- published: 06 Oct 2009
- views: 2766
The field of secular theology, a subfield of liberal theology advocated by Anglican bishop John A. T. Robinson somewhat paradoxically combines secularism and theology. Recognized in the 1960s, it was influenced both by neo-orthodoxy, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Harvey Cox, and the existentialism of Søren Kierkegaard and Paul Tillich. Secular theology digested modern movements like the Death of God Theology propagated by Thomas J. J. Altizer or the philosophical existentialism of Paul Tillich and eased the introduction of such ideas into the theological mainstream and made constructive evaluations, as well as contributions, to them.
John Shelby Spong advocates a nuanced approach to scripture (as opposed to blunt Biblical literalism at the other end of the scale), informed by scholarship and compassion, which he argues can be consistent with both Christian tradition and a contemporary understanding of the universe. Secular theology holds that theism has lost credibility as a valid conception of God's nature. It rejects the concept of a personal God and embraces the status of Jesus Christ, Christology and Christian eschatology as Christian mythology without basis in historical events.
Secular Theology according to the Secular Humanism Worldview. My friends at Summit Ministries continue their series on comparative world views with a study of Secular Humanism as it relates to Theology. (Part 2 of 13). Please visit http://www.Summit.org for more videos and resources for understanding Secular Humanism and developing a Biblical Christian Worldview, including various Summit camps and retreats. Also, visit http://www.allaboutworldview.org/secular-theology.htm for more information on Secular Theology, Secular Humanism, Christian Worldview, and Christian Apologetics.
UU University 2009 -Theology for a Secular Age Part 1 - "How do we know what we most truly know?" The transformation of theology for a secular age formed the basis of this track. Learn to think and talk about your faith in ways that balance your religious wisdom with scientific insight. What distinguishes Unitarian Universalism (UUism) from other faith traditions? What is the relationship between your personal faith and your religious community? As a person of faith, how do you balance religious wisdom and scientific insight? Theology is the process of talking about faith in a thoughtful and organized way—how faith arises, what sustains it, why it falters, and where it can make a difference in our lives and world. Today, theology stands at a crossroad. For centuries, theology ha...
UU University 2009 -Theology for a Secular Age Part 2 - "What is the nature of existence and how do we fit into the picture?" The transformation of theology for a secular age formed the basis of this track. Learn to think and talk about your faith in ways that balance your religious wisdom with scientific insight. What distinguishes Unitarian Universalism (UUism) from other faith traditions? What is the relationship between your personal faith and your religious community? As a person of faith, how do you balance religious wisdom and scientific insight? Theology is the process of talking about faith in a thoughtful and organized way—how faith arises, what sustains it, why it falters, and where it can make a difference in our lives and world. Today, theology stands at a crossroad...
UU University 2009 -Theology for a Secular Age Part 4 "What is the uniquely human challenge?" The transformation of theology for a secular age formed the basis of this track. Learn to think and talk about your faith in ways that balance your religious wisdom with scientific insight. What distinguishes Unitarian Universalism (UUism) from other faith traditions? What is the relationship between your personal faith and your religious community? As a person of faith, how do you balance religious wisdom and scientific insight? Theology is the process of talking about faith in a thoughtful and organized way—how faith arises, what sustains it, why it falters, and where it can make a difference in our lives and world. Today, theology stands at a crossroad. For centuries, theology has de...
What is SECULAR THEOLOGY? What does SECULAR THEOLOGY mean? SECULAR THEOLOGY meaning. The field of secular theology, a subfield of liberal theology advocated by Anglican bishop John A. T. Robinson somewhat paradoxically combines secularism and theology. Recognized in the 1960s, it was influenced both by neo-orthodoxy, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Harvey Cox, and the existentialism of Soren Kierkegaard and Paul Tillich. Secular theology digested modern movements like the Death of God Theology propagated by Thomas J. J. Altizer or the philosophical existentialism of Paul Tillich and eased the introduction of such ideas into the theological mainstream and made constructive evaluations, as well as contributions, to them. John Shelby Spong advocates a nuanced approach to scripture (as opposed to blunt...
Dr. Chopra recorded this video through Seesmic - the platform for global conversations. Based in San Francisco, Seesmic enables people from all over the world to engage in discussions on-line using video as the conduit. Join the conversation at www.seesmic.com
An excerpt from "Being Faithful in a Secular Society", a talk by Justice Peter Lauwers, Court of Appeal for Ontario. Given at Toronto's Theology on Tap, hosted by Faith Connections, November 23, 2015. This is just a short portion of a longer evening of thought-provoking discussion, food, fun and friendship! To learn more about Toronto's Theology on Tap, visit: http://www.faithconnections.ca/toronto-theology-on-tap Faith Connections is a young adult (19-39) ministry of Fontbonne Ministries, Sisters of St. Joseph, Toronto. http://www.faithconnections.ca
John Milbank is a Christian theologian and Professor of Religion, Politics and Ethics at the University of Nottingham. Milbank is regarded as one of today's most important intellectuals. He is known as the founder of the Radical Orthodoxy movement, which has attracted international attention in both religion and politics. His work crosses disciplinary boundaries, integrating subjects such as systematic theology, social theory, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy, and political theory. He was educated at both Oxford and Cambridge. During his time at Cambridge he studied under Rowan Williams. He then received his PhD from the University of Birmingham.
