- published: 25 Jun 2015
- views: 6295
The lily family, Liliaceae, consists of fifteen genera and approximately 600 species of flowering plants within the order Liliales. They are monocotyledonous, perennial, herbaceous, often bulbous geophytes. Plants in this family have evolved with a fair amount of morphological diversity despite genetic similarity. Common characteristics include large flowers with parts arranged in threes: with six colored or patterned petaloid tepals (undifferentiated petals and sepals) arranged in two whorls, six stamens and a superior ovary. The leaves are linear in shape, with their veins usually arranged parallel to the edges, single and arranged alternating on the stem, or in a rosette at the base. Most species are grown from bulbs, although some have rhizomes. First described in 1789, the lily family became a paraphyletic "catch-all" group of petaloid monocots that did not fit into other families and included a great number of genera now included in other families and in some cases in other orders. Consequently, many sources and descriptions labelled "Liliaceae" deal with the broader sense of the family.
Lilium (members of which are true lilies) is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants growing from bulbs, all with large prominent flowers. Lilies are a group of flowering plants which are important in culture and literature in much of the world. Most species are native to the temperate northern hemisphere, though their range extends into the northern subtropics. Many other plants have "lily" in their common name but are not related to true lilies.
Lilies are tall perennials ranging in height from 2–6 ft (60–180 cm). They form naked or tunicless scaly underground bulbs which are their overwintering organs. In some North American species the base of the bulb develops into rhizomes, on which numerous small bulbs are found. Some species develop stolons. Most bulbs are deeply buried, but a few species form bulbs near the soil surface. Many species form stem-roots. With these, the bulb grows naturally at some depth in the soil, and each year the new stem puts out adventitious roots above the bulb as it emerges from the soil. These roots are in addition to the basal roots that develop at the base of the bulb.
Lilium candidum, the Madonna lily, is a plant in the true lily family. It is native to Greece, the western Balkans and the Middle East, and naturalized in other parts of Europe (France, Italy, Ukraine, etc.) as well as in North Africa, the Canary Islands, Mexico, and other places. It forms bulbs at ground level, and unlike other lilies, has a basal rosette of leaves through the winter, which die back in summer. A leafy flower stem, typically up to 1.2 metres (3 ft 11 in) high, sometimes up to 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) high, emerges in late spring and bears sweetly and headily fragrant flowers in summer. Flowers are white, flushed yellow at the base.
It has long been cultivated, but is susceptible to virus diseases of lilies, and to Botrytis fungus. One possible way to avoid problems with viruses is to grow plants raised from seed.
The Madonna lily is often described as being the basis of the fleur de lis, though the shape of this stylised flower more strongly resembles that of a flag iris.
Liliaceae Family Flower
Trick to learn FLORAL FORMULA and DIAGRAMS of family Fabaceae , Solanaceae , Liliaceae etc.
Trick to learn the examples of Family Liliaceae
Tricks to memorise examples of various families (Fabaceae,Solanaceae,Liliaceae) for NEET and AIIMS.
Lilium sp (Liliaceae) Lírio laranja
Letter to my luv... (Lilium Liliaceae)
"No Jardim" / "In the Garden" - Van Morrison / LILIACEAE
characteristics of liliaceae
Lilien, Lilium, Liliaceae
Ruscus aculeatus (Liliaceae)
Тюльпан, растение семейства Лилейные (Liliaceae)
Taxonomy and diversity of Liliaceae
Morphology of Flowering Plants for NEET - Botany (Family - Solanaceae & Liliaceae)
Madonnenlilie, Lilium candidum, Liliengewächse (Liliaceae)
Liliaceae Top # 12 Facts
LILIACEAE tulipa gesneriana 🌷
tulipa liliacea
Тюльпан, растение семейства Лилейные (Liliaceae)
Class 11: Biology: Morphology of Flowering Plants-Fruits: Liliaceae
Liliaceae plant family, description, examples, info
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Complete character of Liliaceae :Vegetative , reproductive characters and useful plants in this family
Tricks to learn the examples of Family LILIACEAE for NEET, AIIMS, JIPMER, NEET| SIMPLIFIED BIOLOGY FAMILY LILIACEAE is the Lily family. Characterized by trimerous condition, the presence of perianth and epiphyllous condition. Onion, garlic, Aloe...... belong to this family. Please like and subscribe. https://ramneetkaur.com/ Please like and subscribe our youtube channel Simplified Biology helps students learn Biology with ease. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Website: https://ramneetkaur.com Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/biologysimpl... Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/simpl... Newsletter Subscription: https://ramneetkaur.com/subscribe/ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~~-~- NOTES: SlideShare: -~-~~-~~~-~~-...
