Melbourne Anarchist Club MAC info, events and news


June 2016: ASF Congress & Modern Times


This Sunday, June 12, MAC will be closed. The Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation is holding its XII Congress on Sunday. Registration of delegates and observers is at 10am.


On Saturday, June 25 MAC will be showing Charlie Chaplin's classic 1936 film, Modern Times.

The MAC will be hosting a B&W; movie classic on the last Saturday of the month through Winter. Light snacks & refreshments, 7pm screening.

Upcoming months:

The Great Dictator (1940) - July
Citizen Kane (1941) - August
A King in New York (1957) - September

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CANCELLED! Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. Benefit gig, Sat/Sun, June 18/19

Please note : the gig has been CANCELLED and rescheduled to take place in August. Please refer to the Facebook event page for more details.


On the weekend of June 18/19, MAC is hosting a gig: Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.

$5 pp per day.
A $3 donation will get you a beer.
No dickheads.

Please see the Facebook event page for more details.

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Protest at Spanish consulate, Tuesday 23 December #YoTambienSoyAnarquista


On Tuesday 23 December members of the MAC and others paid a visit to the Spanish consulate in Melbourne.

We delivered an open letter to a consular official and held an hour-long protest outside the consulate.


The action was held in solidarity with anarchists in Spain who have been arrested by police and accused of belonging to an 'anarchist terrorist' association. We also wanted to register our opposition to the new gag laws that criminalise political dissent in Spain.

Thank you to all who joined us.

We will continue to monitor events in Spain and to act in solidarity with our Spanish comrades.


Note: the MAC will be closed over the holiday period and re-open on January 4. Our first gig for the year is on Friday, February 6 with Kollaps, Headlopper, A Commoner's Revolt and Spacecho.

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Protest in solidarity with Spanish anarchists. Against the gag laws, against state repression!

On December 16, 2014, Spanish police launched 'Operation Pandora'. Round-ups, searches, and arrests were carried out at squats in the 'Casa de la Montaña' district of Barcelona, at the libertarian San-Andres reading room, the anarchist Poble-Sec reading room, as well as 15 private homes.

Presently, 11 anarchists have been detained incommunicado by the state and accused of belonging to an 'anarchist terrorist' organisation.

At the same time as these attacks upon the anarchist movement, the Spanish government has introduced new laws which criminalise a wide range of political activity. Among other things, the new laws "allow fines of up to €30,000 for disseminating photographs of police officers that are deemed to endanger them or their operations. Further, individuals participating in demonstrations outside parliament buildings or key installations could be fined up to €600,000 if they are considered to breach the peace. Those insulting police officers could be fined up to €600. Burning a national flag could cost the perpetrator a maximum fine of €30,000".

The police action and the enactment of new, harshly repressive laws come at the same time as the Spanish state is implementing deeply unpopular austerity measures, part of a European-wide attack on working conditions. In response, mass popular movements have arisen to contest these measures and it is surely no coincidence that the state now aims to criminalise these movements and their activities.

On Tuesday, we will be joining the tens of thousands of workers in Spain who have already mobilised in response to state terror and repression to demand: the immediate release of the anarchists; the repeal of the new gag laws and; an end to the attack upon working conditions and workers' movements in Spain.

Please join us outside the Spanish consulate in Melbourne at midday on Tuesday, December 23 and let workers in Spain know that they do not struggle alone.


New stock + G20 gig

We have some new stock:

Against the Nation $15
Bakunin: The Creative Passion $18
Continuing Appeal of Nationalism $5
Damned Fools in Utopia $11.50
Declaration Of The Rights Of Human Being $10
Direct Struggle Against Capital $25
Guillotine at Work (HC) $12
New World in Our Hearts $4
Public Power in the Age of Empire $3
Rolling Thunder (Issue 5 Spring 2008) $6
Rolling Thunder (issue 6 Fall 2008) $6
Rolling Thunder (Issue 7 Spring 2009) $6
Rolling Thunder (Issue 8 Fall 2009) $6
Situationist International Anthology $20
Typecasting $12
Tyranny of Theory $30

Coming up in November:

Fuck the G20 gig, Saturday, November 15. More details TBA ...

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Benefit gig for imprisoned Australian antifascist Jock Palfreeman, Sunday July 27

As part of an international week of activities in solidarity, on Sunday July 27 from 3pm MAC will be hosting a benefit gig for imprisoned Australian antifascist Jock Palfreeman and the Bulgarian Prisoners' Rehabilitation Association.

