
Hampton Court Flower Show 2016

This year the world’s biggest horticultural event celebrates Beatrix Potter and encourages city dwellers to create their own green space

Don’t go there

In his first book, Pierre Bayard argued you needn't read books to discuss them. Now he writes that it’s perfectly legitimate to talk about foreign parts without visiting them

Bagged a bargain or been anchored?

Cognitive bias is a dangerous tool – it can even affect judges’ sentencing – but retailers ruthlessly employ it to persuade us we’re clever shoppers, as Joseph Devlin found out

‘Leicester for the league? I always had a hunch...’

Ever since Richard III got a proper burial in Leicester, things have gone right for the city's soccer team (as it happens, based at King Power stadium). But what might the crafty monarch have made of it? Thanks to a new book, we can find out...

Top 10 Job Titles

From the Deputy Director in Charge of the Solar System via the Professor of Sport and Masculinities to the Communist Affairs Correspondent