U can like my Facebook page ie. Vipin Sharma Biology Blogs for more information regarding every national level competitive exam in which biology is a part . Like this video share it with your frnds n subscribe to my channel if u r new. Thanq so much for supporting me guys 👍 😊. https://mbasic.facebook.com/Vipin-Sharma-Biology-Blogs-588472744670315/?__xt__=11.%7B%22event%22%3A%22visit_page_tab%22%2C%22user_id%22%3A100003119064758%2C%22page_id%22%3A588472744670315%7D
Hemerocallis fulva - Lírio laranja Lilium bulbiferum (Liliales - Liliaceae) orange lily, orange Day-lily, fire lily, tiger lily, herbaceous perennial plant, flor laranja, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil, Brazil Playlist filming Plantae Species: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLADD2458AB059D49E original videos filmings, 3D modelings, arts animations created and directed by Diego da Cruz Pereira © DiegoDCvids
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Excerto do poema "NO JARDIM", de VAN MORRISON. Lírio Amarelo - LILIACEAE. Excert of the poem "In the Garden", de Van Morrison. Som - "The soul of Love"
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Lilium Die etwa 100 Arten der Lilium sind in den gemäßigten Zonen der nördlichen Halbkugel beheimatet. Die Zwiebeln der Lilium bilden einfache, manchmal im oberen Bereich verzweigte Stengel. Bei den meisten Arten sind die Blätter schmal, die hübschen Blüten der Lilium sind trichter- oder glockenförmig. Pflege und Kulturanleitung der Lilium Licht / Standort Die Lilium benötigt einen hellen Standort mit einigen Stunden täglicher Sonneneinstrahlung während des Vor- oder Nachmittags. Die pralle Mittagssonne ist zu vermeiden. Gießen Während der Wachstumsphase und der gesamten Blühzeit gießt man gleichmäßig. Das Substrat sollte in dieser Zeit nicht antrocknen aber auch nicht vernässen. Temperatur Die Lilium kann bei normalen Wohnungstemperaturen kultiviert werde. Kühlere Temperaturen während...
Plants of future: http://www.pfaf.org/user/Plant.aspx?LatinName=Ruscus+aculeatus GRIN - Taxonomic information: http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxon.pl?32567
Тюльпан, растение семейства Лилейные (Liliaceae)
This lecture contains semi technical description of family - solanaceae & Family - Liliaceae. It is very important portion for NEET examination. This lecture also contains additional information related to these families.
Heilpflanzen / Madonnenlilie Madonnenlilie, Lilium candidum Hans-Simon Holtzbecker Public Domain Pflanzennamen im Volksmund keine bekannt Wissenschaftlicher Name Lilium candidum L. Pflanzenfamilie Liliengewächse (Liliaceae) Heilkräuter / Anwendung Bluterguss, Frostbeule, Furunkel, Nagelentzündung, Ohrenschmerzen, Quetschung, Schürfwunden, Verletzungen, Wunde Steckbrief / Beschreibung Bereits die Kulturvölker in den Gebieten rund um das Mittelmeer haben die besondere Schönheit und den verführerischen Duft der Madonnenlilien bewundert. In der minoischen Kultur wurden die Madonnenlilien in den königlichen Gärten angepflanzt. Eine auf Knossos gefundene Vase kann man noch heute bewundern, sie wurde mit aufgemalten Lilien verziert. Die Madonnenlilien findet man wildwachsend nur im Libanon...
Espárragos silvestres, ASPARAGUS ACUSTIFOLIUN, FAMILIA, LILIACEAE., El esparrago silvestre es muy apreciado en Andalucia ya que se puede consumir de muchas formas, es muy versátil en la cocina y con el se elaboran multitud de recetas gastronómicas, usado en la cocina popular desde tiempos remotos.
Тюльпан, растение семейства Лилейные (Liliaceae)
Class 11: Biology: Morphology of Flowering Plants-Fruits: Liliaceae
This lecture contains semi technical description of family - solanaceae & Family - Liliaceae. It is very important portion for NEET examination. This lecture also contains additional information related to these families.
Yıldız çiçeği, Asteraceae familyasından Dahlia cinsini oluşturan yaz ve sonbahar mevsiminde çiçek açan, gövdesi çalı, kökleri yumru şeklinde olmaktadır. Bu videomuzda uzmanlarca uygulamalı anlatımlar: Zambak ve Yıldız Çiçeğinin Dikimi, Zambak ve Yıldız Çiçeğinin Bakımı, Zambak ve Yıldız Çiçeğinin Gübrelenmesi ile birlikte tabiki: Toprak Yapısı, Zambak ve Yıldız Çiçeğinin Genel Karekteri vs. Konuları anlatılmakta. Kanalımıza ve abone olmanız için yine linkler entegre edilmiştir. Beğenmeniz halinde paylaşmanızı ve abone olmanızı rica ediyoruz. Yorum eklemeniz ve beğendim tuşunu tıklamanız sevindirici olur.