For more information on Jock's case, please see the Free Jock or Every Parents Nightmare websites.

The gig will star the following superbly-talented musicological groups:

Citywide Wildcat
• Force Fieldz
King's Cup
Makeshift Believers
Robot Mugabe
Someone Else's Wedding Band
Strawberry Fistcake
The Two Shots

There'll be a raffle w great prizes, entry is $10, and all proceeds are going to the Bulgarian Prisoners' Rehabilitation Association.

Come along, have fun, and support a worthy cause! Kick-off is 3pm.



Fuck the Budget: Punk Rock at the MAC, Sunday, June 29

Dodgy neoliberal budgets are all the rage, and raging is good fun. Shitloads of rad punk, ska and hardcore bands, plus acoustic outside (for you gentler folk...bring the kids?), BBQ, drinks and the like. Sunday 29th of June, 3pm onwards:

Coffin Wolf
The FckUps
Citywide Wildcat
Robot Mugabe
Intoxicated Memories
mammoth graveyard

Acoustic tunes out the back, featuring:

Jay Wars
Craig Coburn (Shadow League)
Someone's Else's Wedding Band


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A Woman’s Place is in the Revolution- Discussing Feminist Visibility in Radical Politics, Thursday, July 3

WHEN: 7pm, Thursday, July 3
WHERE: MAC, 62 St Georges Road, Northcote

A discussion evening to create a community among radical and leftist women. Leftist circles can be uninviting or even hostile to feminist and feminist sympathetic women. This event aims to create a dialogue with the intention of fixing these problems. As an oppressed class, women's struggle is a fundamental aspect of the all-encompassing class struggle, and to create a strong movement leftist groups must give respect and visibility to women.

Topics may include, depending on contributions from those attending;

-Experiences with gender politics in the left
-Dealing with sexual assault in radical and leftist communities
-LGBTIA issues in the context of radical politics
-Organising future workshops and events

The event will be WOMEN ONLY as encouraged by the custodians of the space. This is to create a safe and inviting atmosphere for women who may have felt uncomfortable entering political spaces dominated by men. Please be respectful of this policy as it is fundamental in ensuring the comfort of all attendees.

If you want to make a short presentation, introduce a topic for discussion, play music, present poetry or any other relevant contribution, please let an admin know! We want to create a diverse, dynamic event and for everyone's voices to be heard. This event is about providing a platform for women and educating each other!

There will be an encouraged donation at the door of a gold coin or whatever amount people feel like donating. All donations go towards the cost of the space's upkeep. Some drinks will be available for gold coin donation. There are facilities to prepare food if anyone would like to volunteer to do that! The space also has a lot of great resources that will be distributed. If you have a zine or other publication that you would like to sell or give away on the night let us know!

Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

On Facebook : A Woman's Place is in the Revolution- Discussing Feminist Visibility in Radical Politics

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The People's Front of Judea in collaboration with the Melbourne Anarchist Club presents MARX-ISM 2014.

Everyone should go to Marx-ism 2014. This is Australia's premier Marx Brothers extravaganza, with an explosive program of film screenings and other events! Brilliant satirical comedy that sets the benchmark for anti-authoritarian humor.

Please note that this event has nothing to do with Richard Marx the popular singer, Karl Marx the composer, or Karl Marx the social theorist. Perhaps you were thinking of Marxism 2014?


3pm - Opening Ceremony
3:30pm - Duck Soup (1933) (1hr 10mins)
4:45pm - Quiz Round One
5:30pm - Monkey Business (1931) (1hr 20mins)
7pm - Quiz Round Two
7:30pm - A Day At The Races (1937) (1hr 50mins)
9:30pm - Prize Presentation & Closing Ceremony

Entry is $3 unwaged & $5 waged. There will be free popcorn and duck soup, and other food & drinks available at nominal MAC prices.

::: THURSDAY MAY 1 :::

TBA ...

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Sunday, February 9, 3pm: Meeting to discuss anarchist response to new move-on laws

On Sunday, February 9 from 3pm at MAC, a meeting of anarchists and anti-authoritarian radicals to discuss the campaign to oppose the Summary Offences and Sentencing Amendment Bill 2013. Once law, the bill will give police additional powers to break union and community pickets, public assemblies, street marches and other forms of public protest. It constitutes an attack on legal rights to free speech and assembly.

For more information on the amendment see Fitzroy Legal Service submission; Victoria Goes After Protest And Picket Rights, Adam Brereton, New Matilda, January 21, 2014.

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