- published: 15 Nov 2016
- views: 37660
Wilhelm Gustloff (30 January 1895 – 4 February 1936) was the founder of the Swiss NSDAP/AO (the Nazi Party organisation for German citizens abroad) at Davos. He remained its leader from 1932 until he was assassinated in 1936.
Gustloff (a son of merchant Herrmann Gustloff - info from Günter Grass's Crabwalk), who worked for the Swiss government as a meteorologist, joined the NSDAP in 1929. He put much effort into the distribution of the antisemitic propaganda book The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, to the point that members of the Swiss Jewish community sued the book's distributor, the Swiss NSDAP/AO, for libel. Gustloff was shot and killed in 1936 by David Frankfurter, a Croatian Jewish student incensed by Gustloff's antisemitic activism. Frankfurter surrendered immediately to the Swiss police and was sentenced to life imprisonment. However, he was pardoned and exiled at the end of the Second World War.
Gustloff was given a state funeral in his birthplace of Schwerin in Mecklenburg, with Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Göring, Heinrich Himmler, Martin Bormann and Joachim von Ribbentrop in attendance. Thousands of Hitler Youth members lined the route. His coffin, transported on a special train from Davos to Schwerin, made stops in Stuttgart, Würzburg, Erfurt, Halle, Magdeburg and Wittenberg. Gustloff's widow, mother and brother attended the funeral and received personal condolences from Hitler. Ernst Wilhelm Bohle was the first at Gustloff's funeral to recite a few lines in his honour.
RMS Lusitania was a British ocean liner, holder of the Blue Riband, and briefly the world's largest passenger ship until the completion of her running mate Mauretania. She was launched by the Cunard Line in 1906, at a time of fierce competition for the North Atlantic trade. On 7 May 1915, she was torpedoed and sunk by a German U-boat, causing the deaths of 1,198 passengers and crew. She had made a total of 202 trans-Atlantic crossings.
German shipping lines were aggressive competitors in the transatlantic trade, and Cunard responded by trying to outdo them in speed, capacity and luxury. Lusitania and Mauretania were fitted with revolutionary new turbine engines, able to maintain a service speed of 25 knots (46 km/h; 29 mph). Equipped with lifts, wireless telegraph and electric light, they provided 50% more passenger space than any other ship, and the first class decks were noted for their sumptuous furnishings.
When RMS Lusitania left New York for Liverpool on what would be her final voyage on 1 May 1915, submarine warfare was intensifying in the Atlantic. Germany had declared the seas around the United Kingdom a war zone, and the German embassy in the United States had placed a newspaper advertisement warning people of the dangers of sailing on Lusitania. On the afternoon of 7 May, Lusitania was torpedoed by a German U-Boat, 11 mi (18 km) off the southern coast of Ireland and inside the declared "zone of war". A second internal explosion sent her to the bottom in 18 minutes.
Roda Viva | Michel Temer | 14/11/2016
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Sweden vs England 4-2, Official Goals and Highlights | FATV 14/11/12
O presidente da República, Michel Temer, é o entrevistado do Roda Viva desta segunda-feira (14/11). Entre os assuntos que Temer irá abordar estão as medidas do governo federal para a retomada do crescimento econômico, combate ao desemprego, corte de gastos, reformas política e da previdência, e mudanças propostas para o ensino médio. Bancada: Willian Corrêa (coordenador geral de jornalismo da TV Cultura e âncora do Jornal da Cultura) João Caminoto (diretor de jornalismo do Grupo Estado) Sérgio Dávila (editor executivo do jornal Folha de S. Paulo) Eliane Cantanhêde (colunista do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo e comentarista da Globonews) Ricardo Noblat (colunista político do jornal O Globo e titular do Blog do Noblat).
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No Casos de Família de hoje, 12/11/14, o tema é: Não acredito que você goste de um cara tão agressivo! Inscreva-se no canal SBT Online: https://www.youtube.com/user/SBTonline Curta a página do programa no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/casosdefamiliasbt Siga o perfil oficial do programa no Twitter: https://twitter.com/SBTCasos Para assistir programas anteriores e por mais informações acesse o site: http://www.sbt.com.br/casosdefamilia/
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On this Monday, Nov. 14th 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, freedom philosopher Stefan Molyneux explains the media’s ongoing battle to regain control over public opinion and why it won’t work. The media is now quoting Trump out of context in an attempt to divide him from his supporters. Also, Trump insider Roger Stone reveals what’s going on behind the scenes of the Trump transitionary team. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show Follow Alex on TWITTER - https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones Like Alex on FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderEmerickJones Infowars on G+ - https://plus.google.com/+infowars/ :Web: http://www.in...
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Click here to watch great FREE Movies & TV: http://filmrise.com The bodies of three women were found floating in Tampa Bay. The water washed away any evidence, but police hoped a handwritten note found in the victims' car would lead to the killer, so they posted huge copies of the note on five highway billboards. Originally aired as Season 14, Episode 11.
