"Opomyzidae: The Sleek Flyers of the Grasslands"
Opomyzidae is a family of flies belonging to the order Diptera. They are part of the superfamily Opomyzoidea and are classified under the subsection Acalyptratae. These flies are generally small and slender, and they can be yellow, brown, or black in color. Opomyzidae flies are known for their narrow wings, which often have light or dark-colored spots, including darkly marked crossveins and apical spots. They are characterized by having one pair of backwardly directed orbital bristles on the head, with scattered interfrontal setulae present. Ocellar bristles are also present, while postvertical bristles are usually absent. Vibrissae, the bristles near the mouth, are absent in most species, but Geomyza flies have a strong bristle near the vibrissal angle. The flies have ocelli, and the aris...
published: 15 Jul 2023
Exploring Clusiidae ( Druid flies ) under a Microscope
Exploring Clusiidae ( Druid flies ) under a Microscope
Clusiidae is a family of small flies commonly known as "Druid flies." Here's some basic information about them:
Taxonomy: Clusiidae is a family within the order Diptera, which includes true flies. They belong to the superfamily Opomyzoidea.
Distribution: Druid flies are found worldwide, although they are more diverse in temperate regions.
Habitat: They inhabit various environments, including forests, grasslands, and wetlands. Some species may be associated with decaying organic matter, while others might be found in flowers or fungi.
Appearance: Druid flies are typically small to medium-sized flies, ranging from a few millimeters to around a centimeter in length. They can vary in coloration, often being brownish or black, but so...
published: 06 Feb 2024
Druid Fly (Clusia tigrina) - Brighton, September 2023
Druid flies are the common name for the 400 or so species in the family Clusiidea, in the superfamily Opomyzoidea. Clusia tigrina was previously known as Paraclusia tigrina.
C. tigrina is 3-6mm in length, slim, with a cylindrical, predominantly yellow body, red eyes and a pattern of dark brown marks on the wings.
Adults feed on flowers of Bigleaf Hydrangea, Burning Bush, Giant Dogwood, and Cow Parsley. The larvae are thought to develop in moist rotten or rotting wood.
Associated with dead wood and fallen trees in mature woodland, C.tigrina has been a rare find in the past, and on a very localised basis. Recently the number of sites that have been now been discovered has slowly grown.
I found these specimens on the underside of a large mature tree that had been partially damaged by fire...
published: 18 Sep 2023
Activation of enhancer activity in the early drosophila embryo | Michael Eisen
Thirty years after the discovery of the transcriptional enhancers that drive patterned gene expression in animal embryos, we still do not really understand how they work. One mystery is why it is that there are potential transcription factor binding sites everywhere, but only a small fraction of the genome functions as enhancers. I will talk about recent work in our lab that suggests that the conventional explanation for this phenomenon - that enhancers are found where binding sites are organized in a specific manner - does not explain available data, and instead that, in the early fly embryo at least, there are parallel systems involving different sets of factors and processes that determine where enhancers are located and what patterns they encode.
Michael Eisen is a Professor of Geneti...
published: 04 May 2016
"Opomyzidae: The Sleek Flyers of the Grasslands"
Opomyzidae is a family of flies belonging to the order Diptera. They are part of the superfamily Opomyzoidea and are classified under the subsection Acalyptrata...
Opomyzidae is a family of flies belonging to the order Diptera. They are part of the superfamily Opomyzoidea and are classified under the subsection Acalyptratae. These flies are generally small and slender, and they can be yellow, brown, or black in color. Opomyzidae flies are known for their narrow wings, which often have light or dark-colored spots, including darkly marked crossveins and apical spots. They are characterized by having one pair of backwardly directed orbital bristles on the head, with scattered interfrontal setulae present. Ocellar bristles are also present, while postvertical bristles are usually absent. Vibrissae, the bristles near the mouth, are absent in most species, but Geomyza flies have a strong bristle near the vibrissal angle. The flies have ocelli, and the arista (antenna-like structure) is pubescent or has long hairs. The tibiae of Opomyzidae flies lack dorsal preapical bristles.
