- published: 31 Mar 2015
- views: 6575
Invasion is the thirteenth LP by Norwegian electronic dance music producer Aleksander Vinter who goes by the stage name "Savant." The LP was released song by song on SoundCloud, with the exception of "Broken." It was remastered and re-released in January 2015 as a pay what you want LP on Bandcamp, and the remastered versions have since been released on all popular online music stores such as iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, as well as on Spotify.
“Invasion is similar to other albums I’ve done straight after a big concept album. Like Overkill, which I released for free last year. Invasion is a freedom album with the emphasis on fun. It’s about the tracks, not the journey. I wanted to get back to that Vario vibe; fun and silly and computer gamey. It’s a bit more commercial sounding than other stuff, but it’s my take on commercial sounding music. I’ve had a lot of fun making it, and when I play any of the tracks live people go awesome!” — Savant
Invasion (Nastyboy) is the first studio album by NB Ridaz. It was released on September 11, 2001.
The Invasion is the partly missing third serial of the sixth season of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast in eight weekly parts from 2 November to 21 December 1968. It marks the first appearance of UNIT and, notably, Corporal Benton, later to become a Sergeant. It is the first now-incomplete Doctor Who serial to be released with full-length animated reconstructions of its two missing episodes.
The TARDIS evades a missile fired by a spaceship on the Moon, landing the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe in late twentieth-century England. The visual stabiliser is damaged and renders the TARDIS invisible, so they try to find Professor Edward Travers (of The Abominable Snowmen and The Web of Fear) to seek his assistance. They hitch a lift to London, and the lorry driver talks of International Electromatics, the world's largest electronics manufacturer.
The Doctor discovers that Professor Travers has left for America with his daughter, leaving his London home in the care of Isobel Watkins and her scientist uncle, Professor Watkins, who has mysteriously disappeared while working for the same company, International Electromatics. The Doctor and Jamie go to IE's head office in London, to investigate. When the electronic receptionist refuses them entry, they seek out a back entrance, but are arrested and taken before IE's Managing Director, the sinister Tobias Vaughn, who gives them a cock-and-bull story of Professor Watkins being at a delicate stage of his work and refusing to see anyone. The Doctor is immediately suspicious, noticing that the inhuman Vaughn never blinks once during their meeting.
Bolt was a social networking and video website active from 1996 to 2007 before reopening in April 2008. It was shut down for a period of one year due to copyright violations leading to bankruptcy. It was acquired by new owners on January 4, 2008 and operated successfully for several months before announcing plans to go offline in October 2008.
In 1996 Bolt.com was started as a teen community, by a team including Dan Pelson, Lee Morgenroth, David Cancel and Jane Mount as part of Concrete Media. In many ways Bolt.com was ahead of its time. It was among the first social networking sites to appear on the Internet. It offered a wide range of unique services including a daily horoscope, chat rooms, message boards, tagbooks (a knowledge market feature), photo albums, internet radio, browser games, blogs, e-cards, an instant messenger service, a clubs feature (giving people with similar interests a common message board), and badges (a system of awards for user profiles). An e-mail service was hosted, but it was discontinued due to email companies such as Yahoo and Google providing between 1 and nearly 3 gigabytes of email storage for free, rendering Bolt's email service obsolete. This was done without notifying its email subrscribers. Also bolt was one of the first sites to give its members their own web page. As the site aged it relied more on corporate sponsorships. In 2002 the badges slowly started leaning towards company sponsored badges, which led to Bolt becoming more commercial with an increase of ads into the users' activities. Some notable ones included the Verizon Wireless, Gillette, and Sony badges.
A quarrel or bolt is the arrow used in a crossbow. The name "quarrel" is derived from the French carré, "square", referring to the fact that they typically have square heads. Although their length varies, they are typically shorter than traditional arrows.