Here are 7 sunken cruise ships. These hellish stories will make you reconsider your next vacation at sea. Subscribe for new videos: http://goo.gl/SaufF4 7: The MS Explorer The MS Explorer had sailed the Antarctic region for almost 40 years before meeting its end on November 11, 2007. After its expeditionary voyage in 1969, the Little Red Ship, as it was nicknamed, had been considered the pioneer of maritime tourism in the Antarctic region. It was the first cruise ship purposefully designed for sailing the Antarctic Ocean. On November 11, 2007 6: The MTS Oceanos On the 3rd of August, 1991 the Oceanos was en course to Durban from East London, South Africa. Before long the ship started facing harsh weather conditions. The 40-knot winds and 30 feet swells brought about by the storm started t...
Subscribe to FATV: http://bit.ly/FATVSub The official highlights to England vs Sweden Wednesday 14th November Sweden 4-2 England 7.30pm, Wednesday 14 November 2012 Friends Arena, Stockholm By Nicholas Veevers England's year was brought to an end with defeat in Stockholm, but the opening of Sweden's new Friends Arena will be remembered for something of a striking masterclass from Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Subscribe to the official YouTube channel of the England football team featuring exclusive news, match highlights and more at http://www.youtube.com/england To find out more about the England team log on to: http://www.thefa.com/england Become a fan of England on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/EnglandTeam And follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/FA
☔️ Rain rain, go away. Come again another day. 🎶 🎬 Watch 60 minutes of our best kids songs here→ https://youtu.be/wk4KHNJjpjQ? ❤️ Subscribe for more fun kids songs→ https://www.youtube.com/c/supersimplesongs?sub_confirmation=1 ****** Song List: Rain Rain Go Away - 0:00:07 Put On Your Shoes - 0:02:22 I See Something Blue - 0:05:17 Make A Circle - 0:08:07 The Hokey Pokey Shake - 0:09:09 The Pinocchio - 0:11:47 I See Something Pink - 0:14:56 Jingle Jingle Little Bell - 0:17:45 How’s The Weather? - 0:19:57 Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay #1 - 0:21:47 The Eensy Weensy Spider - 0:23:32 What Do You Hear? - 0:25:35 Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? - 0:28:38 Hello! - 0:31:03 I have A Pet - 0:32:19 Open Shut Them - 0:34:28 The Shape Song #1 - 0:36:52 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - 0:40:59 Uh-huh - 0:...
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Facebook Page: http://smarturl.it/VEFB | Check Out Channel Site : http://smarturl.it/VEverything | List of Songs : 1.Ayoub - Jar Of Hearts 0:05 2.Demi - Something's Gotta Hold on Me 1:56 3.Jarmo - Billionaire 3:48 4.Iris - Just Give Me A Reason 5:28 5.Kaitlyn - Skinny Love 7:10 6.Dionne - She Wolf 9:00 7.Katrina - I Have Nothing 10:36 8.Roeland - When I Was Your Man 12:19 9.Georgiefa - Halo 14:02 10.Marlies - Titanium 15:40 11.Bodi - Fix You 17:21 12.Sarah - Royals 19:07 13.Larissa - Cups 20:50 14.Pia - Wrecking Ball 22:10 15.Chiara - Almost Is Never Enough 23:56 16.Richard - Stay 25:55 17.Carlotta - While You´re Out Looking for Sugar 27:43 18.Soufjan - Applause 29:24 19.Chelsea - Girl On Fire 31:04 20.Laura - I will Always Love You 32:50 ABOUT DONATIONS BUTTON : Ok ...
Download LBB videos http://www.littlebabybum.com/shop/videos Plush Toys: http://littlebabybum.com/shop/plush-toys/ © El Bebe Productions Limited 00:04 Jack And Jill 01:31 Driving In My Car 02:59 Wheels On The Bus - part 6 04:56 Here We Round The Mulberry Bush 06:38 Rainbow Colors Song 08:09 Number Song 1-10 - part 2 10:12 London Bridge Is Falling Down 11:59 Ten Little Animals 13:17 Hot Cross Buns 14:33 Ten Little Buses 16:49 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I Caught A Fish Alive 18:07 ABC Phonics Song 19:35 Potty Song 20:57 ABC Train 22:41 No Monsters 25:10 Tidy Up Song 26:53 Big And Small 28:40 Ten Little Dinosaurs 30:36 Star Light Star Bright 32:29 Wind The Bobbin Up 34:24 One Potato, Two Potatoes 36:20 Baa Baa Black Sheep - part 2 37:35 ABC Jumping Song 39:32 Brush Teeth Song 41:15 Twinkle Twinkle...
