only the wikipedia…

Occupy Theory Audiobook

Project designed to provide readers with a lack of time yet another way of enjoying the books "Occupy Theory" and "Occupy Vision".

Trip to Earthship Zwolle, Netherlands

A house that provides you with near-fully financial independence, water, electricity, and food. Too good to be true? Let's find out! Together with some interested souls from the Global Change/12M movement,…

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Flanders, Belgium

Founded: 11th Oct 2015

Latest News

Belgium meeting in Antwerpen (09th November)

  The second Belgium IOPS meeting was organized in Antwerpen on November 09th, 2014. It was held in a beautiful middle-class restaurant near the Central Train station. We were four of us, Nicolas, Sebastien, Teemu and…

Imminent IOPS Belgium Meeting

On July 9th  2014 at 20:36, the first steps were set to organise a national meeting for all IOPS Belgium members. An email has been sent to the whole membership, asking for suitable dates that could be chosen for members to attend. For…

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