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Poll on IOPS future

I received an email with the subject: Poll on IOPS future. So, you think that these mundane processes are going to change the world. You don't know shit! Think again. We've been there and it didn't work. It never will! Think outside the mainstream…

The cursed few

I am thinking about the most discerning of us (the awakened ones) in terms of what we choose to allow into our minds (by that I mean those of us most likely to be rounded up and tossed in a volcano when the full-on Idiocracy finally takes hold).…

Anyone doubting the value of protest should watch this film: 'We Are Many'

On February 15, 2003 over 15 million people marched against the war in Iraq, in over 800 cities around the world. I recall that day, when I was one of some two million people who took the anti-war message onto London’s streets. History…

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