Download Dave and Ava's videos https://goo.gl/WsqJMk Finger Family - Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs from Dave and Ava! Welcome to Dave and Ava`s puppet theatre! 🎶 Subscribe now for new videos - https://www.youtube.com/DaveAndAva?sub_confirmation=1 🎺 Watch our 84-minute collection of non-stop nursery rhymes at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwZPzhGQumk If you like this video, share it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZmY55JCEwU Finger Family nursery rhyme is incredibly popular with preschoolers. Finger Family Song and other nursery rhymes help children gain new vocabulary and spark their imaginations, develop memory and listening skills, teach social thinking, language and behavior! The catchy tune of Finger Family Song will make babies bounce and dance! Sing and rhyme along with Dave...
Sot - Emisioni i plote, 14 11 2016
The Best of KidsCamp Nursery Rhymes Collection is here! http://vid.io/xorS SUBSCRIBE - http://bit.ly/1Up3TaE Here comes your favorite, coolest, cutest collection of ABC Songs for Children! Your babies will love watching Elly play guitar, teach ABC and learn while everyone has fun! Sing with me ♫ Tracklist 00:00 ABC Song (Guitar Version) 01:22 ABC Song 02:39 ABC Alphabet Song 05:53 Incy Wincy Spider 07:12 Wheels On The Bus 08:52 Five Little Ducks 10:28 I Love My Little Kitty 11:38 Wheels On The Bus 13:20 Happy Birthday 14:40 10 Little Indians 17:47 Little Peter Rabbit 19:23 London Bridge 21:24 Rig A Jig Jig 22:21 Animal Fair 23:54 Star Light Star Bright 25:36 1 2 Buckle My Shoe 26:51 Little Peter Rabbit 28:22 ABC Song with Lyrics 31:39 Cobbler Cobbler Mend My Shoe 32:59 Horsey Horsey 34:...
Best Romantic Songs - Best English Love Song Ever - Love Songs Of All Time Track List: 01. I Do It for You 02. My Heart Will Go On 03. Breathless 04. Quit Playing Games 05. Hero 06. When You Say Nothing At All 07. The Lady In Red 08. I Don't Want to Miss a Thing 09. The Book of Love 10. You're Still the One 11. Wonderful Tonight 12. I Finally Found Someone 13. Heaven 14. Amazed 15. A Thousand Years 16. Take a Bow 17. Everything 18. I Just Can't Help Believing ►Thank you for watching the video do not forget to Like , Comment , Share and Subscribe to My Channel
This original nursery rhyme from Super Simple Songs is a kids favorite around the world. Enjoy it here with more of your favorite Super Simple Songs for kids, including Jingle Jingle Little Bell, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Sweet Dreams (Goodnight Song). ****** Song List: Little Snowflake - 0:07:00 Jingle Jingle Little Bell - 0:02:22 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - 0:04:34 My Teddy Bear - 0:07:03 Sweet Dreams (Goodnight Song) - 0:09:05 Skidamarink (Animated Version) - 0:11:58 I’m A Little Snowman - 0:14:14 The Bath Song - 0:15:32 Row Row Row Your Boat - 0:17:34 I See Something Blue - 0:19:28 Rain Rain Go Away - 0:22:18 The Alphabet Song (New) - 0:24:33 Mary Had A Kangaroo - 0:27:28 The Months Chant - 0:30:10 Put On Your Shoes - 0:32:26 The Shape Song #2 - 0:35:21 Uh-huh - 0:39:26 Do Y...
Download Dave and Ava's videos https://goo.gl/73aMto Old MacDonald Had a Farm - enjoy this nursery rhyme and teach kids about animals and animal sounds! 🎶 Subscribe now for new videos - https://www.youtube.com/DaveAndAva?sub_confirmation=1 🎺 Watch our 60-minute collection of non-stop nursery rhymes at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBBfE-quZOE If you like this video, share it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7T0WvaeGUU&feature;=youtu.be Old MacDonald Had A Farm – a new nursery rhyme from Dave and Ava! Introduce animals and animal sounds to your little ones! Go straight to your favorite song by selecting a title below! 00:20 Old MacDonald Had a Farm 03:25 Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes 05:10 One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Once I Caught a Fish Alive 07:04 Five Little Ducks 09:4...
This is the path i choose now i must see it through,
arguing on a fallen matter
By principle i stand firm, how to reduce the damage to
a minimum
As the time stretches agony, seems to be, a circle
which i can't end
Squandering, the smaller matters, to avoid the essence
All confess
Practice as i preach
All confess
Awake while you sleep
Unaware of you denial
See the shades of grey
Nor black or white
Reaping through the flock
Have you listened?
Stretching my integrity to the edge
Seeing me fall into my own traps
As the fool i am
Ignorance can't be blamed
Hear my festering words as they flow freely, through
the vomit
Do they really see? or are the blind guided
Can you understand the lies disguised words from me?
Fall before, the icon of man fairytale
All confess
Practice as i preach
All confess
The bad taste of self made ies as a preach
Convincing myself that it ends today
Sowing mistrust as it nourishes on ignorance
Guided by the cowards within
Are the clues mistaken for prophecy?
Seen as they presided by the thought that lies
Spoken between the words is the opening to the truth