Opomyzidae flies have a diverse range of species within the family. Some of the notable genera include Anomalochaeta, Geomyza, Opomyza, and Scelomyza. Each genus contains several species. For example, Opomyza genus includes species like Opomyza germinationis, Opomyza florum, Opomyza punctata, and Opomyza townsendi.
The larvae of Opomyzidae flies live in the stems of grasses, and some species can be agricultural pests. They feed on grasses, including cereal crops, which can cause damage to Gramineae, a family of grasses. The damage caused by Opomyzidae flies to grasses is referred to as "dead heart."
In summary, Opomyzidae is a family of small flies belonging to the order Diptera. They have slender bodies and narrow wings with distinctive markings. These flies are associated with grasses and can be found in open habitats. Some species are pests in agriculture.
Opomyzidae is a family of flies belonging to the order Diptera. They are part of the superfamily Opomyzoidea and are classified under the subsection Acalyptratae. These flies are generally small and slender, and they can be yellow, brown, or black in color. Opomyzidae flies are known for their narrow wings, which often have light or dark-colored spots, including darkly marked crossveins and apical spots. They are characterized by having one pair of backwardly directed orbital bristles on the head, with scattered interfrontal setulae present. Ocellar bristles are also present, while postvertical bristles are usually absent. Vibrissae, the bristles near the mouth, are absent in most species, but Geomyza flies have a strong bristle near the vibrissal angle. The flies have ocelli, and the arista (antenna-like structure) is pubescent or has long hairs. The tibiae of Opomyzidae flies lack dorsal preapical bristles.
Opomyzidae flies have a diverse range of species within the family. Some of the notable genera include Anomalochaeta, Geomyza, Opomyza, and Scelomyza. Each genus contains several species. For example, Opomyza genus includes species like Opomyza germinationis, Opomyza florum, Opomyza punctata, and Opomyza townsendi.
The larvae of Opomyzidae flies live in the stems of grasses, and some species can be agricultural pests. They feed on grasses, including cereal crops, which can cause damage to Gramineae, a family of grasses. The damage caused by Opomyzidae flies to grasses is referred to as "dead heart."
In summary, Opomyzidae is a family of small flies belonging to the order Diptera. They have slender bodies and narrow wings with distinctive markings. These flies are associated with grasses and can be found in open habitats. Some species are pests in agriculture.
- published: 15 Jul 2023
- views: 9
Exploring Clusiidae ( Druid flies ) under a Microscope
Exploring Clusiidae ( Druid flies ) under a Microscope
Clusiidae is a family of small flies commonly known as "Druid flies." Here's some basic information ab...
Exploring Clusiidae ( Druid flies ) under a Microscope
Clusiidae is a family of small flies commonly known as "Druid flies." Here's some basic information about them:
Taxonomy: Clusiidae is a family within the order Diptera, which includes true flies. They belong to the superfamily Opomyzoidea.
Distribution: Druid flies are found worldwide, although they are more diverse in temperate regions.
Habitat: They inhabit various environments, including forests, grasslands, and wetlands. Some species may be associated with decaying organic matter, while others might be found in flowers or fungi.
Appearance: Druid flies are typically small to medium-sized flies, ranging from a few millimeters to around a centimeter in length. They can vary in coloration, often being brownish or black, but some species may have distinctive markings or color patterns.
Behavior: Not much is known about the behavior of all species within Clusiidae, but they are generally considered to be saprophagous or mycophagous, feeding on decaying plant material or fungi. Some species are also known to be associated with flowers.
Life Cycle: Like other flies, they undergo complete metamorphosis, with four life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Larvae of Clusiidae likely feed on organic matter in their respective habitats.
Ecological Role: Druid flies play roles in ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling, as they contribute to the decomposition of organic matter. They may also serve as prey for other organisms.
Economic Importance: While some species may have minor impacts on agricultural or forestry activities, Druid flies are not generally considered pests of economic importance.
Overall, Druid flies are a diverse group of flies with various ecological roles, but more research is needed to fully understand their biology and behavior.