Biology(Botany Grade 11): High school Learning Botany Grade 11 | Morphology Of Flowering Plants | Floral formula & Floral diagram | Section 6 Morphology Of Flowering Plants Floral formula & Floral diagram Floral characteristic fabacaea Family solanacea Family liliacae family Video by Edupedia World (www.edupediaworld.com), Free Online Education; Download our App : https://goo.gl/1b6LBg Click here https://goo.gl/hm77ZN to watch more videos on Biology(Botany Grade 11); All Rights Reserved.
Aakash iTutor: NEET-Botany Crash Course (Morphology of Angiosperms-II_Families) to prepare for NEET-AIIMS through online coaching tablet by Aakash Institute. Enquire to get Full Video-Lectures @ (http://www.aakashitutor.com) to prepare for Medical-NEET and Board Exams.
Paper III Diversity of Seed Plants and their Systematics
Download - https://soundcloud.com/nitenichiryu/dub-techno-blog-live-show-101-110617 Solar Noise - November - https://tehnofonika.bandcamp.com/album/solar-noise-horizon Mechanist - Econ - https://tehnofonika.bandcamp.com/album/mechanist-liliaceae Monout - Phase & Love - Visit http://monout.bandcamp.com Sibling - Sibling - Interaction (grad_u Reconstruction) [SKBLK008] - Visit http://skblack.bandcamp.com Traumer - Depechez (Exos Remix) - https://www.discogs.com/Traumer-A-Different-Path/release/10085636 Heavenchord - Into The Garden - https://hellostrange.bandcamp.com/album/heavenchord-from-silent-constellation Ynnk - Duplex - Visit http://ynnk.bandcamp.com Papol - Mistura (Original Mix) Idealist - Time Lapse (Svens Perpetual Night Mix) - https://www.deejay.de/Diego_Krause_%26_Idealist_Alti...
Kaktüs Aşısı, Tohumdan Yetiştirme, Kaktüste Sulama Sistemi, Kaktüste Tohum Alımı, ve bir çok konun uzmanlarca anlatıldığı bölümümüzü sizlerle paylaşıyoruz. Kanalımıza ve abone olmanız için yine linkler entegre edilmiştir. Beğenmeniz halinde paylaşmanızı ve abone olmanızı rica ediyoruz. Yorum eklemeniz ve beğendim tuşunu tıklamanız sevindirici olur. kaktüs yetiştirme, kaktüs sulama, kaktüs tohumu, kaktüs çoğaltımı, kaktüs çiçeği,
Paper III Diversity of Seed Plants and their Systematics
İç mekan çiçeklerinin kış bakımı nasıl olmalı? Farklı Çiçeklerin kışlık bakımı, sulanması, yer seçimi vs. gibi konularının anlatıldığı videomuzda ayrıca: Orkide Çiçeği, Bitkilerde Kış Dinlenmesi, Bitkilerde Nem İhtiyacı, Açelya Çiçeği, Kış Ortamında Çiçeklerin Su İhtiyacı, Flamingo Çiçeği, Sıklamen Çiçeği... Kanalımıza ve abone olmanız için yine linkler entegre edilmiştir. Beğenmeniz halinde paylaşmanızı ve abone olmanızı rica ediyoruz. Yorum eklemeniz ve beğendim tuşunu tıklamanız sevindirici olur.
İlaç ve Tedavi sanayiinde en önemli katkıyı sağlayan kuşkusuz doğada yetişen bitkilerdir. Her ne kadar bazı konuları kulaktan dolma duymuş olsakta, köklü bilgiye maalesef aşına değiliz. Geleneksel Tıp olarak tanınan tedavi yöntemlerinin vazgeçilmezi olan şifalı bitkileri yakından tanımaya ne dersiniz? Halbuki, balkonumuz terasımız ve bahçemizde nice şifalı bitkiler, biz onları hiç fark etmeden bizimle aynı ortamı paylaşmakta. 800 den fazla şifalı bitki yetiştiren uzmanlarımız bilgi ve tecrübeleriniz sizlerle paylaşmakta. İki Bölümlü seri olarak hizmetinize sunduğumuz şifalı bitkiler, yani tıbbi bitkilerin tanıtımı yapılmakta. Bu bölümde tanıtılan bitkilerden bazıları: Çörek Otu, Melisa Çayı, Zencefil, Zerdeçal, Havlıcan, Aloe Vera (Sarı Sabır), Kaktüs, Isırgan, Mango, Yasemin, Ihlamur...
