"ADIVINA ADIVINANZA: Pista:"Después de un paseo de compras, un buen café y las fotos de París al atardecer" Y es que nuestra amiga Marcela quiere saber si sois capaces de adivinar desde donde está tomada la imagen. ¿Lo adivináis?

Foto: Marcela Villarino
ADIVINHAÇÃO: Pista: "Depois de um passeio de compras, um bom café e as fotos de Paris ao entardecer" É o que a nossa amiga Marcela quer saber se são capazes de adivinhar de onde foi tirada a imagem. Você adivinha?"
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Popular places in San Francisco, California
"During an early story meeting Walt explained how he envisioned Monstro's tuna feast: "We should have a lot of roaring and vibration every time the Whale goes by. It should shake the camera and drown out everything." #MonstroWeek"
The Walt Disney Family Museum
104 Montgomery St

History Museum


(415) 345-6800
"Happy 4th of July! If you are looking for the best place to watch the fireworks, then head to #SanFrancisco! First stop by #UnionSquareSF for #dinner and #drinks then make your way to the Municipal Pier or Pier 39 to watch two sets of synced firework displays. Fireworks start around 9:30pm. http://ow.ly/fXCJ301R5nm"
Union Square, San Francisco
333 Post St

Landmark · Public square

(415) 781-7880
Ruby Skye's photo.
Ruby Skye
420 Mason St

Dance Club · Nightclub

(415) 693-0777
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