الكلوسييد (Clusiidae) هو عائلة من الذباب الصغيرة المعروفة شائعًا باسم "ذباب الدرويدي". فيما يلي بعض المعلومات الأساسية عنها:
التصنيف: الكلوسييد هي عائلة ضمن رتبة ذبابيات الحقيقية (Diptera)، التي تتضمن الذباب الحقيقي. وهي تنتمي إلى فوق الفصيلة أوبوميزويدا (Opomyzoidea).
الانتشار: يتواجد ذباب الدرويدي على نطاق واسع في جميع أنحاء العالم، على الرغم من أنها تكثر أكثر في المناطق المعتدلة.
الموئل: يعيشون في بيئات مختلفة، بما في ذلك الغابات والمروج والمستنقعات. قد يكون بعض الأنواع مرتبطة بالمواد العضوية المتحللة، بينما يمكن أن توجد البعض الآخر في الزهور أو الفطريات.
المظهر: ذباب الدرويدي عادة ما يكونون ذباب صغيرة إلى متوسطة الحجم، بطول يتراوح بين بضعة مليمترات إلى حوالي سنتيمتر واحد. يمكن أن يتغير لونها، غالباً ما تكون بنية أو سوداء، ولكن قد تحمل بعض الأنواع علامات مميزة أو أنماط لونية.
السلوك: لا يُعرف الكثير عن سلوك جميع الأنواع ضمن الكلوسييد، ولكن يُعتقد عمومًا أنهم يتغذون على المواد العضوية المتحللة، سواء كانت نباتية أو فطرية. ومن المعروف أيضًا أن بعض الأنواع مرتبطة بالزهور.
الدورة الحيوية: مثل الذباب الآخر، يمرون بالتحول الكامل، مع أربع مراحل في الحياة: البيضة، اليرقة، العذراء، والبالغة. يعتقد أن يرقات الكلوسييد تتغذى على المواد العضوية في بيئاتها المختلفة.
الدور البيئي: يلعب ذباب الدرويدي دورًا في عمليات النظام البيئي مثل دورة العناصر، حيث يساهمون في تحلل المواد العضوية. كما قد يكونون طعامًا لغيرهم من الكائنات.
الأهمية الاقتصادية: على الرغم من أن بعض الأنواع قد تكون لها تأثيرات طفيفة على الأنشطة الزراعية أو الغاباتية، إلا أن ذباب الدرويدي لا يُعتبرون عمومًا آفة ذات أهمية اقتصادية.
بشكل عام، ذباب الدرويدي هم مجموعة متنوعة من الذباب بأدوار بيئية متنوعة، ولكن يحتاج المزيد من الأبحاث لفهم تمامًا علمهم وسلوكهم.
Exploring Clusiidae ( Druid flies ) under a Microscope
Clusiidae is a family of small flies commonly known as "Druid flies." Here's some basic information about them:
Taxonomy: Clusiidae is a family within the order Diptera, which includes true flies. They belong to the superfamily Opomyzoidea.
Distribution: Druid flies are found worldwide, although they are more diverse in temperate regions.
Habitat: They inhabit various environments, including forests, grasslands, and wetlands. Some species may be associated with decaying organic matter, while others might be found in flowers or fungi.
Appearance: Druid flies are typically small to medium-sized flies, ranging from a few millimeters to around a centimeter in length. They can vary in coloration, often being brownish or black, but some species may have distinctive markings or color patterns.
Behavior: Not much is known about the behavior of all species within Clusiidae, but they are generally considered to be saprophagous or mycophagous, feeding on decaying plant material or fungi. Some species are also known to be associated with flowers.
Life Cycle: Like other flies, they undergo complete metamorphosis, with four life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Larvae of Clusiidae likely feed on organic matter in their respective habitats.
Ecological Role: Druid flies play roles in ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling, as they contribute to the decomposition of organic matter. They may also serve as prey for other organisms.
Economic Importance: While some species may have minor impacts on agricultural or forestry activities, Druid flies are not generally considered pests of economic importance.
Overall, Druid flies are a diverse group of flies with various ecological roles, but more research is needed to fully understand their biology and behavior.