https://soundcloud.com/nitenichiryu/dub-techno-blog-live-show-280517 Mechanist - Yevl - https://tehnofonika.bandcamp.com/album/mechanist-liliaceae Hannd - u'4u [Tobias Remix] [RPR010] - https://rawpaperrecords.bandcamp.com/album/u4u-ep Merv - Cell - https://www.deejay.de/Merv_Retention_RANGES05_Vinyl__269066 Async - Creepy Crawler - Visit http://async.bandcamp.com Heavenchord - Out Of Many One People - https://hellostrange.bandcamp.com/album/heavenchord-from-silent-constellation Marco Cassanelli - Introspace (Emanuele Pertoldi Remix) - https://www.beatport.com/release/esential-the-remixes/1984775 grad_u - Holdback - https://www.deejay.de/Grad_u_Redscale_09_RDSCL09_Vinyl__271945 Ynnk - Abstraction - Visit http://ynnk.bandcamp.com Mr. Cloudy - Inspired Four - https://spaceofvariants.bandcam...
Basal angiosperms Traits of monocots selected monocot families
Kohleria (Japon Küpesi) hangi ortamları sever? ne şekilde beslenir? Sularken nelere dikkat etmeli? Evin hangi köşelerini sever? Ve daha bir çok bilginin detaylı olarak anlatıldığı videomuzu sizlerle paylaşmaktayız. Kanalımıza ve abone olmanız için yine linkler entegre edilmiştir. Beğenmeniz halinde paylaşmanızı ve abone olmanızı rica ediyoruz. Yorum eklemeniz ve beğendim tuşunu tıklamanız sevindirici olur.
Download - https://soundcloud.com/nitenichiryu/dub-techno-blog-live-show-103-90718 Liquom and Substak - Sintetico6 C (ATMOS) - Visit http://liquom.bandcamp.com Zander One - Shattered - https://cfmlabel.bandcamp.com/track/shattered Deep Electronics - Hidden in Shadow ( Francesco Belfiore Remix) - Visit http://deepelectronicspodcast.bandcamp.com Shinichi Atobe - Republic Marco Cassanelli - Echochone (Audub Remix) (Audio3K MASTER) - https://www.beatport.com/release/esential-the-remixes/1984775 Inspector Macbet - Moving On [EDM Underground] - Liquom and Substak - Sintetico6 B (Original mix) - Visit http://liquom.bandcamp.com Robert Pilgrim - Kulma - Visit http://thephoenixtree.bandcamp.com Dmitry Stelmakhov - Road to Sunset https://mixcult.bandcamp.com/album/road-to-sunset Derek Carr - Thet...
Paper III Diversity of Seed Plants and their Systematics
"Yo you can keep asking them fuckin' questions all fuckin' day man
I told you what, I told you what the fuck happened man
Told your partner the same thing man, how long a nigga gotta stay here?
Raggedy ass precinct"
There was money on the table with the bricks
I was in the living room feeling on this bitch
Heard my car alarm goin' off on my six
So my dogs start barkin' and some niggas hit the fence
So I took my dick out this bitch mouth and walked to the window
Pull the blinds down and took one hit of the Endo
You niggas ain't doin' shit, but stealin' my neighbors rims so
Walked back to the couch and told the bitch to bend over
That's what I'm rolling with
Nah I ain't saying shit and I ain't snitching on nobody
Yeah that's my .45, but it ain't got no bodies
And two dead niggas, them is nobody
They should've torched 'em, then you wouldn't had no bodies
I mean look at these pictures, just so sloppy
Couldn't have been me, I do my shit like John Gotti
Feed the nigga to the sharks after dark
Man fuck this shit I thought I told y'all
There was money on the table by the bricks
I was at the kitchen table choppin up some shit
Listenin' to Jeezy and I heard a little
So I turned the radio down and cocked my 4 fifth, oh shit
Am I hit? Nah just a hole in my Jordan fitted
So I turn down all the lights and cock my 4 fifth
Seen some niggas jump in they Escalade and that was it
How much longer I gotta stay in this muthafucka?
Let me get a cigarette, I don't even smoke
But shit y'all got a nigga stressed
I gotta stay in this muthafucka until I confess?
Shit, y'all bitches better get some rest
'Cause it'll be a cold day in Miami
Before I snitch on myself or the hood, you understand me?
Ya I fuck with the Bulls but I ain't Sammy
Niggas run around the hood singin'
They should get a Grammy
Hey you two muthafuckas should get an Oscar
With this good-cop-bad cop shit, take me to process
'Cause I don't eat breakfast with no pigs
I watched First 48 so fuck your twenty-five years
No evidence, no big
I don't know who split them niggas' wigs
Already told y'all, there was money on the table with the bricks
I was walkin' to the bathroom to take a shit
Then I heard my dogs barkin', there's some noise by the fence
So I ran to my room and reached for the 4 fifth
Then I seen three niggas by my back door
Looked out the bathroom window and seen two more
So I reached for my chopper and some clips out the drawer