- published: 09 Aug 2013
- views: 3790887
Biafra, officially the Republic of Biafra, was a secessionist state in south-eastern Nigeria that existed from 30 May 1967 to 15 January 1970, taking its name from the Bight of Biafra (the Atlantic bay to its south). The inhabitants were mostly the Igbo people who led the secession due to economic, ethnic, cultural and religious tensions among the various peoples of Nigeria. The creation of the new country was among the complex causes for the Nigerian Civil War, also known as the Nigerian-Biafran War.
Land of the Rising Sun was chosen for Biafra's national anthem, and the state was formally recognised by Gabon, Haiti, Ivory Coast, Tanzania and Zambia. Other nations which did not give official recognition but which did provide support and assistance to Biafra included Israel, France, Portugal, Rhodesia, South Africa and the Vatican City. Biafra also received aid from non-state actors, including Joint Church Aid, Holy Ghost Fathers of Ireland, Caritas International, MarkPress and U.S. Catholic Relief Services.
noite que se foi
sem se quer dizer pra onde foi
nem quer saber de nenhum lugar
onde as românticas estrelas
fiquem como enfeites, luzes
não aquecem o ar
nem vai brilhar no meu coração
que, de teimoso, não percebe
que você fugiu de mim
só me fez sofrer em vão
mas não faz mal
um ano se passou
por que não esquecer?
você desfez de mim
só me fez lembrar que estou
doido de amor
e antes de sair
por que não me entender?
Por que não me entender, Helena?