Above Us the Waves is a 1955 British war film directed by Ralph Thomas, about human torpedo and midget submarine attacks on the German battleship Tirpitz. It is based on two true-life attacks on the Tirpitz by British commando frogmen, first using Chariot manned torpedoes in Operation Title in 1942, and then X-Craft midget submarines in Operation Source in 1943. Some of the original equipment was used in the film.
The Royal Navy is concerned about constant attacks on convoys by German submarines and having to keep "half the fleet" watching for the German battleship Tirpitz. The Tirpitz is 60 miles from the sea inside a Norwegian fjord and attempts by the Royal Air Force to sink her have failed. Commander Fraser (Mills) is determined to prove that an attack by human torpedoes is practical, despite scepticism from the higher echelons that such an operation would be feasible.
Fraser assembles and trains a force of British commando frogmen officers and ratings to use the Mk I Human Torpedo manned torpedoes (Chariots) at their Scottish base. After receiving a refusal to allow the operation to go ahead from an admiral, the team use dummy mines to attack the admiral's own ship using the Chariots.
You are the one who makes it different
But I am the one who makes the waves
All down the line this makes us different
So all our dreams may stay awake
You know sometimes things get so strange
And all we do may go astray
Wrapped in your youth, these things won't harm you
And they don't hit you like a train
Say, won't you see her?
I heard she's waiting at your door
Oh, I hope you won't keep near her
I know she's bound to want it all
She's uncommon, she has one face
And her heart beats to your tune
When she speaks, she speaks of only your name
Then she repeats it like a fool
Hey, you can't say you don't want her
You know you let her through your wall
Oh, I hope you don't keep near her
I know she's bound to want it all
You are the one who makes the difference
But I am the one who makes the waves
All down the line this makes us different