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Interview with
Grand Mufti of Syria Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun
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Syrian opposition fighters near the border with
Turkey have said they are creating a buffer zone to act as a safe haven for the thousands of people trying to escape the fighting in their country.
Several rebel groups have joined forces to drive government troops out of the area near the border, but they are demanding that
NATO assist them in defending the buffer zone against government air strikes.
Al Jazeeras
Anita McNaught reports from the town of
Bdama in northern Syria.The truth on the protests against anti-Islam film: Interview to the Grand Mufti of Syria.
La verit sulle proteste contro il film anti-Islam:
Intervista al
Gran Mufti di
Spotlight: Restoring image of Syria -
Russia Today)
Ahmad Badreddine Hassoun -- Grand Mufti of Syria
While the
Syrian rebels and the government forces keep shooting each other, many parties try to find a way to settle the crisis. There are different opinions about
President Bashar al-Assad and the current regime -- some say he must step away others argue he is the only one who can restore order in the country. Here is a religious
point of view. My guest on the show today is Grand Mufti of Syria Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun.
Aleksandr Gurnov
As a respected Islamic leader, Dr Hassoune rejects the concept of the
Holy war. He says the violence could not be justified by any religion. In One of his speeches, Dr Hassoun said no war is
Holy , only
In reality such productions with film, video footage or other, doesnt offend our
Prophet Mohammed or
Jesus Christ, nor does it offend the
Prophet Ibrahim.
Like I said in the beginning, the
Prophet Mohammad can not be insulted by a caricature or a film. This is also true of Jesus Christ,
PBUH. This all the result of provocative media coverage aimed at soaking chaos and disorder and this time the media have succeeded in
educating people into attacking embassies and killing diplomats.
The West aims to instigate chaos and disorder across the
Arab and
Islamic world and then spread it further onto
Russia and we know very well that Russia is surrounded by
Islamic countries. We stand strongly against the parties that rule in the name of religion. This is very dangerous. I dont support the democratic
Christian party in
Europe nor do I support the parties that rule in the name of religion.
I am calling upon the
Islamic parties that are now in power in the
Arab world to reform themselves into secular political parties and keep religion separated from politics.
En temps que chef religieux respect, Dr. Hassoune rejette le concept de guerre sainte car aucune religion ne saurait justifier la violence.Dans un de ses discours, Dr Hassound a declar aucune guerre nest sainte, uniquement la paix lest.
En ralit ce genre de film, vido et autre genre de production noffense pas ni le Prophte
Mohammad ou Jsus
Christ, ni le Prophte
Abraham. Comme je lai dit au dbut, le Prophte
Mohammed ne peut tre insult par une caricature ou un film. Ceci est aussi valable pour Jsus Christ (que la paix soit avec lui).
Tout ceci est le rsultat dune couverture mdiatique provocatrice qui a pour but dengendrer chaos et dsordre et cette fois les mdias ont russi pousser les gens attaquer les ambassades et tuer des diplomates.
LOccident oeuvre linstallation du chaos et du dsordre autour du monde arabe et islamique, puis de le propager en
Russie et nous savons trs bien que la Russie est entoure de pays musulmans.
Nous nous opposons fermement aux partis qui gouvernent au nom de la religion.
Ceci est trs dangeureux. Je suis hostile au parti dmo chrtien en Europe mais aussi tous les partis qui gouvernent au nom dune religion. Jappelle les partis islamiques
qui sont aujourdhui au pouvoir dans le monde musulman de se convertir en partis politiques laques afin de maintenir un clivage entre la religion et la politique.
In qualit di rispettabile leader islamico, il dottor Hassoune rifiuta il concetto della Guerra
Dice che la violenza non pu essere giustificata da alcuna religione.
In uno dei suoi discorsi, il dottor Hassoun ha detto: Nessuna guerra santa, ma solo la pace lo .
In realt queste produzioni con film, pellicole ed altro,non offendono il nostro Profeta Maometto n Ges Cristo, n offendono il Profeta
Come ho detto allinizio, il Profeta Mohammad non pu essere insultato da caricature o film.
Questo vero anche per Ges Cristo (che la pace sia con lui).Tutto questo il risultato di una copertura mediatica provocatoria volta a fomentare caos e disordine, e questa volta i media sono riusciti a fare in modo che le persone attaccassero le ambasciate e uccidessero i diplomatici. LOccidente si propone di fomentare il caos ed il disordine in tutto
- published: 27 Jan 2014
- views: 319