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Nepal investigates Indian couple's claims they climbed Mount Everest

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Indian couple 'fake' Everest climb

Dinesh and Tarkeshwari Rathod have been accused of altering another climbers photos in order to claim they made it to the summit of Everest.

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Kathmandu: Nepal's mountaineering authorities are investigating a climbing claim by an Indian couple who are accused of altering photographs of themselves on the summit of Mount Everest.

Department of Tourism chief Sudarshan Dhakal said on Monday authorities were reviewing the Everest climb made by Dinesh Rathod and his wife Tarakeshwari in May.

Satyarup Sidhantha's photo on Everest, which he claims was later digitally altered by an Indian couple.

Satyarup Sidhantha's photo on Everest, which he claims was later digitally altered by an Indian couple. Photo: Facebook: Satyarup Sidhantha

They were issued climber's certificates from the Nepal government after they presented a photograph of themselves on the 8850-metre summit.


The couple, who are both police officers from Pune in Indian state of Maharastra, also claimed they were the first Indian couple to scale Everest.

Fellow climbers, however, say the couple never reached the summit and used someone else's photographs to earn their climbing certificates.

Another Indian climber, Satyarup Sidhantha from Bangalore, said it's his photograph the couple altered to make it appear as though they were on the summit.

Satyarup Sidhantha's photos at the top, and the Indian couple's images at the bottom.

Satyarup Sidhantha's photos at the top, and the Indian couple's images at the bottom. Photo: Facebook: Rajan Pokrel

If the accusation is found to be true, the couple would lose their certificates and be banned from climbing any mountains in Nepal.

Photos of the couple posted on Twitter by the police force in India show the pair wearing different coloured clothing and shoes at varying stages of the climb. 

In one photo, both are wearing red and black clothing. 

Dinesh and Tarakeshwari Rathod in their red gear on Everest.

Dinesh and Tarakeshwari Rathod in their red gear on Everest.

In a second photo at the summit, where they are holding the Indian flag, Mrs Rathod appears to be in yellow gear. 

Tarkeshwari Rathod, in yellow gear, at the Everest summit.

Tarkeshwari Rathod, in yellow gear, at the Everest summit.

Dinesh and Tarakeshwari Rathod claimed to have climbed Mount Everest.

Dinesh and Tarakeshwari Rathod claimed to have climbed Mount Everest. Photo: Twitter: @PuneCityPolice

This is the photo posted by Mr Siddhanta, who claims the photos are his. 

Satyarup Sidhantha's photo at the Everest summit.

Satyarup Sidhantha's photo at the Everest summit. Photo: Facebook: Satyarup Sidhantha

He said on Facebook that he was "amazed" they had gotten certificates for the climb. 

Surendra Shelke, an experienced climber of 22 years, told BuzzFeed it was not possible for mountaineers to change their clothes while on a peak. 

She said the harsh weather conditions and the wind-chill factor prevented climbers from changing their clothing on such a climb. 

"Even the brand of the shoes is different. Is it possible to change your costume or shoes and still not get frostbite? What does it indicate?" she told BuzzFeed

They could not be reached for comment.

During the busy climbing season this year, which follows two years of disasters on the mountain, 456 people scaled Everest.

Last year's season was scrapped after 19 climbers were killed and 61 injured by an avalanche at the base camp triggered by a massive earthquake.

In 2014, an avalanche at the Khumbu Icefall killed 16 Sherpa guides.



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