الكلوسييد (Clusiidae) هو عائلة من الذباب الصغيرة المعروفة شائعًا باسم "ذباب الدرويدي". فيما يلي بعض المعلومات الأساسية عنها:
التصنيف: الكلوسييد هي عائلة ضمن رتبة ذبابيات الحقيقية (Diptera)، التي تتضمن الذباب الحقيقي. وهي تنتمي إلى فوق الفصيلة أوبوميزويدا (Opomyzoidea).
الانتشار: يتواجد ذباب الدرويدي على نطاق واسع في جميع أنحاء العالم، على الرغم من أنها تكثر أكثر في المناطق المعتدلة.
الموئل: يعيشون في بيئات مختلفة، بما في ذلك الغابات والمروج والمستنقعات. قد يكون بعض الأنواع مرتبطة بالمواد العضوية المتحللة، بينما يمكن أن توجد البعض الآخر في الزهور أو الفطريات.
المظهر: ذباب الدرويدي عادة ما يكونون ذباب صغيرة إلى متوسطة الحجم، بطول يتراوح بين بضعة مليمترات إلى حوالي سنتيمتر واحد. يمكن أن يتغير لونها، غالباً ما تكون بنية أو سوداء، ولكن قد تحمل بعض الأنواع علامات مميزة أو أنماط لونية.
السلوك: لا يُعرف الكثير عن سلوك جميع الأنواع ضمن الكلوسييد، ولكن يُعتقد عمومًا أنهم يتغذون على المواد العضوية المتحللة، سواء كانت نباتية أو فطرية. ومن المعروف أيضًا أن بعض الأنواع مرتبطة بالزهور.
الدورة الحيوية: مثل الذباب الآخر، يمرون بالتحول الكامل، مع أربع مراحل في الحياة: البيضة، اليرقة، العذراء، والبالغة. يعتقد أن يرقات الكلوسييد تتغذى على المواد العضوية في بيئاتها المختلفة.
الدور البيئي: يلعب ذباب الدرويدي دورًا في عمليات النظام البيئي مثل دورة العناصر، حيث يساهمون في تحلل المواد العضوية. كما قد يكونون طعامًا لغيرهم من الكائنات.
الأهمية الاقتصادية: على الرغم من أن بعض الأنواع قد تكون لها تأثيرات طفيفة على الأنشطة الزراعية أو الغاباتية، إلا أن ذباب الدرويدي لا يُعتبرون عمومًا آفة ذات أهمية اقتصادية.
بشكل عام، ذباب الدرويدي هم مجموعة متنوعة من الذباب بأدوار بيئية متنوعة، ولكن يحتاج المزيد من الأبحاث لفهم تمامًا علمهم وسلوكهم.
- published: 06 Feb 2024
- views: 34
Druid Fly (Clusia tigrina) - Brighton, September 2023
Druid flies are the common name for the 400 or so species in the family Clusiidea, in the superfamily Opomyzoidea. Clusia tigrina was previously known as Paracl...
Druid flies are the common name for the 400 or so species in the family Clusiidea, in the superfamily Opomyzoidea. Clusia tigrina was previously known as Paraclusia tigrina.
C. tigrina is 3-6mm in length, slim, with a cylindrical, predominantly yellow body, red eyes and a pattern of dark brown marks on the wings.
Adults feed on flowers of Bigleaf Hydrangea, Burning Bush, Giant Dogwood, and Cow Parsley. The larvae are thought to develop in moist rotten or rotting wood.
Associated with dead wood and fallen trees in mature woodland, C.tigrina has been a rare find in the past, and on a very localised basis. Recently the number of sites that have been now been discovered has slowly grown.
I found these specimens on the underside of a large mature tree that had been partially damaged by fire, specifically on an area of the trunk where the bark had either fallen or been stripped away.
What you are witnessing in this video is another very notable characteristic and one from which Druid flies get their name.
This involves relatively rare, highly competitive ritual dances males undertake to claim and defend mating territories that are otherwise devoid of any food resources. This is apparently associated with male-only rituals carried out by Druids up to 2,000 years ago?!
These dance rituals lead to a cluster of male occupied and defended territories which passing females then visit in order to mate.
The territories are known as 'leks' and the behaviour known as 'lekking'.
