GET blocks/ids

Returns an array of numeric user ids the authenticating user is blocking.

Important This method is cursored, meaning your app must make multiple requests in order to receive all blocks correctly. See Using cursors to navigate collections for more details on how cursoring works.

Resource URL

Resource Information

Response formats
Requires authentication?
Yes (user context only)
Rate limited?
Requests / 15-min window (user auth)


stringify_ids optional

Many programming environments will not consume our ids due to their size. Provide this option to have ids returned as strings instead. Read more about Twitter IDs.

Example Values: true

cursor semi-optional

Causes the list of IDs to be broken into pages of no more than 5000 IDs at a time. The number of IDs returned is not guaranteed to be 5000 as suspended users are filtered out after connections are queried. If no cursor is provided, a value of -1 will be assumed, which is the first “page.”

The response from the API will include a previous_cursor and next_cursor to allow paging back and forth. See Using cursors to navigate collections for more information.

Example Values: 12893764510938

OAuth Signature Generator

Sign in to see a list of your registered applications.

Example Request


Example Result

  "ids": [
  "next_cursor": 0,
  "next_cursor_str": "0",
  "previous_cursor": 0,
  "previous_cursor_str": "0"