Mindy Kaling已認證帳戶


The Mindy Project, on Hulu. Spring premiere, 4/12. instagram: mindykaling

Los Angeles

已封鎖 @mindykaling

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  1. Problematic but also hot as F

  2. 已轉推

    . and Stephen Colbert compete with embarrassing clips of each other: 😂

  3. 已轉推

    . shares a Colbert blooper so cute it will reduce you to a decrepit bag of bones

  4. Um, the other guests on tonight are the stuff of my dreams: & . Watch us. Dream team, guys

  5. Had so much fun on tonight. I made sure to talk about that crazy stuff that gets me in trouble constantly. Just the usual!

  6. What do you mean I can't keep this pillow?

  7. At Lincoln Center for a classy conference and didn't fall in the fountain, so I've already won today

  8. Felicity Jones, rebel fighter? Tell me more

  9. 已轉推

    Very excited to be returning to as a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CHARACTER

  10. Lumos ! He's a Gryffindor even this Slytherin loves. ❤️

  11. From the left to right: Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Gryffindor.


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