Tarishi’s body to be flown to Delhi today, last rites to be held in Gurgaon

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Firozabad/Agra: Ever since news about the death of Tarishi Jain in the Dhaka terror attack was received, hundreds of residents of Firozabad and elsewhere have been visiting the Jains to console the grieving family. According to family members, her body will arrive in Delhi on Monday afternoon and the family has decided to perform her last rites at Gurgaon's sector 29 where her father Sanjiv Jain has a house.

Tarishi's uncle Rakesh Mohan Jain told TOI, "The death of Tarishi has broken her father deeply. On Saturday he had shown a lot of grit while coming to terms with the fact that Tarishi is no more, but on Sunday he was distraught and was not able to talk with anyone."

"We are now waiting for her body to arrive in Delhi on Monday. Later in the day, the cremation rites will be performed in Gurgaon's sector 29. Subsequently, the family will come here for a condolence meet," he said.

The Jains have been an old and established family in Firozabad and have, over generations, contributed to several social welfare causes here. According to locals, Tarishi's father Sanjiv Jain and three brothers who live in Suhag Nagar have considerable goodwill in the community.

The 19-year-old was killed in the deadly terrorist attack at an upscale restaurant in Dhaka on Friday. Tarishi, a bright student and an economics undergraduate at the University of California, had come to Dhaka, where her father has been running a garments business for about 20 years, just two days back. Her brother Sanchit, who has done his engineering from Canada, had landed in Delhi a day ​earlier so that the family of four, along with mother Tulik​a, could all head to Firozabad​ -- where Sanjiv's three brothers Rakesh, Rajiv and Ajit have a flourishing trade in glass​ -- on Saturday. That family union was never to be.

Mufti of city's Jama Masjid Abdul Aleem Isha, who visited the family to offer his condolences, said, "It is an act of cowardice by people who are spreading terror in the name of religion. Terrorists do not have any religion and they are a disgrace to the community."

Condemning the act, ex-MLA Azim Bhai said, "The attack on innocent people in the pious month of Ramzan was an attempt to malign the name of Islam which will never be tolerated. We are standing with the Jain family in this hour of grief."

Tarishi had visited Firozabad during Diwali in 2015. It was a festival she always looked forward to. She had been hoping she would be with her uncles and extended family this year too.
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