VLOG 40 Why Christians should prefer a secular state What is the best kind of state a Christian should desire for their nation? Naively some Christians believe that if you have Christians, or Christian political parties, governing the nation it would be a good thing. In my view that is a mistake! Simply stated, we already have self professed Christians in three of the most serious positions in our political dispensation (Jacob Zuma was ordained as a Christian pastor by a Pentecostal denomination, Mr Maimane (leader of the DA, the official opposition) is also an ordained pentecostal Church pastor, and the Chief Justice, Mogoeng Mogoeng is also a pentecostal Church pastor). A recent parliamentary survey showed that 65% of parliamentarians are Methodist. Still, South Africa is not where it...
An excerpt from "The Role of Faith in a Secular World: Does God Matter?", a talk by Charles Falzon, Chair of Radio and Television Arts, Ryerson University. Given at Toronto's Theology on Tap (on tour at Ryerson), hosted by Faith Connections and the Ryerson Catholic Chaplaincy, February 9, 2012. This is just a short portion of a longer evening of thought-provoking discussion, food, fun and friendship! To learn more about Toronto's Theology on Tap, visit: http://www.faithconnections.ca/toronto-theology-on-tap Faith Connections is a young adult (19-39) ministry of Fontbonne Ministries, Sisters of St. Joseph, Toronto. http://www.faithconnections.ca Ryerson Catholic Chaplaincy: http://www.ryercath.ca
Moderator: John Slattery Description: What is the “secular society” and how has religion tried to respond to it? Through rejection? Through accommodation? Will religious establishments just continue to wither away regardless of their responses? Or are there opportunities for regeneration?
UU University 2009 -Theology for a Secular Age Part 5 - "What are the purpose of faith and the role of religion?" The transformation of theology for a secular age formed the basis of this track. Learn to think and talk about your faith in ways that balance your religious wisdom with scientific insight. What distinguishes Unitarian Universalism (UUism) from other faith traditions? What is the relationship between your personal faith and your religious community? As a person of faith, how do you balance religious wisdom and scientific insight? Theology is the process of talking about faith in a thoughtful and organized way—how faith arises, what sustains it, why it falters, and where it can make a difference in our lives and world. Today, theology stands at a crossroad. For centur...
Southeastern Seminary (September 2013) - "What I have Told You in the Darkness, Say in the Light: Christian Truth Telling in a Secular Age." Al Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, discusses his unique insight to cultural apologetic issues.
William T. Cavanaugh, director of Center for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology and a professor of Catholic Studies at DePaul University in Chicago, speaks on the topic of Secularism and Idolatry. Cavanaugh is the author of Torture and the Eucharist: Theology, Politics, and the Body of Christ, Theopolitical Imagination, Being Consumed: Economics and Christian Desire, The Myth of Religious Violence: Secular Ideology and the Roots of Modern Conflict, and Migrations of the Holy.
Ligonier Ministries (2012) - Michael Horton, Stephen Meyer, Del Tackett, R.C. Sproul Jr, and R.C. Sproul speak on the trouble of indoctrination of students in secular school campuses and universities.
First Baptist Church (2013) - A presentation made at the 2013 Evangelism Conference for the Baptist Convention of New Mexico. Buy Mark Mittelberg's books here: The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask (With Answers): http://www.amazon.com/Questions-Christians-Hope-One-Will/dp/1414315910 Confident Faith: Building a Firm Foundation for Your Beliefs: http://www.amazon.com/Confident-Faith-Building-Foundation-Beliefs/dp/1414329962 The Reason Why: Faith Makes Sense: http://www.amazon.com/Reason-Why-Mark-Mittelberg/dp/1414364539
A comparison of William Branham's theology with previous secular writers, religious leaders and works that are not Christian nor based on the King James Bible. For the sake of brevity, I chose to only show one sermon per subject because William Branham said the same things many times in many different churches or conventions, also from the books written for him that were dictated and edited by others using his words. All sermons of Branham were taken directly from Voice of God Recordings, transcribed from the taped sermons. There are no transcriptions prior to 1947. William Branham misrepresented himself and other religious leaders, quoted directly from those other sources and incorporated those teachings into his. It is very easy to disprove his claims, which were fraudulent. He c...