Bolt is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Operation Mercury - May 20th 1941. Anders and Svein recreates the German Airborne invasion of Crete in a 750pts meatgrinder, and more specifically the capture of the Maleme airport! (The introscreen says 1000pts but we had to cut it because of too many order dice) Watch out for the STUKA :) Read Our AAR of the Market Garden paratrooper drop mission where we playtested the Geronimo! rules. You'll find it in the Bolt Action section on Our webpage www.tabletopbattle.com Donors appearing as Commanders in this battlereport: Cmdr Smitty (JU87) Cmdr Weaver (7 man Fallschirmjäger Squad) Cmdr Kuusisto (7 man Fallschirmjäger Squad) Cmdr Paul H. (7 man Fallschirmjäger Squad) Cmdr Gusky (Sniper) Cmdr Loke (10 man rifle section) Cmdr Florian (10 man rifle/LMG section) ...
Join our Facebook group for more exclusive content at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/701899853219502/ NORWEGIAN player? Join our Bolt Action Norge Group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/800767973326984/ We decided to do a quick video of a battle in Norway, since its where we are from, it happened before the invasion of France and since we are waiting for our Tank War stuff for France from Warlord Games. As always, hope you enjoy, leave your comments (we do read them!) and dont forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel!
The Pinchbots have invaded Figuria -- run for your lives! Wait a minute... maybe not. Phil and Sherry have all the information you need to survive the invasion, while Robert just wastes precious screen time. Part 1 of 7 of "Robots!" Help support NNN by buying LEGO products on Amazon: http://bit.ly/SupportNNN Like Nightly News at Nine on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NightlyNewsatNine Follow Nightly News at Nine on Twitter: https://twitter.com/philandsherry #brickfilm
Join Our Facebook Group Tabletopbattle for exclusive content at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/701899853219502/ NORWEGIAN players join Bolt Action Norge on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/800767973326984/ September 1st 1939... Forward elements of the German 4th Army, 50th Division are approaching a Polish bordercrossing. This is a 500pts Bolt Action Germany vs Poland battle report. This is 1 of 6 Battle reports from the invasion of Poland. 3 will be uploaded to Youtube while the other 3 will be exclusive to subscribers of tabletopbattle.com - The Bunker. In the following weeks and months we will add additional videos from each year and theatre of the war. After Poland comes France and North Africa 1940, each with 6 videos. Please visit our webpage for army list, battl...
Germany Attacks a Border Crossing in Poland. Poland tries to defend a bridge and send a message to Warsaw
Watch the 5 Finger Death Punch video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_l4Ab5FRwM M18 Hellcat review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_kR-OxL17U June 24nd 1941 - Operation Barbarossa continues! The German army victoriously continues their advance towards the main objective - bridges over the river Dvina! Donors appearing in this video as Commanders: KV1 - Cmdr Paul H. PZIII J - Cmdr Kuusisto PZIII G - Cmdr Smitty PZIV D - Cmdr Florian Scenario by North Australian Wargames Designers.
For More MONSTERS INSIDE ME video check out: http://animal.discovery.com/videos/monsters-inside-me-videos/?smid=YTAPC-YTD-PLP Imagine an insect growing in your skin and feeding on your blood. Meet the botfly, a relatively harmless yet horrifying parasite.
Invasion is the thirteenth LP by Norwegian electronic dance music producer Aleksander Vinter who goes by the stage name "Savant." The LP was released song by song on SoundCloud, with the exception of "Broken." It was remastered and re-released in January 2015 as a pay what you want LP on Bandcamp, and the remastered versions have since been released on all popular online music stores such as iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, as well as on Spotify.
“Invasion is similar to other albums I’ve done straight after a big concept album. Like Overkill, which I released for free last year. Invasion is a freedom album with the emphasis on fun. It’s about the tracks, not the journey. I wanted to get back to that Vario vibe; fun and silly and computer gamey. It’s a bit more commercial sounding than other stuff, but it’s my take on commercial sounding music. I’ve had a lot of fun making it, and when I play any of the tracks live people go awesome!” — Savant