Females are thought to lay eggs in beetle burrows and on bits of bark-covered decomposing wood.
(There are 100's of short wildlife videos on this Channel, most of which are accompanied by written species information. To ensure you don't miss out on any new additions, please hit that 'Subscribe' button)
Druid flies are the common name for the 400 or so species in the family Clusiidea, in the superfamily Opomyzoidea. Clusia tigrina was previously known as Paraclusia tigrina.
C. tigrina is 3-6mm in length, slim, with a cylindrical, predominantly yellow body, red eyes and a pattern of dark brown marks on the wings.
Adults feed on flowers of Bigleaf Hydrangea, Burning Bush, Giant Dogwood, and Cow Parsley. The larvae are thought to develop in moist rotten or rotting wood.
Associated with dead wood and fallen trees in mature woodland, C.tigrina has been a rare find in the past, and on a very localised basis. Recently the number of sites that have been now been discovered has slowly grown.
I found these specimens on the underside of a large mature tree that had been partially damaged by fire, specifically on an area of the trunk where the bark had either fallen or been stripped away.
What you are witnessing in this video is another very notable characteristic and one from which Druid flies get their name.
This involves relatively rare, highly competitive ritual dances males undertake to claim and defend mating territories that are otherwise devoid of any food resources. This is apparently associated with male-only rituals carried out by Druids up to 2,000 years ago?!
These dance rituals lead to a cluster of male occupied and defended territories which passing females then visit in order to mate.
The territories are known as 'leks' and the behaviour known as 'lekking'.
Females are thought to lay eggs in beetle burrows and on bits of bark-covered decomposing wood.
(There are 100's of short wildlife videos on this Channel, most of which are accompanied by written species information. To ensure you don't miss out on any new additions, please hit that 'Subscribe' button)
- published: 18 Sep 2023
- views: 16
Activation of enhancer activity in the early drosophila embryo | Michael Eisen
Thirty years after the discovery of the transcriptional enhancers that drive patterned gene expression in animal embryos, we still do not really understand how ...
Thirty years after the discovery of the transcriptional enhancers that drive patterned gene expression in animal embryos, we still do not really understand how they work. One mystery is why it is that there are potential transcription factor binding sites everywhere, but only a small fraction of the genome functions as enhancers. I will talk about recent work in our lab that suggests that the conventional explanation for this phenomenon - that enhancers are found where binding sites are organized in a specific manner - does not explain available data, and instead that, in the early fly embryo at least, there are parallel systems involving different sets of factors and processes that determine where enhancers are located and what patterns they encode.
Michael Eisen is a Professor of Genetics, Genomics and Development at University of California, Berkeley and an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He works primarily on flies, and his research encompasses evolution, development, genetics, genomics, chemical ecology and behavior. Eisen is interested in understanding how the spatial and temporal patterns of gene expression that choreograph development are established in the early Drosophila embryo and in characterizing the ways that microorganisms manipulate the behavior of animals, including humans.
Michael Eisen
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor
University of California, Berkeley
Activation of enhancer activity in the early drosophila embryo
Thirty years after the discovery of the transcriptional enhancers that drive patterned gene expression in animal embryos, we still do not really understand how they work. One mystery is why it is that there are potential transcription factor binding sites everywhere, but only a small fraction of the genome functions as enhancers. I will talk about recent work in our lab that suggests that the conventional explanation for this phenomenon - that enhancers are found where binding sites are organized in a specific manner - does not explain available data, and instead that, in the early fly embryo at least, there are parallel systems involving different sets of factors and processes that determine where enhancers are located and what patterns they encode.
Michael Eisen is a Professor of Genetics, Genomics and Development at University of California, Berkeley and an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He works primarily on flies, and his research encompasses evolution, development, genetics, genomics, chemical ecology and behavior. Eisen is interested in understanding how the spatial and temporal patterns of gene expression that choreograph development are established in the early Drosophila embryo and in characterizing the ways that microorganisms manipulate the behavior of animals, including humans.
Michael Eisen
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor
University of California, Berkeley
Activation of enhancer activity in the early drosophila embryo
- published: 04 May 2016
- views: 306