Maritime Union of New Zealand Blog


Welcome to the Maritime Union

The Maritime Union of New Zealand was formed in 2002 when the New Zealand Waterfront Workers’ Union and the New Zealand Seafarers’ Union joined together. We represent waterfront workers, seafarers and related workers in New Zealand.

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International day of action for dockers

On 7 July 2016 the International Transport Workers’ Federation and International Dockworkers’ Council are organising to observe a global day of action that recognises the important contribution dockworkers make to the global economy, the risks they face at work every day and their growing concerns for the future regarding attacks on their working conditions.

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Stop the clock on back pay loss

A massive payroll error means New Zealanders are owed billions in holiday backpay.
But every day a million dollars of that debt is being written off as it passes the six year statute of limitations. Tell the government to stop the clock on the write-off while we get this problem fixed.

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Memorial Service for T.S.M.V Kaitawa

A memorial service will be held to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the sinking of the collier MV Kaitawa off Cape Reinga on 23 May 1966 with the loss of all 29 crew members, one of New Zealand’s worst maritime disasters.

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65th anniversary of the 1951 waterfront lockout

On 13 February 1951, New Zealand’s most significant industrial dispute began. For 151 days the most advanced sections of the New Zealand working class led by the watersiders fought a tough battle against employers and the State. The following documentary from 2001 is essential viewing of this landmark in New Zealand working class history.