- published: 12 Jun 2013
- views: 694
Hoverflies, sometimes called flower flies, or syrphid flies, make up the insect family Syrphidae. As their common name suggests, they are often seen hovering or nectaring at flowers; the adults of many species feed mainly on nectar and pollen, while the larvae (maggots) eat a wide range of foods. In some species, the larvae are saprotrophs, eating decaying plant and animal matter in the soil or in ponds and streams. In other species, the larvae are insectivores and prey on aphids, thrips, and other plant-sucking insects.
Aphids alone cause tens of millions of dollars of damage to crops worldwide every year; because of this, aphid-eating hoverflies are being recognized as important natural enemies of pests, and potential agents for use in biological control. Some adult syrphid flies are important pollinators.
About 6,000 species in 200 genera have been described. Hoverflies are common throughout the world and can be found on all continents except Antarctica. Hoverflies are harmless to most other animals, despite their mimicry of more dangerous wasps and bees, which wards off predators.
Larva de Syrphidae
Syrphidae-larva - Non-Vegetarian - Schwebfliegenlarven
Diptera: Syrphidae (Hover flies): Spilomyia sayi wing waving
Larvae of Syrphidae
Eristalis horticola=Eristalis lineata (Syrphidae-Diptera)
Criorhina ranunculi (Syrphidae-Diptera) diaporama
Sphaerophoria scripta hoverfly (Syrphidae) Mosca Cernidora
Hoverflies are a family of Diptera Brachycerus that liban nectar from flowers adopting the appearance of Hymenoptera such as bees and wasps , with easily confused . Los sírfidos son una familia de dípteros braquíceros que liban el néctar de las flores adoptando el aspecto de himenópteros como las abejas y las avispas, con las que se confunden fácilmente.
Schwebfliegenlarven Ende Oktober/November 2010 am Gartenzaun. Zur gleichen Zeit hielten sich dort viele Blattflöhe, -läuse, Wanzen u.ä. auf. Maggots of Hoverflies preying on aphids. Bon Appétit !
This spectacular wasp-mimicking hover fly, Spilomyia sayi, almost constantly waves its' wings as it nectars on goldenrod at Jolicure, Westmorland County, New Brunswick, Canada on 4 August 2013.
Eristalis horticola=Eristalis lineata (Syrphidae) Petites mouches floricoles. On la rencontre de Mai à Septembre Distribution : Europe, Afrique du Nord et Asie Inde. Nom binomial Éristale horticola (De Geer 1776) Eristalis lineata (Harris 1776)
Criorhina renoncules Criorhina ranunculi (Panzer 1804). Famille Syrphidae (Diptera) Observée avec une Syrphidae en moins 3 années de suite.
Sphaerophoria scripta hoverfly (Diptera - Syrphidae - Syrphinae - Syrphini) Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil Hoverflies can fly in bursts of up to 40km per hour. Hover flies are very effective as pollinators. They tend to visit the same type of flowers in succession. These flies have long tongues, and because of their small size they can easily enter a flower, or push back petals to have better access to the nectar and pollen. conhecida como mosca cernidora (Sphaerophoria scripta) da família Syrphidae Filming Insects Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7E38E4C4A2887DD6 Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Diptera Family: Syrphidae Genus: Sphaerophoria Species: S. scripta original videos filmings, 3D modelings, arts animations created and dir...
There's a blister on my sister from too many Grande Jete
And there's nothing I can do to make it go away
With bandages applied, she looks so undignified
It's a sad athlete who's got sore feet
Welcome to the club
Don't think this is easy street
We know how it feels
But when the lights go down, the curtain comes up
(3rd chorus add: The music swells and you feel the beat)
And the setting is complete.
It's bittersweet, when we've got sore feet
It's a crying change seize, it's how personality
Can change dramatically.
When they've got sore feet
It's the dance with pain, but they do it all they get
It's a love hate thing, when you're got (we've got)
Sore Feet
Look at these worn and tired shoes
They've been good to you
They have a selfcount let us pay our dues
They knew just what to do
They had to fit just right
Not too loose and not too tight
They gave it all
It came through for you
Strap your ankles 'til your toes turn blue