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Rally / Permanent Breakfast in solidarity with the Pizzeria Anarchia in Vienna, Austria

Last Sunday we met for a ralley for an occupied house in Vienna, Austria, the Pizzeria Anarchia which is in great danger to get evicted, for a right to habitat and against capitalist housing market in general. As soon as we met in a park for…


Vom 16. bis 18. Mai 2014 veranstalteten wir gemeinsam mit der interventionistischen Linken Wiens und der Initiative Anticapitalista als Blockupy Wien ein transnationales Vernetzungstreffen zum Thema Care: Krise und Widerstand im U5 (Universitätsstraße…


Am 6. November 2013 veranstalteten wir im Amerlinghaus einen Diskussionsabend zum Thema Grundeinkommen. Nach einer Einleitung der beiden Vortragenden – Margit Appel und Karl Reitter – kam es zu einer ausführlichen Diskussion…

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What now?

IOPS was founded in the belief that serious organizational decisions must “await more members, more experience with chapters and program”, and a “methodology suited to self- management” that would be established by a…

European Days of Action

IOPS Dublin and IOPS Vienna have joined forces with social movement activists, altermondialists, migrants, precarious and industry workers, party members, unionists and many others in order to organize a series of decentralized actions all…

Unconditional Basic Income – IOPS Austria calls on other IOPS members and chapters to reflect on a “beautiful and simple idea”

We, the members of IOPS Austria, have recently organised talks and discussions on the idea of an unconditional basic income (UBI). We think that the idea fits very well with IOPS' mission and vision. Therefore we decided to support the demand…

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Social Media

If you would like to participate in social media surrounding IOPS you're welcome to join this project. So far we've created the following. Facebook International Page http://www.facebook.com/iopsociety…


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Salzburg, Austria

Founded: 4th Nov 2015